Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In one of the last scenes, when the students go into the room with Professor X, there was a moment when he stopped and looked back, then smiled. Why did he do this? (02:04:25)

Answer: It's implied that he sensed Jean was still alive, though the sequel doesn't really follow this up in the same manner, as Jean is discovered after awakening and killing Cyclops. One would think that Charles would immediately send for Jean if he thought she survived.


Question: When Kevin was Lost In New York, why didn't he ever just talk to a police officer or go to a hospital so he could get back safe?

Answer: As he stated to himself when escaping the hotel, "I committed credit card fraud." He may have thought going to the police would result in him getting into a lot of trouble.


Answer: He told his mom he would go on his own vacation without any of them the night before they flew out, and since he had his dad's credit card, he saw this as an opportunity to have fun without any of them.


Answer: Kevin may have developed a negative impression of and attitude toward the police from his encounter with Harry the previous Christmas when he was "home alone." Harry impersonated a police office in Kevin's home town. Kevin may have questioned police trustworthiness, or lack thereof, in NYC. Besides, Kevin knew his family was still on a plane destined to France or, once they reached their destination, they were too far away (i.e, not readily available) to collect him.


Question: There are spells that can put injuries completely right, so why didn't Hermione or madam Pomfrey try that on Ron's leg?

Answer: Hermione wouldn't have wanted to try as she is still a young witch and having seen the results a bad spell can have on in their second year, she will have decided it's best for madam Pomfery to deal with it. As to why madam Pomfery didn't use a spell, that's not explained.


Answer: Students would not be permitted to perform such an advanced spell on another student, and Hermione always followed the rules. This would also be very advanced magic, and is something Hermione, only a third-year student, probably would not have learned yet. As seen with Harry's arm in the Chamber of Secrets, more serious medical conditions cannot always be instantaneously healed with a spell. It can sometimes take hours, even days, to mend. This may be the case with Ron's leg.


Question: In one scene where Lou is talking to Ivy about Butch she says that someone really hurt him once. What did she mean by that? Did Butch have an owner who was mean to him or abandoned him?

Answer: Butch was abandoned. It's never stated but it's implied.


"Okay, well, here's lesson number two: we help them. We work for them. We tolerate that stupid boochy-boochy baby talk. And for WHAT? So that when they go off to college, they can dump you off with some old lady who can't throw a ball without so much as breaking her HIP!" Pretty sure this counts as being abandoned.

As I said, it's never stated outright but it is implied.


Question: Why did Jor-El send the Codex to Earth along with Kal-El? Krypton was being destroyed, everyone on the planet was going to die and Zod and his followers were trapped in the Phantom Zone. There doesn't seem to be any need to send the Codex to Earth as Clark had no knowledge of it and even if he did, he wouldn't be able to use it.

Answer: When Jor-El stole the Codex, Zod and his followers were not yet sent to the Phantom Zone and Krypton had not begun its destruction. Jor-El was opposed to Zod's plan to use the Codex. Once Zod's rebellion against the council had begun, Jor-El stole the main Codex and hid it with Kal-El. While Jor-El knew Krypton would be destroyed, he didn't know when and wanted to prevent Zod from using the Codex as planned. Zod then killed Jor-El, the council regained control and ended the rebellion, and then sent Zod and his followers to the Phantom Zone (not knowing or believing Krypton was going to be destroyed).


Question: How many miles from shore was the oil rig?

Answer: The nearest shoreline would be Louisiana's. It sat about 40 miles southeast from the tip of Louisiana's peninsula (where the Delta National Wildlife Refuge sits). To give it more context, it was also about 100 miles south of Dauphin Island, Alabama, which sits just south of Mobile, AL and the Mobile Bay.


Answer: Short version, because he's dead. Bruce only brought back everyone Thanos "snapped", and Vision was killed before that. Now, whether Shuri managed to finish her work before then, somehow "backing him up" or otherwise separating him from the mind stone, we don't know as yet - it may be they somehow revive him in a future film, or the upcoming WandaVision TV series. But for now, he's gone.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Technically vision wasn't "killed." He wasn't even alive. He's a robot. Maybe they could have used the mind stone they had to try to revive him, but Thanos ripped out a good chunk of his head already. And they needed to put the mind stone back anyway.


Answer: If you noticed Black Panther's sister had just one connection left with the gem, and who said she didn't download a copy of his Consciousness but didn't finish, due to the snap and the end battle.

Question: What did John mean when he told Jack at the bar that Jack's mother was the nightingale and it would have led to Jack? Did Jack kill his own mother? Also why did Jack Shepard, a supposed serial killer, stop killing?

