Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How did Michael know it was Roth behind the attempt on his life, not Frank Pentangeli?

Answer: Michael always suspected Roth, though he didn't have proof, and then believed it was Pentangeli. Michael learned that Fredo was involved in the assassination plot on his life. Fredo confessed that he was helping Roth, expecting some compensation in return, though he did not know there would be an attempt to kill Michael.


Answer: He didn't know for sure it was Ross until he went to Cuba and asked about the order on Pentangeli. Roth gave the speech about Moe Green starting Las Vegas, someone had him killed and he didn't ask. What he said to Michael told him why he wanted him killed, plus he knew Ross had ordered the hit on Pentangelli, plus he heard his brother slip up at the club earlier that he had been there before with the other guy that Michael knows is against him. That's when Michael kew his brother betrayed him - when he slipped up in the club. So Michael found out everything on New Year's Eve in Cuba.

Question: In real life, would it be possible to build a Jericho missile like the one in the movie?

Answer: It depends what makes the Jericho blast. If it is a real life thing like explosives, then yes, you could theoretically design a missile that launched and then fired submunitions. If it is a fictional thing like "repulsor" power or some other Stark invention, then no, not with current technology. In real life the limits for weapon design include destructive effects but also weight, cost, propulsion, complexity, transportability, aerodynamics and much more.

Question: Hermione couldn't understand why Ron wouldn't wear what his mother made him for Christmas but I am curious, was Hermione wearing what Mrs Weasley made for her when they were walking down the stairs?


Answer: No, she's wearing her own sweater when going down the stairs.


Then why would she not get why Ron isn't wearing it when she isn't wearing her own gift from Mrs Weasley?

Ron has a long history of being embarrassed by his mother's rather odd homemade gifts. Unlike Hermione, because his family was poor, he had few options on what else he could wear. Hermione, being a guest, would not be expected to wear her gift at any particular time. She also thinks Ron is over-reacting.


Question: Given how Ann is, why would she let the symbiote briefly bond with her unless it told her about Eddie?


Answer: Ann let Venom briefly inhabit her because it was quite obvious to him that she still had feelings for Eddie. This is most noticeable when Ann takes Eddie to the hospital and Eddie apologizes to Ann for making her lose her job.

Question: Why does Pennywise feed on the adult at the start? I thought he only fed on children as seen in the previous movie and this movie. Or is it fear that he feeds on? I haven't read the book so maybe it's better explained in there.

Answer: Pennywise eats Adrian Mellon because he has just awoken from his sleep and is hungry. Pennywise will feed on anyone but prefers his victims to be afraid because the meal is more satisfying. It is described in the book as like "salting the meat." Likewise, Pennywise prefers children because their fear is more intense.


Question: What happened to the one Native American that Governor Ratcliffe shot? I know he went back to the village for treatment but what happened to him afterwards? Did he die?

Answer: This is a question the movie chose not to answer. It could be assumed he died as the Powhatans did not have the knowledge to treat gunshot wounds. However, there were cases even as far back as this time of individuals being able to survive gunshot wounds as long as the bleeding could be stopped and infection didn't spread. As the Powhatans did know herbs in the land to treat infections and did know how to mend bleeding; it is also possible he lived though he would have walked with a limp for the rest of his life.

Answer: Same reason for her actions in the entire episode. She wasn't thinking straight. She recently had brain surgery, her husband left her, she lost her step-son, and now she finds out she's pregnant with a minor's child. All put together spells recipe for an emotional breakdown where no-one can be expected to think straight.

Question: Did coach Haskins treat his players the way he does in the movie?

Answer: Yes. He really did integrate them to teach them to work as a team and give them guidance to help them off the field (such as with school work). His coaching method shown in the film is also accurate. Coaches screaming at the players, mocking them, and being what we would say is "harsh" with them was common coaching practice in the 70s that no-one would have batted an eye to. Especially in the south. Coach Boone would have especially been under pressure to show his players he meant business due to the concern that some of them might not take him seriously as a new black coach. If he had been seen as "easy", the team may not have been motivated to do as well as they did.

Question: Why does Rosemary change her hairstyle in the movie and why did Terry die?


Answer: Terry was murdered by the the Castevets (pushing her out the window). Terry became suspicious about Roman and Minnie and why they had taken her into their home. It may also be that once they met Rosemary and Guy, they found Rosemary to be a more suitable "mother." Regarding Rosemary's hair. When she became pregnant, she experienced severe and constant pain keeping her housebound. She finally decided not to give into it anymore and made an effort to go about her normal life, having lunch with Hutch, getting a new haircut, planning a party for her and Guy's old friends that they never saw anymore, and so on. It was only after she threatened Guy to go back to her original doctor that a spell was apparently put on her to stop the pain.


