Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What exactly happens between Trevelyan and Ourumov in the pre-title sequence? Is this just a staged hostage situation to get Bond's guard down? Or, if Ourumov really shot Trevelyan, how did he come back to life?

Answer: Yep it's a staged hostage situation. Trevelyan and Ourumov are in on it together and the gun was filled with blanks. The purpose of it was to get Bond to surrender, but it backfires and Bond sets the timers to 3 minutes instead of the planned 6 minutes - so Trevelyan and Ourumov have less time than they realise - hence the bad scarring on Trevelyan's face later in the film because presumably he got caught in the blast.

Sam Johnson

Question: Who is the old man in the wheelchair who puts the music box with the monkey on Christine's grave at the end?I thought it might be Raoul but the box belonged to the phantom and he hated the phantom.

Answer: It is Raoul. He gets the music box because Christine obviously loved it, shown by the fact that she had obviously described and remembered it in such great detail many years after last seeing it. He buys it for her as a gift of love, even though she has died.

mandy gasson

Answer: It's also a symbol that Raoul recognized Christine still loved the phantom. Possibly more than him. The love triangle is complete as neither man truly had her. Raoul spent his life with her but she loved the phantom. The phantom missed out on spending life with her but got her love.

Answer: It's Raoul. When the auctioneer sells him the music box, he addresses him by his title, The Vicomte de Chagny.

Question: In my copy of Shrek 2 the ugly stepsister has a very grumpy voice but in the real movie she has a different voice but why?

Answer: The Ugly Stepsister's voice was performed by different people, specifically chat-show hosts from the country in question - so, in the US release, it's Larry King, in the UK release, Jonathan Ross and so on. Your DVD is presumably a different version to the one that you saw at the cinema.


The One In Vegas, Part 2 - S5-E24

Question: When Joey is talking to his 'hand twin' in the bathroom he says "...And you know NASA's gonna want to talk to us." If he does in fact say NASA, then what does he mean? Why would they want 'hand twins'? Thanks.

Answer: It's just one of the nonsensical things Joey says, it's not as if NASA would really want hand twins. He just thinks they might because NASA researches a lot of stuff.

LuMaria 1

Question: I read in the trivia section that Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy) had his pockets sewn shut to prevent him from taking food on the set. Why couldn't he take food on the set?

Answer: There's the danger of getting food on your wardrobe, spilling or getting crumbs on the set and props, and of course getting food in your teeth, all of which take time to remedy before filming can begin. Film sets always have food set up nearby, but it's for breaks between setups. No one wants to deal with food between takes, when the camera is about to roll.


Question: In the part where Frank falls through the glass roof, you see Jack use his pick to stop them.where does he stick his pick into if it is all glass? He couldn't have stuck it into ice because you see him wipe away just snow to see Frank.

Answer: The roof isn't one continuous piece of glass, it's many pieces fit together and separated by metal framing. The flat end of the pick can fit into the crack in the frame between two pieces of glass.


Question: In the scene where McClane kills the first terrorist,why doesn't he just shoot him? He wastes bullets and risks his life by fighting him. He's got a gun on him at point blank range,it would've been so much easier to just shoot him.

Answer: As it is said during that scene, John is a cop, he won't shoot unless its neccessary. He is smart enough to try get information first. You can't get any information from a dead terrorist. Then when he tries to use force, the struggle eventuated. John actually didn't mean to kill him, he just so happened to be holding onto the right part of his head as they were rolling down the stairwell.


Question: Why do the Bohos have to evade Zidler in the first place? Zidler obviously knows Toulouse by sight, and doesn't seem to mind them being there too much when he sees them near the duke.

Answer: He's willing to put up with their presence, but isn't likely to tolerate their attempt to arrange a meeting between Satine and Christian to discuss their play - Satine has other more important things to be doing.


Question: Near the end of the Battle of Yavin, one of the X-wing pilots (I think it is Wedge) screams "YEEEEEEESSSSSS." and Luke looks back, to see an explosion on the surface of the Death Star. Why is this explosion so important that it warrants a change of music and a character screaming in joy? It just looks like what Luke had done earlier, when he 'got a little cooked' after shooting at the surface.

Answer: That wasn't Wedge, it was someone else. And he wasn't screaming "Yes," he was screaming in pain. The explosion Luke sees is that pilot's X-wing. With him gone, Luke is the last one who has a decent shot at destroying the Death Star: hence the music change.

K.C. Sierra

Question: What happened to Cal's evil butler, Lovejoy?

Answer: He presumably dies when the ship breaks in half (that's the last time we see him).

K.C. Sierra

Question: What was Napoleon putting in his mouth in the restroom during the dance? It looks a chewing tobacco pouch that he takes it from, but since he swallows it seconds later, this seems implausible.

