Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What really happened to Ashley Judd's parents and why did Samuel L Jackson do what he did? Also, why did he start killing again? Was he planning on killing Ashley Judd as well?

Answer: He killed the parents because the mother was sleeping around and it was driving the father insane. He began killing Ashley Judd's lovers because he could see she was becoming like her mother.

Chosen answer: He is an architect.


Answer: Why was there a diver in the water at the end? Looking for someone's body?

The tide came in and took David's body away. The divers were trying to retrieve it.

No, the end was altered over the years. "Mandela effect" and all proof wiped out. The end has the family walk out to nobody.

Answer: Of course he is an architect -dontcha know everyone that lives in Seattle is! (according to movies that is).

Question: Is there any particular reason why Miranda wasn't in the movie? Did the director think she would interfere with the romance between Gordo and Lizzie, or was it for a different reason?

Answer: I think the actress that played Miranda left the show just before it was cancelled. Lizzie in the last few episodes said that Miranda went to Mexico to visit family. Most likely the actress didn't want to be in the movie either.

Epiphany - S2-E16

Question: If Angel didn't experience a "Moment of Perfect Happiness" from his night with Darla, why does he go through the same motions he went through from losing his soul before?

Answer: Due to his epiphany, Angel basically had the 'true darkness' he worked so hard to reattain ripped away from him, like his soul was after sleeping with Buffy.

Question: When Harry and Sirius are being attacked by the Dementors at the lake, Harry sees a glowing stag across the water. When Harry wakes up in the infirmary he says that he saw his father. Since his parents were killed when he was just a baby, how could he have known that the stag was his fathers animagi?

Answer: This is better answered by the book. Apparently each person has a different animal or shape that appears when they use the patronas spell. Professor Lupin (maybe Sirius) told Harry in the book that his father's patronas or shape was the White Stag. When Harry and Sirius were being attacked by the Dementors, Harry thought the White Stag Patronas was his father come back to save them. He only realized later that his own patronas was also a White Stag like his father.

Mark English

Question: When Mrs. Clackett tells Flavia that the bed hasn't been aired, Flavia says, "I'll get a hot water bottle." What is the hot water bottle for?


Chosen answer: Hot water bottles were used to warm the sheets and take the "staleness" out of sheets that have not been used in a while.

Mark English

Question: Why did it take so long for the Alien to burst out of the Predator? One burst out of Adele almost immediately upon her waking but it took about half an hour for it to happen to the Predator.

Answer: As mentioned in another correction, the aliens were genetically engineered for fast "hatching" and growth, with a human host. It is not unthinkable that the predator's different anatomy/biochemistry made it harder for the chestburster to develop inside it.


Question: I'm not sure if this could be a plot hole or not, but did Jonathan Rivers ever come under suspicion in any of the deaths that he happened to encounter?

Answer: The cop thought he was a suspect, Rivers knows this because when the officer asks him if he is going home whilst at the hospital, he replies with "I'm not leaving town, if that's what you're thinking."


Question: In the party scene there is a guy talking about a scream in a song which is actually a woman being murdered. Does anyone know the full story or any more details about this urban legend?


Chosen answer: The song is 'Love Rollercoaster' by the Ohio Players. All the details on this story can be found at Snopes website


Question: When Jet Li and his wife are in their house after he gets shot after meeting his alter ego that first time, they speak Chinese. what are they saying?


Chosen answer: After he says he will go to the hospital, his wife says "ni shuo de" which simply means "you said so" (so now he has to do it).


Show generally

Question: Why does the USAF pronounce the word 'lieutenant' as 'loo-tenant' whilst the RAF and RAAF pronounce it 'lef-tenant'? I realise there are different spellings between countries (aluminium and aluminum, for example) but the word lieutenant is spelled identically in the US and UK, yet still pronounced differently. What's the specific reason for the different pronunciation of this word?

Answer: No-one seems 100% sure. The closest we can get seems to be that the spelling and pronunciation evolved differently - the current spelling comes from the French - lieu tenant = place holder, ie. someone who acts in place of an absent superior. The pronunciation appears to have derived from English ears hearing the "w" sound in the French pronunciation as something closer to a V or F (certainly possible if older French pronunciation was anything like, say, modern German, where words such as "wunderbar" are pronounced "vunderbar"). This site ( quotes some examples from the 12th century onwards of English spelling, with the first syllable varying between "luff", "lieve", and "Leif". The French spelling seems to have eventually become the standard, but the mis-pronunciation remained, possibly as it was so widely used already. When America declared independence they made an effort to shed many effects of English influence (such as gradually switching to driving on the right). Noah Webster (of dictionary fame) encouraged the independent development of American English, and came up with the American Spelling Book, which pushed spellings and pronunciations in the US rapidly towards their current forms, including the more literal pronunciation of the word "lieutenant".

