Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Bastion asks about the book Mr. Koreander is reading, he responds that the books Bastion reads are safe and to forget about the book he's reading, because it's not for Bastion. As Mr. Koreander takes a phone call in the next room, Bastion takes the book and leaves the store. After noticing that Bastion has left, Mr. Koreander also notices that the book is missing. Was it Mr. Koreander's intention to let Bastion take the book? If so, why?

Answer: He has read the book himself many times, being drawn into the adventure himself, he knows someone like Bastian would really enjoy the book, and knows he would take it regardless of his warnings. He leaves it unattended intentionally. He wants to share the experience of reading that book.


Question: Didn't Charlie notice that Ipkiss isn't with him when he enters the Coco Bongo? He is entering with the girls but didn't seem to notice that he wasn't with him.


Answer: He was too busy with the girls and taking in the scene. He probably simply assumes Ipkiss followed them in and he lost sight of them, he didn't have to suspect he was left outside.


Question: Why does Clarice not have the handcuffs on when she is found by the police at the end? if Hannibal cut his hand off, then he would slip the cuffs off and she would still be wearing them. Even if she had the key, there was little time to get them or take the cuffs off.

Answer: She had plenty of time to take the bloodied cuffs off, we only see her again when she is outside looking for Hannibal.


Answer: The corpse was old and he was around people he knew. Seeing a severed head walking around on a turtle was just too much for him.


Adding to this, he also hadn't just recently killed a man when an arm was ripped off. He was still going through PTSD after his shootout and killing of Tuco when the head thing happened.

Quantom X

Answer: Hank is very emotionally vulnerable at this point. He'd just had an intense shoot-out with Tuco that affected him more than he is willing to admit.

Question: One thing that bugged me from a recent rewatch. When Brett comes across the Alien skin that it has recently shed, it in no way resembles what the creature looks like now, and is completely disproportionate with its size a few minutes later when it kills him. Now I know that its methods of 'growing' we are lead to believe are different to those of Earth creatures in that they are more accelerated etc...but if it is following a similar pattern to Earth animals that shed their skin shouldn't it have shed at least ANOTHER skin or maybe two to achieve its near-adult human size? And also why in 'Aliens' were no shed skins in abundance dotted around the place when it is part of the Aliens' natural life-cycle? They don't strike me as the kind of creature that would worry about leaving their shed skin around to cover up their presence?

Answer: The skin Brett finds is presumably the first skin the creature shed based on its size. There might be other skins that were shed all over the place but we never see every inch of the ship. The alien in this film primarily uses the air ducts to move around, but the film only shows the air ducts in one brief scene. There could be other skins somewhere in those ducts we never see. The same is true in Aliens. We never see every inch of the floors of the colony, they could be anywhere. The floor of the hive does have a considerable amount of debris, some of this debris could conceivably be shed skins.


That's a much more logical answer, thank you.

Answer: They shed their skin once, probably some kind of protective fleece around its immature body it disposes of, not actual skin like with a snake. These are smart creatures, yes they would hide their shed skin.


If that's the case why did the first Alien shed skin get found? If as you say they are 'smart' enough to hide their shed skin why was this one left laying around?

Because in later movies the aliens have a lot more space to shed their skins where it can't be found. Maybe they don't actually hide it, but it's logical they hide themselves as their skin sheds because they are vulnerable. The alien in the first movie simply couldn't find anywhere to hide.


Question: Between the first two films Gru had hundreds of minions but in this film he's barely got a handful left. What happened to the rest of them?


Answer: I'm going to assume you haven't watched the entire movie. There is a scene in the movie when all minions abandon Gru due to Gru not being willing to return to his prior lifestyle of being evil and committing crimes.


Question: Who is running the power plants so that they can turn the lights on? I work at a power plant and it is not quiet.

Answer: If you look closely at the background in one scene, you can see solar panels attached to the roof of the home, providing them with energy. Additionally, the original script also mentioned that the family also used generators that were located underground so the noise would be muffled, though I don't believe it's mentioned in the film itself.


Question: Why did the zeppelin turn around, and how did the approaching airplane fighters know it was them in the zeppelin's airplane?

Answer: The zeppelin is turning around because Indy sabotaged the radio. They are presumably going back to get it repaired, lest they end up getting into danger on a long journey with no way to reach out for help. The approaching planes likely deduced it was the Joneses absconding with the plane, as it would be unlikely for anyone else to be taking it when the zeppelin was simply returning to its point of origin.


