Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What are the other inmates on death row for?

Answer: Wild Bill is condemned for murdering people during a robbery. John is there for the twin girls. In the book, Arlen Bitterbuck was there for murdering a man over a pair of boots and Del was there for arson, rape and murder.

Answer: Lilith had an affair with one of her colleagues.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Has any reason ever been given for Gambit's absence from all the X-men movies? He's an interesting and cool character and is a fan favorite, so why leave him out?

Answer: They actually were going to put in a quick scene in X2 that showed Gambit reacting when Jason is targetting all of the mutants, and if you look on the screen of the computer when Mystique is in Stryker's office, figuring out where Magneto is being held, you can see Gambit's real name flash on screen. But why he didn't appear can simply be summed up with "It just didn't happen." They seem to use the mutants that help out the story that they are trying to tell, and Gambit doesn't really stand out in a number of ways. In ability, he's quite similar to Cyclops and in attitude, he's very much like Wolverine.


Pilot (2) - S1-E2

Question: We know that Cindy the flight attendant ends up with the "tailies." It took about a minute or two for the plane to break apart from the first time turbulence hit. The bathroom was near the front of the plane. We know this because when Charlie went with Jack and Kate to look for the cockpit, the bathroom was not very far away. How was she able to reach the back of the plane so quickly after pounding on the lavatory door when Charlie was snorting his heroine when the really bad turbulence hit?

Answer: She could have lost her balance and thrown to the floor when the plane was broken apart she was probably sucked into the tail.


Show generally

Question: How can Flanders afford stuff like a huge boat and a motorhome if he doesn't make a lot of money?

Answer: From time to time he has explained his above average income has come from a variety of reasons. First of all he has mentioned from time to time of other business ventures he has been involved. At one time he was doing advertisements when he shaved his moustache and another he was trading in religious website store. Secondly the Leftorium that he runs has had his highs and lows which would explain why he can sometimes afford more expensive items. Thirdly he seems to be quite clever when it comes to saving and business. For example he showed Homer about the Mega Savers course that showed about how to buy more expensive items at lower prices.


And he was once a successful pharmacist. He says so when he burns his tie announcing the Leftorium.

Question: What exactly is Frollo's position of authority?

Answer: He's a judge.


Answer: More specifically, he is the Minster of Justice, the highest judicial position in France at the time.

Question: What are the meanings of the random French words that Del uses throughout the movie? When Percy is chasing the mouse, he calls him a dumb something. (I don't want to put it here because it might be profane.) And when talking about who will take care of Mr. Jingles, referring to Dean's son, he says "He just a boy, n'est-ce pas?"

Answer: In the example you gave he says "He's just a boy, isn't he?"


Question: Would the guards have made up a reason to move a death row inmate out of death row so the inmate wouldn't have to watch the guards do a runthrough of his execution?

Answer: Most likely that would be the reason. As the guards explain to Percy in one of the scenes that the best course of action to take with death row inmates to keep things as calm and relaxed as possible. This way they don't have to worry about upsetting the inmate.


Show generally

Question: Why do the characters in this show, and other animated shows, always wear the same clothes and have just a few different outfits (ex: Marge's regular green dress and her Sunday dress)? Wouldn't most fans be able to recognize the characters even if they did wear different clothes in each episode?

Answer: They do this to make it easier to draw the thousands of cells they need to make a cartoon.


Question: I once heard that there's a shell somewhere in the movie that has a profanity written on it. Is this true?

Answer: Yet another Disney urban legend.


Question: What was the point of having all the girls at the camp march to the isolation cabin with Hallie and Annie?

Answer: The girls are mostly going out of curiosity, and it's an opportunity to further humiliate and mock Hallie and Annie for being punished. Kids can be mean that way.


Answer: To produce pressure by letting the girls be the reason everyone else had to go on that long, exhausting hike. The other girls being allowed to go back to their usual activities was a reward. There are also collateral effects of the other girls seeing Hallie and Annie punished. Even if they weren't humiliated as punishment, the other girls would be made to know their fate.

Question: In the trivia section it says that an extra scene was after the credits. What was it about?

Answer: Kate, Roland, Wat and Chaucer having a farting contest.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Right before Kiddo is accepted under Pai Mei, she asks when she will see Bill again. Bill's response to the question is it's the title to his favorite 70s soul song. What song is he refering to?

Answer: It wasn't his response. She says "When will I see you again?" - He is saying that "When Will I See You Again" is the name of his favorite 70's soul song, not that the answer to her question is his favorite song. Confusing at first, I know.


Question: I didn't completely understand when V asks for Evey's help and says he needs someone with theatrical abilities. Then it shows the scene where Evey comes in as the woman for the priest. When she is warning him about V, is she acting or is she really trying to get help from him? I figured it was real because she didn't go back to V, she went to Gordon's house.

Answer: The "acting ability" V needed was to convince the priest that she was there "for" him. The confession and warning were real and not planned by V. That's why he abducts her later, so she'll lose her fear and won't be tempted to do something like that again.


Question: What does the "JAS" in Hook's "JAS Hook, Captain" signature on the ransom note stand for? Is it possibly Hook's true name? (Going off of the Q&A about his name posted here).

Answer: Jas is simply an older three-letter abbreviation for the name James. Was also used in Peter Pan creator J. M. Barrie's short story, "Jas. Hook at Eton" - a reference to the fact that James Hook might have been an Old Etonian, due to the fact that he has a tattoo of the crest of England's Eton College on his chest.


Question: So what was so important about those specific 1000 souls in the contract?

Answer: It wasn't the souls themselves, it was the fact that there were so many on a single contract. By stealing it, the ghost rider robbed Mephistopholes of not one, but one-*thousand* souls.


Question: What is the crazy church or religion that Borat goes to where people are running around the hall and talking in a strange language? What language are they talking in and why do they look so agressive? What's with all the running around with hands in the air?


Chosen answer: This was the Mississippi United Pentecostal Church annual camp meeting of 2006. "The power of Jesus" compels many people to sing, dance, far as the weird language, it's known as "speaking in tongues" and is generally incoherent to the casual observer. The hands in the air is a symbol of someone literally "lifting" themselves and their hearts to Jesus in worship and prayer. It's all simply an expression of their faith and religious beliefs, nothing more.


Question: When Tesla first tests the 'machine', the original hat stays in place, while the copies appear in the woods. Does this mean that whenever Hugh Jackman's character uses the machine during his show, he is actually sending a copy of himself up into the balcony, and sending himself to drown below the stage? If this is so, the implication would be that the 'copies' contain every memory, etc. of the original Hugh, up to and including the point at which the copies are made.

Answer: Tesla himself suggests the mechanism is not so much "a copy" as "a pair of duplicates." Neither is the original and neither is a copy. They are both the same individual, there are just two of then now. One got teleported and the other did not. Admittedly, it requires a pretty abstract point of view to understand it.


Answer: Angier states himself as he is dying that it took courage for him to step into his machine every night, because he didn't know if he'd be the one that ends up drowning or the one that ends up in the prestige. So the teleportation/cloning is entirely random.


Answer: Nope, Jennifer Aniston doesn't have children, it was all prosthetics although it did look really good.


Show generally

Question: In one episode, Tim's mother says that she raised five boys. Three of those are Tim, Jeff, and Marty, but what do we know about the other two? There's another episode where Randy mentions his uncle that doesn't talk to their family anymore.

Answer: Tim's other brothers are named Rick and Steve. They never appeared on the show, and were only mentioned in passing.

Cubs Fan

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