Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What is the song played near the end, and who sings it? (The "Alleluia" one.)

Answer: The song is called Hallelujah, written by Leonard Cohen and performed by Rufus Wainwright. Although the film version was done by John Cale.

Dr Wilson

Question: At the end of the movie, when Hermione is out of hospital, she hugs Harry and only shakes hands with Ron. I haven't read the books, so is there any reason why she does this? Does she like Harry or something?

Answer: It's more that she actually likes Ron, but, in typical teenage style, is highly reluctant to show it. Harry's a good friend, so gets a hug. Ron's potentially more, but she's afraid to show it. There's a scene in the trailers for the Prisoner of Azkaban where she grabs Ron's hand when frightened, then lets go immediately looking embarrassed, which seems to fit this.


Question: After Eamon and the children have gone to the basement of the farmhouse, Marie makes some exclamation that sounds like Chinese. What is that?


Answer: It is a stronger form of "Darn it", or Damn it". The word "nochmal" here can not be translated literally but merely serves as reinforcement, and does not mean "again". In British English the term "Bloody Hell" hits it most closely.

Chosen answer: The phrase is "Verdammt noch Mal", meaning 'Condemned again.'


Question: Can anyone tell me what other things did Odysseus contribute during his time besides the Trojan Horse and ultimately the fall of Troy.

Answer: Odysseus was, in a way, responsible for the whole thing. He originally courted Helen, then, when Menelaus won her hand, Odysseus advised him to persuade all the other suitors to swear an oath to defend him against any slight to his marriage. It was this oath that gathered together the alliance that struck at Troy. According to the Iliad, Odysseus was one of the ambassadors sent into Troy to negotiate Helen's peaceful return. It was also he who persuaded Achilles to join the fight. He served in the war as one of the finest military commanders, known for his cunning strategies. Check


Question: Why do Tess and Anna not switch bodies at the Chinese Restaurant? At the end when 'selfless love' changes them back, they switch right away. Why did this not happen at the start?

Answer: You need to think back to the poem... "A journey soon begins, its prize reflected in another's eyes. When what you see is what you lack, then selfless love will change you back." It says a journey SOON begins, not immediately, and it says "WHEN what you see...change you back". Basically the switch happens SOON, the switch back happens IMMEDIATELY.

Answer: If you watch the trailer of the movie, they do switch at the Chinese restaurant.

Question: Ben Affleck first met Uma Thurman at a party just before he was offered and accepted the three year job. Surely he would have recognized her after having his memory wiped even if he could not remember any of the time they spent together.

Answer: He does recognize Rachel from the party as well as when he when he saw her at Allcom. The only things he doesn't remember are the last three years of his life since starting the project. So, while he does remember her, the three years they spent together while at Allcom are a total blank. This recognition is shown when he meets with Porter who helps him escape.

But later, when he is going through her stuff, he says he doesn't remember her. Also, if he did remember her, he would have known it wasn't her when the imposter was in the restaurant (also no need to have the imposter try to dress like her either).

Answer: Do you remember every person you've ever talked to at a party? Didn't think so. His memory isn't restored back to perfect condition - he's still had three years to forget about details at the party. He remembers things like the origins of the deal because it was important.

Nick N.

The One With The Jellyfish - S4-E1

Question: When Ross and Rachel are fighting, Chandler hides behind the door and bursts out saying, "I knew it!" When Rachel says, "It's not that common, it doesn't happen to every guy, and it is a big deal!" is this just a Chandler moment or is there another joke I have missed?

Answer: The statements that she's contradicting (that it is common, it happens to every guy, and it's not a big deal), are the things that a woman commonly says to a man who is suffering from erectile difficulty, typically to assuage his bruised ego. However, most men do not believe that these statements are true, as evidenced by Chandler's outburst. He's so caught up in the proof that women are lying about it that he gives himself away.

Rooster of Doom

Question: What exactly did the killer do to the Lust guy? I never understood what happened there.

Answer: It was very grim! Basically he got a man who was with a prostitute and gave him a choice of having sex with her or be shot. The issue being that he forced the man to wear an elaborate 'strap on' device with a 12 inch blade attached. Ergo he was forced to choose between dying or killing the prostitute in an horrendous manner. This would of course pretty much destroy the rest of his life anyway. The woman was the real Lust victim.

