Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Near the end, where you see the Jedi ignite their lightsabers, Eeth Koth (the one with horns) is shown to have a green lightsaber. So why in Star Wars: Clone Wars, does he have a red lightsaber? Is it because red = bad guy?

Answer: Without having seen Episode 3, no-one can probably answer this correctly. It can be assumed to be one of two things (1) He has indeed become a "bad guy" or (2) He takes a lightsaber from a "bad guy" and uses it to fight.


Question: This will sound stupid but I got really confused towards the end. If Gabriel was an angel, why was she helping the son of the Devil? And why did Lucifer send the son back to hell, then cure Constantine - I thought he wanted Constantine to go to hell?

Answer: Gabriel had become a turncoat because she was sick of seeing unworthy humans receive preferential treatment from God. Lucifer sent the son back to hell as a warning not to try and usurp Daddy's position. He then cured Constantine because he could see the Gates of Heaven opening to receive him after the selfless act Constantine performed there at the end. Lucifer assumed that if he removed Constantine's cancer and let him stick around on Earth longer, Constantine would continue to make poor decisions and ruin whatever chances he'd earned toward getting into Heaven. And as such, eventually, Lucifer would get his revenge on him.

Rooster of Doom

Question: At the end when David wakes up, who is the woman's voice telling him to open his eyes? Is it just a generic woman from LE, or is it someone more important?

Answer: There's no indication that it's not just one of the people at LE.


Question: How did Spooner get Sarah's necklace, if he only saw her passing by in a car?

Answer: He knew way too much about her (he knew her age and what she wanted to be when she grew up) for that to have been the only time. I would suspect that, after the accident, the vehicles were brought out of the water. Knowing the kind of person Spooner is, he probably felt guilty enough that he survived that he went to speak with the family. They probably talked about her a good deal. The family may have given him the necklace. That's just the kind of schmaltzy thing that happens in movies.


Answer: Spooner most likely knew pedigree information about the girl because he not only has access to the police report about the incident, there was likely media coverage about the crash.

Question: In the shot where the albino is traveling in the plane to the Mud Islands, then suddenly he's back in Memphis chasing Tom Cruise. How does he travel or get there so fast? Being one shot in the Mud Islands and the next shot in Memphis, it's not possible.

Answer: Mud Island is in Memphis. You either walk across a covered walkway or take a monorail to it. He didn't take plane to get there to chase Tom Cruise.


Question: What did Sylvia actually die of? I didn't catch it in the movie, if it was there.

Answer: Sylvia Llewelyn Davies and her husband died of cancer within a few years of each other (although he was actually alive during Barrie's relationship with his family).


Question: I've always wondered if Mark, just before his final broadcast, told his parents the whole truth. It would seem that way because Mark tells his girlfriend his mom let him use the Jeep ("She kinda loaned it to me"). Also, his Dad was at the gathering in the school's athletic field, but there is no shot of him acting surprised or horrified when Mark pulls in to where the crowd is and gets arrested. So the question is: did Mark fess up to his parents? Or is it irrelevant/left for us to wonder?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Well, with no actual scene where he confesses, it's left up to us to wonder. Personally, I find it unlikely that he'd actually admit the whole thing to his parents, but they're not stupid and already had their suspicions, so the lack of any great surprise on his father's part isn't unreasonable. You also have to remember that Mark's voice changer had already broken before they drove down to the crowd - his father would have easily recognised his voice before his actual arrival, giving him a certain amount of time to get through the initial shock.


Question: I watched the original version and have recently watched the director's cut. Unless I'm missing something, I couldn't notice any difference between the two. Was the difference really that subtle, or was the director's cut no different from the theatrical release? And if so, why label it the director's cut?

Answer: The extended version that I've seen is twelve minutes longer than the original and contains a number of alternate versions of already existing scenes. However, there are no particularly significant or long scenes added - it's more just the occasional character moment here and there that boosts the length, so, if it's been a while since you've actually seen the original, I can easily see how you might not have registered many of the additions - I had a certain difficulty working out which bits were new myself.


Question: What is it with Rick Masters and shooting people in the face? I counted three deaths that way.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: If you want to be reasonably certain of an instant kill, headshots are the way to go.


Answer: Rick can only be implicated in shooting one person in the face, and that is not seen. His henchman shoots two people in the face.

Question: In the big family fight scene at Nomanisan Island, I never understood what Violet was doing with the force field. Could someone explain?

Answer: In that fight scene, two of the enemy blade-fliers are approaching from one side - Violet has set up her forcefield in their path to stop their cannon fire, buying time for her parents to deal with the other fliers first, before turning their attention to the ones that Violet is blocking, rather than having to focus on all the fliers at one time.


Season 5 generally

Question: As the series was cancelled towards the end of filming, with only a few episodes left to do, does anyone know what changes were made, either to tie up loose ends, make the show go out with a bang, or similar?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Hardly any. As Joss Whedon had to fight fairly hard just to get a season five at all, he was aware from the start that cancellation was quite possible. As such, he designed the season as if it was the last one, but with the possibility of using it for a launchpad for a season six, should they have been given one. The only likely alteration was that, had they received a sixth season, the death of a major character in the final episode would probably not have occurred, or at least his fate would have been left ambiguous, to allow the character to return.


Question: What political party do Matt and Trey affiliate themselves with, and is it known who they supported in the '04 election?

Answer: When asked about what group they associated themselves with they replied, "I think we're like most people, just down the middle with our personal political affiliation". As for the '04 election I don't believe they supported either publically.


