Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Montgomery is giving injections to the beast people, he tells Douglas that the injections prevent them from retrogressing. What would they have retrogressed into?

Answer: The animals they had been before receiving Dr. Moreau's treatments.


Question: Where did that engine comes from which causes Donnie's death? If he had returned the engine to the PU than how could the plane crash when his sister and mother were still in their room? And Just Before Donnie died why did he laugh? Was it because of his awareness of what's gonna happen in the future?

Towhid Chowdhury Faiaz

Chosen answer: His mother and sister didn't need to be on the plane for it to crash and the engine traveled back in time regardless of whether Donnie was in his room or not. But by staying in his room to die, Donnie saved his mother's and sister's lives since they cancelled their trip on account of his death, and prevented many other deaths. The one downside seems to be that the child pornographer would remain uncaught, but 10 days after the PU is restored, he commits suicide by shooting himself in the head.


Question: Why did Bilbo decide to leave the Shire?

Answer: His exposure to the Ring kept him looking young, but he still felt very old. He knew he was reaching the end of his life and he wanted one more small adventure before he was too weary to have one. So he set out for Rivendell to spend his days a guest in the House of Elrond.


Answer: It's unknown what happens to Mrs. White but, at the end of the novel, a woman says that her daughter has been showing telekinetic abilities and is actually very accepting of this. This implies that Carrie had been reincarnated and been born into a more loving family.

Answer: It was never revealed what happened to their souls after they died.


Question: Doc Brown shows up at the end of part three with his wife Clara, his two boys, and a time-traveling, hovercraft-converted train. How did he build it? There was nothing in 1885 that could even begin to help him build another time-machine! And don't tell me that he used Marty's 'hoverboard' as parts, because that doesn't wash.


Chosen answer: Time machines don't actually exist, so who are we to say whether or not the parts to build another time machine are available? Doc Brown is an inventor. Doc had the knowledge of how to build a time machine having built the original machine into a DeLorean, Doc also appears to have had a few years to come up with a way of building a time machine into a train, given that he now has children who appear to be around 5 years old. Plus, remember that the fridge in Doc's shop was much bigger than a modern fridge, and a steam train is way bigger than a DeLorean.

Blair Howden

Answer: Doc's consistent problem was finding high-energy power sources for his inventions. But, actually, materials and technology did exist in the late 19th Century to construct extremely high-energy components. If Doc Brown had contacted electrical geniuses of the day (such as Nikola Tesla, who was already working in high-energy physics, radio and and X-ray technology in the 1890s), he could have certainly acquired the materials to reconstruct the Flux Capacitor and back-engineer hover pads for his time-travelling locomotive. As we saw earlier in the film, he was quite capable of back-engineering 1980s electronics using 1950s components (when he repaired the DeLorean).

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Bit of a silly question, but what happened to Felicity Shagwell? She appears to have disappeared after the Spy Who Shagged Me, did Austin just forget about her?

Answer: Felicity Shagwell was originally in the beginning of Austin Powers in Goldmember, but her scene was cut from the final film and has not appeared on any DVD releases. Because of that we do not actually know the reason why she decided to leave Austin.

Answer: There were 2 Austins at the end of the 2nd film, that being said past Austin stayed with her and the other Austin left to the future to fight against Dr. Evil.

Answer: Just like most Bond Girls, she was swept aside in favor of a new love interest in the sequel. Had they made a fourth movie, they likely would not have brought Beyonce back either.


Question: Are the quaffles in Quidditch enchanted? I know it didn't bump around when Harry was being shown how to play. Does it have any magical powers? What if someone drops it to the ground? Does it fly back after someone scores?


Chosen answer: The quaffle was enchanted by means of a Gripping Charm, allowing one to throw and carry it using one hand without need for straps or finger holes. Source:

Show generally

Question: Why does Dr Cox wear a white coat, yet J.D. and Elliott and the other residence just wear scrubs?

Answer: Dr Cox is an "attending" doctor, and as noted early in the first season he is required to. JD was able to wear one when he became an attending doctor, but chose not to.

Question: Who was Santana's prisoner and why did she not want to be unshackled?

Answer: Santana's prisoner was played by R&B singer Keri Hilson. Being unshackled and molested by all those men was probably the reason why.

Question: When Philippe is taking Belle to where her father is, he seemingly knows where the castle is. But earlier in the movie, Philippe ran away without Maurice and left him at the cliff. How did Philippe know where the castle was, even though he didn't see it before that point?

Answer: Because Philippe is a trained horse. He knows to stay on the roads and he remembers roughly where he last saw his master and owner. It's a simply matter of continuing to follow the road from there.


