Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Why is the driveway in front of the station always wet? Day or night, whenever they pull in or out it looks like it was just hosed down.

Answer: It is standard practice to wet down driveways so that they stand out in a long shot.


Question: What does "follow the flame to the desert fruit" mean?

Answer: In the building with the Jumanji berry tree, there were flames on the wall. By following the flames on the wall, Ruby was able to get to the tree, rather than try to cross the waters somehow.


Answer: The flame is Bravestone's "old flame" the Lady in Red, who leads them to the desert fruit, the Jumanji Berry.


That's what the characters thought it was, but that's not what the clue entirely was.


Answer: Preston was loosely based on the real-life Lincoln Kirstein. Prior to WWII, he was a noted writer and an influential person in the cultural arts in America. When the war broke out, he enlisted in the army with the rank of private. He eventually joined the Army's Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives unit, later known as the Monuments Men. He was selected for his abilities, regardless of his military rank. The movie reflected that.


Answer: Yes, she stole the dress.


Question: Why didn't Damien's parents notice the 666 when he was an infant?

Answer: It's possible that the mark didn't appear until Mrs Baylock showed up and began teaching him about his heritage. The mark of the devil is said to appear only when Satan accepts a follower, and up until Mrs Baylock appears, Damien is a normal boy. Yes, he's the devil's son, but he knows nothing of his evil nature until she starts teaching him. In fact, at one point, Robert mentions that he knew every inch of Damien's body since he raised him and never saw anything, so more than likely the mark didn't appear until Damien had areas on his body where it could be hidden more easily.


But it's a birthmark. He had it when he was born.

Answer: Damien already had an impressively full head of hair by the time they first saw him as an infant.


Question: When they say Susan B Anthony, what are they referring to?

Answer: There are two theories as to what this means (a lot of the heist terminology used in the trilogy was invented by the screenwriters). First, it could be a reference to the 1979 Susan B. Anthony dollar coins, which were so similar in size and weight to quarters that a lot of people lost them in vending machines, etc.; thus, the set-up in the film involves people putting coins in the slot machine, ignorant of their true value (until the machine pays out, of course). The second explanation comes from the fact that the ruse pays off for a different person after someone else does all the work setting it up...similar to the life of Susan B. Anthony, who worked tirelessly for nationwide women's suffrage in the US but died long before it became a reality.

Question: Did the language get easier as the film went on, or did I just get used to it?


Answer: Getting used to it is certainly a factor, but it also helps that Kubrick cut down on the Nadsat considerably when adapting the novel. What he does leave in is usually easy to understand from context (e.g, "trying to make up our rassoodocks" or "viddy well"). The Nadsat in Alex's narration in the novel is much denser and sometimes not so easy to interpret at first glance, to the point where early American editions had a glossary in the back.

Answer: Yes. The Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp site was a huge area consisting of 3 separate camps, of which Camp II (Birkenau) was the biggest and had the commandant office and SS housing right next to it. The camp commander lived either close to camp II in the small town of Brzezinka or camp I, called the main camp. There were several houses and farms around the area and the town of Oswiecim in between all three camps. There were also several dozen subcamps.


Answer: The cheating occurred during "Cheers." Not much was discussed about the reason, but she cheated on him with a colleague of hers, Dr. Pascal (whom she also went to live with in an underground eco-pod). Working closely with someone, especially if the two have similar likes, ideology, etc, can result in romantic feelings being developed. With the burden of marriage and a child, she may have given into her urges. She does obviously feel bad because she asks Frasier to forgive her and take her back. There was also a running gag on "Cheers" that Lilith had a strong libido that she had to work hard to suppress, which may have been a factor if true.


Answer: Earlier Ross was telling the gang Julie left her saline solution on his nightstand. Saline solution is what's used to clean contact lenses. Now Joey knows Julie wears contact lenses. (Ross then shushes Joey because he doesn't want Julie to know he told his friends about her leaving the saline solution on the nightstand or anything else about their relationship).


Question: What was Roy's father doing for so many years? What did he plan to do next? Where did he get all the supplies of air, food, water, etc. to live in the space ship for so many years?


Answer: Clifford was continuing to gather data for the Lima project. He was convinced the project could succeed and that there was extraterrestrial life somewhere in the stars. He was apparently planning on gathering data for the rest of his life. Clifford would have plenty of supplies to last more than a lifetime, considering he murdered everyone else on the team.


Question: When Snake and the others run away from the WTC, is the building an accurate representation of the real building(s)? I can find lots of images online of WTC 1& 2, and they appear to have the columns all the way to the ground, where in the movie, the ground level is about 20 feet high with no columns. (01:21:55)


Answer: The original World Trade Centers did't have columns as such. The floors were supported by the outside "skin" to make more useable space inside. The entrance (lobby) to the WTC has an open look from the outside the floor doesn't have to supported because it's the ground floor.


Answer: Because he is a great cop and gets the job done better than anyone.

Answer: Also, if you watch Season 1 of Chicago Fire it gives a little history of Voight before he goes to jail when he was actually a "dirty cop" and Antonio Dawson is actually the one who takes him down. I found it interesting and was surprised by his character back then.

Answer: And cuz he's only dirty to the bad guys. He takes care of the victims.

Answer: They use stock footage of Time square in the electrocution scene. This is taken from Home Alone 2.

Answer: It's just a joke. Like the Naked Gun movies, the credits contain inside jokes and utter nonsense.


Question: During the missile scene, dropping fuel tanks causes the tanks to explode. Wouldn't that be impossible in real life?

Answer: Totally impossible. You can throw a lit cigarette into a pool of jet fuel and it won't ignite.


Question: Did the OC2 gauge really drop to zero after fuel cells 1 and 3 were closed, as shown in the movie?

Answer: Yes it's absolutely true. The crew didn't realise that the REAC valves had already been damaged by the explosion which is why shutting the valves achieves nothing.


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Question: I know Henry found Emma via credit card and a website. How did he know to look for her? Regina is strict and it was a closed adoption.

Answer: He knows who she is because he knows that the fairy tales are true. He was also shown to sneak out to go see Emma or someone else. Sometimes he succeeded, sometimes he didn't. This is how he knew to look for her despite his strict mother.

Answer: Robotnik is a genius inventor and the quill is an incredible source of energy, so presumably he will use it to power whatever invention he can create that will help him escape the Mushroom Planet and return to Earth.

Thank you.


Question: Can a cabin on a truck really do a wheelie like the one in this movie does? And if so how is it possible? For years I've wondered if this is a real world thing that can be done or it's just made possible in the movie. Is it just a 'Bond' thing?

Answer: According to Wikipedia, the stunt driver (Rémy Julienne), was able to perform the trick with no modifications or rigging. (

So it's a specialised thing that anyone can do if they know HOW to do it?

I have seen online that the rig received extra suspension on its back so it could lift its front wheels.

Question: How did Cain get the McClains from the other car to his. Did he change all the tires? Did he make the guy he robbed do it? Did they go to a shop?

Answer: He would have either made the other guy take his wheels off and put them in his "Cains" car to be changed later or he held the guy at gun point and made him change the wheels from his car to Cains and Cain left his wheels for his victim to use.


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