Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How did Antiope know Diana cheated? Why allow her to compete in this contest if she wasn't allowed to train, at first, in the previous movie?


Answer: The competitors had to light up the cloth banner beacons using their bows and arrows. Diana finished the course but missed one blue beacon by taking the cave shortcut, so the general grabs her and disqualifies her.

Answer: In the first movie, Diana was much younger and unready to start combat training. In the second movie, the flashback scene takes place some years after that, and Diana has since grown and been in training. During the competition, there were observers along the entire course to ensure that everyone followed the rules, attended to any mishaps, etc. If anyone cheated or failed to complete the required tasks, it would immediately be reported to Antiope.


Question: After losing his temper on TV, Bruce is being thrown out of the building because he was fired. Why, later in the movie, would Bruce be allowed back in since he no longer works for the news studio?

Answer: They most likely called him and invited him back in to get the scoop. Before another network gets him.


Question: At the end of the movie, what did the boy say to his mom before shooting a toy dart at Jack's head?

Answer: "Up yours, you mother!"


Answer: Batman later in the game discovers that Hugo Strange has been supplying everybody with weapons, so he would have given Two-Face the vat of acid.

Question: I know that Boba was the only clone of Jango that wasn't modified. But was he the first Jango clone ever created?

Answer: Yes, Boba was the first clone of Jango Fett. This is confirmed in the Topps Star Wars Card Trader trading card series which includes canon details on many Star Wars characters.


Question: Where is the electricity coming from? Surely all power plants would be out of commission after more than a year. Gas powered generators would be too noisy and alert the creatures.

Answer: There are shots in the film in which we can see solar panels attached to the roofs of the buildings, so this is where it comes from.

Question: Why did Jenny's grandmother take Jenny into her home, but not the sisters?

Answer: Some possibilities are: either the sisters' situations were discovered before Jenny's, and they are already there (or living with someone else), or the sisters are older and moved out on their own. We never hear of the sisters living at the house during the film so it's hard to pinpoint the actual situations with them.

Question: Why didn't Greg simply apologize to Mr. Beardo and explain everything to him?

Answer: "Beardo" looked intimidating and could easily frighten a child (or adult, for that matter). He also became enraged in front of children over scratches on his van - something minor that might bother an adult, but certainly not serious enough to produce Beardo's over-reaction. Greg did deny that he caused the damage. However, Beardo did not come across as being a rational adult or someone who a 12-year-old would feel comfortable standing up to or simply trying to reason with. Greg saw Beardo as a "difficult" and irrational person, so rightfully wanted to get away from him as soon as possible.


Answer: Mainly because when they first actually meet, the Beardo's daughter blames everything on Greg, so even if Greg did try to explain everything, the Beardo probably wouldn't believe him.

Answer: There's probably a combination of factors why Greg kept things to himself. Teenagers don't tell parents a lot of things for whatever reasons (e.g, not worth the hassle). Maybe Greg thought his parents wouldn't believe his side of the story and assume he was the instigator. Perhaps Greg's parents gave the boys a stern warning to behave themselves while on vacation - that they need/ want rest and relaxation or care-free days without trouble, especially from the boys (trying to avoid the "can't you even behave yourselves on vacation" lecture). Believing "ignorance is bliss", Greg figured what his parents didn't know couldn't hurt them. Telling his parents may not have been helpful or relevant; Beardo was acting like a lunatic or psycho on each encounter. It might have been difficult, if not impossible, to tell his parents without Rodrick overhearing. Some of the things Greg did (getting into bed with Beardo) were embarrassing; if Rodrick knew, they'd become the brunt of his teasing.


Answer: Francis is only allowed to talk on the phone at school for three minutes a day. I think the code gives him free access to talk to his girlfriend.

Question: Who played the actress who tried to return the song bird?

Answer: The person returning the songbird was Mrs. Jones played by Clare Greet.


Incorrect. Mrs. Jones is the Verlocs' cook.

And the cook was the one returning the bird.


Answer: The actress is Sylvia Sidney.


