Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What year does this movie take place?

Answer: There's not really an answer, because the film has sort-of a nebulous timeframe given its cartoon-like atmosphere. Ex. Everything is old fashioned in design, including architecture and clothing, but current technology is also present. It's not really meant to take place in the "real world" or a specific timeframe, so much as be a silly throwback to old comedies and especially old Laurel and Hardy films. So, the best answer to your question would be that it just sort of exists in its "own" time, so to speak - an amalgam of different time periods all put together for maximum comedy impact.


Adding to this, the Wikipedia page on this movie states that... "The film is set in a humorously indeterminate 20th-century time period, with styles ranging from the 1940s to the 1990s."

Quantom X

"Mouse Hunt" was not modeled on 1930s Laurel and Hardy films so much as it was a direct retread of 1940s "Herman and Catnip" and "Tom and Jerry" cartoons, which spawned many knock-offs over the decades, from "Coyote and Roadrunner" cartoons to live-action comedies such as "Home Alone" and others.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Why did Delores not wear the head cover of the habit in the end when they sing for the pope? Her hair is fully visible and she is wearing loop earrings.

Answer: She was never a real nun and there was no longer a reason for her to be in full disguise as one. She is still close to the other sisters, and therefore is partially clad in a nun's habit, for the concert, but she is also showing her secular side.


Question: What would the people outside of the wall gain by destroying the whole city? It was WCKD they were after, right?

Answer: It's not so much that the rebels gain anything by destroying the city, it's just that they are untrained and driven by rage. They do not act as a military unit, they act more like a mob. They lack the discipline to strike only enemy combatants and instead cause chaos in the entire city. The point is that the rebels are acting no better, and in fact quite a bit worse, than the infected do.


Question: When Julie says, "Please, please tell me we have different fathers!", does that mean she wishes Ren was never part of her family, as it suggests in the first half of the film? (01:11:55 - 03:13:50)

Answer: It's just something someone says to a sibling when they're annoyed, angered, or disgruntled with them for some reason. It's like saying you hope you were adopted because your family embarrasses you.


Question: Why is Leanne driving on the wrong side of the car on her way to pick up Mike at the laundromat after he ran off?

Answer: Because you're seeing her in the reflection of the window and thus you see a reverse (or mirror) image (i.e. the camera is pointed toward the window and not the car).


Question: When fixing up and preparing the house defenses, why is Neville so pressed for time? What type of preparing does he do?

Answer: He has to make sure that he's back at his home with plenty of time to lock everything down, sound proof the establishment, and make sure no lights are visible from the outside. His place of residence has to appear like any other place in New York at the time as deserted and with nobody there. If the Night Stalkers saw any evidence at all that that was where he was living, they would attack like they do later in the film. Neville is military trained, so punctuality and having a set schedule to do things is pretty well ingrained into him now. And by giving himself plenty of time and room for error, he can take care of any contingencies that arise and any repairs to make sure everything is ready before the creatures come out.

Quantom X

Neville also uses gallons of chemicals (possibly chlorine bleach) every afternoon to cover his scent in the immediate vicinity of his home. Apparently, the Night Stalkers and their dogs have a keen sense of smell, particularly for uninfected humans.

Charles Austin Miller

I yeah, that too. I forgot about that. Though in fairness that wasn't really explained in the movie. But a lot of stuff from the comics was left out of the movie as well.

Quantom X

Answer: We aren't told for certain, but it was most likely before the events of the first "Guardians of the Galaxy" film.


Question: What kind of car did Steve drive to the dinner date with Stella? (01:00:00)

Answer: 2002 Aston Martin Vanquish.


Answer: The "real world" answer is that it's a movie, and without Trunchbull, there's no villain at the school for Matilda to battle. Within the context of the film, everyone, including the staff, is afraid of her and fear if they speak up, she'll retaliate.

Answer: They would have been simply too afraid of the Trunchbull to report her.

Question: Why didn't Eli want the hijacker leader to touch him?

Answer: Anyone experienced with hand to hand combat knows not to allow an opponent to lay hands on him. That almost always leads to escalation.

I thought he was simply defending himself since the hijacker leader, along with the other hijackers were probably dangerous men.

He probably considered the hijacker leader an opponent due to the way he was threatening him.

Answer: The hijacker messed up because he let Eli know exactly where he was and how close he was.

Question: How did Penguin assemble his gang if he had never left the sewers?

Answer: He's left the sewers before. In a scene where Bruce is reading through old articles, the film itself blatantly implies that at one point in his life, he was taken in by a traveling circus and advertised as the "aquatic bird boy", which is where he met most of his gang. He retreated back to the sewers after children went missing, and he was blamed. The implication being that he either kidnapped or killed children out of rage for having what he never had - a family.


Question: Seems like a petty, trivial question, but it has been bugging me. Throughout the film, events that are taking place on one level have a profound impact on the the level below. One example is the scene with Arthur fighting the with the 'bad guys' while floating without gravitational pull. This is a result of the van being in mid air in the 1st level. How come Nolan chose this approach? It's like saying that if we sleep during a flight, we will definitely dream that we are in the air. Or if we get slapped while dreaming, we will be tossed aside aggressively. We all know that is not the case. There isn't such a direct connection between what happens in reality and what happens in a dream. Seems to me that Nolan traded the integrity of the whole dream eco system for some stunning visuals. Or am I very wrong?


