Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Mr. Sheffield needed someone to manage the kids, not necessarily babysit them. Brighton was a Bart Simpson type, Maggie was shy and awkward and Gracie had personality issues.

Answer: It's a bit of a stretch plot wise, but she is supposed to be more than just a "nanny." She oversees the kid's activities, manages the household, and generally keeps the family running smoothly in the absence of a mother. She is more like a family member rather than an employee.


Answer: Most likely to kill Shredder and make sure that there would be no way to come back but, as seen in the sequel, Shredder does return.

Question: How did Dudley get out of the snake exhibit after falling in?

Answer: Petunia or Vernon would have ran to a zoo employee and told them what happened. The employee would then open the door to the snake exhibit letting Dudley out.

Answer: Yes he did. I think principal filming was finished in November of 2007. However, it should be noted he did not finish filming all his scenes for "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" (2009).


Answer: Yes, he died a few months after principal photography ended.

Answer: I've known people who are influenced by a "leader" friend. They don't make many decisions for themselves. Stu seems to have latched onto Billy at some point, and is willing to join him in the murders. There are real-life cases in which murderers had associates who obeyed them.

Chosen answer: Billy told Stu they were going to be famous as the sole survivors of the massacre. He believed Billy and went along with it, wanting fame.

Question: Marty shows Doc in 1885 the image of the tombstone, and he says that he wished he'd paid Buford off. Why can't he just round up 80 dollars to give to Buford and apologise for not doing that in the first place?

Answer: Adjusting for inflation, $80 back in 1885 is equivalent to about $2,143.65 today. Not something you can just conjure up easily, least of all back then. And Marty couldn't just take 1985 money back to 1885 and expect people to accept it.

Quantom X

Except that Doc was in 1885 and could have just gone to the bank and withdrew the $80's.

How? He arrives in 1885 and magically has the equivalent of $2,100 already in a bank account? He presumably borrowed it from Buford in the first place precisely because he didn't have that much cash available.

Doc didn't borrow money from Buford. He time-traveled with a briefcase filled with currencies from different time periods, including the 1800s. Doc had shoed Buford's horse for $5, for which Buford never paid him. When one shoe later came off later, causing Buford to be thrown, Buford shot the horse and demanded Doc pay him $75 for it and $5 for a broken bottle of whiskey.


Where would have get the $80 from? You're assuming he had the $80 available to him. The bank wouldn't just give out the money for free.

You can't take out $80 in 1985 money, and give it to someone in 1885. It would look like play money to them. U.S. currency looked a lot different back then.


Well he could technically get that amount worth in gold or silver.


And, as stated, since Doc was in 1885, more specifically, eight months in 1885, he could have just taken the money out of the bank considering he had a job as a blacksmith.

In Back to the Future 2, Doc shows Marty a briefcase full of money from different time periods, including various mid-1800 currencies, that he carried with him in the DeLorean. (There are online screen shots of the contents.) Doc refused to pay Tannen the $80 because he never owed it to him. Tannen was extorting him.


Answer: Buford was a crazed gunfighter, even if they paid off the $80 that wouldn't have satisfied him. He loved to shoot and kill. He wanted a showdown to show people he is to be feared and not messed with.

Question: Assuming anyone saw this deleted scene on the DVD special features. Why would Lacy even go to Smallville?


Answer: Lacy had gotten tired of her dad's newspaper, big-city life and decided to move to Smallville because she wanted to experience life at a much slower pace and even decided to live on a farm.

Answer: It was Frank James, brother of Jesse. He didn't stand up as she approached. She was offended by his lack of manners.

Answer: Rooster Cogburn. She considered him a legendary lawman, like Wyatt Earp. She felt bad that he was reduced to being a sideshow attraction in a circus.

Question: In order for the game to end, the player has to lose his or her last life. As such, the closing screen shouldn't end with Ralph being thrown off the roof, but rather with Fix-it Felix doing the lie down holding a lily, with Ralph standing at the top of the ruined building in triumph. So why does the end of a successful day show the aftermath of Ralph being thrown off the roof of the building?


Answer: If Fix it Felix, Jr. is an "endless" game, then yes the Game Over screen should only come up when the player loses. If Fix it Felix, Jr. has a final level then it's perfectly normal for a Game Over screen to pop up at the end of the last level, after Ralph has been thrown from the roof.


Answer: She left to pursue other TV, movie, and commercial opportunities. It's a typical scenario where a breakout star on a hit series leverages their popularity for better roles and more money.


Answer: I read that Pamela departed the show because she had become pregnant with her second child.


