Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In the opening scene, one of the thieves said "where's your purse?" to the bank manager before they are going to leave the bank. What's the meaning of this phrase? Also, just following that, one of the thieves looks puzzled into a room where the security guards are restrained on the ground, before he joins another thief to leave the bank in their car. Why did he look puzzled at that time? Thx.


Chosen answer: 1) Jem wants her purse to get her ID so he can follow her and eliminate her if need be, as he has already decided to take her as a hostage. 2) This is Doug coming back into the room and noticing that Claire is missing, taking her as a hostage was not part of the plan.


Question: When we go through the scenes of Bruce preparing to come back as Batman and face Bane, we see a nifty little device that helps with Bruce's knee and allows him to demolish rocks with a kick. My question is, why is this device all but forgotten about in the fights against Bane? It's one thing to ignore pain through use of constant painkiller exposure it is entirely another to physically move if the force of such a kick breaks a limb.

Answer: The device is just a high tech leg brace, it merely allows Bruce the ability to use his leg somewhat normally. It does not give Bruce super kicking strength. He does not demolish rocks with his kick, he kicks a brick or two off an old brick structure in the batcave. An impressive display of strength to be sure but hardly superhuman. He would be no more likely to break Bane's bones than he would be without the device.


Question: I am confused as to what really happened. Was the entire series of movies a fantasy of Reggie's like Mike said it was? Was the planet taken over by the Tall Man like the other reality showed? Or are we left to our own imagination on which reality was real and which was not?


Chosen answer: This film is infamous for its confusing to follow narrative, owed to the fact it was originally intended as a series of shorts rather than a linear structure. As it stands it is up to the viewer to decide, however the post credits scene seems to suggest one world is real as Reggie plays no part in the scene.


Question: Can someone please translate into English what Data says after he says "Wow!"?

Answer: He says, "He is a big strong man."

Chosen answer: "The Aufseherinnen (German for "female overseer) were female guards in Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. Of the 55,000 guards who served in Nazi concentration camps, about 3,700 were women. In 1942, the first female guards arrived at Auschwitz and Majdanek from Ravensbrück. The year after, the Nazis began conscripting women because of a guard shortage." - source: Wikipedia, "Female Guards in Nazi Concentration Camps".

Michael Albert

Chosen answer: According to his wife, the painting was made specifically for the movie. Robert doesn't paint at all.

Answer: He's a surfer dude, he wanted to be polishing his boards for that scene.

Question: What is the classic song played at the beginning of the coronation scene? I have been looking for it for years.

Answer: The piece is "Genovia - National Anthem (The Land I Call my Home)" It was written for this film and composed by John Debney. During the opening of this scene, we are listening to music also composed by Mr. Debney to add to the pomp and circumstance of the event. This has been done to other songs in other films, as well. The most notable example would be the song "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria," from "The Sound of Music." The cute little ditty sung by a small group of nuns bemoaning Maria's flighty nature, is suddenly transformed into a grand orchestral arrangement for Maria's wedding to Captain Von Trapp. So, too, has the Genovia National Anthem been transformed about by a wider call for diction.

Michael Albert

Show generally

Question: Which episode contains the line "I'm not insulting you, I'm describing you?" Google searches turn up nothing but the quote itself, and no further information on the episode or the rest of the scene. If anyone knows the line that led up to it, that would be even better.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: That line of dialogue has never actually been spoken in any of the Sherlock episodes, during seasons 1-4. However, that line is written in someone's fan-fiction story online, where it's said by Sherlock and directed at Anderson.

Super Grover

Chosen answer: We know that Tilly (Matilda) Bailey is not Uncle Billy's daughter, because when Billy "loses" the deposit money and rushes back to BBB&L, George tells him that Harry's on the telephone and we hear Tilly say, "Hurry up Uncle Billy, long distance from Washington," so presumably she's George's cousin and Uncle Billy's niece. (When there's the run on the bank we see her desk, and there are a few photographs of men, one of which may be her father).

Super Grover

Question: Why wasn't Sacha Baron Cohen arrested for secretly filming people having sex without their permission? Also, what was up with the scene where the camper knocks the camera over? Did he realise what was going on? What happened after?


Answer: This is not a hidden camera movie. Everyone filmed believes they are being filmed for a documentary. So the swingers knew they were going to be filmed, but didn't know the shenanigans SBC was going to pull. The camper dude probably started realizing there was something weird going on and got mad that he was being made fun of, so knocked over the camera.

Chosen answer: Because this film was staged even more than Borat was.


