Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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The Lesser of Two Evils - S1-E6

Question: In this episode, Patrick McCann and his IRA splinter group plot to blow up "Broad Street Station" in London. In reality, British Rail beat him to it years ago. The real Broad Street Station closed in 1986, and has since been demolished (an office complex now stands on the site). Does anyone know which railway station (or stations) posed as the fictional Broad Street Station in this episode?

Answer: The shots of the tube station closing and the shot of the concourse were shot at Marylebone station. There is also a shot of the tracks in which a sign is visible pointing to Southwark station and the Jubilee Line, and I suspect this is a stock shot filmed at Waterloo station.


Question: Many of the blasters in the Star Wars films are based on existing small arms, such as the iconic German Mauser for Han's pistol and the British Sterlings for stormtrooper and rebel guns. Then they just add on a bunch of attachments, which isn't all that uncommon in sci-fi in general (ex. Robocop's Auto 9 & the pulse rifles in Terminator)The Naboo security looked like they were using some kind of target pistol (identification?) and Calico submachine guns. The main one I couldn't figure out was the Battledroid blaster, which did need physical props since Panaka's squad picks some up and Padme fires one in AotC. Is this one actually based on an existing weapon? It kinda looks like a sterling, but the handle is completely different.

Answer: The Battle Droid rifle was designed by ILM hardware designer Jay Schuster to look like a precursor to the E-11 rifle used by Imperial Stormtroopers, so the Sterling resemblance is there. In fact, the handle appears to have been based on or molded from the Kenner Stormtrooper Rifle toy!


Question: During the film, Padme mentions that "the Queen" of Naboo must be asked to approve something, implying that she is no longer Queen herself. So given that her mother was no longer a Queen, and her original past had to be hidden anyway - why was Leia a Princess?


Chosen answer: This was because when Senator Bail Organa (Leia's adopted father) returns to Alderaan following the Clone Wars, he becomes the Viceroy and First Chairman of Alderaan, and his family thereby become the Royal Family of Alderaan. Incidentally, Padme finished her term(s) as Queen of Naboo sometime prior to Episode II and later becomes a senator of Naboo, which is the position she holds throughout Episode III as well. Since Leia was adopted by the Organas, however, this change in Padme's status (from Queen to non-Queen) became irrelevant as Leia took on the social titles of the Organas and was really no longer connected to her mother.

Ryan Grubb

Also, the Queen of Naboo is not a family thing. Naboo elects its King and Queen, usually young women. Therefore, if the Queen had any children, they would not necessarily be given royal titles. Being the Queen of Naboo would be more like being President of the United States than the Queen of England.


Question: Do we ever find out who deleted information from the archives? My theory is it was Sifo-Dyas, and that he is actually Darth Plagus.

Answer: Sifo-Dyas wasn't a Sith, he was a disaffected Jedi who was manipulated by Dooku prior to the latter leaving the Jedi Order. Dooku persuaded Sifo-Dyas to place the order for the clone army, then killed him to prevent anyone from finding out. Dooku also deleted the information on Kamino from the database for the same reason.


Question: On the DVD menu there is a gallery option and when you look through the pictures there is one which is certainly not from Halloween Resurrection, which Halloween film is it from?

Answer: It is part of a deleted scene which wasn't included on the DVD. It is about a couple who are camping out and Michael steals their car.

cameron davies

Question: Why was the start of Kill Bill 2 in B/W? It wasn't to tone down on the violence (as there is none), so why?


Chosen answer: It was just a Tarantino stylistic (most likely as it's a flashback). Just one of his many homages (as many kung fu movies did the same).

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes it's true. Also Kevin Costner was considered, before David Carradine got the role.

Gavin Jackson

Question: In the movie, the symbol of a pyramid with an eye in the top of it (found on American currency, if I understood correctly) is credited as belonging to the Free Masons, but doesn't it actually belong to the Illuminati? Or are the Free Masons and the Illuminati perhaps the same?

Answer: The are not the same but rumors and conspiracy theories have the Masons and the Illuminati intertwined for hundreds of years. That is why there are numerous symbols thought to belong to one or both.


