Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Is the entire thing just dubbed over clips from an older movie, or were some parts filmed especially for the movie?

Answer: Some scenes/shots were taken from the old movie, while others were made specifically for this movie. Additionally, numerous shots were "composited" to place new characters in the old footage.

Question: I don't understand the end. Is Earth being controlled by Umbrella now? Are Carlos and Jill taking Alice away from the research facility for testing (on the scientists' side), or are they saving her from the facility and setting her free for another adventure?

Answer: Carlos and Jill are trying to rescue her. They are unaware that Umbrella has attempted to turn Alice into a weapon to use against them.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Of course they're there to rescue her. But they never explain the events between apocalypse and Extinction that cause them to separate and what happened to the little girl I think that's the one that irritates me the most.

Question: Does anyone know what happened to Pete ? Dim and Georgie become cops, but they never say anything about Pete.

Answer: In the original version of the book, after Alex has his treatment (or, more acurately, his reversal of the treatment) Alex visits Pete, who is living in the suburbs with a wife and kids. Alex then decides that this is what he wants in life, so he gets married and settles. This ending is only in the British copy.

Answer: There is also a third person in the police car when Dim and Georgie take Alex to the woods, it's possible that it's Pete. And it makes sense that he wasn't taking part in the beating of Alex since he was neutral in the conflicts of the gang.

Question: What does the term "Fire in the hole" mean? It is used in this and many other military films.

Answer: It was originally a mining term. A hole was drilled in a seam and then dynamite pushed into it. As an explosion in a mine is always dangerous, the other miners were warned that there was "fire in the hole". It's since been adopted for most other situations involving explosives.


Question: Spoiler! Doesn't Maggie have the legal right to refuse any type of life support? She's completely cognitive and in possession of all her mental faculties. Why does Frankie have to sneak in and illegally participate in her assisted suicide?

Answer: Yes, there was an article in last week's Sunday paper about how the medical community is up in arms over the mis-portrayal of patient's rights issues.


Answer: Suicide is a sin and is said that you go to hell if you commit suicide. By Frankie doing it, it frees her spiritually from damnation in the eyes of God.

Answer: According to the's quote page for Blackadder The Third, it's "Aahhhhh. Hot potato, orchestra stalls, Puck will make amends. Owwwwww."

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: Jack the monkey is a Cabochon monkey, and is played by a female named Tara and a male named Levy.

Super Grover

Answer: This took place in episode number 7 in Series 4. The episode is entitled "The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line".

LuMaria 1

Chosen answer: ACD was a close friend of JMB and they don't make a big deal out of identifying him. One scene he is in is the party after the first play opening. He is also the one who suggests to JMB that his interest in the boys might be a source of gossip.


Question: Are "Happy Tarts" an actual product in America? They're displayed throughout the film as an obvious product placement joke, but is it a product made up for the benefit of the joke, or did the film makers make a real product placement into a joke?

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: No, Happy Tarts is not a real product (unless you live in South Park where Cartman sometimes has them along with Cheesy Poofs and Snacky Cakes).


Question: Is it ever explained how Morpheus knows that Neo is the one initially? In the beginning all we know is that they are looking for each other, what happened before then?

Nick N.

Chosen answer: It's never explained. From what we do know, it's clear that Morpheus and his group have been observing Neo for some time, as they presumably do with potential new recruits. While Neo was too old to be a recruit, it seems likely that Morpheus saw something during that time that convinced him that Neo was the One, leading him to break the rules regarding age and extract Neo from the Matrix anyway. It's also possible that the Oracle gave him some relevant information when she told him that he would find the One - not a name and address, obviously, but something that Morpheus ultimately recognised in Neo.


Answer: Old-Biff first comments on the flying DeLorean "I have not seen one of those in 30 years", then he sees what he believes to be two McFly Jr.'s and gets even more suspicious, next he spies on Doc and Marty having an argument about the almanach and how Doc is opposed to time travelling for personal gain! What else does he need to know? And lastly: We're talking about a time machine here! Old-Biff could have stolen it, kept it for how ever long it took him to figure out how it works and returned it at leisure. We don't even have any proof for the days he picked to departed from 2015 or to arrive in 1955. The only verified date is his return from Nov 12 1955 06:38 pm.

Chosen answer: He doesn't, but it's hardly difficult to work out - the date setting readout is pretty obvious. Biff presumably set the date, then just accelerated the car until the time circuits kicked in.


Answer: It's a plot hole. Biff couldn't have known or suspected the DeLorean's time-travel procedure, which necessarily included Biff setting the precise 1955 destination with no previous instruction. Biff just suddenly "knew" how to operate a time machine. He also changed the timeline by going back to 1955, so there's no way he could have returned to the "normal" 2015. But he does.

Charles Austin Miller

It's not totally impossible that Biff knew how to the time dial worked. He wasn't suspecting what it was, he knew it was a time travel machine and thus knew what the dial was for and possibly being technically educated knew how to use the time dial.


We know from the first movie that Biff, by age 48, was waxing cars for a living in 1985. He hardly had a "technical education" and it's doubtful he acquired a technical education by age 78 in the year 2015. It was established in the first movie that he had become a timid underachiever.