Answer: On the DVD commentary, they say it's Big League Chew, that shredded bubble gum that comes in a pouch.


Question: Can someone please tell me why Peter Jackson cut out the chapter in the book about the hobbits rebelling against "Sharkey". I can understand it in the theatrical version (time restrictions) but he had all the time in the world for the extended version and he still didn't put it in. I thought the Hobbit rebellion was the best part of all the 3 books.

Answer: The climax of the tale, from the film-making point of view, is the destruction of the Ring and the fall of Sauron. Having the movie go on for at least another hour after that (which would be required for the Scouring of the Shire) simply wouldn't work. Practically all the scenes that have been added into the Extended Cut are scenes that were cut from the theatrical film - i.e. they were filmed with their inclusion in the theatrical release in mind. Given the amount of work that they had to do, to then film a long, complex sequence (which would require a lot of effects work, as it features multiple battles between men and hobbits) purely to be included in the Extended Edition would not have been possible.


Question: Near the end, Carrie Fisher says something about mad Pitt Trolo. who is that mad Pitt Trolo?

Answer: She says: "You contemptible pig. I remained celebate for you. I stood at the back of a cathedral, waiting in celibacy for you, with 300 friends and relatives in attendance. My uncle hired the best Romanian caterer in the state. To obtain the seven limousines for the wedding party my father used up his last favors with Mad Pete Trollo. So for me, for my mother, my grandmother, my father, my uncle and for the common good, I must now kill you and your brother." Not a real person, just some the guy who rents limosines whose name really sounds like someone you would rather he owed you a favor rather than the other way around (a mobster).


Question: How is Wallace being tortured right after they show one of the executioners tear his shirt open?

Answer: The little people shown before Wallace's execution give us a clue-they are cutting him open and pulling out his guts, then castrating him. Traitor execution traditionally was done by drawing and quartering. This is was done by hanging, then cutting open the abdominal wall and removing the intestines and setting them on fire. A good executioner would then reach up under the rib cage and quickly cut out the still beating heart for all to see.

Nick N.

Man that's pretty grim, but I believe what you wrote. People have always been barbaric. This rates in the top 5.

Question: Has anyone an idea about what kind of car is this one which almost hits Marty McFly Jr. as he runs out from Cafe 80's? For me it looks like Renault or Mazda, but I'm not sure, though I I can swear it must be some future descendant of the really existing nowadays car. Does anyone recognize any other familiar car in future vehicles? :).

Answer: I was able to recognize the grey one that almost hit him. It is a late 1980's Ford Probe. There is also a jeep that flies down that Marty grabs a hold of.


The Jeep is a 1987 Wrangler.


Question: In the flashback scene where Jesus stopped a group of men from throwing stones at Mary Magdalene, it reminds me of the "woman caught in adultery" scene from John 8:7 where Jesus told the crowd: "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her" (ESV). Even though most of us are familiar with Jesus' saying, but what made it to compel the woman's accusers not to stone her?


Chosen answer: Although it's never made clear in the Bible, the obvious answer is, each of them knew that they were not without sin. Therefore, no one cast the first stone. Another suggestion is that in the midst of all this, they realized that they were using this woman and were not at all concerned about justice: else they would have brought the man to be stoned as well. And a third explanation is that this never happened: it was an addition to the original gospel of John and does not belong in the Bible. Take your pick.

K.C. Sierra

Question: Maybe this will be explained in Episode III, but Leia is "princess" of what? The Rebellion? Of Alderaan? And who is her (fake) father that she mentions to Obi-Wan?

Answer: Leia was adopted by Bail Organa (played by Jimmy Smits in Episodes II and III), who was a member of a Royal family on Alderaan, so when she was adopted by Bail, she became a royal princess.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: According to the IMDb, there were three Mexican filming locations used, and they are: Tijuana, Nogales and Mexico City.

Super Grover

Question: In the Extended Edition, Eomer found Eówyn lying after the battle of Pelenor Fields and believed she is dead. What injuries did she suffered that required her to be sent to the House of Healing?


Chosen answer: When Éowyn (as well as Merry) stabs the Witch-king of Angmar, a serious and deadly malady described in the book as, "The Black Shadow, for it came from the Nazgûl" begins to afflict them. Those who are stricken are taken to the Houses of Healing. Old Gondorian lore states, "The hands of the king are the hands of healer." Aragorn, as the rightful king, has the power to heal Éowyn and Merry with the aid of the plant athelas which is also known as kingsfoil.

Super Grover

Question: What is the point of Raoul keeping his "hand at the level of his eyes" as he descends the stairwell to face the phantom?


Chosen answer: It keeps him from being caught and strangled by the phantom's 'magical lasso'. See Buquet's explanation in the scene with the ballet chorus girls to see him show how it works.


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