Jon Sandys

Show generally

Question: In the pilot episode, the pregnant girl looks over at the bald man and he opens his mouth to reveal something bright orange. What was that?

Answer: He was eating a peice of an orange with the skin still on.


Answer: No, it is maracuya. You will see Locke eating maracuya in the following episodes as well.

Question: Something I really don't understand about the ending. Riggs is looking over his former wife's grave when his beeper tells him that Lorna is expecting their baby. He races to the hospital and there she is about to give birth. So who drove Lorna to the hospital? Can't have been Riggs as he wouldn't have left at a time of need just to see his wife's grave. Doubtful that Lorna drove herself, and no relatives were there (as we see at the end). So what other explanation is there?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: She could have taken a taxi or an ambulance, or even driven herself. A neighbor or friend could have taken her who didn't stay after she was admitted. She might have already been at the hospital for any number of reasons - doctor's appointment, already admitted for bed rest prior to labor, etc. etc. etc.


Question: If Donnie was supposed to die anyway, why did Frank call him out of his house at the beginning? Please don't say it was his schizophrenia and the fact that he is "prone to wander at night", because it IS Frank who calls him out, he doesn't get up on his own.

Answer: Frank calls Donnie out because the airplane engine has fallen through a portal into an alternate universe, and at some point during his sleepwalk Frank guides Donnie through another portal to move him to the alternate universe (from the movie theatre we know that Frank can make portals at will). Frank appoints Donnie to be the guardian of the engine and make sure it falls through the alternate universe's portal into the original universe. Donnie cannot be allowed to die until the engine is escorted into the second portal, but if he dies before then the engine never reaches the second portal and remains in the alternate universe, causing the original universe to unravel. Once he and the engine return, he must die because his experiences of the alternate universe predict the future, potentially causing paradoxes.


Question: In the scene where Steve & Jimmy are being chased by the 2 alien fighters, Jimmy says "I'm gonna try something" and his plane rises up. Steve shouts "Jimmy, you cant fake at that speed". Jimmy's plane begins to turn to the left and drift sideways before he eventually gets shot down. What maneuver was Jimmy trying to do & why did he start to have trouble breathing when he attempted this?

Answer: He doesn't say you can't "fake" at that speed. He says you can't "bank" at that speed. Steve and Jimmy are flying at close to the speed of sound. At that speed, banking an F/A-18 would cause very bad things to happen to the pilot and airplane, including incredibly high g-forces which would make it difficult for Jimmy to breathe.


Question: Why would Del Spooner have to exercise his left arm at the beginning of the day, does it need physiotherapy?

Answer: YES! Because his left arm is not quite human and has not been used for some time while he slept, he has to keep the electrical parts flowing (being connected to his fleshly nerves) for it to fully function.

keith summers

Question: What was the total worldwide gross of Predator 1, and then Predator 2? Sorry but imdb doesn't have worldwide takings for either.

Answer: Worldwide Gross for Predator 1 is $190,534,137, and Worldwide Gross for Predator 2 is $57,169,413.


Question: Was this movie released theatrically? I know "Tremors 3" and "Tremors 4" were not, but what about this one? Also, is there plans to release "Tremors: The Series" on DVD?

Answer: According to IMDb it was released directly to video. According to Tremors fan sites, SciFi channel currently doesn't plan to release the series on DVD.


Question: Can somebody please tell me all of the celebrity cameos throughout the film and where?

Answer: David Hasselhoff plays the coach of the German dodgeball team. William Shatner plays the host of the game. Chuck Norris plays the third judge. Lance Armstrong plays himself, and he was actually afflicted by cancer in the way he describes. I believe he says in the film he won the Tour de France 5 times since - that's now increased to six. A real dodgeball player, Tobias 'Sniper' McKinney played for the German Blitzkreig team.

Gavin Jackson

Question: I wonder, in what year is the movie set?

Answer: According to the opening text, the initial battle takes place in the winter of 180AD.


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