Answer: Dreams can be and are often influenced by what's happening around us. There's been plenty of research on the topic and some interesting findings. Yes, Nolan exaggerates it for the purpose of drama, but it's based on reality to some extent. You also have to remember, the film's rules establish that the deeper levels of dreams are quite different, what with time being greatly extended, the subconscious playing a bigger role, etc. So it'd stand to reason that smaller things in the level above would have a large and consistent impact on lower levels, since it'd be messing with your mind. Also, and most importantly... it's a sci-fi movie. It can alter the rules of reality a bit for the sake of the story being told.


Thanks a lot TedStixon. You've put my mind at ease :).

Answer: The exact date of the rematch between Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed is never mentioned, however it is known to have taken place in November of 1976. Rocky, Jr. was born on November 5, 1976. It is not clear how long Adrian was in a coma after Rocky, Jr.'s birth but it can be assumed to be at the very least several hours. It could be as long as a few days. It's long enough that several people tell Rocky he should go home and get rest but he refuses. So at the most, Rocky only has about 3 weeks to seriously train for the fight assuming the fight is held at the very end of November. If the fight is closer to the beginning of November, it could be as little as a few days.


The fight was on Thanksgiving. Apollo says it in the press conference.

Answer: The idea being Peter is so dumb as to not understand Stuart Little was the name of the mouse, but Peter was still able to follow the plot of Brian's Play.


Question: Why did everyone completely ignore Penguin biting a man's nose off?


Answer: He didn't bite it off, but almost. The people in the room are all just power and money hungry, they decide to ignore it in hopes to keep their job.


Answer: The same reason real-world employees might not say anything if their boss is abusive or inappropriate - they want to stay quiet and keep their jobs. Best not rock the boat, so to speak. Also, both Penguin and Max Shreck are very influential people - not exactly the sort of people you'd want to mess with or contest. Hence, everyone sort-of just ignores what happened and continues on with their day.


Question: How does the T Rex get to the visitors center at the end of the movie after Ellie turns the power back on?


Answer: After Nedry turns the power off to the fences, the T-Rex is free to leave its paddock. Even though some fences remained on during Nedry's absence, they were all turned off accidentally when the system was rebooted. At this point the T-Rex could have gone literally anywhere it wanted. By the time Ellie turns all the fences back on, the T-Rex is already roaming around the area that houses the visitor center.


When Tim gets zapped, it was Ellie turning on the perimeter fence, if I am not mistaken.Then we hear the T. Rex roar inside the perimeter fence. Is the visitor center inside the perimeter fence? Otherwise how did the T. Rex get through? Did she already knock holes in the fence possibly?

The implication is that the T. Rex is already in the area. Whether she got there by a hole created earlier or just before the fence is turned back on is not clear. The fencing that Tim is shocked by is the main perimeter fence. The visitor center is located on the west coast of the island and is separated from the actual park by the giant wooden gate and perimeter fencing. For a map, visit here:


Answer: There were several minutes before the electrical fence turned on. Between the fence perimeter sounding and Laura Dern flipping the switch, the T-Rex could have gone through.

Answer: On his home planet he ignored the rising population, causing a catastrophe that killed it. He won't have that again.


Answer: The time he allowed the leaders of his homeworld Titan to make the decision not to act on the overpopulation problems. Thanos sat by as the leaders (in his mind) did nothing and the planet was brought to ruin.


Answer: When the mammoth numbers diminished, D'leh's father (the chieftain) left on a quest to find new hunting grounds in order to feed the tribe. Not knowing the true nature of his quest, many tribesmen thought the chieftain left because he was a coward, which was a source of anxiety and guilt for D'leh. Later in the movie, it is learned that D'leh's father was captured by slavers and died as a slave.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: What did Windu mean when he said "We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku?"

Answer: He means he and the other Jedi will not let themselves be captured and held for ransom or used as leverage against the Republic.

Quantom X

Show generally

Question: Why do the robot heads get attached to human bodies?? Doesn't make sense when you consider how much more advanced they could make robot bodies for such. Also, why not put human brains in robot bodies? We know they have that ability.


Answer: From what I'm seeing, the answer seems simple. The robotic heads allow the control of the body they need. However, no mater how advanced you make a robot's body, it will never quite be as flexible and versatile in it's movements and actions as a flesh and blood human body can be in most cases. And if they do put the effort into creating a robotic body with the capabilities they need, and be durable enough to last... it would cost a lot of money. The Cluster has a large influx of constant prisoners that they use for feeding the Lexx and other needs, so human bodies are easy to come by and in vast quantities. Them simply producing robotic heads with the ability to interface with the human nervous system and placing them on the decapitated bodies of expendable prisoners is a hell of a lot more cost effective and easier to do with the technology they have. It's just a cheaper, more effective option for them to have thousands fo 790 Units in production and use without the cost of manufacturing a fully functional and durable robotic body for them.

Quantom X

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