Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why does the Predator use a cloaking device? As revealed in the film, it's huge and physically superior to humans, so, why hide?


Chosen answer: The same reason human hunters wear camouflage and hide in blinds: If they just stood out in the open with their weapons out, the prey would run away before they get a good shot.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: James lures Bella to the ballet studio with the threat that her mother will be harmed. She hears her mother's scared voice and I'd assume that Bella would be able to tell if it was Victoria and not her mother on the phone. Yet when she wakes up to her mother at the hospital, it's like this never happened. Can anyone tell me what I missed here?

Answer: When James was in Bella's house in Arizona, he had found an old video recording that Bella's mother had made of a very young Bella at the ballet studio. While filming it, Rene' couldn't find Bella, and was frantically calling for her. That was the portion of the tape that James played when he was on the phone with Bella, fooling her that her mother was James' captive. Bella discovered the deception when she arrived at the ballet studio and discovered that her mother was never there or in any danger. When Bella awakens in the hospital, there was no need for any explanation of what happened because her mother believed that Bella had fallen down a hotel staircase.


Answer: The mother was never on the phone with Bella; it was a recording of an old message that James used to lure Bella to the dance studio Mimi's.

Tricia Webster

Answer: I guess you missed the video recorder! When she thinks she's found her mom at the studio all she finds is a video recorder playing a video of when Bella was a child! He was never near her mother.

Answer: The mother was given a set of memories by the cullens, so that all this was explainable. The cullens could not let the mother know that vampire's existed. I assume that Bella was given similar memories so that she can keep up with the lie, Bella of course remember what had really happened.

Safe - S1-E7

Question: When Shepherd Book gets shot and they take him to an Alliance base at first they do not want to treat him but he tells them to look at his Ident card and suddenly they are rushing to help him. What is so special about his ident card or him?


Chosen answer: Very little of Book's past was revealed in either the series or the follow-up movie. He's been shown to know a surprisingly large amount about the criminal underworld, government covert operations, firearms and so forth, which, combined with his apparent priority status with the Alliance, suggests that he, at some point, held a high rank of some nature within that organisation - one theory is that he knows about the covert Operatives (as seen in Serenity) because he used to be one. Ron Glass, with Joss Whedon's blessing, revealed a few details in 2007, including that Derrial Book is not his real name, but was taken from "somebody he killed", that he has at least one artificial body-part, that he is known for "his greatest failure" and that he apparently found God in a bowl of soup. Further details of any of these remain unrevealed. A comic-book series entitled The Shepherd's Tale, which will deal with his back-story, was announced for release in late 2008 but has, as yet, failed to appear.


Answer: To answer the questions further, here's some details from the book "The Shepherd's Tale," which is the official, canonical comic-book. Shepherd Book was born "Henry Evans." As a youth, he ran away from home to escape his abusive father, and he eventually turned to a life of crime before being recruited by the Independence movement. He eventually agreed to become a spy for the Independents, and had one of his eyeballs removed and replaced with a camera that fed directly back to them. He kills a man named "Derrial Book" and assumed his identity, and over time becomes a mole within the Alliance. Years later, Book is dishonorably discharged after an operation he spearheads results in thousands dying, and he becomes a homeless drunk. He eventually "finds god" while eating a bowl of chicken soup in a shelter. He becomes a Shepherd and several years later, finds his way to Serenity.


Question: Are they completely ignoring the events of the second movie? I was given the impression that Brian and Roman were going to open a garage together with the money they took from Carter. Plus Brian was on the outs with the FBI. Yet in this movie, he's suddenly an FBI agent.

Answer: No it doesn't ignore 2 Fast 2 Furious, Brian even references it a couple of times. In that movie, Brian was promised a 'clean slate' if he helped them out which presumably gives him the option to rejoin a law enforcement agency. That he chose not to open a garage with Roman is pretty much redundant, Brian simply got a better offer, and as he stated in Fast & Furious with his conversation with Mia, "I'm a good liar".


Show generally

Question: I need someone from across the pond to help settle an argument between me and my wife. In the episode "i Rock the Vote", Wade Collins repeatedly uses the term "hob knocker." My kids asked, "What's a 'hob knocker'?" I said that it was something they made up that sounds somewhat British, probably insulting, and possibly vulgar. My wife insists that she has heard it somewhere else. So, for the record, what, if anything, does "hob knocker" mean?

Answer: In direction translation it means 'Mischievous Spirit'. 'Hob' as in HobGoblin means clown or prankster, and 'Knocker' was an old age term for Poltergeists in mines. Miners would often complain of hearing knocking sounds down mines when there was no-one else down there, hence 'Knocker'. It's not a regular English expression though.


Show generally

Question: I remember the first episode of F·R·I·E·N·D·S that I saw was probably the best one, and I would like to know which season and episode number it is. It is one where Ben says "Monka Bang," meaning Monica banged his.

Chosen answer: It's not available officially on any of the released albums. Google is your friend in this instance.


Death of a Propane Salesman (2) - S3-E1

Question: Why does Kahn act so emotional about Buckley (especially when he criticizes Luanne for not crying)? Even though he says that he sought Buckley out and got to know him, there haven't been any signs of him befriending Buckley until now.

Answer: Because Kahn doesn't like Hank and Buckley annoyed Hank so much.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Mainly, Kahn wants to annoy Hank by praising Buckley, because Hank did not like Buckley. Also, when a person dies (or some other tragedy happens), there are often people who "use" the incident to get attention for themselves. They act like they are more involved/close than they really are. At least in my experience.

