Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In court, Darby asks Nick if he's married. What's the meaning of this question, and why did he ask it? Seems a bit strange to just randomly ask someone that.


Answer: Because Nick knows this man is guilty. He says it to almost imply, "well since I'm getting off, may as well make a visit to your family next. You married, Nick?"

Answer: The answer that someone else gave to this question is misleading; indicates that Clyde asked Nick if he was married. It was actually Darby who asks Nick this question. And there really is no answer except that Darby is a menace and a scoundrel. He only asked this to aggravate or pull some kind of thread at Nick. Nick knows this, which is why he replies to him the way he does.

Melissa Bostic

Answer: Probably because he was married with a child, and he wanted to know if he was also married, so he could possibly relate to his situation.

Question: How did Claude survive getting hit by train even when he was dragged under the train?


Answer: I watched this today and I thought he should be dead but he is a bad ass werewolf and most likely they can take a beating.

Adam Busuttil

Question: Why didn't the guys being interrogated in the hotel just tell the cops about the toy gun that was used? 4 of them knew that it was that gun that was shot out the window and another 4 knew that the gun existed, but they all choose not to mention it. Any reason?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I think at 1st they didn't want to answer as they don't talk to police, but as it went on their lie just got bigger and the hole they were digging got so big they could not get out. They also figured the police would not believe it was fake and they would be in loads of trouble if they admitted there was any kind of gun. They call it a toy gun, but it is not really a toy as it's a starter gun.

Adam Busuttil

Question: I saw on here that Susan did more than just enhance the sharks brain; my question is why? I know the whole purpose of making their brains larger was so that they could harvest more protein, so why did she have to do more than that?; E.g., make them larger etc.? Added to that, if they really wanted more protein then why not just get more sharks? They only had like three at the time, so could they have gotten more, or were they just for practice? Also, why did they use only Mako sharks? Was there something wrong with any other breed, like Great Whites for instance? I'm talking movie-wise, not filmmaking-wise.

Answer: They were about to get shut down, so she speeds up the test against the rules to produce results. It was to cure Alzheimer's, from what I recall, and they needed bigger sharks to get their brains firing up.

Adam Busuttil

Question: Why did Jones fire at the ceiling when Clifton is attacked by the infected Mailer?


Answer: Because he is incompetent and doesn't know how to fire the gun properly. When he tries to shoot Mailer, the recoil takes him by surprise and he stumbles backwards, still squeezing the trigger, spraying wildly upwards.

Question: When Miguel first meets Hector, Hector claims he used to work with Ernesto, who Miguel initially thought was his great-great grandfather. When Hector confronts Ernesto after Miguel first meets him, Hector reveals how Ernesto murdered him with poisoned wine. Why doesn't Hector tell Miguel that earlier when they first meet?


Answer: Because Hector didn't realise he had been poisoned until The scene where they meet. It is only after he sees the scene from Ernesto's movie that he puts it together.

Exactly. It's shown in the film that Hector, and other souls, believe he died from eating bad food. Hence his embarrassing nickname.

Question: The second trap, they had to break jars open that were on the ceiling and get into the safety chambers, but there were "only three" for four people... Those were some pretty long, tall chambers. Couldn't the two smallest people share a single chamber, and all four survive? Especially since they look tall enough for two people to lie down right on top of each other.

Answer: That was the entire point of the trap. Each trap in the overall game was meant for them to all work together. The tape for this trap asks "Who will be the odd man out?" They took this to mean that one person had to remain outside the chambers, but what it really meant was two people would each share a chamber (assuming all five survived the first trap) and one person would occupy the third chamber all by themselves. Charles realised this and tried to tell everyone, but was unfortunately killed by the explosion before he could.


Nope actually he said who of you 4 has to he knew was 4 survivors?

He does not say that at all. The exact wording is "With only three points of safety, which of you will be the odd man out?" At no point does the tape say that one of them has to die. That would be completely contradictory to the point that the five of them were supposed to work together to safely get through every trap.


Not what he meant. He knows human nature is survival at the expense of someone else. He set the trap so all could survive, but he knows the panic and self-preservation will lead the group to sacrifice someone.


Question: In the beginning of the movie, Chuck gives Kelly a small golden gift. He tells her not to open it until New Years. What was in it?

Answer: It was an engagement ring. Chuck was going to propose to her when he returned.


Question: When Turner is shovel shopping, why does he leave the shovel near the checkout area? Did he even check out, or could it have been because Ashley was following him?

Answer: He noticed Ashley following him and left the shovel behind, confronting her at her car later and threatening her.


