Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I know that someone has earlier stated that the girl in red was the only thing shown in color in the movie (except for the last scene), but I'm pretty sure that some of the candles were in color. Is this true?

Answer: Yes.


Question: In the credits it lists the name of the dark haired bride as Verona - it does this in the game as well - but I can't find that name spoken anywhere in the film. Where is it, if anywhere?

Answer: Her name is never spoken, but the two other brides' names, Aleera and Marishka, are spoken.


Season 3 generally

Question: One of the Easter Egg entries says an egg is on every DVD and can be accessed by entering '35' when the alien writing appears on the screen. I have tried this, but it doesn't work. Can someone please go into a little more detail for me or explain why it might not work? The other easter eggs can be accessed fine.

Answer: I did some research around the net and it seems this only works with region 2 DVDs.


Question: Why did Dudley order the killings at the Nite Owl in the first place?

Answer: To get rid of Stensland and take over the drug racket. Dudley knew if he killed Stensland seperately the police would start looking into why they would want to kill a cop. Killing him and everyone at the Nite Owl then making it look like a robbery would just make it look like Stensland was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but as we find out later it was set up to look like that and also could easily be placed on the black criminals.


Question: At the very end of the movie, when Harry discovers the secret room, he sees many vials of the performance enhancer that his father was working on. Why did Norman Osborn need so many?

Answer: It seems likely that a large number of samples would have been created during the initial experiments - Norman simply took them away and stored them to prevent anyone else from doing what he did. It also gives him the option to repeat the experiment if he feels that the effects are wearing off - remember, it was highly experimental so it would be hard to predict precisely what would happen in the long-term.


Chosen answer: She wanted to leave him something of hers to keep, and it's the only personal item she had on hand.


It is his ring that he gave to her. She is giving him back his ring.

Was it good for you? - S2-E16

Question: What is the name of the song playing the background, when Carrie is intimate with the recovering alcoholic? She sings,"If there's a cure for this, I don't want it."

Answer: "Love Hangover" by Diana Ross.

Jane Doe

Question: If all the characters in the two movies die in similar ways, how are the first two deaths related? (The strangling and the eye impaling.)

Answer: The deaths aren't related. What is meant by the fact that the characters in the 2 films dying in similar ways, means that all of them have an accident that should have killed them, but they survived. However death catches up with and eventually they all die, just like in the first film. That is the connection between the two films.


Silent Partner - S1-E6

Question: I believe it is in this episode where a song is played near the end, that goes something along the lines of "I'm on the outside, I'm looking in, I see your true colours" can any one tell me what the song is called, who it's by and where I can find it?

Answer: It's called 'Outside' by the band Staind. It's on their Break the Cycle CD.


Question: Why are they always naked when returning from the future?

Answer: Reese explains that only living things can come through the portal. This is why they can't bring any equipment, including clothing. The Terminator can come because it's covered in living skin.


Question: Why does Ray freak out when Charlie turns on the hot water in the bathtub?

Answer: When they were children, Ray witnessed Charlie being burned by hot bath water. I think Ray says something about how he was left to look after Charlie while Charlie was in the bath, and Charlie got burned by the hot water. That memory must be very strong for Ray, and not comprehending the passing of time, Ray did not want to see Charlie hurt again.

Mark English

Question: Why does the alarm go off when Dave puts the Pick-n-Mix in his mouth and then stop when he steps on it?

Answer: It's a sight gag. Dave's essentially stealing the candy, so the alarm goes off. When he crushes it, the alarm stops. It wouldn't really happen, but it's funny that the alarm stops when he removes the candy.


Answer: He's trying (very badly) to pretend that it's a weapon of some sort.


Question: At the Last Alliance battle, how did the Men and Elves get into Mordor?

Answer: The Black Gates across Cirith Gorgol had been destroyed and repaired at several times in the 2nd and 3rd Ages. The Army of Men and Elves (and other creatures) marched past the Gates into Mordor and beseiged Sauron at Barad-dur.


Question: When Lovejoy says to Jack, 'It's interesting. The young lady slipped so suddenly and you had time to remove your jacket and your shoes.', what exactly is he getting at? That he's figured out Rose attempted suicide, or he's accusing Jack of attempted rape?

Answer: The story Rose and Jack came up with was Rose was looking at the propellers and suddenly slipped and Jack rescued her. Seeing that Jack had his shoes untied and jacket off means he had more time then he lets on, making Lovejoy suspicious of Jack and what really went on.


I don't think Lovejoy suspected rape. Rather, he suspected that Rose was having a consensual romantic encounter with Jack. She defended Jack with her lame explanation about the propellers. Lovejoy senses that she is not very upset, as a possible rape victim would be.

Question: During the basketball game near the start of the film, what does Danny say to Seth after Seth gets into the bet with the black guy that makes him say, "Danny, when I want your opinion I'll ask for it"?

Answer: Danny says "It's 8-6, Seth" meaning that the black guys only need to score 2 more hoops, whilst Seth's team needs 4. Danny doesn't believe Seth can win, so he is reminding him what the score actually is.


Chosen answer: It was done to capitalize on the success of "The Silence of the Lambs," which made Hannibal Lecter a household name.

K.C. Sierra

Question: How did Elsa and Donovan get across the second challenge to where the grail was? Indy knew that one had to step on the tiles which spelt Iehovah, but they didn't. I was gonna submit this as a goof, but I am sure there is some logical explanation.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Dr. Jones senior (Sean Connery) is talking to himself while Indy is going through the traps. He would know what the trials consisted of, and mutters the solutions out loud as he goes over them in his mind. He even makes a statement that "But in ancient Latin, Jehovah begins with an 'I'" just before Indy takes his first step onto the wrong tile.


Answer: After Indy falls through the "J" and pulls himself up, you can see Elsa and Donovan standing in the background behind him. It's a very quick shot but they are there. They simply watched him and he didn't see them. Also, Indy called out each letter he stepped on, so they knew the correct path.

Question: I have wondered about this for some time. Did Elsa deliberately choose the wrong grail for Donovan (resulting in his death) cause she knew that Indy would know which one it was and they would both get it without Donovan getting in the way? The smirking expression on her face during the whole scene would definitely imply this but I was wondering if anyone knew for sure?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes, this was a deliberate action on Elsa's part.


Question: Its not really to do with the film but I didn't know where else to put it. Does anyone know who Hermione Granger shares her dorm with at Hogwarts? I don't know whether it's in the books or not. Thanks.

Kirsty Marshall

Chosen answer: Hermione shares her dormitory with Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown, and two other girls whose names are never revealed during their sorting in "Philosopher's Stone."

Cubs Fan

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