Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Did Guy only like Josie because she became popular, or did he always like her, but was afraid to tell her because she was a "geek"? And it would ruin his reputation as a cool guy?

Answer: He only began noticing her after she became popular. You can see Guy ignoring her several times when he sees her as a geek.


Question: How did Anna save Robert on the night he tried to kill himself by fighting the zombies in his car? It was seen that the zombies knocked his car over and suddenly there was a blinding white light. The next scene shows Anna driving a half conscious Robert back.

Answer: The obvious assumption is that she used a UV light to kill or drive off the darkseekers, then pulled Neville from the SUV.

Answer: OR - the other possible scenario based on Matheson's source novel: Ruth. She is a ranking officer in the "new society" of living vampires and can tolerate light. Anna could be a parallel figure to Ruth whose only purpose is to get the cure which she does.

Question: So what exactly happens to Alotta Fagina at the end of the movie? She's knocked out cold by Vanessa and then the self-destruct sequence kicks in, giving her only 30 seconds to escape (fat chance, since she's knocked out). Do I go with the alternate ending, and if so, how did she survive?

Answer: You can't go by the alternate ending. We can assume Ms. Fagina died.

Question: How long had it been since the time Kate stabbed Simon in the eye and the time he captured Sasha? You can tell by his appearance that it's been a nice length of time, but it's never specified. I don't know much about survival, but it's evident that he had been cannibalizing even before that point, so he had probably been eating people in that whole time so it could have been a very long time. I'm inclined to believe that it's been at least a month, given the dramatic change in his appearance. Can anybody give a clearer response? As mine is just a blind guess. (01:19:00 - 01:19:40)


Chosen answer: I'm inclined to think it was longer than a month because of the lack of proper needed care for such an injury would prolong the healing process. But he only had a handful of souvenirs on him, which means he probably stopped collecting after a while. I concur with your cannibalism theory, there's no other way he would have survived. However that doesn't explain what he could have done for water. This theory of Simon spending possibly months in the cube also brings up the question: If the cube breaks down at 6:06:59, then how is it possible to live in there for months? Well, as we saw, certain rooms have slower and faster rates of time. So, he could have spent all that time in a room with a slow time rate waiting for people to wander into it and feed off of them.

Question: Where and why did Gregor go? If he was going in search of dry land, why has he not gone earlier? Why did the mariner not try to find him, as he could have been a useful person to have on the boat and was a friend of the females? Why did the smoker's plane not shoot down Gregor?

Answer: Lot of questions here. 1) Gregor was building the airship to find Dryland and he left to get away from the Smokers. 2) He didn't go earlier because he wanted to be able to figure out the map on Enola's back first. 3) When they left, the Mariner didn't care about Gregor, Helen, or Enola and he couldn't catch Gregor anyway with his boat torn up. 4) The Smokers did try to shoot the airship down with the gunship, but they got distracted shooting one of their own people down, giving Gregor time to escape. The plane may not have had a gunner in at the moment. It was being used to tow the skiers.


Show generally

Question: In general, the colour of scrubs indicates job. So what do the people in yellow scrubs do?

Answer: Blue seems to be reserved for internal medicine doctors and green for surgeons. I've noticed the orderlies seem to wear maroon as well. Nurses seem to have more variety in scrub color, and usually it seems they are colors considered to be more feminine like purple and pink. The only character named I can think of to wear yellow scrubs was Nurse Birdie, the petite nurse used for the joke "a little birdy told me..."

Question: I must have missed something, but when Dillinger and his accomplice (can't remember his name) are escaping from the lodge, they both hitch a ride with Baby Face Nelson on the dirt road. Later Purvis and his men run Nelson's car off the road and kill him and another guy. Then we see Dillinger and his wounded accomplice with a car in town getting medical supplies. How's that possible?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Baby Face Nelson doesn't pick up Dillinger. He picks up the characters played by Stephen Dorf and another associate. Dillinger and Hamilton escape through the woods and steal a car from an older man they come across in the forest. After the shootout, Dillinger and Nelson are never in the car together.

Question: What's the name of the song that's playing when Poppy and her friends are going down to the party?


Chosen answer: The song is called "Let Me Think About It" - Ida Corr Ft. DJ Fedde le Grand. Hope this helps.


Chosen answer: I've watched a surgeon perform open-heart surgery, and the radio was on the whole time. Whether music plays is probably up to the head surgeon for the particular operation, but it is certainly allowed.

Chosen answer: I don't think they experimented on him. He was too dangerous to have constant visit from anyone. So they just kept him locked up.