Question: One thing I have wondered is how Marty was able to cram so much into the final hour before the lightning bolt at the clock tower which was Marty's ticket home to 1985? Just after 9:00pm George stands up to Biff, we know this because we see the clock on the wall just before George proceeds to the car where Marty and Lorraine are parked. The next time we see the time is 9:30pm with Doc standing in front of the clock noticing the storm is coming, just after 9:30pm Marty plays "Earth Angel" at the Dance followed by Johnny B Goode, Marty arrives back at the clock tower at 9:56pm. So basically in 26 minutes Marty was able to play 2 songs at the dance, wish George and Lorraine the best for the future, change out of his Zoot suite and then drive back to the clock tower to go home. The whole sequence gets even better in Back to the Future Part 2, between 9:30pm and 10:04pm Marty manages to stop Biff's goons from jumping Marty up on stage playing Johnny B Goode, he then witnesses Marty from part 1 talking to his parents and having a confrontation with Biff. Marty and Doc then chase Biff what looks to be through the outskirts of Hill Valley and eventually get the Almanac from Biff, and see Biff crash into another manure truck. Marty and Doc then have time to fly down to the future location of Lyon Estates to burn the book, and then for Marty witness the time machine be struck by lighting and the man from Western Union to turn up with the letter for Marty.

Blair Howden

Chosen answer: Both songs are less than three minutes long, so there's six minutes of actually playing plus, say, four minutes of chatter in between songs. That's ten minutes. Five minutes to change brings the total up to fifteen minutes. At this point, he's till got eleven minutes to wish George and Lorraine a happy life and book it to the clock tower a few blocks over. He's barely got to hurry.


The Avatar and the Firelord - S3-E6

Question: At the end of Sozin's story, he says that he wiped out the Airtemple, and we see one burning. But it isn't one of the four they visited during the three seasons. The Western Airtemple hangs from the cliff, the Northern and Southern both are on one solitary peak and it doesn't have the distinctive bridges of the Eastern Airtemple. Is it ever explained or shown which one it is in Sozin's story?


Chosen answer: When Sozin says "So I wiped out the Air Temples," we are indeed seeing the three mountains of the Eastern Air Temple burning, with the two bridges being gone in this shot (S3-E6). This does conflict a bit with the image we see of the Eastern Air Temple, with the two bridges intact, when Aang and Appa fly to that Air Temple seeking Guru Pathik (S2-E19). This may possibly be considered a mistake, but the fact is that when we are seeing the burning of the Eastern Air Temple it's from the point of view of Zuko, who is merely reading from Sozin's autobiographical account, and envisioning everything he's reading, which in his mind includes the bridges having been destroyed.

Super Grover

Answer: In S3 x E11 Convicts-at-Large, there is a character named Big Maude Tyler, who is the leader of three female escaped convicts. Andy listens to the radio as the news announcer says that Big Maude's aliases include Clarice or Annabelle Tyler and also one amusingly named Ralph Henderson.

Super Grover

Chosen answer: Atlas' represents his status as a ladies man, Henley's represents the fact that she's the lone female of the group, Woody Harrelson's shows how he is the joker of the group, and Jack's "Death" card foreshadows his "death" later on.


Actually, the Hermit card in the tarot is about introspection and reflection. I believe it speaks to the fact that Merritt is a mentalist, looking inward for his insights.


Answer: While we don't know what exactly happened to her afterwards, we do know that she doesn't get into heaven due to her behavior.


Question: After Harry wakes up in the hospital wing, Hermione was telling Harry that Snape said an incredibly powerful wizard could have produced the patronus that saved Harry and Sirius Black's life. Snape knew how powerful James and Lily were as witches/wizards so did he make the connection? Does Snape know that Harry made the patronus? even though Snape already knows Harry is destined to destroy Voldemort.

Answer: Snape woke up after the Patronus was conjured, only seeing the Dementors flying away from the scene. Harry nor Snape did not know who made the Patronus (it was Harry, even though Harry thought it was his dad) And at this point, Snape does not know that Harry is destined to destroy Voldemort. He did not hear the end of the prophecy and Dumbledore had not confided such information to Snape as of the end of the third book.


Question: Since Dumbledore canceled exams, how did the seven-year students know if they passed for graduation or not? Did they still take exams?

Answer: This is not fully explained, but as the OWL and NEWT students have exams given by the ministry, it is possible that they have already completed their exams or that their exams will not be cancelled. It is also possible that the students' teachers will simply give them a course mark and that they will not have to take the exams.


Question: SPOILER: What part of Earth did Dr. Stone land on?

Answer: The scene was shot in Lake Powell, Arizona (as detailed here), but whether it's meant to be that specific location or just somewhere unspecified on Earth has not been made clear.

Casual Person

Question: Why did Zod need Lois on the ship? At first, he only seemed interested in Kal-El.

Chosen answer: It's because Zod read Lois' story published by that weird internet guy. She knows Superman better then his own mother, so she could be a valuable source of information for Zod.


Question: Gretel was 5 years old and the mother died seven years ago. Who is Gretel's mom?

Answer: In the film, the Mother Abess explains to Maria that the Captain Von Trapp's wife died "several years" ago. This is commonly misheard by viewers as "seven years." In reality, the actual mother of the Von Trapp children was Agathe Whitehead, who died of scarlet fever in 1922, just four years before Maria came to the Von Trapp home, initially as a tutor (not a governess) in 1926.

Michael Albert

Answer: However when Captain Von Trapp gets the children to step forward and introduce themselves to Maria he states that their mother died 7 years ago.

Not in the 1965 film, perhaps in another version. In the 1965 film the only thing he says about his late wife when he first meets Maria is "you'll be the 12th governess...since their mother died." When he has the children introduce themselves, he only advises Maria to pay attention to their signals and names. Later after he leaves and the children say how old they are, Marta says "I'll be 7 on Tuesday."


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