Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why does Darth Vader stop Boba Fett from shooting Chewbacca when he's attacking stormtroopers when Hans been put into carbon freeze? Vader kill his own people at will, so why save the enemy?

Answer: Vader's goal is to lure Luke to Bespin by capturing his friends. With Boba Fett taking Han away, that leaves Vader with two hostages. Killing Chewbacca means losing half of his bait. He also thinks he can convince Luke to join the Dark Side and rule the galaxy with him, an easier proposition to pitch if he hasn't killed two of Luke's friends. (Sure, he gave one to a bounty hunter, but then he's got "We can get Han back" as a backup bargaining chip).

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What does Admiral Nelson have in his left shirt pocket?

Answer: Admiral Nelson is puffing on cigars in a few scenes, and his cigars are even a source of dialogue in the film. Specifically, when his quarters catch on fire, the blaze is initially blamed on a lit cigar, to which Nelson angrily replies that he ran out of cigars before the fire ever occurred. So it's a pretty good bet that Nelson was carrying a cigar (or cigars) in his shirt pocket.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: At the end of the film it made it clear that there were not 2 siblings Ryan and Carrie Anne, there was just Carrie Anne that wanted to be a boy called Ryan, so why when Ellise picked up a photo frame did it have a young boy and young girl in the photo?

Answer: SPOILER ALERT: There actually were two siblings at one point, Ryan and Carrie Anne. The young Carrie Anne dies in a swing accident. In the end, we learn in flashback that the parents, who blamed Ryan for Carrie Anne's death, proceed to punish him by making him dress up as Carrie Anne and take her place. When he protests, he is physically abused by his mother. So, it isn't Carrie Anne who wanted to be a boy called Ryan. It is Ryan who was forced to take the role of his dead sister, Carrie Anne. Eventually, in the persona of Carrie Anne, Ryan kills his parents, and proceeds to find women whom he tries to transform into his dead sister.

Michael Albert

Question: Where did Fitzgerald and his partner obtain the two horses which they rode into the fort?


Chosen answer: They stumble over a burnt Indian camp and found the two horses there.


Question: Han's death, seen in Tokyo Drift, is seen here, tying up the threads and the jumping timeline leading into Furious 7. Was it always an option to re-feature that down the line to unite all the movies, or as more sequels were made did the makers just realise there was an opportunity to make use of the event?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: The most logical answer would be that quite a lot of people liked the character Han. Since he dies at the end of "Tokyo Drift" the filmmakers probably came up with the idea of having the movie take place after all the other ones, so as to feature Han in more sequels.


Chosen answer: A good bit of time passes in between when her and Shaggy split up, and many pedestrians on the island were constantly getting possessed, so it's likely that one of the creatures could've just got to her within the passing time.

Question: Throughout the movie you see War Boys making a big deal about Valhalla just before dying in battle, not to mention Nux talking in detail about it, but suddenly it didn't seem important to him before he kills himself. What is the significance of Nux saying "witness me" just before he sacrifices himself?


Chosen answer: Bravery in battle meant everything to the warriors in the film, and dying in battle was glorious and a sure ticket to Valhalla (a warrior's heaven). Nux's words of "witness me" were to let everyone know to remember and talk about his brave sacrifice, so there would be no question to others he died bravely in battle and enter Valhalla.


Lazarus Rising - S4-E1

Question: In this episode after Dean comes back from hell, he and Bobby go see Sam at the hotel. There is a woman with him who says her name is Kristy. It is the girl who's body Ruby later uses. Is this actually Ruby, or the real Kristy?

Terry Foss

Chosen answer: In a later episode, it shows a flashback, revealing that "Krissy" was actually Ruby the whole time. She has possessed the girl beforehand. I think when ruby saw Dean, she started to improvise, which is why Sam was so surprised when the girl told him he got her name wrong. It's because it was really Ruby, and Sam was well aware of that.

Question: Why does Jules tell Brett his name is Pitt or Pete or something like that? He's going to kill him anyway, so why give him a fake name?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: He says "My name's Pitt, and your ass ain't talking your way out of this shit". His real name is Jules. He just says "Pitt" so that is rhymes with "Shit" at the end of the sentence. Tarantino uses this rapping/rhyming technique on multiple occasions. For example, in the bar scene when Jules and Vincent are chatting to the barman in strange clothes, when Vincent shouts at the barman about Mia the barman says "My name's Paul, and this is between y'all". Also in the film 'Kill Bill Volume 1', the rapist/rape coma pimp says "My name's Buck and I like to fuck".

