Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What happened to Belle's mother? And where are the beast's parents, the king and queen?

Answer: It's never explained, but we're to assume they are dead. In the case of Belle the absence of the mother is a typical plot scenario for Disney heroines, i.e. Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Snow White, etc., but is never explained.


Answer: In the latest movie, it is explained that Belle's mother died from the plague.

And the Prince's mother died from some unknown reason.

Answer: Yes, they do marry, producing two children, Franklin and Valeria. Franklin turned out to be an extremely powerful mutant who could alter reality, while Valeria could generate her own armor, travel through time and project force fields (though in later stories this has been changed, and Valeria is an ordinary human).


Emission Impossible - S3-E11

Question: Stewie makes the remark "All this preventing people from having sex. Now I know what the Catholic church is like. BA-ZING." Doesn't the Catholic religion encourage numerous childbirths? I know that Stewie says he's trying to prevent sex, but he claims his primary objective is to prevent Peter & Lois from having another child.

Answer: The catholic church is heavily against sex outside of wedlock, which is increasing dramatically, thus the church tries to stop pre-marital sex.

Gary O'Reilly

Question: Why did they cast an English actor to play Juggernaut when in the comics he is born and raised in America?

Answer: Because they felt Vinnie Jones was best suited for the part. Movie-makers are in no way required to adhere to every single little detail about the comic book characters, and in fact made several small changes to better suit the story and the media of film.


Question: Superman says to Lois in the interview that he never lies. Is the fact that he never lies something he has decided to do or is something that all the people from Krypton have the inability to do? If it is something that the people from Krypton have the inability to do, then how come at the beginning of the movie when Jor-el is telling the Krypton council that the planet is going to explode, no-one believes him?

Answer: Superman has chosen to use his powers on Earth for the good of mankind. It would seem that lying to them would be an unneccessary thing to do, so it appears to be a personal choice. Interesting trivia: the closest he comes to lying is when he tells Lex Luthor to get Zod and company into the molecule chamber in the second film. Listen closely, he only says that it is a molecule chamber that takes away their powers, he never actually says that being inside will make them lose them, only that he wants Luthor to get them to go into it.


That may be the closest "Superman" comes to lying, but Clark Kent does appear to lie. After the mugging scene in the first movie, Clark tells Lois the contents of her purse, and when asked how he knew (obviously from his X-ray vision), he says "wild guess" which was a lie.


Not only that but, he spent his whole life pretending to be ordinary so, in fact, he spent his whole life living a lie.

Question: Why were the cheating wife and her lover not arrested for adultery? Last time I checked, that was a crime in the United States.

Answer: Currently there are some US states where adultery is still a crime, but they don't really prosecute people for that any more. Plus this is set in the future, so the laws could easily have changed.


Question: When Rose comes down the staircase, and Jack kisses her hand, does he say, "I saw that on Nickelodeon once and I always wanted to try it." Why does he say this?

Answer: He does NOT say "on Nickelodeon" he says "I saw that on A Nickelodeon." A Nickelodeon was a turn of the century entertainment device where a user, for a nickel, could look through a viewfinder and watch a very short film, usually projected using flip cards.


Question: Can someone give me the top 5 most powerful characters in middle earth? Including Gandalf the White and Grey as different characters.

Answer: It really is impossible to give a completely accurate list about this, as there are many meanings to the word "power", and no measuring unit for it. But here's my attempt: 1. SAURON, since he can take on the rest of the world, including the other people on this list 2. TOM BOMBADIL. He is in the book, but was left out of the movies. Within his own realm, the Old Forest of the North, he is all-powerful. Everything, including the Ring, is under his command as long as they are in his territory, but he does not have any power outside it. 3. GANDALF THE WHITE, since he is given additional power after his return, and becomes the most powerful of the wizards. 4. SARUMAN. Head of the White Council, and the wisest, most knowledgeable and powerful of all the wizards, except Gandalf the White. 5. GANDALF THE GREY. One of the first Maia spirits to be chosen to go as wizards to Middle Earth, and with his strength increased by wearing Narya, the Red Ring of Fire, he would have to be very close to Saruman in power.We never really see Elrond and Galadriel put forth all of their powers, so it is impossible to say where they fit into this "hierarchy", but as Elf-Lords (and with their Rings of Earth and Water, respectively) they possess tremendous power as well. Also, Aragorn (as king) and Treebeard have power of their own, but of different kinds, in the ability to lead Men and make Nature rise up in anger, so they could also be candidates for this list.


Question: There was one thing I wasn't really sure on, and I don't even know if there is a definitive answer. Did Mark Wahlberg kill Matt Damon because he figured out that Matt Damon's charecter was working with Frank and he had killed all those cops, or did he just kill him for revenge over the way Matt Damon treated Wahlberg when he took over his job?

Answer: The assumption is that Wahlberg learned of Damon's betrayal from the envelope given to Vera Farmiga, Damon's therapist girlfriend. It could also have been for revenge, but Wahlberg did know that Damon was the rat when he killed him.


Answer: I would argue that Dignam (Whalberg) kills Colin (Damon) out of loyalty to Queenan (Sheen) and Billy (DiCaprio). Although we are shown that Dignam has a general dislike for Billy (in the way that he speaks to him), he is a loyal person who believes in honourable justice. Colin was a rat that not only deceived the very institution that Dignam believes in, but his deception also cost the lives of his dear colleague Queenan and Billy, both of whom were unjustly murdered. Despite Dignam's general apathy or arguable dislike for Billy, he understands that he deserved better (since he knows that he was a good man). Killing Colin ensures that restitutions are paid to all those who were affected by his deceit and illegal affairs.

Dignam didn't dislike Billy, he was just rude to everyone. There are hints throughout the film that Dignam liked Billy including the interview scene where they first meet where Dignam drops his facade to say "We need you pal" softly in an attempt to get Billy to go alone with the undercover plan.

