Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How did Tony know where to find the Tesseract?

Answer: His father worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. and he knew they were in possession of it. He deduced what year and location based on that information.


Answer: Both Tony and Steve knew that Howard Stark recovered the Tesseract in 1945. SHIELD were then conducting research on it. They knew it was likely stored in the secret shield facility in New Jersey. They weren't 100% certain, but it was their best chance of locating it and at the very least they could obtain additional Pym particles to try another time if necessary.

Question: What happened to Hal (the sadistic manager of the retirement home)?

Answer: In a deleted scene, Happy shoves him out a window and the old ladies beat the tar out of him.

Brian Katcher

Question: Why did Daniel think Mr. Miyagi was making fun of him with the sweeping? He taught him how to block by waxing cars so shouldn't Daniel have figured there was something with moving the broom to teach him how to do a front sweep?


Answer: Daniel was frustrated with Mr. Miyagi because he would not support Daniel entering the tournament. He probably thought that Mr. Miyagi was making fun of him.

Answer: Daniel's an impatient kid who wants everything laid out in a clear, straightforward manner. He may have thought the "wax on-wax off" incident was a one-time ploy and believes from that point on the training will be more conventional. Mr. Miyagi has other ideas about his teaching methods.


Question: What was the Silas/Remy Jean/Teabing event in London all about? Remy Jean and Silas acting as if they're betraying Teabing in front of Robert and Sophie, only to learn that Teabing was behind it after all? I don't get it.

Answer: Teabing wants to keep his identity as the Teacher secret. Remy pretending to be the Teacher was prearranged so Teabing could continue to act as an ally of Langdon and Sophie. Silas was unaware that Teabing was the Teacher, or even that the Teacher would be there. He was not part of the deception.

Answer: They are real. This is seen when Jareth turns into an owl and Sarah sees him fly out of the house. Further proof of this is when everybody that Sarah met were in her room and Jareth was looking into her room before flying off.

Answer: It's implied that it was real.


Question: Why was Rhiannon angry with Olive? Why would she care who she has sex with?


Answer: It wasn't just that Rhiannon believed that Olive had slept with someone. She was angry and upset over the new trampy behavior that Olive was taking on to become more "popular."


Question: The grandfather says at the very end that he knew all along about the vampires, so why didn't he tell Sam or Michael before?


Answer: It was also in keeping with Grandpa's eccentric nature; if he'd said anything about the vampires before, they might have assumed he was either joking or possibly becoming senile.


Answer: Probably because it was just boasting, and he didn't really know they were vampires until the very end. He may have suspected, but never had definitive proof.


Question: Why was Ron angry with Harry for allegedly putting his name in the Goblet of Fire?


Answer: Ron was becoming a jealous of Harry's fame and, feeling inadequate, was tired of being in his shadow. He (wrongly) believed Harry had entered his name into the Goblet for the attention.


Why does he think Harry did it? Ron was with him when the others put their name in and he couldn't have done it overnight because prefects roam the grounds.

Ron knows that Harry had the cloak, and that Harry can generally get away with a lot more than other students.


Answer: Harry has an invisibility cloak and the Marauders Map, easily undetectable to anyone but Mad-Eye Moody. I'm sure Ron thought that Harry could have slipped away; surely they aren't together every second of the day. Ron was jealous, it doesn't have to make sense.

Question: Did the interior of the Apollo 13 spacecraft really become cold, and frosty as shown in the movie?

Answer: From what I have read, according to the real astronauts, it was not as cold in the capsule as was depicted in the film. The movie exaggerated that for dramatic effect.


Question: When Vince turns up at the BBQ Leon says to him "Look who it is! Coyotes R Us! I thought you weren't hungry, pumpkin?" What in the world does Coyotes R Us mean? I have been wondering this since this movie was released.


Answer: I feel as though the saying is exactly what it means in the simplest terms. Since a Coyote is an animal and hunts for its meals, Leon could be referring to Vince being like a Coyote and having those traits. Vince has been aggressive and very territorial to Brian, especially at his advances towards Dom's sister. Vince is pretty much acting like an aggressive animal rather than a civilized human being.

Answer: No, there's no indication that he knows Loki is his son.


Question: Why would Nero need Earth's defense codes if his weaponry was so much more advanced?

Answer: It makes it even easier to attack and would lessen Nero's losses by disabling Earth's defenses as much as he possibly can.


