Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Is Evana Lynch British? I know that all the people in the films are supposed to be British, but I don't hear much of an accent at all on Luna.

Answer: She's Irish.


Question: So is the loophole used to get Chazz and Jimmy back into the figure skating arena actually in the Olympic Pairs skating rules somewhere?

Answer: It wasn't really a loopole in the rules of figure skating that they found. When the two were banned from figure skating, the board specified that the two were banned from singles skating. Therefore they would be able to skate as doubles, since it wasn't a general ban from figureskating as a whole. But no, doubles skating rules specify the pair must be a man and a woman.

Ian Mugford

Answer: The loophole isn't that they are a male-male team. The loophole is that the rules stated that a lifetime ban from the sport is only valid for the skaters division in which they were banned. So as long as they do pairs skating male-male or male-female, they can compete again, but all real competitions state that it has to be a male-female pair.

Question: Near the end of the film, when McClane, his daughter Lucy, and the hacker Matt Farrell are about to leave in the ambulance, there is a sign with the number 5 hanging out of a warehouse in the background - does this mean there will be a Die Hard 5?

Allister Cooper, 2011

Chosen answer: Looks like a standard 5 mph speed sign to me. You can't read too much into that. In addition though, Bruce Willis has already stated in a few interviews that he'd be more than happy to do another one.


Question: How was Blackout (the Helicopter Decepticon) killed, exactly? I understand he noticed the humans sneaking up on him when catching a glimpse of their laser targets, but even compared to the other robots he seemed to fall pretty abruptly.

Answer: The lasers targeted Blackout in the same manner as they targeted Megatron. The Air Force used guided munitions to take out Blackout. The soldiers assisted the AF by shooting him with smaller sabot rounds to take him down a little quicker, that's all.


Chosen answer: Her boyfriend, who never appeared in the movie.

Jason Riley

Question: Anyone know how he got into Noah's office towards the end? I saw him go up the stairs, but it appears he would need a key card to get in without breaking anything.

Answer: Knowing Bourne, he must have had a keycard on his person. Remember that Landy guided Bourne back to the CIA New York Headquarters; she could have easily slipped a keycard in the Taxi Cab when Bourne was being picked up at the airport. All he would have to do then is avoid being detected by using the fire exits (hence going through the back).

Jason Riley

Question: Is the "Fire Sale" procedure used in this movie a real-world idea or just a movie creation? Could it ever happen?

Answer: It is strictly hypothetical and most likely couldn't happen without having many, many insiders and the best hackers in the world, but even then, who knows if that could be probable in a "Post 9/11" climate.

Jason Riley

Show generally

Question: In the episode where Will works as a waiter and dresses up as a pirate, another waiter tells Uncle Phil that the parrot he (Uncle Phil) is wearing is on his left shoulder. What does he mean?

Answer: It has to do with the fact that when males get one ear pierced, the left means they are straight and the right supposedly means they are gay.


Question: What are Palpatine and Dooku's first names?

Answer: Palpatine's first name was Sheev. Dooku is a mononym, like Cher or Madonna.


Answer: Dantius Palpatine and Jard Dooku, although these are only given in non-official documentation.


Question: After Alex finds his father and is driving back home, we see a scene from the hospital, where Lara (or another nurse?) is talking to Alex's mother and telling her that the Berlin Wall collapsed, and that Germany is united. But later, Alex's mother acts like she's unaware of this, and Alex himself also states that she never knew the truth. Why?

Answer: Lara did indeed tell Alex's mother the truth. Realizing how much her son had done for her, she left him with the illusion that she never found out. The audience knows better.


Question: When the people in the military base channel the All Spark to create a Transformer, it is evil and tries to shoot them; and the Transformers that Sam creates from machines in the city by accident also appear to attack the humans around them. If the All Spark can only create evil Transformers then where did the good ones come from?


Chosen answer: I don't think we have enough information to say that it only creates evil transformers. I think it would be more accurate to say that it creates transformers that ACT bad, which could be because they don't know the difference yet. There is a difference between amoral and immoral. Amoral creatures don't know the difference and could then do a lot of bad things in their excitement for being created. Immoral creatures do bad things because they know they're bad. Alternatively the transformers are actually evil because they're interacting with earth technology, all of which was derived from Megatron who's very much evil already.


