Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Catherine Zeta-Jones' character is always smoking a cigarette. Did Catherine Zeta-Jones really smoke for the film or is the cigarette fake?

Answer: CZJ may be a smoker in real life, but to keep consistency and account for multiple takes productions use fake cigarettes. Otherwise "smoking" actors could go through dozens of packs each day of shooting, which would make even the most dedicated smoker ill.

Question: Wouldn't it have made more sense in having Hickox and the two German Basterds pose as a camera man and his assistants instead of wearing Nazi officer uniforms when they met Bridget in the bar? I would think that an officer would draw more attention than civilians. Civilians wouldn't have been that strange a sight in a bar in France, would it? And if they were asked any questions about their purpose for being in France, Hickox could have been more convincing since he was the film buff. The other two could have played along as Hickox did most of the talking anyway, or am I missing something?

Answer: The Basterds did not know anything about Hammersmark's plan to smuggle them in as camera crew. They did not speak to her before (this is the first time they see her). It is also mentioned later that the German speaking Basterds are known to slip into German uniforms, so I guess they had some of those lying around, as opposed to normal camera-crew outfits (they are soldiers in enemy territory after all).

Part 3 - S1-E3

Question: When Jonas's wife descends the stairs in her nightgown, you can hear her shoe soles hitting the stairs. I was surprised to see her wearing grey stiletto high heel pumps! As she exits the stairs and enters the kitchen, these heels are fully visible on both feet from the rear. Was she that much shorter than her co-star?

Answer: Stacy Keach, who portrayed Jonas Steele, is an imposing figure who stands just upwards of six feet tall. Julia Duffy, the actress who played Mary Hale Steele, is a diminutive five feet even - a full foot shorter than her on-screen husband. Though high heels have been around since the mid-16th century, the stiletto style heel didn't begin to come into play for fashion until the late 19th century, when they were mainly used as accessories in fetish art. They didn't become vogue for women's wear until the early to mid-20th century. It is unlikely a stiletto-style heel would have been available to, let alone be worn with a nightgown by a woman of the period.

Michael Albert

Question: Shug and Celie found the hiding place in the floor in the bedroom looking for the letters. They found naked pictures, money, and of course the letters from Nettie. There were also some vials of something. What was inside of the vials?


Chosen answer: They appear to be illegal drugs.


Answer: Colognes.

Question: What breed is the dog that pulls the woman villain through the bushes?

Answer: It appears to be a mixed breed of dog.

Answer: Leonberger.

Question: I think Storm and Jean trusted Nightcrawler pretty easily. But what make them think that he wouldn't have tried to escape from them? It could have been possible so maybe it would have been easier to tie him up, gag him and lock him into the X-Jet instead of letting him sit in the back seat?

Answer: Tying Nightcrawler up wouldn't work as he is a teleporter! Jean could use her power to stop him from teleporting, so it's possible she was stopping him on the X-Jet, but they probably did just trust him. Restraining him would pretty much ensure he wouldn't trust them.


Question: Why type of propulsion system does the Endurance use? It took 2 years for them to reach Saturn from Earth. Once they're in the other galaxy, the ship appears to travel between planets in mere hours/days. Also, it appears that the smaller shuttle craft was launched from Earth on a Saturn V type rocket, but later when leaving the surface of other planets, they have no such system.

Answer: I am not exactly sure what kind of propulsion system is used, however; you must consider that although in our galaxy even the closest planets to Earth take years to travel to, in this alternate universe, the planets may be arranged in a closer formation.

Question: Before Voldemort destroys the shield around Hogwarts, Bellatrix appears to be saying or trying to do something to the army behind him. What is she saying/doing?

Answer: It's not known what she was doing. Any answer would be a guess.


Question: What is the name of the music being played when Clarence enters the club and kills Drexyl? And the name of the song being played when Drexyl kills Samuel L Jackson?