Richard Johnson

Question: I just wondered if the footage of people greeting their loved ones at the Heathrow arrival gate was real or done by actors?

Answer: It was real. Per the commentary, they set up a hidden camera, and when they got footage they liked, they approached the family to sign release papers.

Jack's Revenge

Answer: DOA is an acronym meaning "Dead On Arrival". It is usually used in a military or medical context. However, in this case, it means there is no sex being had.


Question: The question of the car braking is to why is the car actually braking. I understand why it makes a screeching noise as the car brakes, but what I don't understand is why a car would brake automatically. I mean, you have to push the brake pedal to operate the brakes, cars don't brake automatically. When Stanly is driving the car, there wouldn't be a need for him to accelerate and brake like that, so why does the car keep braking?


Chosen answer: It's an old car, so obviously a numbr of things could be wrong with it, like the clutch or the engine. Faults with either of these things would cause a car to brake in this way.

Question: How did the creature get the vanity plates "BEATNGU?" Sure it's creepy, but can you imagine that thing standing in line at the DMV?

Answer: You can purchase vanity plates by mail, or it stole the truck.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: The Creeper possibly has some skill in metalworks. Perhaps it created this custom plate as a mocking or darkly humorous touch to his truck. This is the explanation offered in the Creeper's bio page on Villains Wiki.

Answer: Considering that the entire story is pure supernatural fantasy, anything is possible.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: What is the song playing when you see Agador for the first time dancing in the kitchen?

Answer: Conga by Gloria Estefan.

Tobin OReilly

Question: After Rose has said about Dr Freud, she goes outside to the edge of the deck. Later, Cal comes outside and says something to Rose that you can just hear. What does Cal say to Rose?

Answer: When Cal grabs Rose's arm she says, "Do you mind?" Cal responds with, "I hope you're proud of this."


What does that mean "hope you're proud of this"?

I think that means that Rose has embarrassed Cal and Ruth in front of Ismay and Andrews. The fact that Rose knows who Freud is and Ismay doesn't shows that as a woman in those times Rose seems to know more than she's "allowed" to know. Hence why Cal says to Molly something like "I might have to start minding what Rose reads from now on."

Just to add: by embarrassing Cal, it could seriously have influenced peoples perception of him as a man in those times. By being shown up, it gives the impression his woman is not 100% loyal to him.


Answer: Rowan Atkinson is working on a sequel to this movie and Bean. Which one gets made first or ever is still uncertain.


The One With The Lesbian Wedding - S2-E11

Question: Slightly more wide-ranging a question than just Friends, but it's relevant at the moment. With Massachusetts being in the news for offering same-sex weddings, and apparently being the first state to fully sanction it, was the wedding in this episode (back in the mid '90s) based on any then-current law, or just made up for the purposes of the plot?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: Same-sex weddings have been performed for quite some time in the United States. They simply didn't have the sanction of law or the benefits (and costs) that come with it. The ceremonies were purely for the sake of the supporting friends and family of the couple making the commitment.

K.C. Sierra

Question: What's the difference between an enlisted person and an officer?

Answer: An officer is a person who has had special training (in college ROTC, or in OTS, called 90 days wonders) for command, tactics, military law and the like, after which they are Commissioned. They are basically management. An enlisted person is someone who has gone through basic military training, but does not have command responsibilities or authority. Basically labor. This gets a little confusing when enlisted personnel can rise in rank to become a Non-Commissioned officer, often called the backbone of the Service. But the highest ranked enlisted person does not out-rank, and has to salute, the lowest ranked officer.

Richard Welty

Question: Does anybody know the name of the theme that was playing at the last part of the trailer?

Answer: That is Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story composed by Randy Edelman.


Chosen answer: 'Vampires' 1998, directed by John Carpenter.


Answer: Willy referred to an encounter he believed he had with actual aliens, while Wiggum thought he was referring to the arcade game.

Answer: The joke is that Willie was so addicted to Space Invaders that he believed it was reality: every time he played, he was actually defending the Earth from dangerous aliens. It's a surprise to him that it was actually a game.


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