Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: At the end of the space battle in the latter half of the movie, the Resistance's X-Wings jump to hyperspace with their stabilizer foils still locked in attack position. Why?

Answer: The design could have advanced enough in the last 30 years that the S-foils no longer need to be closed to enter hyperspace.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: As Kurt is loading the hack to deactivate the laser grid, Paxton and his partner are banging on the van, demanding that Kurt and Dave come out. Just as the program finishes loading, the cops open the door and drag them out. If the van was locked, how did they open the door? If It wasn't locked, why did it take so long to just open the door?


Chosen answer: They could have opened it with a crowbar or a Jaws of Life. (Likely the crowbar, since we didn't hear metal rending).

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: This is a reference to a popular fictional masked cowboy hero, the Lone Ranger. The Lone Ranger stood for truth, justice, and conducts himself by a strict moral code. When the Lone Ranger would solve a crime or capture a villain he never stopped to explain who he was but he always left behind a silver bullet as his trademark. Even his horse was named "Silver". When Sandy calls Danny a fake and a phony, Kenickie says "I wonder if she carries silver bullets" to mock her for her righteous outburst.

Question: It never shows the clues to Kat, Rory, or Eugine and Clear's deaths, can someone please tell me what they are?


Chosen answer: Eugene's death had no clues I know of, but Clear and Rory's did, Rory's clue was with Nora's. The trophy's shadow is segmented, giving it a divided look, Rory ends up divided to pieces by the barbed fence. As for Clear, Bludworth hints at it with his comment "such fire you have now".

Answer: Eugene And Clear die at the same time because when Eugene was plugged up to the ventilator it sparked a fuse and caused the whole hospital to go up in flames, leading Kimberly to drive the emergency van into the river trying to drown herself.

Chosen answer: Scotty spent the best years of his career as the chief engineer of the flagship of the Federation: the Enterprise. His time has passed, however and the Federation is rumored to be planning on the Excelsior becoming the new flagship. It is a larger ship with a new, experimental warp drive. Scotty hates the Excelsior primarily due to his pride in the Enterprise but also because he is unimpressed by the design of the Excelsior. The trans-warp drive is easily sabotaged.

Question: Why are lots of skyscrapers and other buildings in Manhattan covered in large plastic foil ?


Chosen answer: The Krippin virus was highly lethal and contagious. When it got airborne, the army had to quarantine these buildings.

Question: The question is if all the bridges and tunnels to Manhattan are destroyed, how does one drive from New York to The Colony in Vermont? How do Anna and Ethan drive to Manhattan to meet Robert Neville in the first place?

Answer: In the alternative ending Dr.Neville, Anna and Ethan are seen driving a car over a bridge that wasn't destroyed. The army would need to leave a entry/exit point, but it would have been heavily guarded until everyone died.

Question: If the movie plot is over a 4th of July weekend, wouldn't offices be closed? It appears to be a regular non-holiday weekday with so many people working.

Answer: Government offices would definitely be closed, however, in a big city like DC, not everyone would have the weekend off, and between the people who still have to work and the ones going out of town for the holiday, traffic would be about the same if not worse.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: My question is regarding the first shot of the film. You see the back of a henchman holding a clown mask with a suitcase. Later you realize that this is the Joker, however he is in full make up. So does this mean he was standing out in broad daylight without a disguise on at the very beginning?

Answer: Yes. No reason not to. Nothing's happened yet and people in a big city like Gotham would just walk past the guy with the weird makeup and not think anything of it. (And since they wear masks in the holdup, nobody's going to think that the guy in the mask is in weird makeup under it).

Captain Defenestrator

Batman was shown a joker card in an evidence bag at the end of Batman Begins so would not at least some of the police be looking for him?


This doesn't mean that the general public is on the lookout for a guy in makeup.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What ever happened to Obi Wan's lightsaber? Did Vader keep it as a trophy, or just throw it away?

Answer: According to the Expanded Universe (now non-canon), Darth Vader kept it as a trophy in his castle on Vjun. It was found by Anakin Solo, stolen by someone who wanted to learn to be a Jedi, and eventually returned to Luke's Jedi academy.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: It's wasn't unusual for multiple actors to play one character on this show. The villains on the TV Batman were played by guest stars, not regular cast members. George Sanders, Otto Preminger, and Eli Wallach played the part at various times. They may simply have only wanted to play the part once or twice, or they were later tied up with other projects, making it necessary to cast someone else. Other characters, like Catwoman, were also played by more than one actress.


Question: How could Hermione attend classes back in time, when all the others were seeing her? When she travelled with Harry, they were told they can't be seen.