Question: How did the police officers questioning Sarah know about the foster parents' murder so quickly? First answer is the deleted scene of T-1000 searching John's room (extends time passed). But that won't explain how the police discovered the murder and then told the two officers so fast. In the special edition cut, the police talk to Sarah in between T-800 explaining the T-1000 and when John learns the T-800 does what John says. Not a lot of time, because those two guys the T-800 beats up also have to hang around (they pull up in a car before T-800 & John make the phone call). All I could think of was the T-1000 could have reported it. This might make the police look for John and the T-800, making the T-1000's job easier. He also might have anticipated the police talking to Sarah, he just didn't arrive in time to interview her. However, I'm not sure if the machine is that creative. Anyone else want to take a crack at this?

Answer: The best explanation is that the time passed between scenes isn't minute by minute. In the scene between the detectives and Sarah the detective says "Look I've just sat here and told you that you son is missing..", which would suggest that the scene was taking place a little while after John and T-800 made the phone call. Being that the scenes don't make mention of the time between scenes it could have been any length of time after the phone call that they interviewed Sarah. As for how the police found out, neighbours could have heard the commotion from the dog and reported it to the police and upon inspection of the property found the dead parents. This could have happened pretty quickly if a patrol car was in the area.


Answer: Since John is in the foster system and is a known troublemaker with an arrest record, we could assume that he and the foster parents have pretty regular contact with a social worker or probation officer, or someone of that nature. Could be that the social worker stopped by for a check after not hearing from anyone and found the dead foster parents.

Kyle G.

Question: What exactly was Scotty's reason as to why giving the Company boss the formula for the one inch glass wouldn't alter the future? He gave a brief response, but I honestly can't think of any reason why it wouldn't do any future damage.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: They only give him a schematic of the molecule. The man even says, "It would take years to decipher the matrix", or something like that.

Chosen answer: Scotty says "Why? How do you know he didn't invent the thing!" If the man was in fact the inventor, this would only cause a slight causality loop problem - he "invents" it because they gave it to him, but they only know it because he "invented" it. However, since Sulu said earlier in the movie that it was about 150 years too early for transparent aluminum, it would seem they do know this, so it wasn't a smart thing to do. Of course, the real flaw in the plot is that they need the tank to be transparent at all.


Answer: The crew is resigned to the fact that their mission forces them to alter history in some fashion or another. McCoy just wants to acknowledge the gravity of their actions before they go ahead and do it, and Scotty's response is a cheeky way of reassuring him, "Hey, maybe it won't be that bad."


Question: Can anyone tell me what the music is that plays in the scene when Matilda is making all the cards and gambling chips fly about?

The Doctor

Answer: The song is "Little Bitty Pretty One" by Thurston Harris.

Chosen answer: It's called "Send Me On My Way," and is performed by Rusted Root.


Question: Does anybody know exactly what sort of flowers Domino holds and uses as weapons? I know she calls herself the Black Tulip, but I watched Mewtwo's Return in Japanese, and she called herself the Black Rose. They do look more like tulips, but they could be rosebuds. so were my subtitles wrong, or was this changed for the American dub?

Answer: 4Kids Entertainment (The US Distributor) has been extremely notorious for changing alot of Japanese References and "Americanizing" them (e.g. Riceballs = Doughnuts). Perhaps "Black Tulip" sounded better than "Black Rose."

Question: There's a scene in which Blurr is firing at the Decepticons from three windows, he says something while doing that. What exactly does he say?

Answer: We've got Decepticons at the gate, Decepticons in the air, Decepticons inside the walls: Decepticons, Decepticons, Decepticons!If we beat them on the walls, they're still in the air, we shoot them out the air, they're still at the gate. So where does that leave us? Nowhere, that's where.

Question: Early on in the film Casey cracks a joke about "Andre and Boudreau going hunting down on the Bayou". He then delivers a punch line. The question is what does he actually say?

Answer: I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA. I heard plenty of Beaudreaux - Thibodeaux jokes growing up. I haven't the faintest idea what the joke was supposed to be. I ended up here trying to find the answer. Under Siege just popped up on NetFlix and I haven't seen it since I was a teenager. I stopped the video to try to look up this random joke. If it's a real Southern joke, maybe it comes from Mississippi or Arkansas.

Answer: If you have the DVD and use the subtitles feature you can see he says with a heavy bayou accent "Where're the guns, Druillet?" and then he repeats it. It must be a southern thing.

Answer: It doesn't mean anything actually it's just dialogue they made up for the film with no actual meaning.

Question: What is the name of the female child Mecha that is inscribed on the boxes across from the boxes of Davids?

Matty Blast

Chosen answer: Darlene.

Question: I have two questions.1. Why would it be important, as Leo Drummond says, that his objections have to be noted, even after they are overruled? 2.After Rudy was finished with the C.E.O., Leo Drummond is allowed to ask the C.E.O. some questions, what good does it do to say that he rests on his objections?

Answer: 1) Having his objections noted into the court records would make it easier if the defense decides to appeal the verdict, allowing counsel to cite what aspects of the trail he felt were mishandled. 2) Having him repeat his objections after cross-examining the CEO reminds the jury that Drummond felt it was inappropriate to use stolen documents as evidence in the case, perhaps generating some sympathy.

Answer: 1) A lawyer has only to object one time and it be acknowledged by the judge to preserve his right of appeal related to a given legal ruling. He might choose to object a second time in order to eliminate the highly unlikely possibility that the court reporter misheard and inaccurately recorded his first objection and/or it being overruled. 2) The CEO had just been destroyed on direct examination by the plaintiff's lawyer, Rudy, to the point where no questions Drummond might ask had any chance of rehabilitating his client's testimony, and so he passed on asking any questions. Saying, "No questions, your honor, as we instead rely on our earlier objections", Drummond was making a somewhat feeble attempt to imply to the jury that the reason he wasn't asking any questions wasn't because he didn't have any that could help his case, but it was actually because they should not have been allowed in the first place. It was weak, but it was all he had under the circumstances.

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