Answer: Florence Nightingale is considered the founder of modern nursing and nurses are often called "nightingales." It has nothing to do with Jack's mother telling on him or "singing like a bird." Whether or not Jack killed his mother is left ambiguous, but it does seem like that's what they are suggesting. In the film we are told Mary Finelli was his first victim. However, they seem to imply that Jack's mother's killing was not associated with the "Nightingale Murders." Had the police connected her murder to the "Nightingale Murders", it night had led them to Jack. So Jack changed his M.O. after killing his mom, which I take as targeting younger nurses. In the film, Jack's dad tells John that Jack got caught up in the Knapp Commission, which was an investigation into police corruption. Jack went to prison, which is why he stopped killing. In the film, it's suggested that perhaps the killer (before they knew it was Jack) was taken off the streets (i.e. sent to prison for a crime not related to the killings) and smartened up once he got out of prison. There's no suggestion that age or lack of testosterone is what stopped Jack from killing after getting out of prison. Of course, it's also possible he did kill again, but due to the gap in killings, those murders aren't related to the "Nightingale Murders." But all that is speculation since they don't really reveal any of that information and it's not central to the plot.


Answer: I can answer part of your question. Most serial killers are under the age of 50. Testosterone levels drop after that age, and it is thought that this may reduce a psychopath's urge to kill. The nightingale reference may be the same as the slang term, "to sing like a bird," which means someone gives up information easily. Jack's mother may have provided info about her son, either knowingly or unknowingly.


Answer: Or maybe Jack's mother abused him as a child, and that's why he hated her and killed her, and then became a psycho serial killer. He continued to kill other nurses because his mother was a nurse.

Answer: She didn't want to interrupt the match.

I meant while Robby was in the other room with Daniel.

Miguel didn't imply he was gonna fight illegally to beat him and he never did, the only illegal thing he did was pull on his arm. I don't believe Sam got that implication from Miguel that he was going to use illegal moves to beat Robby.

Question: Something that has always bothered me about this movie - Howard Stark discovered a new element when Tony was a child, but did not have the technology to create it. He hid the plans for it in the Expo. I'm fine with that. However, is it just me, or does it seem like an extreme coincidence that the element his father found is the exact element that can replace the Palladium Tony is already using and that is making him sick? It also seems as though Howard knew he wouldn't be around to make it, even though it is only 20 years in the future. Is there implied to be some time travel having happened here, in which Howard Stark learned that at some point, Tony would need an upgraded form of Palladium and that he would not be around long enough to make it?


Answer: While convenient for the plot, there is no indication Howard Stark has knowledge of the future from time travel, although he was a smart enough man to know technology would advance enough for the element to be synthesized and he knew his son was smart enough to understand what needed to be done to create and use the new element. Howard Stark's Arc Reactor wasn't fully clean running and Howard knew with the new element, the Arc Reactor would be as close as possible to sustaining clean energy similar to the Tesseract. I can not say for certain, but I believe Howard's reactor ran on Palladium as well, so he was aware of the dangers it presented, he was not aware Tony would build a mini-arc reactor to put in his chest. Howard put the blueprint in the 1974 expo with instructions for S.H.I.E.L.D. to give to Tony when ready. However, it should also be noted that Stark Industries shifted from trying to provide sustainable energy to weapons manufacturing which was part of the reason Tony never discovered his father's work earlier.


Answer: There's no clear answer to these questions. Perhaps Howard had some theoretical ideas of where Arc Reactor technology would have shortcomings. Also Howard possibly expected Tony would follow his father's thinking, despite their clashes. Probably the filmmakers didn't come up with more detail than that and it's just a plot contrivance to keep the story moving and give us a sense of connection without worrying too much about the details.

Question: How was the plane's explosion able to shatter the terminal windows from that distance?

Answer: It would depend on how powerful the explosion and the resulting shock wave was, though it appears to be a bit of stretch, plot wise.

Answer: Malfoy sarcastically tells Ron that he should respect his "superiors," meaning that he thinks he is more socially prominent. Hermione counters Malfoy by saying she hopes he does not actually believe that he is superior to them when in fact, he is not.

Question: Why does Nagini stand with Newt, Tina, Theseus, Jacob and aurors at the bridge of Hogwarts? I don't understand why she joins them without Credence who was her only friend at that time?

Bunch Son

Answer: She would stand with them to oppose Grindelwald and possibly hopes that Creedence can somehow be saved.

Question: At the beginning, why did Grindelwald let Spielman live by dropping a wand off the carriage and letting Spielman grasp that wand?

Bunch Son

Answer: From a story standpoint, Spielman is the only person who could've identified the blood pact as belonging to Grindelwald. Since he appears alongside Newt and the others at the end of the film, I think we're supposed to believe he was the one who identified it after the Niffler stole it from Grindelwald - meaning him surviving the escape sequence was written in so he could do that. From a character standpoint, Grindelwald likely wanted there to be a public account of how he'd escaped custody, so that people would be more in awe of his power than if no-one had lived to tell the tale.

