Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: No, it has not been explained where Eddie went; the characters don't even mention him.

He went to a dancing school.

In the "oh christmas nuts" episode it is implied that he left the dojo because he was not as physically capable as the others.

Answer: The character who plays Jack told everyone that the character who plays Eddie went to go to see her grandmother in England.

Question: When DK beats up Sean for spending time with Neela, what is the translation of what he says after he says "or the only thing you'll be driving is a wheelchair"?

Answer: I believe he says 'find another driver'.

He says something before that. It sounds like he says "or gothica".

Question: Question regarding the search for Annie's parents: When Mr. Warbucks launches the nationwide search for Annie's parents using the best legal and investigative minds of the day, should they not have discovered that said parents died in a fire? The authorities somehow knew there was an abandoned child and where to send the parents' "junk", and Miss Hannigan was informed of the deaths. Obviously, someone knew Annie was at the orphanage and whose child she was. How did Warbucks' top notch team of private eyes miss that?

Answer: Mrs. Hannigan's box of Annie's parents' things might have the only record of her birth certificate. This is the 1930s, after all. Paper records went missing all the time.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: There is a painting at the end of the movie when the metal gates are closing, at the point when the alarm is going off when Crown is returning the first stolen painting, it is only shown for a moment along with all of the others that are shown in this portion of the movie, before the sprinklers go off. It is simply of a woman's face, that is all that is shown. She has brown hair, I am not sure what number this painting is in the sequence of shots, I do believe it is the only woman in any of the paintings shown. Anyone know what the name of the painting or artist is?

Answer: Here is where you can find a list of all the paintings and the descriptions of when and where each one appears in that movie. Maybe you can find what you're looking for there:


Cold Blood (2) - S5-E9

Question: If Amelia can remember the people in 'flesh and stone' when they stepped into the 'W' crack, how come she can't remember Rory after he is taken at the end of this episode?


Chosen answer: The Doctor said Amy remembered the clerics because they weren't part of her life, but Rory was. That's why the clerics forgot about the other clerics, because they are part of each other's lives. So you can still remember people being erased from time if they are not part of your life.

Casual Person

Question: It is stated that Maximus from "Tangled" briefly appears somewhere in the movie. Can someone please point out which scene he can be found in? I also know where the dinosaur from "Meet the Robinsons" appears. If there are any other characters from some of the previous Disney animated films who make brief appearances, can someone please identify where to find them? (01:41:00)

Answer: When Ralph and the other bad guys enter Game central station. The camera pans out, to the lower left corner there is Maximus and in the upper left corner you can see the dinosaur. If you still can't see it, there is an intermission mode on the DVD that will allow Chris Hardwicke to explain this and other interesting things about the movie.


Question: It seems to be made clear that Holden is the father of the baby, since there were issues with Phil's sperm. However, Justine had sex with Bubba as well. What about the possibility of him being the father?

Answer: I think you answered your own question. The only certainty is that Phil is NOT the father because of fertility issues, though he apparently deludes himself into believing that he has somehow gotten Justine pregnant.


Question: In the scene where Carolina and El are chained together, they swing across the road on a power line with metal handcuffs. Wouldn't they have been fried or shocked?


Chosen answer: They would need to be touching the ground so the electrical current could complete the circuit.


Question: Is there a way to tell what Jack had in his hand to make a full house during the poker game to win the Titanic tickets?

Answer: According to Jack is shown to be holding tens and aces, though the exact number of each cannot be seen.


Question: In the part where Mary first finds out Steve is Fran's fiancée and they are forced to dance together. They start arguing and at one point Mary says what she's thinking involves a machete and a pair of pliers. What does she mean? I've never understood that.


Chosen answer: The thing that immediately popped up in my mind was using the machete to slice off a certain male appendage, and adding insult to potential injury, that the appendage is probably so small that she would need a pair of pliers to hold onto it. I don't know if that's what the filmmaker intended as the meaning, but that's what I read into it.


Answer: The car appears to be a Mercedes-Benz 190 SL. I cannot tell which year.

Chosen answer: It is only mentioned as being a "red sports car." The Andy Griffith show was made long before "product placement" became common in movies and TV shows, and brand names were rarely identified.


Not true. Ford provided the cars and the squad cars were all Ford Galaxies. That would explain not showing the badge on any non-Ford car.

Question: What poem is Diane reading to her class that makes Thornton say, "Yes, yes!"?

Answer: She was reading, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," by Dylan Thomas.


Answer: She was reading from the novel Ulysses by James Joyce.

Chosen answer: It's not known. She may have moved it to the spare room or it may be in a corner just off camera. There could be any number of reasons, though it probably took up too much room on the studio set, and it was removed, making it easier for the actors to move around.


Victory of the Daleks - S5-E3

Question: When they are talking about the Daleks at the end of this episode, this is what they are saying: DOCTOR: It's not that. There's something else. Something we've forgotten. Or rather you have. AMY: Me? DOCTOR: You didn't know them, Amy. You'd never seen them before. And you should have done. You should. (They go inside the Tardis and it dematerialises, revealing a glowing w shaped crack in the wall.) My question is: What is the Doctor meaning by what he is saying to Amy?


Chosen answer: The Doctor is referring to the events of the two-part finale of the fourth series of the relaunched show, "The Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End". These episodes featured a major Dalek invasion of Earth, something that Amy should remember. What concerns the Doctor, leading to the conversation you refer to, is that she apparently doesn't, because if she did, she'd have recognised the Daleks the moment she saw them.


Chosen answer: This happened during the events of the 1975 story, "Terror of the Zygons".


Question: What is the name of the airport that is featured during the ending scene in which Carl is following Frank and tells him "Nobody's chasing you" ? Or at least, what airport is it supposed to be?


Chosen answer: It is not mentioned, though it is likely Reagan (at the time Washington National) or Dulles, as they both work in Washington DC.


Question: Is Ramin Karimloo (in the grey suit and bowler hat, without his Phantom make up) sitting to our right of Carlotta during the rehearsal for Don Juan Triumphant? (01:39:40)


Chosen answer: Although that would be funny, I rather doubt that's Ramin Karimloo. From the DVD's special features he revealed that it takes an hour to transform him into the Phantom. Since this was filmed live on stage, it would be very impractical to have him take the makeup off halfway through the musical.

Chosen answer: Five times. The first time is when the Griswald's leave the house because the luggage hit the garage roof (00:09:05). The second time is going into the motel. The third time is about half way through the movie where two bags fall off the station wagon (00:49:00). The fourth time is when the station wagon flies off the closed road where every single bag falls off due to the crash (00:50:35). The fifth time is in the scene where Aunt Edna dies and Clark stops the car immediately where all but one bag falls off (01:02:30).

Casual Person

Question: After turning into a werewolf, what is it Lupin mutters as Hermione is walking over to him? It's very difficult to understand, but it sounds like words. Not just whining. (I don't know if it is in the theatrical version. I am noticing it on the DVD copy). (01:40:25)

Answer: He's not saying anything, it's just unintelligible whimpering. It gives the impression that Hermione is able to communicate with him, but once Lupin has transformed into a werewolf, he has no human consciousness.


Question: Could someone please identify all of the villains seen in the conference room at the beginning and what video games they are from? (01:41:00)

Answer: Not all the characters are from video games, but are based on characters from video games. here's a link with all the known attendees.


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