Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: After Dooku leaves the fight with Yoda on Geonosis and Padmé arrives, are Obi-wan and Yoda not suspicious about her running to Anakin and hugging and kissing him? Yoda is actually looking in their direction.

Answer: Considering everything that just happened and that Padme has known Anakin since he was a small boy, they probably would not think that much of it other than she is very emotional and is showing concern and relief for an old friend and protector after a particularly stressful situation.


Question: When the asteroid starts breaking up, collisions of rocks make large fiery explosions. What is exploding when rock meets rock - and where does the oxygen for the explosions come from?

Jacob La Cour

Chosen answer: There could be various combustible gases, including oxygen trapped in pockets within the asteroid. When rock meets rock a spark is created that ignites the suddenly released gases.


Question: Was Mulder's beard supposed to have some sort of meaning/symbolism? I know it wasn't a big theme in the movie anyway, but I didn't understand why it was even put into the story at all.

Answer: It shows how Mulder's character has changed since he left the FBI. Previously he was eager, rather obsessive/compulsive, and always well groomed. He's a far different man now--isolated, adrift, and far less concerned with day-to-day matters. This is reflected in his current appearance.


Question: Quite at the end of the movie, as Gordon and his men are on top of the building opposite the Prewitt building, Batman talks to him and tells him to wait a few minutes. Then Gordon says that he won't wait because the people on the ferries will blow each other up. But why does he know? The Joker just told the people on the ferries. Batman knew as well because he could hear everything going on on the ferries, but he didn't tell Gordon. So from who does he learn this?

Answer: Someone with a cell phone on one of the ferries might have been able to call out, or The Joker could have broadcast his message on the Police Band as well. Likely the latter, since he likes an audience. Then again no reason Batman couldn't have informed Gordon offscreen.

Captain Defenestrator

Show generally

Question: In the episode "Indebted", who played the IAB detective who questions Nick? He looks incredibly familiar, but without a name, I can't figure out where I know him.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: "Nick Potter" is played by Jordan Bridges who has done extensive work on television, the details of which can be found at, the internet movie database which includes work on television shows as well.


Question: I have a question about the car chase scene. How is it possible that a van of this size is able to catch up to a Viper? As far as I know that car can reach 60mph in less than four seconds.

Answer: Yes, but when you're driving through streets crowded with people and other vehicles you can't just stand on the gas pedal or you'd wreck the car. The van can catch up because the Viper can't drive at its top speed.


Scared Very Straight - S4-E20

Question: David was fired by the station manager Howard for his continued meth problem and mishaps on the radio, yet Howard was originally the person who gave David the meth and even did it with him sometimes. When David was fired, he just got ticked off and told Howard that the radio station sucked and walked out. Question - of all people, couldn't Howard have at the least been fired as well? And why would David let that opportunity slide?

Answer: I think it's a case of "he said/he said". Howard is the station manager, so his word would hold more weight than David's. If Howard was accused of being David's meth source, Howard could deny it; the school would be much more likely to believe him than David.

Cubs Fan

Question: Why and how did all that stuff end up in his apartment? Did the computer send it? If so, how and why? How was the FBI coming to his apartment "motivating" him?

Answer: ARIA sent the stuff to his apartment so the FBI would catch it and go after him. His motivation was that only ARIA could "save" him from the FBI, who was investigating him for terrorism.


Chosen answer: A goathouse is a house for goats! Seriously though, Horses have stables, pigs have stys, goats have 'houses'.


Question: Who's that kid in the beginning of Hancock, who wakes him up when he's lying on the park bench? It looks like Drew Mikuska from Scary Movie 3 but I'm not sure.

Answer: It's not Drew, the actors name is Atticus Shaffer.


Show generally

Question: Is there an episode in which someone gets impaled by an icicle? I seem to recall the team not being able to find the murder weapon, and then someone realized that it had melted. This could also be CSI: New York.

Answer: The episode on CSI:NY was called "Love Runs Cold" and first aired on October 4, 2006 (Season 3, Episode 3) and involves the investigation of a model found stabbed to death by an ice dagger.


Question: I'd like to know how it's possible that Joker wasn't tied up more efficiently, i.e. in a straitjacket. And WHY, oh WHY was there a policeman inside? It looks really ridiculous in those circumstances.

