Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Romanoff's mission was to get the real files on Project Insight. Nick Fury suspected he was being kept out of the loop about Insight's true agenda. Even though Project Insight was a S.H.I.E.L.D. project, HYDRA had secretly taken control of it.


Question: What sort of charges would the male Lust victim be facing, if any?


Answer: Given the circumstances, it is highly unlikely the district attorney would file any charges. But if they really wanted to, they could charge him with murder, since he carried out the act that resulted in the prostitute's death. Even though he was threatened with his own death if he didn't do it, in a court of law, being coerced into committing a murder is not a lawful defense, though it probably would have resulted in a lesser sentence.

Question: When Hermione says "I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat" was she trying to be comforting or was she annoyed that Ron was over reacting about his leg?


Answer: Ron was overreacting but Hermione's response was typical of what anyone would say to a person who's been injured, doing what they can to calm and comfort them. Ron always had a somewhat excitable personality.


Question: When this movie was filmed, had George Lucas already decided that Luke and Leia would be brother and sister? If so, has he commented on the scene with their kiss?

Answer: It is unknown whether or not Lucas planned for Luke and Leia to be brother and sister when Empire Strikes Back was filmed. Early drafts of the screenplay make it clear that not only are Luke and Leia not brother and sister, but Darth Vader is not Luke's father. Luke does have a sister in these drafts but it isn't Leia, she is an unseen character named Nillith. At some point, obviously the script was changed to make Vader Luke's father and references to Luke's sister were completely removed. George Lucas has never commented on the kiss.


Answer: Ron's leg had been injured and he couldn't walk any further. They needed to tend to him before going on. If Lupin had not transformed into a werewolf and Pettigrew not escaped, one of the others probably would have gone on to get help transporting Ron back to the castle.


Answer: She wasn't sad. They'd all just been through a rather harrowing and scary experience inside the Shrieking Shack, and she has been emotionally affected by it all. She's also worried about Ron, whose leg was injured.


Answer: Hermione was telling Harry to go over to Sirius, who had gone a little further ahead. Harry was torn between tending to Ron, who'd injured his leg, and wanting to talk to Sirius. Hermione thought it more important for Harry and Sirius to talk while she stayed with Ron. Harry had only found out moments before that Sirius was not responsible for murdering his parents, and he had much to discuss with his godfather.


Question: Instead of trying to murder them, why didn't the Lizzies simply contact the Riffs and tell them they had 3 of the warriors and to come get them? They had plenty of time.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The Riffs had put out a hit on the Warriors via the radio DJ, meaning that it didn't matter if the Warriors were taken alive or not; the Lizzies probably figured it would be easier simply to kill the Warriors and collect the reward.


Answer: Eric Carmen - All by Myself.

Question: At the climax of the movie when Malcolm talks to his wife while she was sleeping, a ring from her has fallen down to the floor, what does it mean? Is his wife married to another man?

Answer: It's his own wedding ring. He recognizes it and sees she is still wearing hers and he isn't wearing his own, so at that point he realises he is dead.


Answer: The ring was Malcolm's - she kept it after he died. When it falls Malcolm realises that he hasn't been wearing it even though he sees it on his hand.

Answer: Yes! There was a real Heather Jasper Howe! Like the fake Heather Jasper Howe's True Identity is Jonathan Jacobo! He was arrested with Ned.

Answer: Yes.

Answer: At the very least, six counts of first degree/premeditated murder (the five sin victims, plus Tracy); six counts of assault and battery; three counts of home invasion; and two counts of kidnapping (Gluttony and Sloth). His lawyer says that he planned to plead insanity, but this could not realistically have been defended, at the very least because (as Somerset points out) his threat to do so would be admissible evidence.

Also, adding to the fact that he's blackmailing them... Given the circumstances that the crimes are related to the "Seven Deadly Sins" and they've only got 5 to that point, that does lend credence to the threat of there still being 2 more victims out there. However, there's countless missing persons. It's not the same as if a specific victim is missing, with a family being left unknowing of their whereabouts.

Doomworld - S2-E16

Question: When Mayor Damien Darhk puts up the mask in his collections, who do the other masks individually belong to? I recognize Flash and maybe Diggle and Green Arrow.


Chosen answer: Black Canary, Spartan, Wild Dog, and Ragman.

Question: Why doesn't the teacher at Jake's school punish the bully for teasing Jake?

Answer: All the bully really did was take the book out of Jake's hand and Jake violently assaulted him in retaliation. Jake's action was much worse. Also, we are never actually shown what punishment the bully received, he very well could have been punished in some way that was never mentioned.


Show generally

Question: I've only seen a few episodes so some info would be helpful. After running very fast and for a long period of time, why does the Flash suddenly become very weak?

Answer: The Flash burns energy the same way a normal human does, just at an extremely high tolerance. His metabolism is incredibly high and he must constantly eat to maintain his energy levels. If he runs at high speed for a long period of time he will burn his stored energy and become very weak.


Answer: Even with Charles' help, Logan was never able to completely put his violent past behind him and integrate into society at large. Xavier always taught his students to view mutant powers as a gift. Logan always viewed his powers as a curse.


Question: How did getting shot knock Jason unconscious? Second, how did getting shot cause him to lose his memory?

Answer: Any significant shock could cause a person to lose consciousness. The amnesia was probably a combination of the shock of being shot, half-drowning, and the fact that Conklin had the Treadstone agents "wound so tight, one of them was bound to snap."


Answer: The train had just started moving, so perhaps they just decided to wait for the first scheduled stop to get off.


Question: Joy doesn't let Sadness use the console, so why doesn't she mind when Fear, Anger, or Disgust do the same?

Answer: Joy is very controlling of everyone when it comes to using the console. We only see Fear, Anger, and Disgust use it briefly, even when Joy is gone.

Question: What kind of chocolate was it that Hogarth poured on Mansley's ice cream?

Answer: It was a laxative to make him go to the bathroom.

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