Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: During the Tango de Roxanne scene, it seems that there is a lot of tension between Nini and the Argentinean. Also, when he yells at Christian for falling in love with Satine, it is almost as if he is speaking from experience. Is this because he is actually in love with Nini or is it just a part of the song itself?

Answer: It's just part of the song.


Question: Throughout the whole movie, why does Jasmine have such hostility toward Jafar? The scene where Aladdin was captured by the guards on Jafar's orders, she seems angry that Jafar had a stranger taken from the market place. In the scene of Jasmine's and Jafar's first appearance together, she confronts him angrily asking Jafar about the arrest. When his reply was justifiable she is still upset with him. And in the scene where the Sultan, Jafar, and Jasmine are all in the room discussing the incident, Jasmine says she wants to get rid of Jafar. (00:23:20 - 00:41:15)

Answer: Because Jasmine sees Jafar for what he is; a lying, manipulative, power-hungry villain.


Answer: Also, Jasmine reveals in that first scene that Aladdin's arrest wasn't justifiable. Jafar told her he had him arrested for kidnapping her, to which Jasmine reveals that he didn't kidnap her; she ran away. Then Jafar reveals that he had Aladdin executed, which can seemingly only be done upon approval from the sultan. Jasmine loathes him so much because he allowed for the death of an innocent boy without checking with anyone first.

Jafar didn't have to check with the sultan to execute someone before. The sultan came up with that rule to avoid future confusion.


Question: Some people think Ginger is Sarah's sister, but I have always thought she was just her close friend and roommate. Who's right?

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Ginger is Sarah's roommate and best friend.

Chosen answer: No mention is made of her being Sarah's sister. If she was, at some point in the other films, it would have been mentioned.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: At the apartment, Tintin can't find his magnifying glass and Snowy finds it for him. He says "Thank you" like he's annoyed at him. If he is annoyed at him, why is this?

Chosen answer: He must have thought that Snowy had found the magnifying glass and was playing with it. Like most dogs would do with a toy.

Question: What would happened if Gordon failed to reach the gun and shoot Adam and Zep killed Gordon's wife and daughter? Would they be both set free, just Gordon, or just Adam? And what would Zep do if he found Gordon and Adam both alive in the bathroom (they were, but he thought that Adam was dead). Would he kill just Gordon because he failed to kill his wife and daughter, or he would kill both of them?

Answer: Gordon's game was to kill Adam. Adam's game was to survive. There was never an option, in Jigsaw's mind, for both Gordon and Adam to win. If Gordon hadn't shot Adam, Zep would have killed Gordon and his family and received the antidote from Jigsaw. Adam would have been set free.


Answer: He would have been left to die in the bathroom, as that what it said in his tape, Adam most likely would have been set free and John would have given Zep the antidote to the poison in his blood.

Question: There are numerous instances where animals seem to like or be attracted to Theo, the dogs at the farm being the most prominent. Is this supposed to show or imply anything to us? Or is there any reason given for this phenomenon in the film?

Answer: Alfonso Cuaron compared the character of Theo to biblical characters like Moses, so I would assume that the animals' attraction to Theo is a reference to Noah and the Ark, which represents several themes in the film.


Question: Why did M send Bond back out into the field if he didn't pass all the tests? She stated he wasn't allowed unless he passed every test, so why did she say he could when the tests stated he's not fit enough?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Because she believes that people are more than just the sum of their test results. Regardless of what the tests show, she still believes that Bond is the best person for the task ahead, that his skill, experience and tenacity will allow him to rise above a few bad test scores and get the job done anyway.


Question: Each film in this trilogy had its own theme. According to Christopher Nolan, Batman Begins was "Fear," The Dark Knight was "Chaos" and "Escalation." Did he ever say what the theme for The Dark Knight Rises is? I've heard it could be "Redemption" or "Pain."

Answer: Yes, the theme for The Dark Knight Rises is pain.

Question: Who was responsible for Lester's murder? Many of his family and friends had a motive but at the time he was killed, they were all somewhere else.

Answer: Frank, Ricky's father, killed Lester. He thought Lester was gay, a secret he's been keeping about himself for a long time. When Lester spurned his kiss, he was humiliated and enraged.


Question: How exactly does Batman acquire the "Clean Slate" that Catwoman has been looking for the whole movie, and from whom? Daggett suggests that it's a little too good to be true, so is it even real?

Answer: Daggett suggests that it's too good to be true because he believes that it doesn't exist; that it was in development, but it never worked. From what we see in the movie, however, it seems that that's a cover, that Bruce obtained the "Clean Slate" in order to keep it out of the wrong hands. Exactly how he did that is unclear - most likely he covertly bought up the company developing it, Rykin Data, moved all the project materials to somewhere secure, paid the developers handsomely to sign strict confidentiality agreements, then let Daggett buy the company to find that the "Clean Slate" wasn't there, leading him to believe that it was simply a gangland myth.


Question: How does Bane kill Daggett? Did he break his neck? That doesn't seem likely though due to the screaming that can be heard. Did he suffocate him?

