Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I get that all of the scenes may be shot out of sequence. However, I don't understand when exactly John Travolta dies. When he is shot by Bruce Willis after coming out of the bathroom, Travolta is wearing the plain suit, yet he leaves the coffee shop restaurant with Samuel L.Jackson, the two are wearing the old T-shirts and short shorts. And they were given those clothes after their original suits got all bloodied.

Answer: There's a long period of time between those two scenes, at least long enough for him to put on some new clothes. I doubt he only has one suit, considering the business he's in. Notice that he's working alone. Jules had vowed to quit the business. This would be the second to last scene, if shot in order.

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: Well the Professor is the owner, so he does as he pleases, most of his time is spent inventing though. Hermes is the accountant and bureaucrat. Amy is an intern and an engineering student, although this seems to be all but forgotten in the later seasons. (The Professor does mention though that he likes having her around because they share the same blood type). Scruffy is the janitor and Cubert is a kid and presumably goes to school.


Question: The film is listed as "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" on the Internet but on the DVD it is called "Quest for the Holy Grail". This is also the only title I've ever heard it referred by IRL. Why are there two titles out? Which one is the correct one? And how come they changed whichever title came first?

Answer: The actual Terry Gilliam illustration credit in the film uses the Quest for the Holy Grail title just after the groups talks to god around 25 minutes in. Maybe they used the art from the film for the DVD image?

Answer: I have searched several online DVD retailers and other online sources and not found any mentions of a DVD with "Quest for the Holy Grail" as the title. All are called "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". There is a computer game from 1996 called "Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail" though.


Question: On the DVD, there are two sets of subtitles. One follows what is being said closely and includes sound effects. The other follows the general idea of what the characters are saying, but the sentences are written differently. What is the purpose of the second one? Also, why do even the accurate subtitles show Lin as Rin, Zeniba as Zaneba and Kohaku River as Kalaku River?

Susan Kirk

Chosen answer: This is probably because one track follows a near direct translation from Japanese, while the other subtitle track follows Japanese more loosely but is one that a westerner can relate to better. A normal western person who never had any experience with Japanese would be puzzled why there are sound effects in the text, that is because Japanese has a lot of specific sound effects for many thing, like the sound of someone walking and makes a quick stop, the sound of someone becoming shy etc. And as with Lin and Rin, these are pronounced the same way in Japan.

Question: The final showdown between Utah and Bodhi was shot at Bells Beach, but was the wave footage also shot there? I'm especially interested in the closeups. Waves of that size and strength are not commonplace, and no surfer (save Eddie Aikau) would even attempt to tackle such a monster set.


Chosen answer: No part of the film was shot anywhere near Bells Beach. It is not even Australia.

Chosen answer: Rachel attended college, but in one of the Thanksgiving flashback episodes she mentions that her major was psychology but there was no parking around the psychology building, so she switched majors. She never says what her new major was.

Question: Originally this fourth "Crow" film was going to be called "The Crow: Lazarus" and be about a black wannabe rapper who is brought back by the crow after a drive-by shooting. Anyone know why this plot was dropped? Because it seemed to fit the material more than a movie about Satan and God.

Answer: As I understand it, it all had to do with a spat between the director of the original Crow movie (Alex Proyas, who had "approval" of all the subsequent Crow movies) the producer of the Crow movie franchise, Jeff Most, and Miramax. Miramax eventually caved in favor of the producer and it was made into a "non-Crow entity" when Miramax reportedly signed Eminem to play the bad guy.

Question: What shape is the mouth of Curdled Cave supposed to represent? It's too odd to be a coincidence, & the camera is focused on it quite a bit.

Answer: If you look carefully, you can see that it is an eye, which is an ongoing theme in the movie. It is mentioned in the audio commentary.

Show generally

Question: A best of set(Best Buy exclusive) is being released. Are there any plans to release more signifigant DVD's for this?

Answer: Yes, Warner Bros. announced at the end of December that Season 1 will be out in the United States on April 24, 2007.

Art House - S1-E24

Question: Carrie asked Doug about what happened with his boss that day, which meant he could not have found out a problem with his boss from anyone else but Arthur. But then when Arthur comes in, she says "I heard you and Doug had a little adventure today", which meant it couldn't be Arthur, but then, who did she find out from?

Answer: If she thought that Doug wasn't being totally honest about what happened, she may have gone and talked to Arthur - pretending that Doug had told her everything already - to see if he would reveal something.

Season 2 generally

Question: On disc 1 of the series 2 DVD, there is a postcard showing Bubbles, however when you try to select it, you hear Carol say "DVD player says no" - any idea if this is intentional, or if the postcard leads to some special features which need to be unlocked?

Answer: If you keep clicking that card a photo gallery will eventually appear.

Question: What happened to Bo, Luke and Daisy's parents?

Answer: It was never mentioned on the show but the producer/writer has stated they died in a car crash in public and on the DVD.

Question: When the ending credits are rolling, Bart's girls are listed in the credits. Where exactly are they? The only girls I'm familiar with are the ones Bart tries to have sex with.

Answer: That's them.

The ending credits list about six or eight women, but they make no appearance.

Love Hurts - S1-E20

Question: I'm not sure if this is the right episode. My question comes from the episode about the girl with cancer and the brain tumor(recent episode) What is the song that House is listening to before and after the others come into the showers to listen to the heartbeat?

Answer: "Nessun Dorma" from Giacomo Puccini's "Turandot". The episode was "Autopsy".

Question: What is the name and artist of the song that plays when the Knicks' winning streak begins?

Answer: "Rock & Roll pt 2" by Gary Glitter.

Question: What exactly is Prof. Brooks? After "threatening" Dean Dunn, she walks away and when he looks at her he sees a tail sticking out of her dress.

Answer: She is also a wolf.


How is she a wolf? Is she related to the Howards?

Tentacles of Doom - S2-E3

Question: In this episode, the actor who plays the priest who turns into a hippy seems to drop his accent occasionally, for instance when he says "Blind faith, that's all we have to go on", his accent sounds more London-ish when he says "go on". Is this normal for an Irish accent or what?

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: It's characteristic of someone putting on a fake Irish accent.

Question: In the scene when Harry is packing his trunk at the end and Dumbledore is talking to him about setting the curtains on fire, does anyone know what is written on the top section of the four-poster bed?

Answer: Roman numeral GXXV (Gryffindor 25).


Question: What are the title/artist of the two dance songs played in Alexi's Miami Club straight after the chopper flies past it carrying Mike and Marcus to the hospital. I have searched for the two songs everywhere and can't find them (as they're not on the official soundtrack it is harder to try and track).

Answer: One of the songs is by Deepsky, Cosmic Dancer.

Question: I was wondering what the name of the song is that plays as Max and Vincent drive off after the first killing. It plays through for a while, until the cop calls for backup.

Answer: You mean the one where Fanning is looking for Ramon in his apartment? It's called "Rollin' Crumblin'" by Tom Rothrock.

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