I thought the "we need you, pall" line was sarcastic and manipulative, trying to convince Billy to take a potentially life-threatening assignment.

Answer: I'll add one more possibility: Wahlberg was another mole for the crime boss, Frank Costello, and Damon's assassination was in response to the rat's betrayal of the code.

Not even remotely possible, as he wouldn't have sat back and allowed Billy to work uninterrupted without reporting it to Frank if this was the case.

Question: What is this website talking about where it says "Please note: For this movie, Juggernaut is a mutant like everyone else - it's irrelevant how he got his powers in the comics. And no-one cares that there's an insect on Wolverine's shoulder."

Answer: This is something that's often done when submissions are frequently received about something that's not actually considered a mistake. So, to take the examples cited here, there were a number of submissions claiming that it was a mistake that Juggernaut was a mutant because, in the comics, he isn't. Site policy states that differences between a movie and whatever source material it uses are not considered to be errors, so Juggernaut being a mutant in the movie is not error-worthy. The note was put there in an effort to stop anyone else submitting it. The second one refers to a shot where a fly can be seen on Wolverine's shoulder, which was also the subject of a number of submissions. Flies land on people, it happens in real life, so it can hardly be considered a mistake if it happens in a movie. As such, a note was added to try to prevent it being resubmitted.


Question: Why is Gordon equated so often with V? They each have secret chambers full of art, they make the same eggs and some scenes are similarly structured. Are we supposed to think Gordon is V for a while?

Answer: No. It may be for no other reason than to set up the joke Gordon makes about being V. Or it could, more likely, be to make it seem less like V is alone in his views on society.


Question: In the Panama scene, what do the boys mean by "thought they were in Panama"?

Answer: They thought they were in the country "Panama" but they were, in fact, not.


Answer: He doesn't appear in this film. As the film is set at the very start of Bond's career, it wouldn't make sense - the character that would go on to be Q was introduced in Dr. No, and wasn't created with the title of Q until Goldfinger, by which time Bond was well into his Double-0 career. Also, Casino Royale is a film which doesn't rely heavily on gadgets, unlike a lot of other Bond films, meaning that the character would be a little redundant if he appeared.

The Doctor

Question: My friend an I have been having an argument. Whose hand hits the car window in the sex scene?

Answer: Although Leonardo DiCaprio has some femine looking hands for a guy, this is Rose's hand hitting the window and sliding down. Pay attention to the fingernails, and you will notice it is a woman's hand.


Question: After the fire on the ship, and everyone gets out, Benny yells to O'Connell that he has all the horses. O'Connell yells back, "You're on the wrong side of the river." Benny makes a big stink about all that. My question is why? Surely it would not be so hard to cross a river.

Answer: Depends very much on the size of the river. The Nile at that point is pretty wide and deep, which doesn't make it particularly easy to cross. Benny and his cohorts would need to find a ferry or bridge to get across, which would take time. Even without horses, that gives O'Connell's group a considerable head start.


There are poisonous snakes in the Nile River.

Answer: There are also crocodiles in the Nile.

Question: Are there any scenes or references to black holes in any of the "Star Wars" episodes?

Answer: The only reference is a rather obscure one - Han explains in "A new Hope" that the Millennium Falcon did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. The Kessel Run is a smuggling route through a cluster of black holes - the faster your ship, the more direct route can be made. The results is measured not in time, but by how close you could cut the black holes, hence the use of "parsecs" as a measure.


Question: Is there any particular reason Butch looks at Vincent with such hatred when they meet at Marcellus', or is it just because Vince was being rude?

Answer: It is because he is being rude. Butch has never met Vincent before, but Vincent was rude to him anyway. This is also setting up the tension between them for later in the film. Perhaps if Vincent had not been so rude to Butch at the bar, Butch might not have blown him away when he finds him at his apartment later on.


An inner theory is that Vince previously knew about the situation with Marcellus and kind of who he was and that's why he called him a palooka (a fighter who takes a dive) and a punchy. That's why he was so rude and there was so much hostility.

It is also implied that Butch is the one that keyed Vincent's car.

Question: During the credits, we see Mater finds his hood, saying he hadn't seen it for 20 years, and when he puts it on, he talks like a human would if they pinched their nose shut. Why is this? All other cars have hoods and talk fine with them. Certainly Mater's "nose" wouldn't just reject the hood from being separated for that long. Could someone explain this because it makes no sense to me.

Answer: The movie is implying that the "pinched nose" voice is his real voice, and that the voice we hear throughout the film is what he sounds like without a hood. It's more of an inside joke than anything, since Larry the Cable Guy voiced Mater for the film. To get to hear him speak in a normal tone of voice of sorts is what makes this so funny, since his southern drawl is largely exaggerated for his stand-up performances, and he is capable of talking without it, as heard in the movie.


Question: The scene where Mrs. Wallace is interviewing Vincent with a video camera - why is it on the version usually shown on television, but not on my DVD (Special Edition from the U.S.)? Was it in the original theatrical release?

Answer: It was not in the theatrical release but it does appear on some DVD releases under deleted scenes. The version shown on US Network television differs a lot from the theatrical release. Some scenes have been removed (like all drug related scenes) and some have been added (probably to compensate for the scenes taken out). Check out the following site for a more comprehensive list of changes.


Answer: I read an interview with QT where he explained that he left it out because he felt that sort of thing was being done in a few other movies and he just felt it was getting played out.

Question: My son wants to know what happened to the Aston Martin & money Bond won in the first card game? Would he get to keep it?

Answer: Bond was on vacation at the time and presuming that he didn't use any MI6 funds to enter the poker game, I see no reason why he shouldn't be able to keep his winnings.


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