Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Chosen answer: Candace Bushnell has been quoted as saying that Carrie was a kind of "alter ego" for herself, so its possible that some of the situations that Carrie describes are fictional accounts of her own experiences.

Question: In the Director's Cut, there is a scene where Drew Barrymore tells the students they will be reading Watership Down instead of The Destructors but there have been copies of The Destructors reserved at the Mall. She then turns to Donnie and says "perhaps you and Frank could read it together". Does she know about Frank and if not what does she mean by this?

Answer: There is a cut scene in which Donnie reads a poem he wrote in front of the class and he mentions Frank. Drew asks who Frank is and he states he's a 6 foot tall bunny rabbit. That is how Drew knows about Frank and since Watership Down's main characters are rabbits, this reference to Frank is appropriate.

Question: What is the name of the song in the night club?

Answer: "Ready Steady Go", by Paul Oakenfold.

Answer: 'Ready steady go' by Paul Oakenfold. The original has english lyrics but the one in Collateral is the Korean lyrics version.

Question: Does anyone know what Lucy is saying when she is pretending that she doesn't speak English? This is the scene in the diner when Henry is trying to pick her up with the picture he drew of the fishermen on a boat.

Answer: She is speaking Chinese when this happens and is telling to him to go away using vulgar language.

Question: What does Hu Li say in Chinese near the end, when she is holding the bomb that is about to blow up?

Answer: 两个王八蛋 (You two bastards), 你不就要我们死 (You wanted us to die), 现在我自己来,我来了! (Now I do it myself, I am here!) 我现在主动来了! 我来了!(I am doing this on my own now!).

Answer: She says 'we'll go together, inspector'.

Question: I know it's an answer to a previous question, but I've just been so confused about the answer I had to ask again: Can Dracula's Werewolf Antidote work after 12 times of midnight on their first full moon? If it could, why did Van Helsing order Carl to kill him? If it couldn't work, why would Dracula even have it? Can someone please answer this question who is 100% sure they have the right answer?

Answer: Dracula's antidote would turn the werewolf into a normal human but only if they recieved the antidote before the 12th chime of midnight. If they were too late he would not be able to turn back into a normal human. After seeing the picture in the house they were staying at Carl discovered that only a werewolf could kill Dracula, so when Van Helsing turned into a werewolf he told Carl to kill him if they were too late so that he would not remain a werewolf and do to people what he had spent his life fighting against. But Dracula also knew that was the only way for him to be killed, so he kept an antidote so if a werewolf turned against him he would be able to cure them and save himself.

Question: Where is the bone that is suppose to contain the easter egg, it is not in the deleted scenes menu.

Answer: When you are at the Main Menu, go left of the "Play Movie" selection.

Question: At the beginning of the film, Tony and Jack have a short conversation about "putting it all in commercial papers" and the "Deutsch mark." I have no idea what they're talking about, what does all of that mean? Could someone sum up what they were talking about?

Answer: The doorman has been collecting tips over the holiday season. Jack (being a high-flying business-man) has advised him to invest all the money in a particular type of financial instrument ("commercial papers" - probably company bonds). However, he has also advised him to keep the money there only until the exchange rate between the US dollar and the German currency falls (the Deutschmark was the German unit of currency at the time of the movie). Presumably, Jack anticipates that the investment will rise in value until the Deutschmark falls against the dollar so he's tipping the guy on how to make the most out of his investment.

Question: How did Drake discover the Nightstalkers hidden base?

Answer: It's possible that he followed one of them back to the base. This is feasible since they wouldn't be able to tell that he was following them because of his shape-shifting abilities.

Question: What is the song that Christian is singing during the Roxanne dance scene? I recognise the words, but I think it is to a different tune.

Answer: Christian is not singing Roxanne, just the Argentinian. I believe Christian's words are original and not from a previous song.

Answer: The words are from "Roxanne" by The Police, and the tune is "Le Tango du Moulin Rouge".

Question: I've read somewhere that Reflector appears in the movie, but I have yet to find him. Could anyone help me out?

Answer: One of the Reflector robots does indded appear in the movie, very briefly. As the Decepticons regroup after Blaster sends the communication to Moon Base 1, there is a shot from behind showing the Decepticons coming in, then a few more come in and transform to their robot modes. If you look when Dirge comes in, Reflector is in front of him. This is the only part of the film Reflector is in, so this character was either captured by the Autobots or destroyed, as he is not seen on Astrotrain when the Decepticons retreat.

Question: What is the title and composer of the nice piano piece that plays at the beginning and end of the film?