Terry may have actually committed suicide (with a little 'help') because she couldn't face the fact that she was to be used to procreate with Satan. This is indicated if you listen to Ruth Gordon's voice as the nun in Rosemary's "dream" when Rosemary was actually overhearing Minnie through the wall, chastising Roman with "If you had listened to me we wouldn't have to do this! We would have been all set to go instead of having to start from scratch! I told you not to tell her in advance. I told you she wouldn't be open-minded!"

Answer: I read this book as a kid and so did my mom. She said she cut her hair because she was tired of them clipping pieces for their spells. I don't remember that part in the book. I might have to read it again.


Answer: They may have found out that Terry was not healthy-or fertile-enough, is my guess.


Question: What age is Andy in this movie?

Answer: In Toy Story, Andy's birthday is in the summer (Sid was at camp and "must've been kicked out early"), with Andy presumably turning 6 years old and Molly approx 10-12 months old (she's not more than a 1 year old), then at the end of Toy Story it's Christmas, which is at least 4 months later. In Toy Story 2, it's August when Andy goes to cowboy camp, then at the end of the movie Andy's mom encourages Molly as the toddler walks toward her. So it seems Toy Story 2 takes place the following summer after the family's move, which is 1 year after the start of Toy Story, with Andy having just turned 7 and Molly being about 2 years old. If, however, Toy Story 2 takes place 2 years after the start of Toy Story, that would mean Andy just turned 8 and Molly would be about 3 and delayed at walking on her own.

Super Grover

Answer: First I should say that Hogwarts students started wearing more Muggle type clothing due to director Alfonso Cuaron and the costume designer Jany Temime. Their decision was popular with the teenage cast because now the onscreen attire was more casual, even their school uniforms were more relaxed. Emma was quite happy with this change, because wearing jeans and other ordinary clothing was more comfortable than the entire school uniform, and it helped with the teen's personal character development, as well as being easier to do stunts.

Super Grover

Question: Why would he have to steal the money from the bank? Given everything else he makes.

Answer: While under the influence of the mask, Stanley repeatedly gets revenge on people that have wronged him. The Mask wouldn't even need to create money out of thin air to get into the club since he could just use his powers to get in, so since he feels that he is mistreated at the bank, he robs it.


Answer: Nothing he makes while The Mask is permanent, and when separated from him reverts or disappears, as we see with the piece of pajama. If he made money, for example to get into the club, then immediately after giving it to the people and walking inside, it would vanish, probably causing him then to be thrown out. As Phaneron said, in addition, by robbing the bank to get it, he also strikes back at one of those he feels mistreats him.

Answer: She wanted room for her own things. The apartment was cluttered with so many collectables that Leonard never looked at, that he never noticed when she put some in storage.

Brian Katcher

Well if they're a couple why not talk to him about it? After all couples are supposed to compromise on things, imagine if he'd done this to her.


Not sitcom couples. Every reaction has to be exaggerated and borderline psychotic.


It's a play on the "women always do what they want and the man goes along with it" type scenario. Plus, Penny is seriously hot and way out of Leonard's league so its entirely plausible she knows this and knows he wouldn't question her anyway, as he will always give in and give her what she wants.


Answer: Season 9 Episode 20, "Camelot", Samatha goes out onto the Supergate to replace one of the dialing crystals. When the Ori activate the Supergate before she finishes, her magnetic lock is lost, causing her to drift into space.


Answer: Yes, it's a gambling thing. It's called "the spread." The Cowboys would have been underdogs, so the opponent (in 1990 it was the Washington Redskins) were favored to win. Homer bet money that the Cowboys would win or at least not lose by 6 points. That's why he says "five and a half points", since there's no way to score half a point, if the Cowboys lost by 6, Homer loses the bet. But if they lose by 5 or less, Homer wins the bet.


Season 1 generally

Question: I've been watching through Season 1, and haven't gotten further than that yet while paying attention. But any time there is a scene in the kitchen when them at the table, Stewie is always seated in the same spot at the table with his char having its back to the cabinet next to the sink. On the counter top directly behind Stewie in each episode, there is a pink rectangular item sitting there, and I have seen it in every episode of season 1. What is that item? Is it a sponge or a scrub thing? Why is it pink?

Quantom X

Answer: It is just a dish sponge. Scotch-Brite sells pink sponges. There's no particular reason it's pink, it could just show Lois likes pink or one of the animators grew up in a home that always had a pink sponge.


Question: So if Thomas Wayne is Arthur's father does that mean that he and Bruce Wayne are brothers?

Answer: Half brothers, yes, provided Thomas really is Arthur's father.

Brian Katcher

Question: How were the Pink Berets able to track the easter bunny's son?

Answer: Phone.

Answer: When they say James (his real name) instead of Fred.

Answer: Eustace is a rather two-dimensional antagonist character. He is just a mean-spirited man who takes out his hostilities on a vulnerable dog and resents his wife having adopted him.


I thought the reason had to do with the attention Courage receives from Muriel.

Question: How did Meghan get from the boat to the house?

Answer: There is a man in the house who brings Meghan some food to eat. I think he was the one who took her there.

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