Question: Did August's dad know he had a son? And did August figure out who his parents were at the end and did he see them at the concert?

Answer: The answers, in order, are: "No", not initially but "yes" later; "Yes" and "yes." Their plan to meet the next day didn't work out, so August's parents ended up having a "one-night stand." When August's father - as well as his mother -heard the music that August was conducting, they were drawn to it like magnets. With his back turned against the spectators, August got the feeling that his parents were there. When he turned around to look, he saw his mother and father. The mother and father instantly knew that August was their son and August knew they were his parents.


Answer: Brand didn't know specifically where the Goonies went, but he got on the bike and went searching. Viewers didn't get to see how many places Brand looked before he found them at the restaurant or how much time it took him, but he probably biked down the one road in town until he spotted their bikes and then looked nearby. The fact that Brand apparently found the Goonies within a short amount of time suggests that there were relatively few places that they could have gone, probably because they lived in a small town that was at least semi-rural. Other than old houses, there were only a few landmarks (including the restaurant and lighthouse). There may have been spots that kids tended to gravitate toward and Brand might have had a good idea as to where they most likely went.


Question: The first "Friday the 13th" movie gave me the impression that Jason drowned while trying to swim alone at night. However, this movie shows that a group of campers pushed him into the lake during daytime. Which scene portrays his actual death?

Answer: Jason drowned in the lake and wasn't a very good swimmer. Maybe the kids pushed him in as a "joke" and the counselors weren't watching him. Hence how he "died" because nobody was there to save him, as two counselors were making love.

Answer: Jason didn't drown at night. I just watched a YouTube clip of Mrs. Voorhees talking to Alice (in the first movie). She says that she working the "day" that it happened. There are visions of Jason in the water. They appear dark in tone, but show enough light for a daytime setting.

Answer: It was the original Friday the 13th. Nobody anticipated there'd be a crossover. I think director Ronny Yu did this change for the sake of making Jason sympathetic.


Question: If Eli was blind, why did he get startled by the hanging dead body?

Answer: As he opens the doors one of the doors falls off, that startled him. Next to that the body probably smells extremely bad.


Question: In one of the missing/deleted scenes, Quint heads into the Amity Music Store to get some spools of piano wire. The proprietor of the store is a character named "Katie." Who plays her?

Answer: Dorothy Fielding.


Question: At last when Cage wakes up and the battle is won, does that mean Cage is forever immortal? Because whenever he will die, the day will reset itself, even if he dies of old age, the day will reset. So will he live immortally?

Answer: No, he got the ability to reset time from the aliens. They are dead now so the ability won't work anymore.


Answer: It depends on how you view the reset power. When he and Rita have the Alpha's blood in them, they had the power to reset the day when they died, but that power wasn't their own. It was the Omega that was resetting the day, which it did whenever an Alpha died. But now that the Omega is dead, there's no reset power, so when Cage does die, even with the Alpha's blood in him, he won't return to the past. Now if somehow having the Alpha blood resets the day for Cage, even with the Omega's death, all he'd have to do is get a blood transfusion again and he'll lose the ability to reset.


Question: Alfred comes up to Bruce who is examining print dust on the safe after his mother's necklace was stolen. Alfred says to him "This is your idea of sounding the alarm, is it?" What does he mean? I don't understand this line.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: The reason why Alfred says "This is your idea of sounding the alarm" is specifically because Bruce has not sounded the alarm. From Alfred's point of view, he has been told by Bruce that they have been robbed, but the only thing Bruce is doing is examine the safe for fingerprints. He found it odd that Bruce's idea of trying to find the culprit was looking for fingerprints and not actually sounding the alarm and having the place locked down so that they can find the burglar.

Casual Person

Question: What's up with the chicken being crushed? I don't see how it could be fake. I assume it was an accident, but why would they continue like nothing happened? And why would they put it in the movie? And why haven't I seen anyone mention it?


Answer: It does appear to be unintentional (or at least, unscripted), but they continue because when you're shooting a movie, you don't stop until you hear "cut", and especially at that time animal welfare wasn't necessarily a priority. I'm guessing no-one was concerned about the chicken, and so didn't feel the need to do anything about it. It's possible the film was made without an animal welfare monitor on set. As to why it's in the movie, the whole "marching to the prison" sequence was probably handled by the assistant director (as shots like this, not involving the principals or any substantive dialogue, often are) and they may have only done the one take. Who knows, they may have thought the injured chicken added realism to the scene.

Answer: He was in an accident.

Answer: They do occasionally specify Starbug 1, but it has also been destroyed multiple times and the interior changed. They either rebuild the ship or change the designation of one of the other Starbugs.

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