Four Months Ago... - S2-E8

Question: What was Bob Bishop hoping to gain by keeping Peter in containment? Was it to simply stop him from causing any further harm to himself and other people? Also, he must have known it would be a risk putting him in a cell next to Adam Monroe? Furthermore, was Angela Petrelli aware of Peter's incarceration? What would she have made of it?


Chosen answer: Angela Petrelli was not the company leader, Bob was. So its safe to asume the Angela didn't know about Peter's incarceration. As for the plan, well i think it's pretty much the same as Adam Monroe, keep him locked up forever without powers. And no, I don't think they figured it was risky to put him next to Adam, as the cells are supposed to be sealed tightly.


Question: I'm not sure if this is an actual mistake or a question: when Andy is escaping, we see him climb down something before he leaves the prison, (scaffolding, I think) and he is wearing boots or shoes of some kind. How could he do that since he left his shoes in the shoebox for the warden to find? The warden's shoes were safely tucked away in the plastic bag Andy had attached to his foot by the rope. It wasn't like he could carry a spare pair when he went to the warden's office to close up for the night.

Answer: Either prisoners are given more than one pair or Andy obtained another. He does have a lot of pull at the prison. Getting another pair of shoes would be trivial for him.

Grumpy Scot

Chosen answer: It would hardly have mattered to Rachel who actually suggested writing the list. What did matter was that Ross participated in it and that he gave very unflattering reasons (such as she's spoiled and is just a waitress) about why he should not be with her. As for the others blaming Ross, they apparently feared Rachel's anger and/or felt guilty for being involved.


For one, some of the reasons, like the chubby ankle thing, was Joey's idea, so that could have been mentioned. And yeah, Ross participated, but his reasons were reworded by Chandler in a way that made them seem insulting. She was spoiled by her father when she was younger, which made her want to move to the city. By not adding the part about Ross and Julie being paleontologists, it looks like he is just plain insulting her lifestyle instead of giving genuine reasons.

Question: Why doesn't anybody notice how hard and cold the skin of Carlisle is? He is a doctor after all, who touches his patients.


Chosen answer: He's a surgeon. His patients are usually unconscious when he's actually touching them. Not always, of course, but it's just his hands he's touching them with and he'd be sure to be very gentle so they wouldn't notice how hard they are. A doctor with cold hands is kind of a running joke, really.


In addition to the other reply he is a surgeon, so he is most likely wearing gloves.

Question: When all of the people are trying to get on the boat, how does a tripod just randomly come out of the water like that?


Chosen answer: While it's never explained, there are several possibilities: as all the tripods were buried deep underground, this one may have been lodged below the lake and was just emerging. Also, a tripod could have "walked" from somewhere else, then went underwater to explore, and, attracted by the ferry's noise and movement, surfaced to investigate. It's also conceivable that, observing how ferries worked, it slipped underwater from further away and ambushed the boat, or the tripod was simply making a crossing from one shore to the other (traveling underwater if it was deep enough) and just happened upon the ferry when it did.


Chosen answer: He left the show because Michael Shanks decided to come back to the show the next season.

Kevin Howard

Question: When Rotti is outside of Marni's tomb, he says 'You forced my hand and made me do'. What's he referring to?


Chosen answer: Marni "forcing" him to kill her when she rejected him for Nathan.


Question: What exactly is Jackson's job? Is he a driver of the rich Russian?

Answer: Yes.


Question: After Jack and Barbossa see the corpse of the Kraken, Sao Feng's ship arrives next to the Pearl and so does Beckett's. During the scenes that follow, everyone double-crosses everyone else. It moves so fast, I just don't understand what exactly happens. Could someone please explain it to me?

Answer: It's very complicated. Will led Jack and the crew to this island because he had a secret deal with Sao Feng (Jack Sparrow for the Black Pearl). However, Feng has betrayed Will by making another deal with Cutler Beckett, who then double-crosses Sao Feng. Feng then makes a deal with Barbossa to attack Beckett, but he wants Elizabeth as part of the deal, mistakenly believing she is the sea goddess, Calypso. Elizabeth goes with Feng to protect the crew, and Will is thrown into the brig. Jack, who wants Davy Jones' heart so he can become immortal, is taken to Beckett's ship, where he negotiates his own deal with Beckett to lead him to Shipwreck Island and the Brethren Court.


Question: What does the "hurt locker" mean?

Answer: It's a term similar to "a world of hurt". It's both outside of you and within you. The outside definition is that a hurt locker is anywhere you go to find pain. In the film's case, war-torn Iraq is the hurt locker. Inside, your hurt locker is the place you bury your anguish.


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