Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Why does Tony hear horses galloping every time his bad luck strikes again?

Answer: It's the sound of his bad luck coming.

Question: Why did the three boys pay Drillbit to protect them from Filkins, and not from Ron also?

Answer: They probably thought that Filkins was a bigger threat.

Answer: They didn't know Ron's name yet.

Question: I've played it over and over and still can't figure out what the bully kid Michel says, right after Hancock lands in the street. Is it in French?

Answer: "He is an asshole" Is the correct answer. In English. Not French.

Answer: Yes, he basically says that he's going to tell his mother and the police.

Answer: The direct quote is "But you can't. All my wonderful and glorious work will be undone!"

Question: Not related to movie. Did Christian Bale get work done on his teeth? In Batman Begins, his teeth were quite crooked and his jawline was quite distinct. In this movie they seem straight and perfect.

Answer: Yes. definitely. His teeth look much straighter in this movie.

Answer: Warrick first, Nick next, Sarah last.

Question: How did Moses' Egyptian mother explain where Moses came from? Her husband was dead and this baby just happened?

Answer: Bithiah (not sure of the spelling, sorry) claims the Gods of the Nile sent Moses to her, knowing she would never have a child of her husband's body.

Question: Just before Angel and Collins invite Roger and Mark to go to the life support meeting, Angel says something in Spanish. Does anyone know what it is?

Answer: "This egg needs some salt." It's a Spanish idiom meaning that he needs a girlfriend.

Question: When Baby helps Penny out by dancing with Johnny at the Sheldrake hotel, it is stated that it is Thursday night (when Penny has the abortion). At breakfast the next day Baby's dad says they are leaving tomorrow, even though they are paid up til Sunday. Thursday night is the first night that Baby and Johnny sleep together, yet they seem to be seeing each other for ages before Johnny even gets sacked, let alone the time that's past when he comes back. I don't see how all of this be squeezed into 2 days?

Answer: The father says they're leaving the next day, but when the mother asks why, he realizes he'd need to explain what happened, so he decides not to leave, and they stay for the rest of the trip as originally planned.

Answer: They were there for 3 weeks, so they had been together for at least 2 weeks.

Question: What's the symbolism behind all the blue in the movie?

Answer: Blue's the color for Aubrey's character, and the red one's for Dakota. If you watch the movie carefully you can notice that Aubrey wears blue clothes the most of the time while Dakota wears red ones. So it's just to represent the diferent characters and make the movie obvious.

Question: Not being a gambler, the terms they use has always confused me. For example at the end the Black Widows tell Beekman that he still owed them $0.70 on the dollar. What does this mean? How much does this add up to?


Chosen answer: This means 70%, ie. for every dollar they are owed they will only recieve 70 cents.

Question: Can anyone explain exactly the orange juice prank that happened between Will Moseley and Ben Barnes? I can never understand what they're saying in the interviews. I know it involved Will sneezing or something. Thanks.

Answer: I think Ben was in his armour and Will came over, sneezed and his orange juice went all over Ben. Will ran to his car and hid from the director.

Question: A part of this film's critical acclaim was caused by an unfocused shot, which the critics called brilliant - even though the lack of focus was an accident. What is that shot and where exactly in the movie does it appear?

Answer: The shot in question occurs when Sinatra's character, Marco, holds up a deck full of queens while trying to deprogram Raymond. On the DVD commentary track, the director, Frankenheimer, acknowleges that the scene was out of focus, and that though Sinatra supplied several other takes of the scene, the other takes weren't nearly as good, so he went with the flawed one. Later, Frankenheimer was praised by critics for the unfocused shot showing Raymond's disturbed perceptions.

Question: I don't understand why the people kill themselves. I mean I understand that the neurotoxin removes their self-preservation instincts, but wouldn't that just make them not care if they live or die and take unnecessary risks, not actively seek out ways to kill themselves?

Answer: If such an event were to actually occur in the real world, that would be the most likely scenario. The mass suicide is just how M. Night Shamylan chose to portray the event in his film.

Answer: I just thought, that because of the toxin's way of making your thoughts and actions move backwards, it might mean that it also switched the human way of wanting to survive. The opposite of surviving is, of course, dying.

Question: I know that Tom had to kill Peter because of Meredith's family being there and all, but what exactly does this end mean? Is Ripley caught as a liar? Does he stay as Dickie for the rest of his life? What exactly does this end suggest?

Answer: He slips back into the original lie he was telling Meredith, so he can be with her. Peter would know he was lying, so Tom must kill him.

Question: In the scene where Iris walks into Amanda's room with the entertainment center, she picks up a DVD with a heart on the back before she is interrupted by the front gate ringing. What is the DVD?

Answer: To me it looked like Punch Drunk Love, starring Adam Sandler.

Question: When Jake and Freddy are running to apologize to Janey, when they are at the prom, why is there a girl at the bottom of the steps?

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Chosen answer: This is a prom. So most likely she is laying at the bottom of the stairs from having snuck to much of the bottle.

Question: Did any of the actors know what the monster looked like while they were filming the movie?


Chosen answer: The actors and crew were kept in the dark as much as possible, unless the information was needed for their performance. They didn't know what the parasites looked like until they began filming the subway scene. Actual-size, realistic puppets had been made for filming but were decided to look too artificial and slow on camera, but it gave the actors a chance to see what they would be running from, how their jaws and legs worked, etc. As for the main monster ("Clover"), actors would only know what was in the script and what the director told them.

Question: During the scene when the Titanic's engines are reversed as soon as the iceberg is in sight, the stokers close all the dampers to the boilers just before the engines are reversed, why is this?

Answer: Not closing the dampers would make the boilers still burn and keep the Titanic going forward. The shock of cold water hitting the burning coals could also cause explosions.

Question: After Tony turned Prince and the trolls into gold, what happened to his ability to turn things into gold? Could it only be used once?

Answer: Yes, you only get to use it once, I think it mentions it on the plaque on the front of the tank "the first thing you touch will be gold" or something like that. If not it says it in the book so maybe that's where I got it from.

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