Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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A War for All Seasons - S9-E6

Question: In the early part of this episode, what is the song playing on Pierce and Hunnicutt's radio, which Charles remarks that "They can neither sing nor spell!"?

Answer: The song is "Rag Mop" written in 1950 by Deacon Anderson and Johnnie Lee Will. The song is also later mentioned in the season 11 episode "Hey Look Me Over," when Nurse Kellye reads Hawkeye the riot act.

Answer: On various documentarys, it is noted that all of the cast were very close friends, to the extent that guests felt very left out during filming. To answer your question yes, they were all very close.

Question: When Karl is cutting the phone lines with the chainsaw, what is his brother yelling at him in German?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: He is shouting "No, no, I'm not finished here!" as presumably if the lines are cut before he's finished rerouting them (or whatever exactly he's doing) an alarm or similar will be tripped.

Question: Can anybody make out the instructions on the zero gravity toilet on the space craft?


Chosen answer: The wording was spelled out in the "making of" book. Someone took the time to reproduce it here:

Question: At the end of "Mortal Kombat Conquest," Shoug Tsung and Kitana get killed, but in "Mortal Kombat 1," they are alive, and I was wondering about that.

Answer: Two explinations are possible: 1) Because the show was cancelled, we never got to see a later episode when they were presumably brought back to life; or 2) the show takes place out of continuity with the film series. Both explainations are perfectly valid.

Answer: The unproduced second season was going to show everyone being brought back to life by the elder gods. But the series was cancelled due to higher-than-expected production costs.


Question: In the scene right after Jack hustles Rose into the Gymnasium, she is at tea with her mother and some other women, looking at a little girl. As she stares, her face and the background seem to turn very luminescent, like a painting. Is it just me, or did they film it in a certain way or do something in post-production to make it look like that?

Answer: In the special edition DVD, they actually made a scale model of the room in question and filmed the actors against a green screen. The lighting of the shot didn't match up correctly with the footage of the scale model.

Answer: The "if only you has come to me sooner" was in reference to the bridesmaids dresses. Not the little girl and the etiquette part.

Answer: It's probably showing 1) that Rose is detaching from the present into her own thoughts, and 2) that she's envisaging the type of narrow and straitjacketed life this naturally vivacious and innocent little girl is going to have to get used to, which brings her back to thinking of the life she will be stuck in if she marries Cal, thus changing her mind about it. She wants to be free to express joy and to laugh, dance wildly, travel on the wind, run, climb, swim - everything she won't be able to do if she marries Cal. I don't think the little girl is the daughter of the woman, because you can hear the woman saying to her: 'If only you'd come to me sooner!' when the little girl makes mistakes of etiquette. This implies to me that the little girl has changed guardians for some reason, and in doing so, has gone up in class. Rose realises, where the little girl does not yet, what kind of life this little girl has unknowingly just been aportioned, and how, if the upper classes had their way, children would never get the opportunity to just be children (this is the implication of 'if only you'd come to me sooner'). The encroaching loss of that little girl's right to express the spirit of a child reminds her of Jack's warning that Rose will likewise die if she doesn't break free, because the fire that he loves about her will, sooner or later, burn out.

Question: On the movie timeline website it says that on November 6 2012 America elected a female President, and that this fact comes from Back To The Future Part III. Where in the film is this mentioned?

Answer: It's actually mentioned in Part II, when Marty and Doc are reading the newspaper. If you look at the headlines on the left side of the page, one of them reads, "President says she's tired of..." As this is in 2015, pending changes to US election dates, she must have been elected on November 6th 2012.

Question: What kind of plane did Varrick use in the chase in the end with molly? could someone please answer this?

Answer: That is a Boeing 'Stearman' biplane.

Question: At the very end of the movie, just before the credits stop rolling, we hear Natalya's line, "I get a lot of money for you, and that makes you *my* bitch". Sounds to me like a filmmaker's joke on the audience (meaning, he's making money 'cause people are watching his picture). Does anyone know what this really was intended to mean? Any official words about it from Eli Roth or his crew?

Answer: This is actually a reference to both Eli Roth and Quentin Tarantino's experience with the same hooker. After both Tarantino and Roth "had" the same call girl without either of them knowing, the hooker replied to both of them as she left their separate rooms, "I get a lot of money for you, and that makes you MY bitch. Hence, the opening line for the trailer. Both of them had a big laugh during the premiere.