Question: During the Battle of the Bands near the end of the film, a band with a singer who sounds like and somewhat resembles Joey Ramone performs a song called "So Socko" (or possibly "So Psycho"). I've heard some people insist that it was, in fact, Joey Ramone in an uncredited role, but it doesn't really look like him and doesn't have Joey's stage presence, i.e, standing still throughout the performance as opposed to moving about the stage. So who was the actual singer for this particular band?


Answer: The lead singer is Rick Wilder. The band is credited as "Berlin Brats" (The Groups). The song is called "Psychotic", or sometimes listed as " (I'm) Psychotic", but it seems the middle part was cut out for the film or maybe arranged differently for the film.


Question: When the two cops find Catwoman in the department store, she uses her whip to disarm them. They put their hands up and one says, "Don't hurt us, lady, or take homes lesson 300?" To which she replies, "You've overpaid. Hit the road." What exactly is homes lesson 300?

Answer: He says "our take home is less than 300", meaning their paycheck (or what they "take home") is less than $300. Her reply is that the store is still paying them too much (i.e. they're worthless as security officers).


Answer: The cop actually says "Our take home is less than 300," presumably meaning they make less than $300 per week.


Answer: He says "our take home's less than 300". As in their net pay is less than $300 a week.

Answer: Because Ash and Pikachu have been together since the day that Ash received him. They have a strong bond with each other and are kind of like friends.

"And are kind of like friends" that's because they are friends.

It's important to remember Pikachu is Ash's best friend.

Answer: Daniel said he called Shannon but she never picked up, when she came back from Mexico she probably saw Daniel called and figured out the situation.

Answer: Daniel told him.

Question: Other than bail, how did Clyde even attempt to expose any flaws in the justice system? It seems like all he did was kill people.


Answer: He wanted to teach Nick a lesson. His entire revenge revolves around the whole justice system for doing deals with criminals.

Question: Madam Pomfrey grimly said that Ron would live. But what did the book mean by grimly? What kind of expression did Pomfrey have on her face?


Answer: It would mean that the situation was serious and Pomfrey's expression reflected that, even though Ron was going to be all right.

Question: If they know the mother boxes are dangerous why not destroy them? Surely they'd have figured out some way before Steppenwolf came back.


Answer: "Surely they'd figure it out" is hardly a suitable solution. If they knew how to destroy them, they would have. They did the next best thing by hiding them in different places.

Question: Given how narrow that ledge is, just how could the Joker grab hold of it and silently pull himself onto it prior to yanking Batman and Vicki Vale over the side?


Answer: Most likely, in real life, this would be impossible. Movies take liberties with facts and realities in order to tell the story.


Question: Batman states Joker killed his parents, Joker acts confused. Then after being told he made Batman he says he was a kid when he did it. My question is did he remember, or was he humoring Batman?


Answer: Thank you.


Answer: The Joker most likely did recall the specific killing by that point, especially when Bruce confronted the Joker at Vicki Vale's apartment earlier in the film and told him the story of "a kid I once knew" followed by the physical confrontation in which the Joker "killed" Bruce. The Joker had enough time to put two and two together by the time of the climax at the clock tower; when Batman repeated the Joker's "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" line from earlier, everything fell in place within the Joker's memory.


Answer: Mrs Hannagan said to Mrs Farrel that Annie has it coming to her for trying to run away all the time. She is supposed to be punished etc., not spend a week in the lap of luxury. So she's trying to keep Annie there. But later in the movie, after Hannigan saves Annie's life, it is implied that she actually does care for Annie more than she lets on. So maybe Annie was actually her favorite orphan and she really just wanted her to not leave. After all Annie spends time comforting Molly and the others, when it's supposed to be Mrs Hannigan's job, but she's too busy drinking. She probably actually liked having Annie around but would never admit it or show kindness outright. Until the end, when finally she did.

Answer: Hannigan was plotting with her con-artist brother for him and his girlfriend to pose as Annie's long-lost mother and father. The couple would claim Annie to collect the $50,000 reward that Warbucks was offering to find Annie's real parents.


Question: What baseball hat was Jack wearing at the ending? (04:44:00)

Answer: It appears to be a Baltimore Orioles hat with the '89-'97 logo. Edward Norton was raised in Maryland, just outside of Baltimore.


Answer: Thomas the Tank Engine is a 0-6-0 tank locomotive, based on the LB&SCR E2 Class.

Quantom X

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