Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Libria does have technology and computer abilities. This is evident with the screens showing Father, the vehicles, and the TV station in a later scene. But when Preston was asking about the book that he thought Partridge had archived, the man behind the desk has a gigantic book to have to flip through to find it. If they do have and use technology, why would they use a book for archiving items like that when a computer would make it SO much easier?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: Because the information is very important to them, they could have decided against having it all on a computer system which could theoretically break down in the event of a power cut/surge or hacker sabotage, while a book cannot lose information unless physically destroyed.


Question: I've seen this movie over 100 times and I know every single word, but when I watched it a few days ago on Netflix I noticed straight away that the talking sounded completely different and some words where changed, in the cold turkey scene Renton was supposed to say "i don't feel the sickness yet but it's in the POST, that's for sure", but on the Netflix version he says "I don't feel the sickness yet but its in the MAIL, that's for sure", why was this changed and did all the actors have to re-do the whole film in audio?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: I can only assume it would have been done for the benefit of international audiences. To Brits, 'post' is commonly used as a noun describing any item received that was posted in the mail system, rather than just as a verb to describe the act of sending something in the mail. Typical small changes of word meanings that makes perfect sense to someone in Britain may easily confuse a viewer from another country.


Is this for real they don't think people are smart enough to know the post is the mail? Like we have post offices it's not like it's so far out there we couldn't figure it out my god.

Bear in mind "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" was retitled entirely to "Sorcerer's Stone" in the USA. Movie studios are desperate to avoid audiences being confused, whether that's warranted or not.

Chosen answer: Due to the relatively shallow depth that the microwave heat reaches to in a short time, a large chunk of raw meat (i.e. a human) would take a very long time to 'cook' to the core, so the reality of 'bursting' like that is very unlikely; death is more likely to come from the extensive level of damage done to the skin and layers beneath, and the progressive boiling of bodily fluids. It would certainly take longer than a few seconds as portrayed in the film.


Question: Who is the man in the picture in the office of the hospital? Is it supposed to be Nick Nolte when he was young, working as the night watchman?

dan coakley..

Chosen answer: It is intended as a nod to the original 1994 version of the film, which supposedly featured the same picture in the watchman's booth.


The Girl with Two Breasts - S1-E5

Question: What language is Jeff speaking when we see through Shedayem's point of view? I suppose it could be gibberish, but I really do think it's a real language, if only for the fact that you can plainly understand when he says "translator" as "translatet."


Chosen answer: It is completely improvised gibberish, created by actor Richard Coyle.


Something About Dr. Mary - S7-E16

Question: In the café, Chuck tells Roz something about his wife leaving him for someone. What does he say? I can't make out the last part of his sentence.

Answer: He says that his wife left him in the Caribbean for a Rastafarian. It sounds like 'wasta-fah-wian' due to his speech impediment.


Answer: It's called "We've only just begun".

Bonnie Cottrell

Question: Are Telly's husband Jim, her friend Eliot and Dr. Munce a part of the aliens' plot and if so, why would they agree to such an experiment?

Answer: They weren't and they didn't. They were "brainwashed" into believing that there never was a child.

Bonnie Cottrell

Well true except for Dr. Munce, who was aware but didn't think he had a choice.

Answer: My best guess from examining the necklace in pictures would be that it is a silver chain accented with small diamonds placed at equidistant intervals. The pendant looks to be a shell cameo, but it's hard to make out from a distance. The costume designer for the episode is listed as Lori Eskowitz-Carter. She does have a Facebook page. In service to your question, I sent her a message asking about the necklace, and will add an update to this post if and when I receive an answer. You might get a faster response by paying Facebook $1.00, which will get the message directly to her in-box. She may not see my question unless she looks for it.

Michael Albert

Question: When the demonologist comes over, Micah says that they shouldn't invite Katie's mother over anymore since the demon feeds on negative energy. Didn't her mother die (as seen in the third movie)? I know she didn't die in the fire. But she died before the first movie, right?

Answer: Yes, the Paranormal Activity series is rife with timeline plot holes such as this.


Answer: When their mother died and the girls got brainwashed by the cult and got some of their memory erased another woman in the coven (I'm assuming she was a part of the coven) took on the role as their mother, it was mentioned in Paranormal activity the ghost dimension, also you can hear their "mother" talking to them in a deleted scene from the paranormal activity ghost dimension.

