Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: No, it's a dark, ironic joke based on Snow White. There are several reference to Disney and its products throughout the movie.


Answer: No it is highly unlikely. Judging by how caring and nurturing Fiona is to the animals, her killing them is completely accidental.

Question: Trinity tells Neo to trust her because he knows what's in the end of the street. What's in the end of the street?

Answer: Neo has "been down that road before" for all of his life. It is the road of the mundane, of accepting reality at face value and refusing to take any action to change either oneself or one's environment. Neo's relatively recent search for Morpheus was part of breaking out of this mould. At the end of that road is an empty existence and eventual death after a life of normalcy and conformity.


Answer: She wanted to devote more time to her movie career and her new husband Freddie Prinze Jr.

Maria Santos

Question: What happens in the end, is the French captain dead? And why does Jack Aubrey decide not to sail to the Galapagos but follow Acheron?

Answer: The French captain is most likely the man who claimed to be the doctor or any other man. Aubrey realizes that the captain is not dead and could engineer a coup, so he turns his ship to chase the Acheron.


Answer: Because Jack is a pirate and Norrington hates pirates.


Answer: I believe she is referring to Linus Van Pelt from the Peanuts (Charlie Brown) comic strips. See

J I Cohen

Question: Before Cale starts to rebuild the ship so he can pursue Corso, he says, "Good, 'cause we launch yesterday." I have no idea what he meant by that statement.

Answer: This is what is called communication by hyperbole (or exageration). Obviously they didn't launch yet, so they couldn't have launched yesterday. He is just saying that they will launch as soon as possible.


Question: After the massive battle on Endor the Rebels try to make it look like the stormtroopers have won so the ones inside the shield generator will come out. What I don't understand is who's the Imperial guy that appears on the monitor telling them it's over and they need reinforcements? Aren't all the Imperials outside meant to be dead at this point?

Answer: Look close, it's Han Solo with his hand covering his mouth with the radio so as to not give away his identity. You can even recognize his voice. Apparently, he got inside the walker that Chewie highjacked, took an imperial officers uniform from somewhere, then radioed to the base to get them to come out so he could ambush them.


And a few seconds later, he had the time to go out of the AT-ST, remove his uniform and be on the ground for the ambush?

It's only a few seconds of screen time. Within the film itself, several troops gathered to meet them at the door, which could have taken a couple minutes. That's plenty of time for Han to have removed the helmet and gloves (only his head and hand are visible, so he likely didn't put the full uniform on) and the climbed back down to the ground.


You only see his head. It doesn't take long to remove a helmet.

It wasn't an entire uniform, just the jacket helmet and glove. And more than a few seconds had passed as the troops inside needed to be assembled and then exit the bunker.


If you look closely, you can see it's about a half-second of footage on a loop. Where they got it is another question.

Question: When Forrest and Bubba are talking in Vietnam before and after Bubba says "I wanna go home" after getting shot. There is purple smoke coming from behind them into the camera shot. What is this smoke?

Answer: Just a smoke grenade. They used color smoke grenades in Vietnam as a signal to evacuation helicopters to show exactly where the troops were.


Question: I noticed from the previews that this movie looks very different. What is it? Is it a digital camera that has been used? Or no lighting effects used? The movie really has a "behind the scene" feel.

Kirill Ostapenko

Chosen answer: It was shot with a digital camera. IMDB is a great place to answer questions like this. Go to *Technical Specifications* in the *Other Info* section of the menu on the left hand side of the screen. In an interview in American Cinematographer, Michael Mann said that as far as he was aware, this was one of the first movies to attempt to make a "look" out of digital video rather than trying to make Digital Video look like film. This approach meant the movie could be shot in the low-light scenes of urban desolation Mann wanted - because Digital reacts much better to low light than film. The approximately 20% of the picture that was shot on film was mostly, according to Mann, the portion set in the "Fever" nightclub - because this is the scene with the brightest lighting states, a condition in which Digital Video does not perform as well.

J I Cohen

Question: What is supposed to be in those biohazard tanks that makes them explode so violently when shot. Considering what is stored inside them that seems like a stupid way of storing dangerous things.

Answer: The contents are either some sort of flammable material (i.e. magnesium hydride) or some sort of material that would ignite a flammable material upon contact (i.e. hydrogen peroxide) that would easily explode violently when ignited (i.e. with a bullet.) The containers are actually decent as they can withstand falls, but they are definitely not bulletproof. After all, one doesn't expect someone to come into a laboratory and shoot chemical storage containers.

Question: What is the song playing when Kevin Bacon is driving his car? It wasn't "Power Struggle" by Sunna.

Answer: Do you mean the scene where he is invisible, wearing his mask? If so, the song is called Charlie Big Potato by Skunk Anansie.