Charles Austin Miller

Alright I agree, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. But he has lived for 78 years by then, till 2015. Even though he has no clue on how the flux capacitor works, he doesn't need to, all he needs to do is work the time circuits, a simple keypad system which even shows which display shows which time. For someone from 2015, it's not so hard to figure out.


Answer: He could have taken however long he wanted to figure it out, as long as he returned it to the exact time he took it from. We don't actually see him time travel with it when he takes it, so, for all we know, he could have taken it to his house and taken the few hours/days he needed to figure out how to use it.

Answer: Doc and Marty Were keeping a detailed log via the camcorder, making it easier still.


Yeah old Biff didn't watch the camcorder.


Chosen answer: Helicopter performance is dependent on a number of factors, including air density. As altitude increases, air density decreases and the performance of the helicopter falls as well. At the height of Mt Everest, the air density has fallen to a sufficient degree that most helicopters would be unable to function (few helicopters are capable of functioning above 20,000 feet, nine thousand feet lower than the summit of Everest).


Question: Does anyone know what they made Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber out of? I've looked all over the internet and can't find plans anywhere.

Answer: The lightsabers for the Star Wars prequels are all made from machine aluminum. For Star Wars and the Empire Strikes back, they were the handles from old-style camera flashes, modified to look as they do in the films. By the time Return of the Jedi was made, the lightsabers were machined metal, allowing multiple props to be made. This was especially useful for the prequels, as the extensive lightsaber duels caused them to go through many of the prop sabers.

Question: Does anyone know if there are any easter eggs on the dvd?

Answer: GameWinners doesn't list any, and I've checked every area on the DVD and found nothing, so unfortunately I think the answer's no.

Answer: For Fuller and Lewis, the best assumption is that he never actually left the first motel. He stayed at or near the motel, followed them to the police station, and then continued following them up untill the point where he makes his presence to them known again. Or he also could have just parked his rig somewhere far down the road and waited for their car to pass him, and at which point he would start following them. And for Charlotte, he probably just followed Fuller and Lewis all the way to the college, saw Charlotte, and then kidnapped her while she was leaving.

Question: Throughout the movie, Bruce willis has a tattoo visible just above his ear. Was this added for the movie or is it real? if it is real, what does it say?

Answer: The tattoo is for the movie. It is his prisoner identification.

Question: How old is the Phantom supposed to be? When we are shown his childhood, he looks as though he should be the same age as Madame Giry, but he only looks like being in his 20s-30s.

Answer: In the Susan Kay book, there is a quote in which the Phantom says that he is "old enough to be Christine's father", which would make sense, given that Mme. Giry is like a mother to her, and Mme. Giry and the Phantom seem to be close in age. Joel Schumacher wanted to go with a "younger, sexier" cast, but the age difference still seems to work - Emmy Rossum (Christine) was seventeen at the time of filming, while Gerard Butler (Phantom) was about thirty-four.

Question: When Christine is in the graveyard, why does the Phantom try to lure her into what I think is her father's grave? What would he have done to her?

Answer: The Phantom tries to lure Christine to the grave because it is the first time in three months that she has been away from Raoul long enough. It's basically his only opportunity to lure her back to his lair in order to seduce her once more.

Question: Forgive me, but I was puzzled by Jango's jetting himself into the fray during the Battle of Geonosis and taking on Mace Windu. It seems inspired by (and/or justifying - depending on how you look at it) his son Boba's jetting onto the skiff during Return of the Jedi. However, in both cases, with all the laser fire, light sabers, and dangerous creatures involved, it seems like a really stupid idea and a bit out of character. Their nature doesn't seem to lean towards such an impulsive move. In Jango's case, Count Dooku didn't order Jango to attack (verbally or even in gesture). Previously he had served as guarding Dooku, which he abandons by going after Mace. While it could be argued that Jango marks Mace simply because he might resent having a sword against his throat, I don't see why he would launch himself so close to the battle. In his battle with Obi-wan, he didn't get really close until the saber was knocked out. It would've made more sense if he hung back and launched something from a distance. The only other reason for this sequence is to conveniently have Jango out of the picture when the clones arrive. (And to start off Boba)

Answer: Fetts tend to be unforvinging and often hold grudges especially towards Jedi. This is shown in the original trilogy with Bobba's grudge against Han and his impulsive attack on Luke on the sail barge. Jango Fett naturally has a hatred towards the Jedi because he is a Mandalorian and the Mandalorians were defeated by the Jedi during the Mandalorian Wars. Jango has a line with Obi-Wan saying "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi". This alludes that Jango has met and killed Jedi before and really enjoys it. Add that to the fact that Mace pretty much humiliates Jango by holding him at bay with a lightsaber blade near his throat while Mace has dialogue with Dooku. At this point Jango would love nothing better than to kill a Jedi during the arena battle; especially Mace. He already shoots the Jedi Master Coleman Trebor and when he sees the chance to attack Mace he goes for it; throwing caution to the wind.

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