Question: When Hermione left divination why did she knock over the crystal ball?

Answer: It's an act of rebellion. Shows how much she thinks of Trelawny and the subject.


Answer: Hermione was always a bit arrogant about being the smartest student. She thought Divination was nonsense and deliberately gave a phony reading from the crystal ball to mock Trelawney and the subject. Trelawney knew she was faking it and made a rather rude assessment of Hermione's "ability." Hermione was insulted and and knocked the ball off the table in anger and disdain.


Answer: I couldn't find any other information, but honestly... Soundwave is barely in the movie. Probably just wasn't worth it for the production to pay Welker to come in just to record a few throwaway lines.


I considered that possibility as well, but since Peter Cullen reprised his role as the voice of Optimus Prime yet again for this film despite Prime's minimal involvement, it doesn't quite wash. Also, given Frank Welker's highly prolific voice acting career, it's unlikely he would have declined on the basis of pay or importance of his involvement.


Soundwave was barely in the movie (he's literally only in a few shots) and only had one or two lines. As the other answer suggested, it probably just wasn't worth it for the studio to pay Welker to come in, or they just didn't feel it was necessary given that Soundwave was essentially just a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo. Optimus has a much larger presence, and Peter Cullen's voice is pretty synonymous with the character in the film series. Hence, it was worth it to have him return.


Answer: I wondered about this, too. Ripley may simply have overlooked doing this due the extreme duress she was under, focused on killing the creature. She intended to act quickly and save Newt if needed, but the creature grabbed onto her leg, delaying it being shot into space. Ripley may also have believed that Newt was still hiding under the grates, and that Bishop, ripped in half, was already "dead." I also think it's something of a plot hole.


I know I'm answering my own question here but when I look back at the scene, you do see her press the button that triggers the alarms before she pulls the latch to open the air luck. Probably a form of telling them what she is about to do. And looking back at the scene it's pretty obvious what she's doing, unless Newt was all of a sudden oblivious to what was happening.

Sam Montgomery

Newt was not exactly oblivious, but she was a frightened child who was reacting, as would be normal for someone her age, impulsively and without much forethought. She was also unfamiliar with the ship, its operation, and probably would not know what the warning alarm was. Her instinct was to jump out of the recessed floor space to see what was happening to Ripley. I don't think Ripley turned on the alarm separately. It would just automatically go off as soon as someone started opening the hatch. It's the same as a back-up alarm on the truck.


True she's unfamiliar with the ship but even when you move to a new school or building, you're still aware of the fire alarm.

Sam Montgomery

Newt had never been on the ship before and had only been there for about five minutes when the mayhem started with the alien queen. A child going to a new school might be aware of the fire alarms, but only after they are taught about safety issues by an adult and not during a panicked emergency. Newt, terrified, had no understanding of what exactly was going on when the alarm sounded or how to react to it.


Question: Why did the dogs in the park, the racing horses and the orcas of a water park go on a strike? Whatever outcome for the forest wouldn't affect them in any way.

Answer: They are striking to show solidarity for the cause to save the forest, and for recognition that all animals deserve to be treated fairly.


Question: Why did Blackbeard's daughter kidnap Jack in the first place? How did she know she would see him in London?

Answer: As I recall, she was impersonating Jack in order to exploit his notoriety to recruit a crew for her father, Blackbeard, to find the Fountain of Youth. She was not intending to kidnap him. Jack heard about an impostor and showed up to confront her. She captured him to prevent being exposed as the fake Jack. She may or may not have known he was in London.


Answer: Thor lied to Loki about the escape plan.

What part?

How they were going to leave the spaceship.


About not escaping in the Dark Elves' ship, and that Fandral was there with another ship. Lying by omission.


Shoplifting - S2-E6

Question: Jo, Blair, Natalie, and Tootie look for a birthday present for Mrs. Garrett. When they find a shirt for her, Jo decides to try it on. When she comes out of the dressing room to show it off, why did a security guard immediately walk up to them?

Answer: The dramatic reason is to move the plot along. But in real life, store workers can be suspicious of groups of teens because of the perceived higher risk of Shoplifting. So the security guard may have seen them go into the changing room and decided to see what they were up to.

Answer: To let them know one of the exits was blocked off and told them to use the other one. Oh and Blair wasn't with them - she bought her own gift for Mrs. Garrett.

Answer: Mr. Weasley was asking what the function of a rubber duck was and Harry was trying to find the right words for the answer.

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