Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: This is more of a book question really. According to the Tale of Years Pippin and Merry left their offices in the Shire to their sons when they left for Gondor and Rohan for good. Pippin's son Faramir is in his family tree, but looking at the Brandybuck family tree Merry does not even have a wife. Is there some other text by Tolkien which gives more details on this, was the child perhaps left out of the family tree because it was a "bastard" child? Is his son, or the mother, mentioned by name anywhere?

Answer: The discrepancy lies with Tolkien's late addition of information on Meriadoc's wife. She was Estella Bolger, sister to "Fatty" Bolger. Tolkien did not add her into the family tree until after the first edition, so it has taken years for the name to get into all versions.


Question: When Witt is in the clearing surrounded by Japanese riflemen, does anybody know what the Japanese soldier was saying to Witt before he shot him?

Answer: He said "I don't want to kill you. Don't move."

Cubs Fan

Answer: And he said, "You killed my friends, but I don't want to kill you. Surrender."

Question: I was wondering about the final scene between Ghul and Batman. Batman says he doesn't have to save him and lets him fall in the train and the microwave generator explode. Despite this film being closer to the comics than the previous films, isn't this still against the "code" Batman adheres to in the comics? This was one of the reasons Bruce Wayne has to stop Jean-Paul Valley's new Batman in the Knightfall/Knightsend series. (Valley had let someone die).

Answer: In the Knightfall series, Valley chose to go after a bad guy instead of go to the assistance of an innocent. In Batman's view of things, that is a lot different (and a lot worse) than simply chosing not to rescue a bad guy from a train about to crash.


Answer: Ghul also put himself in this position. Had Batman CAUSED him to end up on the train, Batman probably would have saved him. Also, this man wouldn't have stopped. He basically admitted to plunging an entire city into poverty and crime. While Bruce would never kill anyone willingly...meh.


Question: When Jordan and Lincoln are on the streets of future LA, and Jordan sees herself on the TV screen, is that Scarlett Johanson's Calvin Klein commercial?

Answer: Yes - both the print ad in the background and the television commercial were done and published before the movie.


Question: When a Jedi accepts their death, their body disappears. Darth Vader accepted that he was going to die, so why didn't he disappear? Did he not accept his death, or is disappearing more complex than just accepting death?

Answer: As noted by Yoda in the novelization of Episode III, the disapearance of certain Jedi at death is NOT just about 'accepting' that death. It is a technique, learned through study, that enables the Jedi to bond his conscious soul to the Force instead of simply merging with it. His reference to Qui-Gon at the end of the movie implies that the technique can be learned after death too.

Question: In theatrical trailers, when the dwarves put Snow White on Shrek's table, he says "Dead girl off the table." In the real movie, however, "girl" becomes "broad", according to the subtitles. Is there a reason why?

Susan Kirk

Chosen answer: This is most likely because "broad" isn't too nice of a word, and children of any age could watch the trailer. Parents wouldn't want their children to copy inapropriate language, obviously.


Answer: Broad is just a slang word meaning Woman. It was historically a bad word, but now it's not.

Question: Why would a cop use a handgun with a design that's over 50 years old, the Beretta 9000 has only just come into service at this time?

Answer: Cops today use .45 Kimber handguns which is based on the Colt M1911. That design is over 70 years old. The Beretta 92F pistol and M16A1 rifle designs used by the US Army are 30 years old.

Grumpy Scot

Question: If there still are dinosaurs on this island, and they are a known threat, why does the government allow them to still live there? With the incident at San Diego, that should have been a harsh wake-up call to the government about the threats of the dinosaurs.

Answer: The dinos have no way of leaving the island, so why would any government go and kill them all? A live tiger or lion would be dangerous if released in a city, but governments do not kill them all just in case.

Soylent Purple

Question: In the scene where Dwight and the ghost face off in the wheel-chairs, a couple of doves flies between them.What movie is this a spoof of?

Answer: It's a spoof of a director trademark. John Woo often marks big action scenes with doves flying by. You can see this in "Face/Off" and "Mission Impossible 2" to name a few examples.