Answer: He did break his neck. You can actually hear a cracking sound when it happens. As for the screaming, you can actually still be alive for a few seconds, the screaming only lasts for a couple of seconds as well.

Casual Person

Chosen answer: This is an instance of the Doctor interfering, albeit indirectly, with his own timestream. He sends the invites to his younger self, Rory, Amy, River and the older Canton because he knows, from his memories of those events occurring, that they are the ones who get invited. It's a somewhat circular situation, but that's time travel for you.


Question: Why was CPL Upham treated so badly by the other soldiers? they were only Privates (E-2), but a Corporal is E-4. They should've seen him as a superior and respected him, shouldn't they?


Chosen answer: Upham isn't a soldier, he's a clerk, recruited from another unit because of his linguistic skills. His rank is irrelevant; untested in combat, he would not receive any respect from the other soldiers until he proved himself worthy of it.


Question: What relationship does Silva have with M? M claims he was a former agent, whilst Silva refers to M as "mother" or something along this lines.


Chosen answer: He's an agent who worked for her when she was section chief in Hong Kong. They are not related - Silva refers to her as "mother" or "mummy" as a nod to the fact that recruited agents are frequently orphans and thus their superiors often take on something of a parental role - a noted theme in this particular movie.


Question: At the end of the movie Colin Farrel checks his arm and sees that the mark they put when he was sitting in the "recall" chair was gone. Does this mean this was all a dream? I mean, the "spy recall" that he wanted?

Answer: The absence of the tattoo on Quaid's arm hints that the whole scenario could have been a memory, brought on by Rekall.


Question: In the car racing scene between Stuntman Mike, Kim, Zoe, and Abby, I am confused as to why the car chase lasted so long. Couldn't Kim have simply slowed down gradually and shot Stuntman Mike? I mean, we hear her in an earlier scene talking about her gun and we see her shoot him after stopping. Why keep driving fast with your friend in danger and mess up the car that isn't yours?


Chosen answer: Because there wouldn't be a car chase if she stopped. It's all part of the fun.


Show generally

Question: Plo Koon always has some kind of covering/bandage on the middle finger of each hand. What is the reason behind it?

Answer: Plo Koon has the ability of a forbidden Force technique called Electric Judgment. To many Jedi, this seemed to be too close to the Force lightning used by Sith Lords. He therefore wears talons over his fingertips in order to boost his Force powers.


Question: Does anybody knows the song and where I can find it that plays near the end of the movie where the Dutchman's crew are coming to Jack and Elizabeth to make Will the new captain? I'm talking specifically about the song with people singing in it (so not purely instrumental), you can hear it loud and clear in the shot where one of the fishermen holds the open chest for the heart.

Answer: Found the answer on Youtube. It can be found on one of the unreleased soundtracks namely "Part of the Ship, Part of the Crew."

Question: After the scene in which the death eaters attack Harry and Ginny, everyone runs back to The Burrow which is being burnt down. My question is why does everyone look so sad? It's not like they're going to be homeless. They could have used the spell aguamenti to extinguish the flames, and any further damage could be fixed with the spell reparo. I've heard of fiendfyre in the Harry Potter series, but this just looked like normal fire to me.

Answer: According to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, you cannot create all things with magic, so some things would definitely be lost in a fire - magical or otherwise.


Question: Verbal is presented as a person who has worked with Keaton presumably for some time to have earned his trust. But since Verbal is really Keyser Soze, this would mean that Soze had been "underground" as Verbal for quite awhile establishing his relationship with Keaton. Can we really expect that Soze would have been "playing the part of Verbal" for the length of time, presumably years, he would need to in order to establish a bond of trust with Keaton? And what could have been Soze's original motivation? It couldn't have been that he foresaw this particular situation that he was going to need a criminal of Keaton's caliber to help pull off. The relationship with Keaton would have had to have begun long before Keyser Soze would have known that he needed Keaton to assist in pulling off this particular job. So why establish the relationship with Keaton in the first place?

Answer: Soze, as is established in the movie, tends to work anonymously or through intermediaries, with the result that, generally speaking, those working for him are unaware of their actual employer. But Soze still needs to keep informed about players and events in the criminal fraternity, so it makes reasonable sense that he would have a number of fake identities that he could use to keep tabs on things directly when necessary. Soze has, as is stated in the movie, encountered Keaton previously in his "Verbal" persona, although Keaton specifically states that they've met "once or twice before", which suggests that they haven't actually worked together. It's not necessary for Soze to have spent years underground masquerading as Kint for this to be the case, just that he use the persona on those occasions when he was in the right area. During those occasions, he encountered Keaton, probably to evaluate him for use in a future operation after Keaton interfered with his earlier smuggling operation.


Answer: They are not presented as crime partners! Verbal only says they met a number of times in prison as the way Keaton knew Kint.

Answer: They were briefly in lockup together months earlier where Kint got a "6 month suspended sentence" as divulged early in the film. Kint does leverage this brief relationship to secure Keaton's spot on the team. But why go to such lengths to secure him? Because he felt the storming of the ship was a 5 man job, and he knew Keaton had several murders along with a storied past in his history that made him a reliable and strong team member.

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