Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: How did the military police chief know the parents were dead?

Answer: The officer knew that David would methodically clean after himself.

Answer: The mother, I'm not sure, but he found the father dead in the car.

Question: In the first film, society was still functioning; there was still law enforcement and a criminal justice system, there were still hospitals, businesses and a news media. However, in this film there is no law and order at all, it's all chaos and kill-or-be-killed. What happened in between films?

Answer: There was a global war causing civilization to collapse after oil supplies were nearly depleted. The world then fell into a state of barbarism.


Answer: There was a war over oil which included nuclear warfare and the complete loss of civilization. People ended up like the biker gangs, loners like Max or the Refinery people who were trying to get to the presumably safe northern areas of Australia. In the narration the old man tells the whole story.

Answer: In the opening scene, the narrator explains about the fall of civilization with clips of war and social collapse.

Answer: As Sigmund Freud didn't say, "Sometimes a banana is just a banana."

Answer: Probably deliberate. It's a rather common (and overused) film trope to insert some phallic-shaped object into a scene as a sexual reference.


Question: Where did the boy and horse get fresh water to drink?

Answer: Alec collected rain water whenever he could.


Answer: Regarding the doggie door, all she was doing was moving the frame of the door to the right (the hole was still in the same spot). That way when Baby aimed for the "door", he'd run through the actual opening, since he kept missing everything to the left. And she wasn't really dressed as Bogart, she was just wearing Pogue's jacket and hat that was in his apartment. He was just being silly calling her Bogart when she asked "remember me?" Earlier in the movie, he was watching "The Maltese Falcon", which starred Bogart, so it's just a reference/joke to that.


Answer: "Baby" would always miss the door going by the left barely missing it. She put the fake to the right, which means it would look to the left and see the real door. She dressed up to show that she loves him. Most couples when they are dating sometimes wear a piece of clothing like a hat, shoes or dress style similar to their partners.

Thanks guys for all the answers.


Answer: It was for "Baby" the dog, who kept missing the door. She had depth perception because of only having one good eye. She was dressed like Bogie for Dana Carvey. He was a private eye.

What did she do to the door that would alleviate that problem though? And I know Dana Carvey is a private dick in the movie, but Valeria Golino isn't, so why did she feel the need to dress like one?


You're right. I just watched it a few more times, and she did manipulate the door in such a way that the dog could now get in without running into the door. But my question about her wardrobe still remains unanswered, why is she dressed like Humphrey Bogart?


Question: Why did it say "I'm sorry" on the bathroom floor?

Answer: It's the angry princess' suicide note.


Question: What two items were on Mr. Liotta's resume that should have been excluded?

Answer: Mr. Liotta's resume should have excluded her skills, favorite movie, and that she hates bees.

Show generally

Question: Would Eddie have actually been able to become a cop? In earlier episodes, he is drunk and has even got in trouble with the law several times, which resulted in him being arrested.

Answer: Having an arrest on your record will not disqualify you. Only a conviction will count against you because in the United States, you are considered innocent until proven guilty. And even then most police forces will only consider felony convictions or specific misdemeanors such as theft as disqualifiers.


Question: Did Tia Carrere use a body double for her nude scenes, such as getting into the hot tub and getting frisky with Dolph? You didn't actually see her face in those scenes.

Answer: It was a body double. She was a young and inexperienced actress who was uncomfortable doing nude scenes. However, she did pose for Playboy many years later and said, "She felt comfortable being nude."

Answer: Because she is not the mother-type. She is a very emotionally detached person. She probably got children for the prospect of them being successful and interesting to her work. Not because she likes raising them or take care of them.


Question: Did Cullen really kill the people he was accused of murdering?

Answer: Yes. Kevin realises this when he finds out the secretary is lying about sleeping with her boss. He even considers dropping the case, knowing he was defending a murderer.


Answer: As he is the author who created the Jack Ryan character that was adapted into a successful movie franchise, he could be credited as an executive producer for any TV or movie projects both before and after he died. It was announced in 2015 that the series would be produced for Amazon. Clancy died in late 2013, and he probably was involved in the series' earliest stages or discussions just prior to his death, and therefore would be credited posthumously. The title of TV or movie "executive producer" is fairly broad and can include one or more function, including securing financing, production oversight, creative input, script consultation, story concept, and more. Clancy's estate would likely continue to be involved under his name following his passing and receive profits and royalties.


While his estate would receive the profits, it's not automatic that Clancy would receive credit as a executive producer just because he wrote the novels. Authors like Michael Crichton, Douglas Adams haven't been credited as an executive producer after their death for use of their characters and works. Clancy's estate must be involved in the production in some way and rather than credit the estate, they credit the man.


Most likely his estate would be involved, through surviving family members, lawyers, etc. to act on his behalf in his name. No one said it was "automatic." It would have been a contract arrangement made while he was alive and that would continue posthumously. Whatever Michael Crichton or Douglas Adams did was a different arrangement for whatever reason they chose.


Nothing in your answer suggested anything about a contract arrangement (which if true would be the reason). You implied it was automatic. You said "as the author...he would be credited...for any...projects", but that simply is not true.