Question: Where in the film does Jack give the blood sacrifice that the cursed pirates have to give?

Answer: Immediately after we see Will running for the chest, Jack slashes his sword across the palm of the hand that's holding the 'coin', then throws the blood-smeared 'coin' up to Will.


Question: Is there a difference in the opening scroll between the original release and later versions? I'm specifically wondering if "Episode IV: A New Hope" was included in the original theatrical release, or added later.

Answer: In 1977, the original release just said "Star Wars". Lucas didn't want to confuse everybody. However, one year later, when re-released because of its popularity, he had renamed it "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope".


Question: As Detective Spooner looks down on the street and sees the robot running with what he assumes to be a stolen bag, there is a cry of 'hey.' or something similar from one of the crowd, prompting Spooner to think the robot had taken the bag. As the robot had not, why did the man yell?

Answer: That was probably just an arbitrary cry that came from the crowed, or the running robot could have just ran into someone.

Kirill Ostapenko

Question: How did the X-Men get into the Oval Office at the end of the movie?

Answer: Xavier just mentally froze everyone in the building, including the President, then Kurt teleported them in. He then released the President for the length of their conversation, then immobilised him again until after Kurt got them safely out of the building.


The Stranded - S3-E10

Question: When Jerry and Elaine are at the party, Elaine is talking to a woman who keeps saying she cant find her fiance. Then Elaine, in response to the woman saying, "I cant find my baby," says to her, "maybe the dingo ate your baby." Can anyone explain this phrase?

Answer: It's a reference to the 1988 movie "A Cry in the Dark" starring Meryl Streep (who uses an New Zealand/Australian accent, as this movie was based on a true story). Elaine is paraphrasing a line from The Movie.


Question: When Rosemary gets into the Castavets right at the end, she walks past a man, and then the man says something. She then replies "Be quiet, you're still in [some location]" What was that about...?


Chosen answer: Roman Castavet is trying to get Rosemary's attention, and she says "Be quiet, you're in Dubrovnik, I can't hear you". That was in reference to the fact that Roman and Minnie were supposed to have gone to Majorca or Dubrovnik after she found out that Roman was supposedly dying (which was just a lie Rosemary was told so she wouldn't suspect them when her baby was taken). Roman and Minnie got in a cab and pretended to go to the airport, but never left town.

LuMaria 1

Question: When someone becomes a Sith, they take a different name, i.e. Palpatine becomes Darth Sidious, Count Dooku becomes Darth Tyranus, Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader. Does anyone know Darth Maul's non-Sith name?

Answer: No. According to the official sources, Maul was trained in the Sith ways from a very early age - it's quite likely that he himself doesn't remember his original name. Even if he does remember it, it would mean nothing to him any more - the Sith and their ways are his life - and he certainly wouldn't answer to it. According to the non-canon novel "Darth Plagueis", Darth Maul was named "Maul" by his mother before she turned him over to a young Palpatine. He didn't take a new name when he got the title "Darth."


Question: What is the name of the song that is playing during the opening credits?

Answer: It's called Boomshakalaka, by Apache Indian.


Question: What movie are they watching at the drive-in?

Answer: The Blob (1958) with Steve Mcqueen.

Gavin Jackson

Show generally

Question: Did Joey ever mention moving to L.A. or did he just move and not tell anyone? Moving to the other side of the country is pretty much bigger than anyone else's reason for splitting up the group, surely?

Answer: We never saw what happened after the last episode of friends, we do not know how much time passed between that last episode and Joey's move. I assume at some point after the last episode of friends he decided to move to LA, and I am sure he told everyone at some point. If you remember he was kind of depressed that all of his friends where married and starting families, I am sure this helped him decide to move.


Chosen answer: Rock Salt is salt that is in huge grains, about the size of the grains in kitty litter or grape-nuts cereal. It's used in ice cream makers and water softeners among other things.

Grumpy Scot

Chosen answer: She makes a square shape with her fingers in the air when she is talking to Vernita Green ("That would make us about square"). she does the same motion to John Travolta right before they go into Jack Rabbit Slims in Pulp Fiction.

Nick N.

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