Question: On Endor when the rebels get caught, there is one rebel dressed as a speeder bike rider with no helmet. What is with that?

Answer: The rebel was left outside to guard from Imperial attacks, he couldn't have just stood out there in his rebel forest gear.

TJ Brandt

A Benihana Christmas - S3-E10

Question: Is there a specific reason that the two girls from the restaurant are played by different actors when they get to the office? I couldn't imagine it has anything to do with the idea of Asian people looking similar out-of-universe, so I know there must be something else.


Chosen answer: Why couldn't that be the reason? As you can see, throughout the rest of the episode, one of the running jokes is that Michael can't figure out which girl is which anyway. That's not the writers saying that all Asians look alike. They're saying that they simply look alike to Michael. Because for all his profession that he is open-minded and forward-thinking, it's clear throughout the run of the show that he's actually not quite as forward-thinking as he thinks he is.


Additionally, the fact is that, due to scheduling issues, they were unable to get the same actresses as they used for the earlier scene. If I remember correctly, they mention this in the commentary for that episode. It just also happened to become another level of the joke that they were already planning on making later on.


Question: When Dr. Kogan is meeting with Marcus, she gets Marcus to sign over his body for research following his death. Later in the film, Marcus discovers that he's been turned into a cyborg. Why did she do this to him and what did she hope to accomplish from it?

Answer: Marcus was a prototype. It was to be the first to actually retain your human self within a machine, in other words your soul.

Answer: She worked for Cyberdyne. She did it for whatever reason Cyberdyne wanted her to. They made Cyborgs.


Question: What song is playing when Jack walks into the Grand Staircase area around 54 and a half minutes into the movie?


Chosen answer: "The Blue Danube Waltz" by Johann Strauss II.

Michael Albert

Question: What is the logical reason behind King Candy's decision to delete Vanellope's code? What does he gain from it? From what I understand, he didn't think she'd become a glitch, but what exactly did he have against her and why delete her instead of any other racer?

Answer: As shown later on, Candy was revealed to be Turbo. A racer whose racing game was ruined by another racing game. His jealousy drove him to ruining both his game and the other game. Turbo then wanted to live in a racing game, so chose Sugar Rush. Vanellope was revealed in the end to be the leader of Sugar Rush and King Candy tried to delete her code and re-write his code so he could be leader and take part in all the races. That's why he didn't delete any other racer's code - because getting Vanellope's code deleted would have made him the leader. Candy had nothing against Vanellope, he just wanted to be leader by any means possible.

Casual Person

Question: Why were different actors used for the voices of Judy and Elroy instead of the original actors?

Answer: Daws Butler, the original voice actor for Elroy, died in 1988. Janet Waldo did record a voice track for the feature but was replaced by Tiffany to attract a new audience off her popularity.


Question: Why did the Creeper go after only certain students instead of all of them?

Answer: Because the Creeper only went after those with body parts it liked.

Answer: The creeper went after the ones that feared him the most, and he knew what he wanted from each of them.

Show generally

Question: The question "How do the girls' husbands, other than Dorothy's, die?" was answered that in theory, Blanche's husband could have had a car wreck, fallen into a coma, and died while she was getting a pedicure. This is not true. Blanche stated that when George came back to her in a dream, she remembered tripping over his shoe on her way to answer the phone, thus finding out that George had died in a car wreck. Doesn't this prove that the "he had a wreck, fell into a coma, and then died during Blanche's pedicure", theory is out?


Chosen answer: Yes, you are correct, as stated, In one episode Blanche said he had been in a coma for days, in the episode where she's in her dream, she said "The day you died ... The police told me you had been in an accident." Thus the original answers theory is wrong. If he had been in the accident the day he died he could not have been in a coma for days.


Yeah, in another episode she relates how a thoughtless state trooper phoned her and told her that her husband was dead with his mouth full.

Brian Katcher

Question: Why does the demon kill the salvage crew before the boat is even fixed, and why couldn't he fix the boat himself if he already has the ability to move objects?

Answer: Not fixing the boat drew the salvage crew to the boat, where the demon could fill his soul-quota far away from any aid his victims may have sought.


Question: As Mr. Candie and the others first arrive at Candyland, Stephen is writing a check and signs it as Calvin Candie then rolls something over it, what was that?

Answer: It was to dry the ink on the check.


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