The Broken Man - S6-E7

Question: Some of the Free Folk are reluctant to join Jon's fight against Boltons in Winterfell. Jon tries to convince them. And suddenly, Wun, the sole giant stands up and says "Snow." then leaves. What does he mean?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: The giants in general spoke little English and seem to generally speak very little at all and in a slow, lumbered manner, much the same as how they physically move. Wun Wun is acknowledging that he is supporting Jon's plan by simply stating his name of "Snow."


Answer: He's affirming his support for Jon Snow's cause.


Answer: Giants only really speak the Old Tongue (in the book one of the Night's Watch, Leathers translates for Wun). So he just grunts out "Snow" as his pledge.

Question: How is Peter Pettigrew, aka Scabbers, even able to enter Hogwarts under the guise of a pet rat? Surely with all the enchantments protecting the school, one couldn't simply turn into an animal to sneak in? If it's that easy to sneak in, wouldn't the other death eaters turn into cats and owls to do the same?

immortal eskimo

Answer: Pettigrew didn't sneak in. He arrived with Ron in the first film as his "pet" rat, Scabbers, and returned with him each year up until "Prisoner of Azkaban," when his identity was revealed. "Scabbers" (Pettigrew) was previously Percy's rat and lived with the Weasley family for twelve years. Every student could bring a small pet to Hogwarts, so there was nothing unusual about Scabbers being there. Every pet was accounted for and any outside animals suspect. Death Eaters probably could have sneaked in as a Slytherin student's pet, though few witches or wizards were capable of becoming an Animagus (changing into an animal), nor could they choose or change the animal form - it reflected their personality. All legal Animagus were registered with the Ministry of Magic and their animal forms documented. (Like Pettigrew, Sirius Black was an illegal Animagus, and he entered Hogwarts via the secret tunnel.) There was little reason for Death Eaters to sneak into Hogwarts as Harry wasn't a specific target until much later, and his mother's death magically protected him from harm until he was legal age. (Many consider the Weasley twins having never noticed Pettigrew's name on the Marauder's Map to be a huge plot hole).


Question: Toward the end of the movie, while wearing Shooter's hat, Mort looks into the mirror but his back is reflected and not his face. What does that mean?

Answer: It's a reflection (literally) of his insanity. He no longer sees reality.


Everything's Okay - S4-E1

Question: Can somebody explain to me how in Season 4, it's stated that Chloe disappeared after seeing Lucifer's devil face. Apparently the cops rushed into the shootout scene with Cain and took her away, and she hasn't seen Lucifer since. What about in season 3 episode 25 Boo Normal when she worked a case with Lucifer and Ella. Ella confided in Chloe that she sees a ghost and Chloe believed her, and she said she's seen some crazy stuff herself lately. So what's up with her vanishing when she seen him.

Answer: Boo Normal and Once Upon a Time were going to be part of season 4, then the show got cancelled (before being picked up elsewhere). As such they were added on to the end of season three as "bonus" episodes, hence the continuity being off. But not really a mistake, just a quirk of broadcasting. Boo Normal was originally going to be between the episodes "High School Poppycock" and "Infernal Guinea Pig" in season 3 before being slated for season 4, presumably because aside from the point you've raised, it was fairly flexible, continuity-wise.

Jon Sandys

Question: Dr. Lull says that she will do as Mr. Mclane says and "cover up any memory (Quaid) has of us or Rekall." However, when Dr. Edgemar comes in Quaid's hotel room on Mars, Edgemar reminds him that his experiences on Mars have been exactly what Quaid requested in his secret agent fantasy at Rekall, to which Quaid agrees. So obviously his memory of Rekall wasn't "covered up"?


Answer: Dr Lull was told to cover up any memory he has of them or Rekall. She replies "I'll do what I can it's pretty messy in there." She may not have done a good job. Later Cohaagen told Richter that Quaid couldn't remember anything and Richter said "that's now, in an hour he could have total recall."

Answer: He said, "Erase his memory of ever coming to Rekall," not the idea of going there, and the doctor said she'll do what she can to erase his memory, but it's pretty messy in there.

No he doesn't say that. He said "cover up any memory he has of us or Rekall." But they didn't, because he knows what Edgemar is talking about when he tells him the "demure and sleazy" woman is exactly what Quaid requested at Rekall.


Maybe they tried their best, but didn't succeed. Quite possible if his mind was already that messy.


Well at first the movie implies that they did erase his memory of Rekall, because when Harry told him he went to Rekall he had no idea that he had been there. But later in the movie he remembers that he chose "demure and sleazy" when Edgemar is talking to him. So it's an internal contradiction and plot hole.


Them failing to permanently erase the memory but only temporary is not a plot hole. Doesn't even help the plot along. It's not important at all.


It is indeed a plot hole and contradiction in the script.


Answer: It was probably a matter of public record or a big company she worked for would have some connections to find out.

Question: After deciding not to race Needles, Jennifer looks at the fax that she took from 2015 and sees that the words "YOU'RE FIRED!" were erased. Why didn't the name of the company also get erased?

Answer: The company would still be in the future, Marty wouldn't be working for it. His career as a musician would have taken off.

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