Answer: What, it's ridiculous to have somebody watching a prisoner, nice and close to make the point that he's being watched, to try to stop any escape attempt before it happened? It didn't work, sure, but that doesn't make doing so stupid. Maybe they should have spent time getting the Joker a strait-jacket, maybe they should have spent time going over the holding room with a fine toothcomb to make sure that there aren't any shards of glass big enough to be used as a weapon, maybe they should have done a lot of things differently, but they've got other priorities at that particular point, most notably getting to two of Gotham City's public officials before they get blown to hell. They felt that Stephens, an experienced officer, would be capable of handling the supposedly unarmed Joker. Being wrong doesn't make them ridiculous.


Question: This movie baffled me, so can someone please provide me with answers to the following questions? 1) Was the detective in on this game from the very beginning of the Saw movies? 2) I thought Jigsaw died in the fourth installment, how did he survive that? 3) Was the last trap set for the detective designed because he knew he would put the other detective in the box, thus saving his life, but he was to get crushed to death? I just didn't get the ending.

Answer: 1. Yes, it is implied that the detective comitted a murder based on Jigsaw from the very beginning, knowing it would be blamed on Jigsaw. 2. He didn't survive. In part 5, we are seeing flashbacks. 3. Hoffman knew that the other detective would not be able to control himself, and that he himself would wind up in the box, and thus be saved while the other detective got crushed.


Question: I would like to know the physical filming locations for this movie.

Answer: Mostly in Georgia, specifically Covington, Gainsville, Monticello and Alto, with a few scenes shot in Atascadero, California.


Question: Did the Joker originally want to kill Harvey Dent during the convoy chase? If Dent had been blown up, the kidnapping scenario could not have happened, and Joker implies this was his "ace in the hole" plan. So what were Joker's intentions?

Answer: No, he definitely doesn't intend to kill Dent - at that point, he can't dismiss the possibility that Dent could be Batman, who he wants to keep alive because it's just more fun that way. The convoy chase is, at least, in part, designed to draw Batman out - Joker knows that, if Dent isn't Batman, there's no way that the Caped Crusader wouldn't intervene in a situation like that. If Batman doesn't show, then, in all probability, Dent is Batman and Joker can focus on him. Batman shows up, thus eliminating Dent from consideration, allowing the Joker to go to the next stage of his plan, the kidnapping scenario.


Question: Does Joker really want to kill Batman at first? He says explicitly during the interrogation, "I don't want to kill you." Yet earlier he told the mob "It's simple, kill the Batman," and he says later (when he makes the threat on the hospital) that he's changed his mind. So did he want to kill Batman at first? And at what point exactly did he change his mind?

Answer: The Joker has his own agenda, which is basically the promotion of anarchy in Gotham City. With both the police and the mob gunning for him, that's going to be tricky to do. He can hardly ally himself with the police, so he tells the mob what they want to hear to get them off his back while he takes over. There's no particular indication that he ever really wants to kill Batman.


Question: If Bruce Wayne's penthouse was so safe, how did the Joker manage to bust into it during the fund-raising party? Also, if the penthouse was safe, why in the world did Alfred let the girlfriend just leave?

Answer: Wertz is shown at the door holding up his badge as the Joker bursts in. The implication (to the party guests and the audience at the time) is that Wertz was forced to use his police credentials to get past building security. We find out later that Wertz is dirty and probably was ordered by Maroni to help the Joker. Alfred lets Rachel leave because she insists that she is safe, since she was never the Joker's intended target.


Answer: The Joker got in there during the chaos of a party; people are coming and going, guests, caterers, waiters - security is inevitably going to be compromised under such circumstances. Later on, when only Bruce and Alfred should be present, the place is much more secure. As for Alfred letting Rachel leave, what choice does he have? He can hardly keep her there against her will. Short of resorting to physical restraint, he can't stop her leaving and trying to do so, when she's already angry at Bruce for letting Harvey pretend to be Batman, would only annoy her further.


Question: Batman talked about jumping out of an airplane to capture the money man in China. What happened to that scene? Did he do it off-screen, just to enter the country illegally?

Answer: Yes, just did it off-screen with the aim of entering the country illegally. Not really a terribly important thing to actually show - they mention how he intends to get in there, then we see him in Hong Kong, so we can assume that it went well. Showing it would just have slowed down the pace of the film.


Question: I couldn't understand it while watching the film: is the "U" In Victor Krum's name pronounced as an "Ah" (Kram) or as an "OO" (Kroom)?

Answer: Closer to the latter. If you pronounce it to rhyme with "drum", you'll be pretty close.


Question: The money the Joker burns - why did he get it? I thought he wants to have the money for killing Batman. And he has neither killed him nor unmasked him. So why did the Mob give him the money? They knew that Dent wasn't the real Batman.

Answer: He stole it. He took Lau from police custody, found out where he stashed all the mob money and simply took it.


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