Sylvia Sidney plays Mrs. Verloc. The Poster is asking about the actress who appeared in one scene in the bird shop.

Thanks for clarifying.


Question: When Teabing's plane arrives in London, Robert and Sophie have exited the plane. When the police check the plane it is empty - what happened to Silas who was on the plane with them?

Answer: Teabing's butler Remy Jean, frees him, claiming to the mysterious "Teacher."

Question: It is not clear, nor inferred who leaked the location of the witness for the hit. Could it have been Chalmers? Chalmers could have run his prints, and belatedly realised he was duped by the witness posing as a real mob insider.

Answer: Most likely Ross, he told the hitmen where to go. Once the decoy was killed everyone, the mob and the police would believe he was dead. He was safe to leave the country.

Answer: As Renick returns to the waiting taxi at the Mark Hopkins Hotel, a footman incorrectly identifies Renick as Ross and immediately phones in the sighting as well as the taxi's company and number to his Organization contact. Renick stops the cab near a phone booth to call Chalmers who presumably identifies the hotel that is Renick's destination. Since Renick is working for Ross, it's likely Renick then calls Ross to tell Ross where he's to be kept. Early the next morning Renick releases the safety chain on his hotel room door because he is expecting Ross, using Chalmers' name at the desk, to arrive and facilitate Renick's escape from protective custody - - not realizing Ross has given the hotel's name to the hitmen Ross has paid to kill Renick in an attempt to convince the world Ross is dead.

Question: The timeline in the past is 4 days 7 hours (something like that) and only 1 version of themselves can exist at any time. So if Doug (present) went back and died in the explosion, Doug from the past came to meet Claire. Happy ending, right? So does this mean that due to Doug (present) ceasing to exist, Doug from the past has only 4 days 7 hours to live? I mean, this sacrifice of himself for saving 500+ people doesn't look bad.

Answer: There's nothing that says only one version of a person can exist in a given timeline. Both versions of Doug coexist when he travels back 4 days, up until his sacrifice. They just never cross paths.


Question: Near the beginning, when Alfred sees Bruce is not in bed, he goes to the Wayne Enterprises private property. There a weirdly shaped metal structure that looks like it's tilting over and what looks like a dilapidated building in the middle tilted to the side. What is the structure supposed to be?


Answer: It looks like a large panel on the side of the huge crane. I think it has openings for access to the crane machinery or something like that. Maybe a crane operator could describe it better but that's what it looks like to me.

Question: I think it is the scene near the end when they are singing "Make the world go away", they pan the audience and zoom in on Amy Irving. Is that Arlo Guthrie in front of her? Sure looks like him.

Answer: I think so.

Question: How is it that Carlson can know that Miles hid the diamond in the police station, but not know what Miles looks like?


Answer: He most likely noticed a lot of weird stuff and started piecing it together. Like Miles having an obsession with the ventilation system, Tulley shouting Miles over and over again down the alley and again when he says Logan owes him $50,000. He'd be able to access police records and see that Miles Logan was arrested inside that very building whilst it was still under construction but the diamond wasn't on him... At this point, it wouldn't take much to figure out what was happening and who he was.

But if there are records of Miles' arrest that he can access, shouldn't there be an accompanying mugshot?


Question: How did Wallace manage to survive in the walrus suit? Like how does he poop and pee? Wouldn't he get sick from eating only raw fish? So many questions.

Answer: He couldn't possibly function or survive living that way. The movie's entire premise was utterly ridiculous.


Question: Aside from it being a funny scene, is there any reason why the people at the news station would keep the feed on Bruce during his tirade at Niagara Falls instead of switching back to the studio?


Answer: I think they are all just stunned about what they are seeing, and perhaps a little curious.


Question: What's the type of red dress that Natalie is seen wearing during the party?

Answer: Molly is wearing all gray suits and gray shoes.

Answer: White long sleeve black skirt and black high heels.

Question: How much did 5 or 6 year old Harvey Stevens understand about this story and his role in it while the film was being made?

Answer: A child that age would have very little understanding about the plot or his role and would be told little about it. He would simply respond to directions and cues.


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