Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: At the end, when Riley meets the 'freedom fighters', why aren't they bothered by the zombies who are still walking around, or the defences being completely useless, as the zombies tore the defences down or went through the river?

Answer: Riley feels that they have just the right to be there as the living do. Besides, those zombies survived all the missles and are coming to the city while Riley and the gang are leaving. So why waste the ammunition?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: It's just a screaming fan that knows everything about Drake.


Question: When I watched both films in succession, I noticed the same person played both the man on desk at the morgue and Newton, the video store owner in the second film. Is there a reason for him being in both films?

Answer: David Cross plays Newton in both movies. In the first he is attacked by the Bug but survives and something went wrong with his neuralyzing as in the sequel he knows small things about the men in black like how they appear and he recognises the neuralyzer from his previous encounter with it, which isn't a coincidence. It appears J's neuralyzing of Newton did work and we don't see him in the 3rd movie (probably because he is in jail for the murder of his mother).


Answer: The person in question is actor/comedian David Cross. In the first MIB film, Cross is listed in the credits as "Morgue Attendant," and he ends up glued to the morgue ceiling, presumably killed by The Bug. If he had survived, the Men in Black would have certainly neuralized him, anyway, and he would have no memory of the alien encounter or the Men in Black. In MIB 2, David Cross is listed as "Newton" (the video store nerd) who apparently recognizes K, because K had asked Newton to reserve a videotape for him at some time in the past. K made this video request before he ever met J, and then K neuralized himself after leaving a trail of clues leading to the video store. Newton remembers K, so Newton hasn't been neuralized in years. Therefore, Newton in MIB2 cannot be the same character as the Morgue Attendant in MIB.


Question: What happened when Bond was fighting Zao in the Cuban clinic? He threw a bottle of flammable liquid at something on the wall, which seems to have activated a magnet of some sort. What was that system, and what is it intended for?

Answer: When the bottle hit the machine it hit the on button, so it activated the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (or also known as MRI for short) machine which scans your body using very powerful magnets.

Jason Riley

Answer: From the picture of his parents. He knows where everything goes, and it's not too hard to work out how to put them on.

Answer: Also, he's been thoroughly educated on human customs and society by Jane, her father, and Clayton by that point. Possibly they taught him about dressing himself during their lessons, and he continued to go about wearing the loincloth out of personal preference.

Question: What exactly happens to the bodies of the Separatist leaders during the Obi-Wan/Anakin fight on Mustafar. When they first enter the control room fighting, the floor remains littered with the corpses from earlier (Nute Gunray most prominently visible). Yet as the fight progresses the Separatists' bodies either shift position or partially/completely disappear in the scene. Is there a logical explanation for this or is this simply a digital error and thus a visual mistake?

Answer: I'd say its most likely just a lazy mistake. Unless all the vibrations on the planet surface moved them around, or one of the Jedi moved them using the force during their fight (unlikely).

Question: Why does Ray drop his trap on the altar? It can be seen all through the 'choose' conversation and when Staypuft first appears.

Answer: He places it on the altar just after they believe they have vaporized Gozer with the proton packs. At this point, thinking the ghost to have been destroyed, he sets it down as he believes the job is done and he will not need it.


Answer: Ray realised Gozer was too powerful to be caught in the trap, so why carry the extra weight?

Question: What are the torches in the tunnels under Trinity church made out of that they light instantly after how many tens or hundreds of years?

Sheri Hartman

Chosen answer: Oil soaked linens, like most torches in such environments, I would suppose.


Question: The killer arrives at the farm in an old rusty truck which Maria stows away in with the captive Alex. Then from the gas station she follows the truck in the murdered station attendant's car, and both vehicles end up at the scene of the final confrontation. Yet at the end we learn that Maria is actually the killer and has insanely hallucinated virtually the entire movie. Can anyone offer any explanation of where that big truck came from in the first place and what the truth is about which vehicles were really present at the end and how exactly Maria and Alex arrive at the scene of their final confrontation?

Answer: It is impossible to know which vehicles were actually used, or even what really happened throughout the movie. The plot twist at the end of this film, while certainly surprising, was not very thoroughly planned out. It's almost as if the writer decided at the last minute to add it for no better reason than he couldn't think of a way to end the movie.


Show generally

Question: Can anyone tell me what Kenny actual sings during the opening credits? I know it changes through the series, but I don't know what he sings in any of the versions.

Answer: In Series 1 and 2: "I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with big vaginas." In Series 3-5: "I have got a ten inch penis, use your mouth if you want to clean it". Kenny doesn't appear in Series 6. From Series 7 onwards, he says, "Someday I'll be old enough to stick my dick in Britney's butt."


Question: This seems like a stupid question, but is Jack really gay, or are they all teasing him? I'm just a little curious as to whether there's a deleted scene or something on the special DVD which clarifies that point.

Answer: Yes he actually is gay and the other brothers tease him but as more of a loving way.

Answer: They are just teasing him, like all good brothers do.


