Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Slash filmed his role as a live-action character named Jerry Vadergeld and is even seen in the film's first trailer, but not in the actual movie. IMDb also says that Frankie Muniz has an uncredited role as a cop, but no police officers are found anywhere in the film. Other background characters (ex. The ice cream bikini girl, the two girls talking about the animated characters as superheroes), scenes (ex. Patrick and the bikini girl's three-scoop ice cream cone, Burger-Beard throwing a pair of plastic rings on Squidward's nose), and dialogue (ex. SpongeBob saying saying "This is uncomfortable!" and "Come on, team. Let's get that book back!") from the trailers were also not in the actual movie. Can anybody explain to me why all that is not in the actual movie?

Answer: The point of a trailer for a movie is to get bums on seats in cinemas so the film-makers have to make a film look really good and generate a "I really have to see this" vibe. Because virtually all professional films shoot far more material than they need, some of it will end up in the trailer as exclusive content and some will end up in the special features section of the DVD (bloopers, deleted scenes etc).

Neil Jones

Question: I have four questions; First, just out of curiosity but considering how easily the skelly guys break apart, then wouldn't they have instantly done that from jumping from a cliff? Second, when the Black Knight Ghost enters the TV station, how was the signal lost? All he did was enter, speak, look around and then the signal was lost so, how did that happen? Third, what's the name of the song playing when the gang arrive at their old clubhouse? Fourth, what's the name of the song playing when the gang are reversing the control panel?

Answer: Four answers; (1) Yes, but as we see later in the film, they are easily eligible to rebuild themselves back up into full shape. (2) We we later find out she's The Masked Figure, so it's reasonable he/she had a plan in mind. (3) The second song is just one that the crew members made up, but the first song is called "Circle Backwards" by Mark Provart.

Question: Juggernaut was supposed to appear in the movie, helping Magneto escape from the Pentagon, but was replaced by Quicksilver. Is there any reason for this role being replaced?

Answer: Bryan Singer didn't like the idea of using Juggernaut again, since Brett Ratner used him in The Last Stand. He felt it wasn't original enough. He was inspired by watching high speed videos online and did a re-shoot using Quicksilver.


Question: Riley runs away from home in the morning, not going to school, but the bus only leaves San Francisco in the evening. Where was Riley all day?

Butter Chicken

Chosen answer: We don't see Riley's day after she leaves home. One can only assume that she wandered around the city all day long until it was time to go to the bus station.

Question: On the Interceptor, when Jack swings back from the Black Pearl, he asks Elizabeth where the medallion is, and in reply she tries to slap him, saying 'Wretch!' Why? What has he ever done to her? Okay, Jack used her to escape from Norrington and his men, but he saved her life before that, so it's only fair.


Answer: She calls him a wretch because after his escape all he asks about is the medallion, which she overheard the pirates talking about. It is fairly logical to presume she thought he was trying to use the medallion to his advantage. Which is right.

Chosen answer: She says "fetch" not "wretch" and pretends to throw the coin, not slap him. He catches her hand, sees no coin and then asks where William is, because Will is the one that should be in possession of the coin since it was originally his can remove the curse.

No. If you turn on the subtitles, she says "wretch." It may have sounded like "fetch" due to her British accent.

Question: Why does Teddy have a cut with a plaster (band-aid) on his forehead throughout the film?

Answer: The bandage is a symbol indicating when and when not Teddy is caught in his delusions. When the bandage is on he is delusional, thinking he is the marshal finding out all the dark secrets of the facility. When the bandage is absent he is lucid and aware of his past crimes and his own delusions.

Wrong. It's on the whole movie until he takes a shower. The bandaid is off but yet that's the scene where he runs in the lighthouse thinking he's the Marshall still. Did you watch the movie at all?

Answer: He was in an altercation with the patient in ward C prior to returning to ward C and talking with him again. It was an injury sustained in the past due to that.

Scott McClure

Question: During the clock tower scene at the end, why is it necessary for the DeLorean to be going 88mph at the exact moment lightning hit the clock tower? When the Delorean was struck by lightning while it was in mid air at the end of the second film, it wasn't going 88mph at all, yet it was still shot through time. Seems the Delorean could have been parked in the street in front of the clock tower connected to the wire and just wait to be struck by lightning and sent back to 1985, no?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: The DeLorean was spun on its axis at 88mph when it got struck by lightning, that's what caused the backwards 99 and the time jump. Unbeknownst to Doc he'd accidentally switched on the time circuits.

Question: Right after the opera scene when Willis is getting the stones his shirt has sleeves. When he exits the opera house his sleeves are ripped off and he has blood on him. Was there a deleted fight scene?

Answer: Korben's shirt is fine before the fight with the aliens who walk back into the theater after Ruby shoots the hostage one by accident. A deleted or not filmed fight sequence occurs in which Korben and Ruby both get their shirts ripped up and gain several small wounds. The point where we see Korben shoot the three on the balcony is after he's taken care of the ones in the theater.

Answer: Although that audience member does bear a vague resemblance to Rose McGowan, wouldn't she have had her blonde hair dyed back to her natural brunette look?

Alan Keddie

Chosen answer: Rose is the girl in a deep-green shirt with blonde hair. She looks slightly shocked. You see her near the left center of the audience scene, right after the 2nd shot of Jada climbing/crawling onto the stage.