Question: How did the name "Clear" come about? She's the only character with a unique name in the entire franchise, not counting anyone who goes by some sort of nickname.

Answer: This isn't an answer but. To be fair, in the German version of the movie, Tod's name is kept the same because Tod in German is "death." I thought that was pretty unique and cool in itself.

That could be submitted as trivia.


Answer: According to IMDb, "Clear" is the first name of the assistant to Glen Morgan and James Wong, the writers of the film.


Question: After Michael auto fast forwarded from 2017 to 2023, the remote appears to stop fast forwarding on its own. Is it because he didn't want it to fast-forward, and the remote finally listened, or is it just that it was too brief of a moment for it to happen?

Answer: He wanted it to fast forward to the wedding scene it stopped fast forwarding because Donna was not there for him to argue with and the rest of the preference he had he did not have another day to do.

Answer: It fast forwarded one more time to the wedding scene (supposedly at least by 2030 or 2033 per all reviews causing the following question listed underneath this one). It stopped by then since that was the time Michael died (til Morty brought him back for a second chance in life).

Question: Just curious. How can the Escape Clause still work when the words are spoken via tape recorder?


Answer: The snow globe only had to hear Scot/Santa's or Frost's voice being spoken to it in order to activate the Escape Clause. The snow globe could not differentiate between a recording of his voice and someone speaking to it in person.


Answer: Because of the snow globe listen to the voice of the Santa that is playing Santa the tape recorder had frost voice on there. Just like frost used Santa to get what he wanted by making Santa say it.

Answer: Because Neil thinks Charlie is old enough now that he should no longer believe in fantasy figures like Santa Claus.


Answer: Because some parents don't think it's logical thinking.

Question: After Chicharrón is forgotten and disappears, where does he go?

Answer: No one really knows, perhaps the 'true' afterlife, though that is entirely speculation.

Answer: It's been confirmed that he is still alive, so he'll continue to exist in the afterlife for as long as people remember him in the living world. And considering the "legacy" he left behind, I'd say he's going to remain in the public eye for a very, very long time.

The legacy was actually Hector's and everyone in the living world found out and decided to forget him.

Answer: I believe he died the final death because his skeleton body was presumably crushed. Hope this helps.

Also, a sign with "Forget" has been put on Ernesto's tomb in the living world, which would speed his demise if no-one remembered him.

I think he would suffer a worse fate of being held under the great weight of the bell until he is "forgotten" in the living world. Seeing as people hate him now in the dead world they may leave him there.

Answer: He was trapped inside the bell. He was not crushed. He was probably able to get out but, the family was able to escape before he got out. Also someone probably needed to help get him out.

Ernesto is a murderer and when everyone found out, they hated him. There is absolutely no point in helping him.

Answer: It is specifically mentioned in the movie by Clemens that she drowned in her cryopod.


Question: Why did the newborn alien kill the Queen but not Ripley?

Answer: Because it didn't recognize the queen as its mother, but it did recognize Ripley as its mother.


Sona - S2-E22

Question: Bill Kim called the police, he said that. Why would he do that, because it was obvious he was going to kill Linc. It makes no sense.


Answer: I don't think he wanted to kill him, I think the plan was to get Linc and Michael into Sona so they could break out James Whistler.

Question: At the beginning the 2 kids call Ted to get directions, but when they see their truck being towed, they leave the phone, and chase the tow truck. The truck is taken right around the corner, and Ted is outside, waiting for them. There were no pay phones showing where Ted was, and no cell phones, so how did Ted call them, and get to be right around the corner so fast?


Answer: Probably from inside the building he was standing in front of.


Question: Two questions involving Russel Franklin; Firstly, what was he referencing when he first arrived at Aquatica? It was just before he had the line "I am getting too old" or something to that effect. Second, why does everyone hate him exactly? I can kind if understand the Preacher when he joked saying that Russell was stupid for climbing the mountain, even if it was a joke, but what about everyone else?

Answer: From 1977-1984 there was a show called "Fantasy Island." The host, Mr. Roarke, would say "welcome to fantasy island." When he was greeted with "welcome to our island paradise" it made him think of the show and he asked where Tattoo was. In "Fantasy Island" there was a character named Tattoo who would say "the plane boss, the plane" at the beginning of the show. It seemed everyone was too young to get his reference and he said he's getting old.


Answer: I cannot answer the first part of the question. As for why they hate him, because he is there to see the progress of everything. She was told if she didn't produce results before he left, their research funding would be suspended and they would be out of a job. That's why they hate him.


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