Answer: The music is Nocturne number 2 Es-dur 9/2 by Chopin.

Season 1 generally

Question: Whatever happened to Donna's little sister (I think her name was Tina?) She was mentioned during the first season and we even saw her once, but I haven't seen or heard of her since then. Have they ever explained where she went?


Chosen answer: Even though they appear in certain episodes, Tina Pinciotti and her other sister, Valerie, were written out of the series, much like Chuck Cunningham on "Happy Days." They are neither seen nor mentioned again.

Cubs Fan

Question: Is this supposed to be the same Lestat as the character in Interview With The Vampire? If so, is it just me or does it not follow? At the start of Queen of the Damned he is only just waking up and seems fine. Yet at the end of Interview With The Vampire he's attacking the interviewer guy. I don't get it.

Answer: This movie is a very loose adaptation of the Anne Rice novel to begin with, so it is safe to assume the director took certain liberties with the characters. The plot lines are not meant to be interconnecting, or even related for that matter. Consider "Smallville" vs. the original Superman stories, or "Sum of All Fears" starring Ben Affleck vs. the other Jack Ryan movies starring Harrison Ford.


Question: Is the mother or daughter who sing "All I Want for Christmas" at the Christmas pageant an actual singer? The way the teacher introduced the mother who helped put the number together, he made it sound as though she was a well-known musician, so I wondered if that was true.

Answer: Ruby Turner, playing Mrs Anderson is an accomplished singer. She started with Culture Club in the mid-80s and then went solo. Olivia Olson, playing Joanna, is also a singer. She won on Star Search and as far as I know has only released two songs. As for whether the Mom is supposed to be a real singer in the film, it's not made clear.


Answer: The staffer introducing the concert says "and background vocals coordinated by the great Mrs. Jean Anderson." While not explicitly stated in the film, and he could potentially mean that she is well-known in another field, or that she just did a great job with the concert, it certainly sounded to me that the character of Joanna's mom is intended to be a well-known singer.

Question: How exactly did they make Kayako's croaking noise for the movie?

Answer: Someone - not specified so I assume a Foley artist - made the croaking noise. If you listen to the commentary Jason Behr talks about how he phoned his sister after she has seen the movie and made the croaking sound in his throat and freaked his sister out so that she wouldn't answer the phone.

troy fox

Answer: According to Imdb and The Grudge Wikia, director Takashi Shimizu himself made Kayako's death rattle. Shimizu directed both the Japanese and the American version of the film.

Answer: In addition to what everyone else is saying, it's actually a remarkably easy sound to reproduce. You simply push air very slowly through the lower-back of your throat and can use muscle contractions of the tongue and throat, along with varying the speed slightly, to adjust the sound/pitch/speed.

Question: If Sirius Black is innocent, why is he so menacing-looking in his picture on all the Wanted-posters?

Answer: He is angry over his false arrest, being imprisoned without a trial, and he is very concerned about the welfare of his God-son Harry Potter. Also would you want to go to prison and be with the Dementors? I would be yelling my head off as well.

Mark English

Not to mention; Sirius is lucky he came out with any sanity left, given what dementors do to people. A constant state of sadness is enough to make anyone upset.

Question: When Greg is showing the gang the photo of his "teeny weeny" he says "they turned the hot water off in the showers". what did he mean by that?

Answer: When cold water reaches certain parts of the body, you tend to get some "shrinkage", hence the teeny weeny.

Jason Diehl

Question: Can someone please explain what Spoon Boy says to Neo about there being no spoon, I do not fully understand it.

Sir William

Chosen answer: "There is no spoon" because the spoon doesn't really exist; it's just a bunch of images inside the Matrix. For Neo to use his powers, he can't think of bending the spoon (or surviving a fall, or jumping a gap, or dodging bullets) because in even accepting the existence of the spoon (or the fall, or the gap, or the bullets) he'll be acknowledging it's impossible to do so. He has to see all these things as just reflections of the Matrix (as he indeed does at the end) and manipulate them in those terms, to use his powers.


Question: Who exactly is this Brian Boitano the kids keep singing about and what relevance does he have to the overall plot of the film?

Answer: Brian Boitano is a famous figure skater (2 World Championships, an Olympic gold medal, and 6 Professional World Championships). He is a recurring character on the TV show. The idea is that sports heroes are who kids would idolize/worship (song makes fun of the "What Would Jesus Do" fad) contrasted with figure skating which is perceived as being a rather less than manly sport thus they make up wild heroic acts to "explain" why he is their idol.


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