Question: Is there any particular reason why the chorus lyrics were cut from a number of the songs? They used all of the lyrics in the verses, but not the chorus', which I found odd.

Answer: From what I heard, the chorus songs (known as "The Ballad of Sweeney Todd") were cut due to time and inability to make the chorus work on-screen. Actors were set up to play "ghost narrators" at first, so that indicates that the filmmakers did want to include the songs. They were just not able to find a way to make them work satisfactorily for them. Also, I think (can't verify) I also heard that Stephen Sondheim, the show's original creator and composer/lyricist, agreed that these cuts needed to be made for the film to work.

Question: What is the name of the song called that they dance to in the club? It is when Tyler is in a group of boys and Nora in a group of girls. Tyler then steps out and improvises his own moves.

Answer: It is called "Till The Dawn" by Drew Sidora.

Question: Is it just me, or does Banacheck (the Sector Seven guy who briefs SecDef) look just like the driver hologram that Barricade projects? And if it is the same person, is it intentional on Barricade's part? Or did the producers just use the same actor and hope nobody would notice?

Answer: When I saw this scene, I thought that it was intentionally done by the directors to throw in a small bit of deception to the audience, considering the closeup on the briefcase and the electronic disruption that occurs while he is there. However it's probably more of just a coincidence that they look similar. The hologram driver/pilot that the Decepticons use was played by Brian Reece and Banacheck was played by Michael O'Neill.

Answer: Anna kept it, you can see it later.

Question: Can anyone explain what the meaning behind the baseball game was? All I get from it is that Chad didn't think Ryan was good enough to play.

Answer: Although the dialogue makes it hard to follow, the game was actually a challenge between Ryan/Gabriella and Chad. If Ryan's team won, Chad and the guys would have to perform in the talent show; if Chad's team won, Gabriella and Ryan would have to forget the whole thing. Ultimately Ryan won the respect of the guys even though his team lost the game hence Chad asking what would he have to do in the show.

Question: When does the song "I Learned From You," play in the movie?

Answer: It is the first song over the credits, the second is "A Place for us".

Question: In the scene where Troy and Gabriella are singing "You Are The Music In Me", how the deuce does a whole band start playing yet only the piano is being played? Is this a mistake?

Answer: It's a Musical. Instruments that aren't shown are always playing like this in these types of movies.

Question: Where did Frenchy go after talking to Michael in the chem lab? She never appeared on camera again.

Answer: Frenchy originally had more scenes, including helping Michael act more like a T-Bird, ride a motorcycle, and wear cooler clothes, but all of these were cut.

Question: Before Neville is caught in the Darkseekers' trap, you see the "Fred" mannequin from Neville's viewpoint when he's still driving the car. Is it just my imagination, or is "Fred" actually moving like/being played by a human actor? Wouldn't be a mistake as we're seeing through Neville's eyes (and his inevitable mental breakdown), but this is bugging me all the same.

Answer: Yes, he does move. As you said, we're seeing this through Neville's eyes and it's done to show he's on the verge of a breakdown.

Chosen answer: Benji is the name of a famous dog(s) in a number of films from the 70s through today, including "Benji" and "Oh Heavenly Dog."


Question: Can someone please tell me how to get to the "Half Blood Prince" sneak peek on the "Order of the Phoenix" DVD, because I've tried everything and cannot find it! Thanks.

Answer: Note: The following instructions apply to the Region 4 DVD. They may or may not apply to DVDs of other regions. Insert Disc 2 into a PC. Use InterActual DVD player if you have it, because the following instructions may or may not be relevant to other DVD players. After it has loaded, you will see the same menu you see on a normal non-computer DVD player. Beneath the screen, you should see some options: 'Extra Credit', 'Daily Prophet', 'Newsletter' etc. Click on 'Extra Credit', and a different menu will be shown on the screen. This menu has options 'Hogwarts Timeline', 'Magical Trading Cards', '' and 'Harry Potter Sneak Peek'. Choose 'Harry Potter Sneak Peek' and you will be shown another menu, where you are able to watch five videos. The first two videos are the HBP sneak peeks.


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