Chosen answer: When Clarence kills Drexel: "I want your body" by Nymphomania. When Drexel kills Samuel L Jackson: "Skinny (They can't get enough) " by The Skinny Boys.

Show generally

Question: When Sam reads someone their rights why does someone else tell him he's saying it wrong? This happens few times in different episodes.


Chosen answer: Sam is using the modern wording of the right-to-silence caution prescribed by legislation such as the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. In the 1970s, the wording would have been different, if it was used at all.


Question: So after the Falcon floats off with the garbage they look for a place to go and find Cloud City. They take off and Boba Fett follows. Later Lando says that the Empire arrived before them. How did they get there before the Falcon if Boba Fett was following the Falcon and it appears he told the Empire where they went?


Answer: The Falcons hyper drive wasn't working, after Boba Fett worked out where they were going he notified Vader who could beat them there as they had the use of hyper drive.

Chosen answer: The Empire guessed where the Falcon would be headed next, and so Vader and his forces arrived at Bespin before them. Boba Fett would have had time to meet Vader in that dining room before Han and the others walked in on them.

Answer: When Lando said, they arrived just before you did, he didn't mean Vader personally, he meant Imperial soldiers. The ones that were sent out looking for the escaping rebel fleet. When Bobo Fett saw where the Falcon was heading, he informed Vader.

Answer: Jamie is a boy, in one of the first episodes after he is born there's a scene where he pees in Hal's face while getting his diaper changed - very unlikely if he were a girl.

Chosen answer: In the Special Edition, when Vader makes contact with Emperor Palpatine after bringing the ship out of the asteroid belt, It is Palpatine that informs Vader that Luke is the son of Anakin Skywalker, to which Vader replies, "How is that possible?"

Chosen answer: In the pub Danny demonstrates using a ketchup packet to simulate stabbing himself in the eye. Later in the film he returns Nicholas Angel's notebook, hiding a ketchup packet in it. He stabs the pocket with the notebook, causing the ketchup to leak and simulate blood.

Question: Sirius says that Snape already knew a lot of curses when they started at Hogwarts. How could Snape have been practising outside of school if he was underage?

Answer: It was never said he was actually practising. Like Hermione, he learned much about magic by extensive reading. Snape, unlike Hermione, was born into a wizard family and could also learn much by observing others. Also, J.K. Rowling later explained that wizard children could not always be monitored if they used magic or not, because the adults in the same household would also be casting charms and spells. The "trace" put on under-aged wizards could not specifically identify individuals while they were in their homes.


Question: Sounds a bit weird to me that there would be a direct flight from Christchurch to Kathmandu in the beginning of the movie?

Answer: I did an Internet search, and every flight from Christchurch to Katmandu has at least two stopovers. However, the film takes place about two decades ago and there is no readily available information on flight paths for that time.


Question: How much time has passed since the first film?

Answer: In a Saw bonus feature called Full Disclosure Report, the events in it take place 1 year after the first Saw. In the bonus, Eric Matthews is seen alive and well with other officers, and it is stated that he was recently suspended from the force for a short amount of time. Since Eric is chained up in the bathroom in Saw II, the events of Saw II must take place at least a year after the first movie.

Question: A whole lot of questions are answered is this movie, but there's one thing not explained. What happened to Dr. Gordon?

Answer: After crawling out of the bathroom, Dr. Gordon cauterizes his leg on a hot steam pipe in the tunnels outside. He then passes out and Jigsaw finds him and nurses him back to health, giving him a new foot. Gordon then becomes Jigsaw's helper, helping him in many of his traps.

Question: In Amanda's flashback, John says "Then start with this." as he gives a yellow envelope to Amanda. What is in that envelope?


Chosen answer: The envelope that John gives Amanda in the flashback contains photos of Adam so that Amanda can kidnap him and put him in the bathroom.

Question: How much did C loan to his friend and had to chase him for it?

Answer: $20; C gave up trying to collect after Sonny convinced him that it wasn't worth the effort since the "friend" wasn't really that close to C in the first place.


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