Question: In J. Jonah Jameson's office there are several front pages framed on his wall, including one that says "Doc Ock still at large". I know it was from Spider-Man 2, but is its inclusion here a clue to his return in a possible fourth of fifth movie?

Answer: Not really. As far as the authorities are concerned, Doc Ock IS still at large. Only Spider-man and Mary Jane know he died.

Question: Who is the actor is that originally played Joe in the MTV short?

Answer: Looks like Mark Rosenthal.

Andrea Hartley

Question: Are Indiana Jones and his father immortal at the end of the movie or does the grail's power become null and void when it crosses the seal? The knight said something like "The grail cannot cross the seal, that is the price of immortality." That makes it sound like they are not immortal at the end but I still want to check.


Chosen answer: They're not, no. An individual doesn't become immortal after one drink - it requires them to drink regularly in order to remain alive. So neither Jones has been rendered immortal, merely healed of any wounds that they might have. But your surmise is basically correct - as the Grail cannot leave the shrine, any individual wishing to use it to prolong their life must stay there if they wish to enjoy its effects.


Also, in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull, Henry Jones, Sr has passed away before the start of the story and therefore was not immortal.


Question: On the 2nd Disc, there is an interview with director Alfonso Cuaron and J.K. Rowling. In the interview, Rowling states that Cuaron unknowingly put some clues in the movie that foreshadow events that happen in books 6 an 7. I have read books 6 and 7 and I re-watched the movie, but I still have no idea what clues Rowling was referring to. Could someone please fill me in?


Chosen answer: Semi-spoilers, but just a few things that I noticed: Lupin speaking about Lily, saying that she saw the good in anyone, Hermione and Ron's little "moments" which were much more plentiful than in the 3rd book, and Snape protecting Harry from the werewolf when he could have run. I'm sure there might be more, but also keep in mind that between the making of this movie and the release of the final books, JKR did change/edit several things so some "clues" might foreshadow things that never made it into the books.

Question: So is the loophole used to get Chazz and Jimmy back into the figure skating arena actually in the Olympic Pairs skating rules somewhere?

Answer: No. International Skating Union regulations clearly states that the pair has to be a man and a woman.


That wasn't the loophole. The loophole was that a ban is only good for the division where the skater was banned. If they were banned in singles, they could still compete in pairs.

Question: Could someone please explain the goat in Xerxes' 'sex room' (for lack of a better word). The scene before Xerxes offers the hunchback Ephialtes everything, this scene begins with a shot of a goat with human hands playing an instrument and (I believe) smoking something. Does Xerxes have a goat fetish or something? Could someone kindly explain this for me.

Answer: The scene is meant to show that Xerxes has exotic creatures/slaves from every corner of the world. In the reality of the film, a goat-headed musician would certainly qualify.

Question: How is it that Gabriella is not spotted by Sharpay when the former hides in the toilet doing her solo rehearsal for "Breaking Free"? When Sharpay leaves, Gabriella just appears from behind a wall, a place which Sharpay just passed and would have noticed her.

Answer: I think it's implied that Gabriella was hiding in a stall with the door closed and then appeared after she heard Sharpay leave.

Answer: Well it supposed to be the point that Sharpay doesn't notice that she is right there. When I first saw it I didn't understand it either. But it is just meaning that Gaberiella wasn't supposed to be caught, so she moved out of the way and hid so Sharpay wouldn't see her.


That makes no sense.

Question: Can someone please explain the prophecy?

Answer: Sure. The whole prophecy, taken from the books, reads as follows: "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...". Thus stating that the person who will be able to defeat Voldemort will be born at the end of July, to parents who have escaped Voldemort on three occasions - this applies to Harry, born on July 31st, and also to Neville Longbottom, born the previous day. It states that Voldemort will mark his enemy, which occurs when Harry was a year old, when Voldemort failed to kill him, leaving him with his scar - the deciding event that determined that Harry was the subject of the prophecy. The power "that the Dark Lord has not" is believed to refer to Harry's capacity for love, which Voldemort lacks entirely. Finally, the "neither can live while the other survives" section is fairly straight-forward; only one of the pair will live, the other must die - the interpretation being that one must kill the other.


Question: Perhaps is was my fanboy imagination, but was Peter Cullen the actor playing Barricade's hologram driver?

Answer: Actually no, Barricade was played by an uncredited actor. Here is a picture of Peter Cullen:

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