Question: Near the end, when the Doctor shows Grace and Chang an image of Gallifrey, what's the glowing white underneath the planet?


Chosen answer: Likely The Eye of Harmony, the black hole captured and contained by Rassilon and Omega that powers all TARDISes.

Captain Defenestrator

Logopolis - S18-E7

Question: Why exactly is the Watcher present during this story? What's his purpose? Why is he never present during any other of the Doctors' regenerations?


Chosen answer: The Watcher is The Doctor in a transitional state between regenerations. He likely shows up only this time because the entire existence of the universe is at stake.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: The satisfaction of knowing he'll win, the thrill of pulling one over on someone; maybe like Goldfinger, he just doesn't like to lose under any circumstances.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: In the movie Edward, Emmett and Jasper are wearing matching wristbands with a symbol and Rosalie and Alice are wearing the same symbol on necklaces, what is the significance of these items?

Answer: The amulets that are attached to the wrist bands and the necklaces are of the Cullen family crest.


Answer: Vampires' eyes change color according to their state of hunger. When hungry, their eyes are black. When sated their irises turn red, or in the Cullens' case, they become golden brown because they only drink animal blood. Bella notices that Edward's eyes have changed since she first saw him. Being physically close to Bella, whose blood scent is irresistible to Edward, may have whetted his appetite, causing a color change.


Question: This part bugs me every time I watch the film. After Batman has crashed the tanker and the Joker is walking down the street, Batman charges at him with the bike. The Joker refuses to move, and Batman then yells and crashes his bike in an almost comically stupid way. I understand that there's supposed to be some form of turmoil in Batman's mind over whether or not he should just mow the Joker down, and at the end he decides not to, but it just seems so blunt and amusingly done. Is there more to it? Was it even meant to be a spot of comic relief?

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: Comic relief? Naah, it looks odd because it's staged. Batman's putting himself into a vulnerable position to let Gordon get the drop on the Joker. Bruce, as a wanted vigilante, obviously can't make a citizen's arrest and he's not going to risk leaving the Joker tied up somewhere until the police get there. So he crashes the bike intentionally, leaving himself vulnerable. He knows that he'll get the Joker's attention that way, which will give Gordon a chance to get close enough to grab him.


Question: When Will says, "Well, I haven't quite figured that part out yet," is he answering Achoo's question or referring to his botched attempt at sheathing his daggers? I'm inclined to believe that it's the latter; it seems to fit both of them.


Chosen answer: The latter - he hasn't figured out yet how to sheathe his daggers without cutting his belt holding up his pants.

Zwn Annwn

Question: When Matrix says to his captors "Why not have Bennett do it, looks like something he will get off on"; did he mean it was something Bennett wouldn't go to jail for (considering he was psychotic), or was it some kind of sexual implication?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: A sexual implication, suggesting that it's something Bennett would find exciting.


Answer: Not sexual but something that he (Bennet) would find immense joy in doing due to his unstable mental nature akin to a sociopathic tendency.

Question: When Edward and Bella were by the lockers at school, how come Edward couldn't read Bella?

Answer: Edward is able to read anyone's mind "except" for Bella's. He cannot understand why and that confuses and frustrates him. It is learned later that Bella has an unknown ability to block any mental intrusion. That is why Aro could not see Bella's memories and why Jane was unable to mentally inflict pain on her in "Twilight: New Moon."


Answer: Edward can't read Bellas mind because of an invisible barrier that protects her from mind effects. After she became a vampire, she was actually able to transfer the barrier to protect people. However she had to train to control the power.

Question: Bella, Edward and her friends were getting on the bus, and one of her friends went up to her and was going to ask her to prom. After she said that she wasn't going to be in town, she started walking to get to the bus, and she passed Edward and he started to smile. Why did he smile when she passed him?

Answer: Because Edward has superhuman hearing, he could overhear Bella declining Mike's invitation. Edward is attracted to Bella, and he is pleased that she is uninterested in the other guy and probably also a bit amused over how she awkwardly handled the situation.


Question: I realise this has been brought up many times, but can it be considered a definite continuity error in the whole series that Obiwan Kenobi is trained by Qui Gon Jinn in this film, despite saying in Empire Strikes Back that it was Yoda who trained him? Some have argued that Qui was working under Yoda, but in Empire, Obiwan said to Yoda, "Was I any different when you taught me?" which to me pretty much says that Yoda was his direct teacher. I'm guessing that Lucas changed the background stories a bit, but I would like to know for sure.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: No, it can't. As we see in Attack of the Clones, Yoda is in charge of training the younglings, the Jedi hopefuls, the ones too young to have been selected as a Padawan. Yoda trained Obi-Wan when he was a child, then Qui-Gon selected him as a Padawan as he reached the proper age. They both trained him, taking responsibility for different stages of his education. It is entirely possible, of course, that Lucas did originally intend Yoda to have been Obi-Wan's sole master when he made The Empire Strikes Back and thus your guess that he changed the background stories may well be accurate, however, if this is the case, then he made the alterations in such a fashion that no continuity error exists, because it all fits together.


Also, most Jedi probably had friendships with older Jedi who were not their masters. They could think of any Knight/Master as a teacher, despite not being the official apprentice of that Jedi.

Question: Is there any significance to the pantyhose that the team gives out being encased in plastic eggs?


Chosen answer: L'Eggs was a famous brand of panty hose that came inside plastic eggs. That's the joke.


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