Chosen answer: "I think, therefore, I am" - Descartes Both Six and the Armistice Officer are alive. What she is doing is pointing out the central theme of the show. Humans don't believe that the "toasters" are alive. But when asked to prove that they are alive, humans are as powerless to do so as the Cylons. This is because it is inherently unprovable. The show is pointing this out right from the very beginning. What is life? Who is alive? How can we possibly know? and most importantly, what gives us the right to decide who and what is alive?

Question: This is a potential plot hole but I have not seen any submissions about it yet. They said that only an act of true love can thaw the ice in the princess' heart, Olaf even says this as he is building a fire to keep her warm and says that it would he putting someone else's needs before their own. Well as he is saying this he is building a fire for her and begins to melt. He's made of snow and does just what he said, puts his own needs to stay away from heat behind the need of Anna being kept warm. Would this not also be an act of true love? He sacrificing himself almost for her? Why didn't that fix her heart?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: The act of true love had to be committed not FOR Anna, but BY Anna. It was HER heart that was frozen, after all. Sacrificing herself to save her sister was the act of true love that thawed her heart (and the rest of her).


Question: What hits Jesse Ventura in the face/side of the neck right before the Predator blasts the giant hole in his torso? For a second or two after he sees the skunk, something wet appears to hit him in the face and daze him. I always wondered what that was supposed to be.


Chosen answer: The first thing that hits Blaine is supposed to be an edged weapon. It only appears on screen for 3 frames. The predator missed, the shot was supposed to take Blaine's face off, but he turned his head after seeing the cute wildlife. Instead the weapon hit his shoulder and took his ear off, you can see this added in the second frame. The weapon now a blur flashes past on the third frame. Realizing he missed, the Predator finishes Blaine off with the plasma caster.

Answer: The Predator shoots and kills the skunk that Ventura sees. It splatters on his neck and face. Then the Predator, seeing another animal in his heat vision, which is Ventura, shoots him.

That's not correct as if it was the blood of the slain creature it would not cause Blaine to reel back by the shock of getting hit with it. You can see the edged weapon in the first, second and third frame as it slices Blaine's ear and covers his neck and shoulder with his blood.

His ear never comes off. It's actually a stun attack from the predator's kit.

Question: What is the name of the song that is playing when Jesse goes to the bar for the first time?

Answer: Excess by Tricky is the song that plays when Jesse first goes to the bar. It's track 13 on the soundtrack.

Question: Beckett commands Davy Jones to kill the Kraken, and then when we see it, it doesn't appear to be missing any body parts. There's also nothing to suggest frenetic cannon shots. How did Jones kill the Kraken?

Answer: Jones killed the Kraken by beaching it. It being an aquatic animal, it suffocated outside of water. I assume it was due to his magical control over it that enabled it.

Show generally

Question: After the SGC find out the Russians have the Alpha gate and they're using the original DHD and then the SGC get the Alpha stargate back, do they hook up the DHD? If not, why?

Answer: No, in the episode "48 Hours", the SGC uses the Russian gate to retrieve their offworld teams and borrows the Russian's DHD to rescue Teal'c who is trapped in the gate's memory buffer. The procedure works, but destroys the DHD in the process.

1969 - S2-E21

Question: When SG-1 are going to P2X-555 (I think) they get sent back in time. Why do they come out in Cheyenne Mountain instead of the boxed stargate in Washington DC?

Answer: Carter explained it in the episode. For a brief moment, they were present in both time periods, which allowed for the Stargate to be there for them to step out of. Agreed, it does make more sense for the Stargate's unstable vortex to punch through its packing crate, but then you wouldn't end up with the hilarious "I'm Luke Skywalker" scene.

Chosen answer: They have very little resources left after the war against the Replicators.

Answer: They did. There was an Asgard ship present during the battle at the second super gate (the battle in which the Korolev was destroyed). The Asgard ship's fate in unknown, but it is implied in dialog between Landry and Woolsey (which specifically mentions the Asgard being there) that it was either heavily damaged or destroyed like all the other allied ships present. Aside from that, yes, the Asgard did play very little role in the Ori campaign.

Question: At the end, what made Gene and the Nicelanders trust Ralph better and decide to treat him more nicely? (01:41:00)

Answer: By getting locked up and treated like a criminal Felix finally understood what it was like being Ralph and treated like a bad guy for no reason. When he and Ralph came back, Felix probably told the others what had happened and told them to be nicer to Ralph. Felix never seemed to dislike Ralph personally, rather worried that Ralph would wreck something by mistake. When he realised his behaviour was making Ralph sad, he stopped doing it.

Answer: The Nicelanders realised how important Ralph was to the game when he wasn't there to do his part. This is evidenced by their reaction to seeing their game put in "Out of Order" status, i.e, "Without Ralph, we're doomed!"


Question: In the "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" scene when Satine dances with Christian. Why doesn't the Duke realise that she went up to someone else entirely and asked them to dance and why didn't he realise that she was dancing with someone else when it was supposed to be him?

Answer: During "Diamond's Are A Girl's Best Friend" Toulouse accidentally bumped into a waiter and spilled a drink on The Duke. The Duke left shortly afterward, so he never was there for Satine to offer a dance or see her dance with Christian.

Question: What kind of animal is that thing that wants to eat the chickens? He is supposedly on the 'good' side (not a coyote).

Answer: The character is named Freddy the ferret.

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