Question: What is the weakness of the Jedi that Mace and Yoda talk about? I'm thinking that it has something to do with the fact that they cannot sense Palpatine as the Sith Lord, despite him being in the same room as them, and in episode III when Palpatine tells Yoda, "Your arrogance has blinded you."

Answer: They make frequent references to the dark side clouding their vision - without knowing any specifics, it seems that there may be a general buildup of dark-side energy throughout the galaxy, which is hampering their abilities, and is almost certainly why they can't detect a Sith Lord standing right in front of them. Palpatine's statement seems to refer more to the fact that they didn't pick up on him than any specific weakness of the Jedi. Presumably the Jedi had a certain faith that their abilities would detect a Sith Lord in the vicinity - they were obviously wrong on that one, and Palpatine chooses to refer to their faith in their abilities as arrogance.


Question: How come it takes such a long time for the Super Star destroyer to be able to catch the Millennium Falcon in the tractor beam? In episode 4 when Millennium Falcon is captured by the Death Star, it is caught in the tractor beam immediately, and from a much greater distance. I understand the plot requires the Millennium Falcon to escape, but this seems a bit illogical.


Chosen answer: The sheer size of the Death Star and its colossal power generators would allow it to have a much more powerful tractor beam than any capital ship would be capable of supporting, giving it much greater range. The Millenium Falcon was caught quickly because they were unaware of what they were approaching - by the time they realised, they were already captured. With the Star Destroyer, they're aware of its presence and can take steps to avoid a tractor beam lock-on.


Question: At the end when the team are standing in front of the huge fountain and leave on at the time, what is the music in the background?

Answer: "Clair de Lune" by Claude Debussy.


Question: At the very end of the movie, when Lorna is ejected from the car and lands in the pool, the man that has frizzy orange hair, that Johnny claimed was an assailant earlier in the movie, is looking over his newspaper. Who played that guy?

Answer: Simon Bernstein played the assailant.


Answer: Simon Bernstein plays the assailant.

Question: What is the significance of Latveria? It is referenced to a few times in the movie.

Answer: Latveria, in the comics, is a small country in the Balkans that Dr. Doom took over and became king of, see


Question: Why is the scene where Bonnie meets her family so different from the rest of the movie? What is the significance in the change of lighting, sound etc?

Answer: To create an atmosphere and mood that shows how Bonnie's family life contrasted with her life of crime.


Question: During the final fight Mr. Fantastic makes a remark about hot metal cooling fast, what is this about?

Answer: Ever see Aliens 3? When a metal gets hot, it expands. When it suddenly cools, it doesn't contract evenly and often shatters or pops. It would seem he was made of a tougher metal than we thought, as he's still in one piece, but immobilised (for the moment...).

James King III

Question: Bond kills Kananga at the end by placing the bullet with the air pellet in his mouth which causes him to inflate and explode. But Bond had the bullet in his own mouth before when he was concealing it. Why didn't it kill him?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Bond just stored the bullet in his own mouth to hide it. As he puts it in Kananga's mouth he presumably pulls a pin, or forces Kananga to bite it.

Soylent Purple

Question: What happens to the dinosaurs of this island (Isla Nublar) after the characters fly to safety? Are they killed? The hurricane that is mentioned in the sequel affects only the buildings of the other island (Isla Sorna), not the dinosaurs on this island.

Answer: In the book, the island is saturation bombed, killing all the dinosaurs. In Jurassic World, it is revealed that at least the T-Rex was recaptured and put into a new paddock.


Answer: Probably as something ironic to play with the title of the episode. The title refers to the Jack Lemmon movie "The Days of Wine and Roses" which is a tragic movie about alcoholism and the devastating effects it has on the addict(s) and the people around them. Since Barney is drunk or drinking booze in every episode he's in it added a sense of irony that he was sober in this one.

Tobin OReilly

Question: What is the music playing when The Bride is surrounded by the Yakuza and she's rolling on the floor to cut their legs off?

Answer: The song is Nobody But Me by Human Beinz. This is the best song in the movie but ironically is not on the soundtrack.

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