Show generally

Question: This may seem a bit stupid, but I'm new to the show, and didn't start with the pilot: what is that place where Max, Cindy, Sketch, etc. hang out (Where Normal works)? Judging by the presence of lockers, I would assume it's a gym.

Answer: It's their job. They are bike messengers and have lockers to hold personal stuff.


Timeslides - S3-E5

Question: At The End of 'Timeslides', even though all has returned to normal, Rimmer has altered history sufficiently so that he is now alive rather than a hologram. As the Dwarfers walk through the cargo decks Rimmer excitedly yells "I am alive.", The End of which is punctuated by an explosion that presumably kills him. The question is: What in God's name causes this explosion? And why do Lister and the Cat appear completely uninterested that one of their crewmates has just been killed?


Chosen answer: Rimmer pounds his fists on two large crates labelled "Explosives", which causes the explosion. The others had wandered off by the time Holly and Rimmer realised he was alive, so they heard Rimmer yelling followed by the explosion but didn't know Rimmer had been harmed, as they didn't know he was alive to start with.


Question: Malcolm asks Roland why he'd kill a T-Rex. Roland proceeds to tell a story about a guy that went up a mountain and came back barely alive, and when asked 'did he go up there to die', responded 'no, he went up there to live'. I sort of get the point of the story, but could somebody clarify it for me?

Answer: It's basically about facing one's own mortality. Many humans feel that they 'feel the most alive' when facing (and overcoming) dangerous situations, the more challenging, the better. Roland is a big game hunter, to him, the ultimate challenge would be to hunt the biggest and (presumably) most dangerous predator ever to exist. Facing the danger of the T. Rex would make him feel better and mightier than he had ever felt in his life.


Do No Harm - S1-E20

Question: After Boone dies, and Clarie is showing off little turnip head, what is the name of the song that is playing, and who is the composer?

Answer: The name of the song is titled "Life and Death", and the composer is Michael Giacchino. It is number 20 on the LOST soundtrack.

Angela Wilbourn

Show generally

Question: Why is it that Carla always wears different coloured scrubs, she's always in red, pink, purple, orange etc. Also, how is it that her scrubs are the same but in different colours yet other nurses throughout the show sometimes wear a floral top, which Carla has never worn?

Answer: In many hospitals these days, your scrubs are entirely a matter of choice. The hospital will provide you with a limited number of pieces in a specific (uniform) color, if you desire, or you can provide your own. If Carla chooses to keep a collection of matched tops and bottoms in various colors, or if the other nurses choose to wear floral patterns (and she doesn't), that's entirely up to them.

Rooster of Doom

Question: So no-one saw Jodie Foster bring her kid on the plane, I understand that. The plane was empty when the 2 of them boarded as they were the first to board. There wasn't anyone else on the plane and as soon as they got to their seats her little girl bent down on the floor to play with a toy, so I fully understand that no-one saw the girl. What I want to know, is how did the hijackers know she was going to be boarding first? Had she boarded much later with other passengers then SOMEONE would have seen the kid, and that would have totally foiled the plan. How could they have banked on her boarding first?


Chosen answer: He didn't know for sure, but he had a hunch. As far as he could tell she would arrive early to register the body for the U.S. and they would let her board the plane first (as a common courtesy, since her husband died) Plus, he knew that she had knowledge of planes and that it was her interest to see a new model of an aircraft that she helped build before it was to take off.

Jason Riley

Question: After Andy left Runway, she got a job at the New York newspaper. But then she seemed to have made up with Nate, who is moving to Boston. Did she leave her job (again) to live with Nate?

Jason Feng

Chosen answer: Andy stays in New York, but both agree they will work out some way to still see each other.


Question: In many flight and pre flight scenes, Ice is shown wearing a blue collared shirt under his flight suit. Is it normal for pilots to wear street clothes under their flight suits as opposed to just an undershirt? What about pants?

Answer: After being stationed onboard an Aircraft Carrier for several years I can say your observations are correct. They should have a regulation white T under there. None of the pilots I know would wear a civilian T under their flight suit because it could mark them as an American, and it could contain chemicals that in a pure oxygen environment of the flight suit could have produced fumes.

James Rowell

Answer: During the timeframe the movie was shot, polo shirts were authorized under flight suits. They no longer are for two reasons - 1) the buttons are a FOD (foreign object damage) hazard and 2) the v-neckish does not provide enough flame protection. However, regarding color, every navy squadron or command is authorized to choose a color for their crew/turtle neck undershirt. If a color has not been specified, the color shall be navy blue or black.

Thanks! That makes sense in the movie: You can see several other pilot / RIO pairs with the same color Polo or undershirts on (red and yellow). Also, Goose and Mav are wearing white and other pairs are wearing black.

Question: When Kyle and Sarah change places in the pickup truck, if you play it in slow motion you can see Kyle's face transitioning to that of a stuntman. How did they manage to do that back in 1984? And more importantly, since they were driving straight ahead, why?

Answer: As for the transformation it appears to be an optical thing. It appears that Kyle was driving and doing the switch. the reason for the switch is so Kyle can toss out the pipe bombs. notice that Sara holds one up and Kyle and her then switch places.

James Rowell

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