Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Jake and Neytiri were holding hands and Neytiri had her hair unbraided. It is also possible that when Na'vi mate, their appearance changes slightly in a way that only other Na'vi could see.

Chosen answer: They were a diversion to keep The Doctors focused on escape rather than thinking about who had collected them from time and why.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: There are usually references to the next Pixar film in the film (Nemo in Monsters, Inc, Mr. Incredible in Nemo, Toy Story 3 bear in Up). Is there anything from Wall-e in Ratatouille?

Answer: When Remy is sneaking through a house, he gets barked at by a dog. You only see the dog's shadow, but it is Dug from Up. Have a look on YouTube, many people have posted it.


Answer: Not in the Ratatouille movie itself, however on the DVD/Blu-ray there is a short about how rats are our friends and there is a sequence about how rats will follow us into space, the driver of one of the shuttles is Wall-E himself.


Question: John Ratzenburger is known as Pixar's lucky charm, appearing in every Pixar movie. (Ham in all the Toy Stories, Underminer in The Incredibles, Mac in Cars). Who does he voice in Ratatouille?

Answer: He voices Mustafa the waiter.


Question: Was there any proof other than Jenny's word that her child was Forrest's child?

Answer: It is implied in many ways, such as the manner in which they sit in front of the TV when they first meet and they way they physically resemble each other. Beyond that, Jenny had never lied to Forrest before and there was no reason to doubt her.


Question: Something I have always wondered. At the end of the movie, Remy has hundreds of rats cooking the food with him. However, Remy is the rat in the whole flock with a real ability to know how to cook. How did all of the rats cook the food with great ability if they have no cooking experience at all? Remy couldn't have taught them all how to cook or what to do for the recipes.

Answer: He doesn't need to teach them every recipe, just give each one specific tasks to do, like assembly-line workers.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: He is taping up the car window that he broke in order to keep some of the winter weather out.


Answer: He taped the door edges so they wouldn't leave fingerprints on the car.

Question: When Mary and Steve are in Mary's apartment, after they meet her ex and she gets drunk, she says that she is a "magnet for unavailable men". Who is she talking about other than Steve? It can't be Mossimo because he is single and actually pursuing Mary.

Answer: Her ex... who was not available since he was in love with another woman and not Mary.


Answer: The role has been taken over by Blake Clark.


That's Show Biz - S10-E1

Question: Talking with stripper Candy Doyle, Potter remarks that he still remembers how she used to spin her tassels and that he is reminded of this every time he sees a C 42 revving up. On the net I do find references to a C40A, a C47 and others, but no reference to an aircraft of the time called a C 42. What would he have been referring to?

Answer: The C-42 was a military variant of the Douglas DC-2. Very few C-42's were built, so it's questionable that Potter would specifically have seen that particular model, but, given his military background, it's not entirely unreasonable that he might use the military designation even when the aircraft in question is actually a civilian DC-2.


Answer: While it obviously cannot be completely discounted, there is currently no evidence to suggest that this is anything other than coincidence.


Question: I was told that some of this movie was actually shot in Rhyl (North Wales). Since the credits on my downloaded movie were cut, I was wondering if you could help me find an answer to my question. Thank you.


Chosen answer: According to IMDb, the movie was shot in Vermont and Rhode Island. No international locations were used.

Shannon Jackson

The ice cream scene (when Irene kicks Hank in the face) is the Ben and Jerry's factory in Waterbury, VT. The train station fight scene at the end is in Burlington, VT.

Question: Why is the hydra able to spit fire, when it suppose to be a water creature?

Answer: Water creature? The Hydra is a MYTHOLOGICAL creature, with many different variations in different stories. She lived in a swamp, had bad breath. This is just another different interpretation of the same Greek myth.


Question: The Millennium Falcon can be seen landing on Coruscant, as it says in the trivia section here. Does anyone know who is supposed to be flying it, seeing how Han is about five to ten years old at this time (and Lando is probably around the same age)?

Answer: According to the book Millennium Falcon, which details the history of the ship, at the time it was known as the Stellar Envoy and was flown by Tobb Jadak and Reeze Duurman, two operatives of a covert group of Senators and Jedi who were concerned about Palpatine's actions in control of the Senate and were seeking to restore Senatorial authority.


Question: Is the actor who played Andy in the first two Toy Story movies the same actor in the third movie?

Answer: Yes, John Morris has reprised his role as Andy for Toy Story 3.


Question: How can Percy and his friends play all the games in the Lotus Hotel casino, when they are still teenagers and the legal age to gamble in Las Vegas is 21?

Answer: Because it's not a real casino. People are lured in then are trapped and drugged by eating the lotus cakes.


Question: I'm fairly positive that one of the African-American female terminated employees, who has a very small but significant role in Up in the Air(trying to avoid spoiling the plot), is Elise Neal. Elise Neal was D.L. Hughley's wife in The Hughleys and also starred in Hustle and Flow. Any reason why she is not credited on the film? and other sites do not list her as a cast member.

Answer: It's not Elise Neal, it is Tamala Jones.


Answer: It is not unusual for actors to appear in films in uncredited cameo roles. There's many reasons. Their appearance is not significant enough to warrant a film credit, it is a surprise for the audience, they do it for fun or as a favor to the director or producer, it avoids contract obligations, and so on.


Question: In the book version the character Lex has short hair that's pushed under her cap. In the film version she has a longish plait. I know that the film makers change many things for many reasons, but does anyone know why they changed this?

Answer: Probably because there was no reason in the plot for Lex to have short hair. It simply did not matter whether it was long, medium, or short; if the actress playing Lex had longer hair, then the film makers must have felt that fit the character just as well as a shorter cut.


Question: Is it true that George Lucas will not let any Star Wars books/media reveal Yoda's species, last name, etc.?

Answer: Yes, it's quite true - for reasons that he's never explained, Lucas has always maintained a strict policy of not allowing any information about Yoda's species to be included in any publications. While he has allowed some details of Yoda's personal history to be revealed, details about the species as a whole, what they call themselves, where their homeworld is, their history and so forth, have been kept under wraps.


Question: What is the name of the last song they dance to at the Christmas dance? I know I've heard it before, but I can't put a name on it.

Jennifer 1

Chosen answer: Auld Lang Syne.


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