Question: Has anyone else wondered what might have happened if Ivy wasn't helped inside right before the creature came to her? We don't know which elder was dressed up, but what would have happened if the elder/creature got to her first?

Answer: Possibly nothing, the elder in the suit most likely saw Lucius coming to her rescue.


Answer: The Elder would not have harmed her. She would have unknowingly called their bluff. Considering the Elders abhorred violence and created this fantasy world to escape it, they would never physically harm a resident of their community.

Question: Ben has been stung when he was in the forest trying to kill Thomas. How did he get stung? Did a griever come from the maze into the forest? And why was it significant that he got stung during the day?

Answer: Ben was a runner and he was stung by a griever while he and the other runners were exploring the maze, as they did every day, looking for a way out. The maze was always safe as long it was occupied during the daytime. At night, the gates automatically closed, protecting the glade while the grievers roamed the maze's passageways. Anyone caught in the maze at night would be killed. It is significant that Ben was stung during the day because it showed that the stability of the maze, the glade, and the system the boys had been living with was changing in an unexpected and ominous way.


Chosen answer: The actual song is called "The Portrait". It was not included in the original soundtrack. It is, however, on the "Back to Titanic" soundtrack. This piece is the entire song that plays in the scene.

Answer: In the S6 E18, "I, Busybody" Salem got permission from the Witch's Council to be human for one day to meet his pen pal, Roxie. It was all a point of view camera shot.

Chosen answer: No. In the show he was sentenced to 100 years as a cat and only served 25 years at the time of the pilot (all episodes of him being human are flashbacks). The comics did several retcons to change Salem's backstory to fit the show's, and as of 2015, he was still a cat.


Question: When Dianne leaves the Winchester to try to help David, what's the background music that plays in the following battle? Does that song have a name so I could look it up, or is there an original soundtrack where I can find it?

Answer: "Burn Down the Sun" by Daniel Mudford & Pete Woodhead, according to this site: According to, it's not on the soundtrack (as it's just background music).

David R Turner

Question: In the living room scene right after Aykroyd strangles Murphy, there is a shot of the TV right before it cuts to the news and mentions Beeks. The TV looks like it is showing the wedding scene from Coming to America. Is this accurate? Wasn't Coming to America made after Trading Places?

Answer: It is a scene near the end of the movie "To Catch a Thief." They are in the French Riviera attending the Sanford gala costume ball. It was made in 1955 and starred Cary Grant and Grace Kelly.

Answer: What Jamie Lee Curtis is watching is an old movie - it appears to be a colorized film from the 1930s, with the characters being at a ball during the French Revolution. Screenshot: I cannot, however, find any images online to confirm where it came from, but it seems that Marie Antoinette (1938) may be the movie.

David R Turner

Question: If I am correct, this movie takes place three years after "A New Hope." Why does Obi-Wan just now appear to Luke and tell him to begin training with Yoda? Why not send him to Yoda right after the Death Star was destroyed?

Answer: With all the running from and attacking the Empire that Luke has been doing the past three years, near-dying in a snowstorm might be the first time Luke's been alone and at peace enough for Obi-Wan's spirit to reach him.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What is the music track that plays during the scene where Donnie is talking to Frank in the bathroom inter-cut with the teacher complaining about the book being read to the students?


Chosen answer: Song: Manipulated Living. Composer: Michael Andrews.

Question: I've never understood at the end when Tuck and his ex are walking in slo-mo, he puts his hand on the small of her back and she reacts to that. It then shows him confused and he looks down at his hand. Why? What was that all about?


Chosen answer: I would think that she was leaving the impression that while she was interested in reconciling with Tuck, it wasn't going to be an overnight thing.They were going to have to take it slowly.


Answer: Answer: Rus in Latin means country or land. The whole movie was based on winning freedom. Fighting and dying to win them their home, their country. Arturius chooses Britain as his land and his countrymen to defend. So Rus in this context, being they are Roman, their battle cry means 'for country', not Rome but Britain. For home.

The Rus were Viking/Slavs with beginnings in Kiev.

Yes, but they arrived in Kiev in the 9th century and this movie is set in the 5th.

Answer: He must have ridden in an Eaton's store elevator while he was in Canada at some point. For some reason, this elevator reminds him of it. The show's original concept had Solo being a Canadian, so this may be a minor nod to that fact.


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