Answer: Hermione had special permission, arranged by Dumbledore from the Ministry of Magic to use the Time Turner to take classes that were scheduled at the same time. Its use was carefully regulated and Hermione was instructed on how to utilize it so that she could attend multiple classes without other students noticing. When she is traveling with Harry to rescue Sirius, she is explaining to Harry that they must not be seen at the same time as the "other" Harry and Hermione that are in the past.


Question: When Sandy's skirt gets lifted up at the bonfire, Frenchy comes to her defence and does some weird flappy hand movement. What is it meant to mean? She basically just waves at the girl, but Sandy is very grateful.

Answer: The hand shooing gesture by Frenchie is actually a reference to the 3 stooges, a very popular but juvenile show on American TV. Doodie also makes a reference to it in the beginning of the movie when he makes a whoop whoop whoop noise when he first sees Danny.

Answer: The Pink Ladies were held in a high regard as well as very well respected and feared at Rydell high which means you didn't want to upset them or mess with them. Therefore, if they told you to do something you better do it.

Skin of Evil - S1-E23

Question: Near the end when they are in the holodeck for the memorial ceremony for Lt. Yar, Dr. Crusher's uniform is green and seconds later it is blue. After watching it several times, it does not appear to be a trick of the light. What happened here? Why would she have on a green uniform in the first place?


Chosen answer: The uniform does indeed change colour. It may be due to the need for a green screen in part, or perhaps some lighting altering our perception. That being said, it certainly looks green at the start, blue thereafter.

The show has been done in HD now and not sure if they fix this problem.


Question: Why did Adrian Veidt also have to infect Moloch with cancer? The comedian mentions to Moloch that Moloch's name was on a list together with Janey Slater's (and others?), who were presumably the ones Veidt infected with cancer. So why Moloch, too? In order to make Dr. Manhattan and the world think that Dr. Manhattan was causing cancer? He had already infected Janey Slater and Wally Weaver who had more contact with Dr. Manhattan. I would think, Moloch and Dr. Manhattan only had brief contact with each other when Moloch was captured.

Answer: Moloch knowingly worked for Adrian at one time, installing carcinogenic gas canisters in ventilation ducts to give people cancer at the high-energy research facility. That's how Moloch developed terminal cancer; but Adrian killed Moloch with a bullet between the eyes before Moloch could reveal any more information to Rorschach. Adrian then set-up Rorschach for murdering Moloch. Anyone who worked "on the inside" of Adrian's plans or who might be an obstacle to those plans was a target for assassination. Adrian murdered his super-associates (The Comedian and Moloch, and he later attempted to kill Dr. Manhattan), he murdered his own hit-man, and he murdered his entire staff of scientists in order to protect his secret plans.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: I get the point about Gretkov finding out from Abbott that Bourne is still alive, before Abbott kills himself, but how did Gretkov/Kirill know that Bourne went to Russia straight after?

Answer: Landy told an associate to let the Russian government know Bourne was on his way to them. The police show up to canvas the train station just after Bourne has left in a cab. Kirill is a secret service officer and would know this as well.

Question: Why are Cheng, Liang, Zhuang and all the other boys so mean to Dre and why do they hate Dre so much even when Dre minds his own business? When Dre leaves them alone, why don't they leave Dre alone? They seem to be attacking Dre for no apparent reason like they're psychopaths. Are they purely malicious and evil at heart?

Answer: Cheng is picking on Dre because Dre developed a crush on Meiying, a violinist, but it is implied that she is Cheng's love interest since his family is close to Meiying's. After Dre develops a crush on Meiying and she reciprocates those feelings, Cheng becomes jealous and vindictive. From then on, Cheng and his gang continually bully Dre. As bullies usually do, they attack someone they perceive as being weaker, purely for malicious reasons.


It is not because of the crush but it is because Dre was trying to give the sheet back to Meying and Cheng pushed him to throw it on the floor. Then Dre challenged Cheng to a fight and tried his best. After that Cheng started showing no mercy to Dre and Dre became a prey.

Chosen answer: Warren Clarke (who played Amy's father) voiced the male Shadow, in the style James Mason.

Answer: He is referring to Dolly the sheep who was cloned.

Question: How was the Mexican girl connected to the story? The three Night Owl suspects abused her and then burned their blood-stained clothes. She is found tied up at a house (why?), and later she says "Would anyone care that they raped a Mexican girl if they hadn't killed those white people at the Night Owl? I did what I had to do for justice." What does she mean?


Chosen answer: Inez's statement that they left her at midnight meant the suspects had time to commit the Nite Owl massacre at 1am. However when Exley questions her about the time, she implies that she only said that so they would be in the frame for the Nite Owl and would be arrested (and likely killed) by the police. No one would care about her rape, so she indirectly accused them of the killings "for justice".


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