Answer: There's no explanation about why he did this. It probably just amused him to watch Spielman frantically trying to save himself.


Question: Newt and Tina visit the records room located at the French Ministry of Magic. As soon as they meet with Leta who came to see her family tree, the worker at the records room suddenly walks over to them with Matagots and attempts to attack them, including Leta. Why?

Bunch Son

Answer: Newt and Tina were in the archive room illegally. When Leta, who is a Ministry employee, happened to discover them there, she chose to help them escape, which was breaking the law.


Question: Why did Grindelwald let his acolytes steal the family tree of Leta Lestrange and place it at Pere Lachaise? What's the point? If he wanted Credence or Leta to read it, he could have simply given it to them, right?

Bunch Son

Answer: Grindelwald was using it to lure Credence to the Pere Lachaise where the rally was being held.


Question: How did the church catch on fire? I know that in the scene before, Johnny drops a cigarette but he and Pony were also there the entire night. There is no way the blaze would have started once they left all them hours later. Also, what purpose did the children have being there? Why would they take a school bus to an old run down church? I get if they were going to just look but the adults let the children inside even though it was falling apart.

Answer: We don't know when the fire started, or even that it was Pony and Johnny who were responsible. But they knew that their cigarettes were the most likely explanation and so saw rescuing the kids as their responsibility. I recall the school being near the church for a picnic or something - the kids were explicitly told to stay away from the actual building. They were disobeying their teacher's orders by venturing inside.

Answer: In the novel, it's stated that the children were there for a school picnic, and that there was a possibility of them dropping a lit cigarette (which could have happened another time off screen in the movie).

Question: Three questions: One, why does the Trident glow when Morgana is holding it? It never glows when Triton holds it, unless he's using it; Two, aren't Cloak and Dagger Stingrays? I'm asking because not only were they holding onto Eric's ankles but also, Sebastian was holding them after Eric was free. Wouldn't he be stung or something?; Three, why would Morgana make a "palace" out of ice? Could her tentacles hold on? I just think she would be slipping a lot.

Answer: 1.) It could be that the power-hungry Morgana is constantly keeping the trident in ready-to-fire mode, whereas Triton only summons its power when he needs it for something. 3.) She created a fortress out of ice because the only terrain around her was made of ice, and she wanted a structure she could use to fire down at the opposing forces while leaving them defenseless and unable to reach her. She didn't slip and fall because she arranged a tall platform in the center for her to stand on.

Question: Why does the Captain not like Max? After he tells the children that he'll be bringing the Baroness back with him from Vienna to visit, he says Max will be coming too, and he rolls his eyes when he says that.

Answer: I don't think he dislikes Max, but finds him a bit frivolous and annoying. Max also entered the children in the festival against the Captain's wishes.


Answer: This is proved to be true as Georg loses his temper with him several times about his attitude to the Nazis and about his children singing in public.

Answer: Not to mention that he seems to be a spendthrift and a moocher off his rich friends.


Question: How did Thanos get to the present timeline? Wasn't Nebula left with just one dose of pym particles, which she used to get back?

Answer: It shows Nebula presenting the vial of Pym particles to Thanos, it's probable that he (or someone like Maw) was able to reverse engineer the particles so that they had their own supply to use.

Answer: 2014 Nebula would have needed the vial to power her future self's suit to get to 2023 so she could impersonate her. But Thanos would have had to re-create enough of the particles so that the time tunnel could lock onto his ship and pull it through.


Answer: She used the excess Pym particles that Tony and Cap brought back.


Is that your own personal interpretation of it? They don't show it in the movie, unless I am mistaken. And it should be Thanos to use the Pym particles to jump into the Quantum dimension, how does she having the particles in the present affect it?

Her robotic fingers seem to be red as they go into the machine, implying they're making use of the Pym particles. And they had Nebula's "GPS" unit they all wore on their hands - given Thanos' technology they could presumably have copied or adapted it in some way to work with the ship, positioning it in time and space if nothing else.

Jon Sandys

Yes that's my interpretation. The machine works differently than the suits. She did a lot of modification to it as well before activating it. She somehow managed to get an entire ship transported to the future in a matter of minutes. The only logical conclusion is that she used Pym particles to power the machine and then pull the ship through.


No. Thanos on his end, would need those particles to get small and enter the Quantum Realm. Like the others.


Answer: The directors have addressed this and confirmed that Thanos gave the Pym particles to Ebony Maw (a brilliant scientist) who then reverse engineered them and created more.

Answer: He could have gotten the Pym particles from Pym himself. Likely by force. He has Nebula's memory and saw their whole plan. But, the official answer that came out was Maw reversed engineered them.

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