Question: Amy is almost drowned in the muddy water. After Russ saves her by artificial respiration, Nick asks him where he learnt artificial respiration. "French class." Russ answers. At the end of the movie, Nick at the table shouts, "I get it! French class!" So what does French Class mean?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: Russ says he learned it in French class because giving mouth to mouth resuscitation looks similar to French kissing.


Question: Were they able to get ANY character from Hannah-Barbara? I am fully aware of the "discovery" logic of toons existing in that world before their official "premiere", so it seems possible. Was there a licensing difficulty?


Chosen answer: Likely, after all the negotiation in getting Disney and Warner Brothers toons into the same film (characters from both studios were required to have the same amount of screen time and the same number of lines, etc.) the producers decided not to push their luck and try to incorporate Hanna-Barbera as well. Also, Hanna-Barbera won't exist for 20 years until after the time of the film. Yogi Bear is a cub right now, and Fred Flintstone is washing dishes in a Hollywood Diner, so maybe we just didn't see them.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What does Anakin means when he tells to Padme that if it not were for the kidnapping of Palpatine, they would be separated "for a lifetime"? He also says that "they" wouldn't have brought them back from the outer rim sieges, who are they and how does the Chancellor's situation affects theirs?


Chosen answer: Palpatine had his eye on Anakin as an apprentice since after the Battle of Naboo. The kidnapping and rescue provided a legitimate justification for Palpatine to request that Anakin be kept close at hand as a "personal favorite Jedi" rather than being sent to the Outer Rim to fight the Separatists, which could have kept him away from Palpatine's influence for years.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: It was the same test that he gave Luke in "Return of the Jedi." Strike down an unarmed, unresisting man, and he's got The Right Stuff to be a Sith. Luke failed the test by refusing to kill him. Anakin did not.

Question: If Sifo Dyas was really the one that ordered the clone army, why would Obi Wan and possibly other people think he died before?


Chosen answer: Because he had. Sifo-Dyas was a Jedi Master with the power of foresight who'd foreseen a galactic war breaking out and secretly ordered production of the clone army 10 years before the events of the film. Count Dooku had him killed and finished the job, posing as his representative. Despite the similar-sounding names, Sifo-Dyas and Darth Sidious are not the same person.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: After the clones were discovered, Palpatine used the Separatist-Republic tension as a excuse to take control of them, but was the Separatist movement real? He could've faked it from the beginning just to take the clones out himself knowing that he would have power because of the senate. Or was the movement real at first, and he later used it to take control of the clones? The attempt on Padmé's life (which caused the Kamino reveal) besides being the price that the Viceroy requested to enter the Separatists I suppose, was to provoke the war, what do they achieve then, if they didn't know the clones would be discovered?


Chosen answer: Palpatine was playing both sides. As Sidious he was controlling and helping the separatists (which sprung from the actions of the trade federation) and as Palpatine he was defending the Republic. Both sides did not know they were being played and both sides thought their cause was "real".

Question: How many Death Stars have there been?

Answer: In the official canon, just the two we've seen in the original trilogy - in Star Wars and Return of the Jedi.

Jon Sandys

Answer: Three if you count Starkiller Base.

Starkiller base was a planet, and much bigger. It does not count as a death star.

Question: Why did the whole concept of "Midichlorians" introduced in this film anger so many Star Wars fans? I'm not a huge Star Wars fan myself, but I've heard nothing but hate for them.


Chosen answer: Because it took a magical, mystical, and mysterious concept and reduced it to a blood-borne chemical.

Chosen answer: One of his character traits as the Joker is his hunched posture. He's not standing fully upright.

Question: 3 questions: Was the planet Krennic goes to to talk to Vader supposed to be Mustafar? If so, why would Vader want to go there of all places? Lastly, what was the reason Krennic went to visit Vader?

Answer: Yes, Pablo Hidalgo from the Lucasfilm Story Group confirmed Vader's palace was on Mustafar. Gary Whitta who wrote the story, suggested that he lived there because "he wants to punish himself" for turning to the dark side. Krennic visits Vader because he wants him to arrange a personal audience with the Emperor and cut Tarkin out of the equation.


Question: I have 3 questions. 1. How come Katniss wanted Mags as an ally? 2. Why didn't she want Finnick as an ally? 3. Plutarch said half the tributes were in on getting Katniss out of the quarter quell. Is it known what tributes were in on it?


Chosen answer: 1, She chose Mags because she liked her and wanted to protect her as much as possible. 2. Katniss didn't trust Finnick. She didn't know he was one of her allies. 3. Not all of the Tributes who are allies are named.


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