Answer: I checked the movie's credits (original concept, I know) then I listened to the song in the film and found the lyrics at and and I can assure you that it was, in fact, "Power Struggle" by Sunna.

Answer: It's actually Skunk Anansie. I know this song from memory and can attest as a fan of the movie and the scene.

Question: All Samara wanted was to be heard and she killed anyone who didn't make a copy and show to someone else. Obviously she was very capable of killing before Rachel and Noah found her body and found out what had happened to her. So why does Aidan say that it's bad that they found her? How does it matter since she could kill before too?

Answer: Aidan said to Rachel that they weren't supposed to *help* Samara. When she told him they had, he assumed that worse things were going to happen. He wasn't entirely wrong; the problem didn't go away, but Rachel finding Samara's body and learning the rest of her story didn't make things any worse. If anything it enabled her to understand why she escaped death.

Answer: Correct. If anything, it made things worse for them since Samara mistook Rachel's quest to find out about her story (in order to save their lives) with genuine concern and care. That's the big reason why she takes over Aidan's body in The Ring 2 and becomes obsessed with Rachel being her new "mommy."

Show generally

Question: Jack and Andie are brother and sister in the same grade...but does the show ever explain how that came to be? Are they twins or was Andie moved up because she is so smart?

Answer: It's only explained once in the series. Jack says to Andie "I tried to start kindergarten without you", meaning Andie was smart enough to start school early.

Answer: They are not twins (Jack is older than Andie). It is possible due to when birthdays fall in the school calender for non-twin siblings to end up in the same grade. Say that you have to be 5 on Sept 1 to start Kindergarten, you are born on Sept 2, 2000 and your little sister on Aug 30, 2001. Sept 1, 2005, you are 4 years and 364 days and can't start. So Sept 1, 2006, you are 5 years and 364 days and your sister is 5 years and 1 day, and, voila!, you're both in the same grade.

Answer: The writers have said they are not twins and Jack is older. Although they were both born in 1983. In some states, like Massachusetts, it's a district decision when a child under 6-8 can start kindergarten, so there's no age deadline. In January 1988, Jack and Andie would both be 4, turning 5, and the district then allowed Andie to start kindergarten with her brother. It has nothing to do with Andie being smarter or moved up a grade, a point she alludes to in response to Jack saying he tried to start kindergarten without her (s04e04). As a side note, there was talk among the writers about whether to make Jack older or younger and they ultimately decided to make him older. The writers put in an inside joke about that when Andie says she is "definitely the older sibling in this relationship" (s04e04). It's also an inside joke to the fact that Meredith Monroe (Andie) was almost 2.5 years older than Kerr Smith (Jack). Monroe was 18, turning 19, in 1988.


Question: Can someone explain exactly what shaft entrance was blocked by all those big explosions after which Lock says "your move?" It can't be the entrance to the temple, since we see the Kid run from the dock to the temple in about 5 seconds to tell Zion that the machines have left. So what shaft was it?

Answer: The temple is located at the very bottom of Zion right at the bottom of the living quarters (possibly the engineering level is deeper) while teh dock is above the living quarters. To get from the dock to there there is a long lift shaft (which is seen in reloaded) and it is that shaft which Lock blocks.

Chosen answer: Rachel's ghost shows the flames as a clue to the burning woman tattoo of one of the killers.

Question: Could anyone tell me who the big pig-like orc is who leads Sauron's armies against Minas-Tirith? I've read somewhere that he's a kind of incarnation of Sauron, but I'm not too sure.

Answer: His name is Gothmog and, no, he's not an incarnation of Sauron. He officially holds the title of Lieutenant of Morgul, a position of considerable power within Mordor, and acts as the second-in-command to the Witch King of Angmar. He's mentioned precisely once in the books and Tolkien doesn't even mention what race he's from - it was the filmmakers choice to make him an orc.


Show generally

Question: In the "Stargate" movie, all the chevrons locked, but in the series, it's the one at the top. Surely they should make the Stargate the same?

Answer: In the series, all the chevrons lock as well. They just show the last one as it would be tedious to show all 7 everytime the gate fires up.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Is it ever mentioned of what happened to Peter's parents and why he lives with his aunt and uncle? I've never read the comic books.

Answer: They died when he was young and he moved in with Uncle Ben and Aunt May. He was lead to believe they died in a car accident but in fact they were spies who were believed to be traitors to the Russians (This was back in Cold War days), but Peter (as Spidey) cleared their name.


Question: Why was Nedry paid to smuggle the dinosaur embryos off of the island?

Answer: So the company that paid him would have all these dinosaur embryos without having to dig to find them and could then create dinosaurs themselves.

Craig Bryant

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