Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: It has been shown that the alien takes on part of the host traits as it matures on the inside the host body. It becomes a cross breed, EVERY TIME. So unless it has been breading with the same host (humans) over eons how can this race survive and reproduce? Over just a few generations it would have evolved so far in so many direction it would fail to exist as a alien.

Answer: Well, the alien warriors don't breed, so any traits that they might take on are irrelevent. The Queens are the key - one plausible explanation is that the Queens don't take on the host traits, or that they only take on those traits that are useful to them - they get incorporated into the species, improving them while still conforming to the basic alien structure. Also possible is that the Queens do take on some traits from their host, but that their reproductive system is isolated from this - i.e. the eggs produced are the same no matter what additional traits the Queen producing them might have. This would allow each newly hatched alien to take on traits relevent to its environment, without hampering the overall progress of the species.


Show generally

Question: How many different Power Ranger TV shows/movies have there been? To my knowledge, I know of at least 7 different series, but I think there is more. How do they all connect?

Answer: According to the IMDB, there are currently 10 different series (with an 11th premiering in 2006). And, as far as I can tell, there have been only two theatrically released movies. All of the series, with the exception of the first one (that premiered back in '93) are spin-offs of the original, and they all share similar plot lines, characters, etc.

Cubs Fan

Season 3 generally

Question: Why is everyone so convinced that Tony will be spending at least 20 years in prison, if he's not executed? Considering all that he's been through during the day, including nearly being killed and nearly losing his wife to a horrible virus, and then seeing terrorists trying to take out her eye, wouldn't he stand a great chance at a temporary insanity plead?

Answer: It's because he put Michelle's life and safety ahead of National Security (he even admits this when he's questioned by Brad Hammond from Divison). If you think about it, it's more than reminiscent of Jack's attempts to save Kim and Teri in Season 1.

Cubs Fan

Question: I've noticed in quite a few movies set in American high schools there is a certain student who talks on the PA system, acting as a sort of news reporter/DJ type thing. There is one in this film and another film that does it is 'She's All That'. My question is does this really happen in American schools? If so, why? What's the purpose of the role? And doesn't that student ever get to class? Thanks in advance.

Answer: Yes, this happens in most schools. The reason is that students are more likely to pay attention to announcements that are not made by a boring school employee. In many American schools, we have a phenomenon known as "home room". This is a short period usually first thing in the morning that is non-instructional when announcements are made, forms are filled out, and administrivial functions that don't have anything to do with any one class. At schools that don't have this, they have a thing called "study hall" or "independent study" which is a period where you sit in a classroom and work on your assignments, special functions for the school admin. like you are talking about are frequently done at these periods by students who are "working in the office" rather than studying. Then, there are schools that actually have classes in journalism, broadcasting, etc. where this activity would be part of the schoolwork.


Answer: This is episode 7 of season 3: "Gypsies, Tramps and Weeds".


Question: I don't know anything about football and the college drafting process, but isn't odd that the QB from the Odessa Panthers did not receive some kind of college scholarship? After all, he was theoretically the 2nd best QB in the state, as his team made it to the State playoff game, even if they ended up losing.

Answer: In the movie he was being recruited by the fake school, I forget the name something Kansas. And at the end it said that he played football for Baylor, so I think he did get a scholarship. But in many cases just because a player is on a good team does not mean he has what it takes to play at the next level, there is a big difference between high school and college. For instance you could be the starting QB on a State Championship team, but the team is mainly a running team, and almost never passes, or you are a running QB who almost never throws the ball, you might be really successful in High School, but not have any of the skills to play QB college.


Winchell never received a scholarship despite setting records at Permian. He was known for choking up in tight games, which could be the reason he never got recruited. He played at Baylor his freshman year but was not successful. He's the best QB Permian ever had and maybe west Texas.

Answer: Winchell also choked up the last game against Lee and three four consecutive incomplete passes to win.

Question: I watched the directors cut and there was not wedding scene. I heard about it, but didn't see the original, so I was wondering what happened, who it was between and why it was cut.

Answer: The unrated, director's cut that I purchased has the wedding scene (between Guinevere and Arthur) though it does have an alternate ending without the wedding. However, rumor has it that the scene was added against the director's wishes to make it more family friendly and provide a happy ending. Perhaps your version is more in align with the director's original vision.


Question: Can anyone explain to me the scene in which Wayne is pulled over by a cop and shown a picture? I know it's supposed to be funny, but I don't get the joke.

Answer: You presumably haven't seen Terminator 2. The actor playing the cop is Robert Patrick, who played the shape-shifting T-1000 in that movie, who masqueraded as a policeman for most of the film. The T-1000's mission was to track down and terminate a boy - hence the "have you seen this boy" line that he says to Wayne.


Answer: A translation can be found here:

Grumpy Scot

1969 - S2-E21

Question: I know in this episode SG-1 encounters the younger Hammond. Are Michael and Jenny supposed to be younger versions of people SG-1 knows in their present? Or were they just a random couple that helped them out?

Answer: They were just a friendly couple that helped them out.

Grumpy Scot

Answer: Squidward only got bored because he likes SpongeBob and his antics more than he cares to admit. Seeing the way SpongeBob acts makes him realize just how boring Tentacle Acres really is.

Grumpy Scot

I wouldn't say he likes SpongeBob but he brings a level of excitement to Squidwards life that tentacle acres doesn't.

Question: Is Vowellet - An Essay By Sarah Vowell on the UK DVD? On Disc One, on the index, it is listed in the Disc Two section but I can't find it anywhere on Disc Two.

Answer: No, despite its appearance on the Disc 1 index, it appears to be missing from the second disc. On the Region 1 DVDs, it appears as a menu item in the "Behind The Scenes" section, but it's been taken out on the Region 2 discs. The most likely explanation is that, for some reason, they were unable to include it on the Region 2 discs, but simply forget to take it off the disc 1 index.


Question: Why do Wolverine's previously healed wounds open again after he 'lends' his power to Rouge to save her life, and why don't all the injuries he has sustained throughout his life open up again?

Answer: These are the wounds that he's sustained during his fight with Sabretooth - while his healing power has closed them up, they're not fully healed yet. As such, when the power goes to Rogue, they're able to open back up. Earlier wounds have had the time to completely heal, so they don't reappear.


Question: What is the name of the actor who plays Notre Dame player 75, last name Mateus? I can't find him in the credits. He's the guy who starts chanting "Rudy" during the Georgia Tech game. Somebody said it might be WWE Superstar Al Snow, aka Allen Sarven, but it's not.

Answer: According to IMDB, Al Snow plays an uncredited Notre Dame football player in the film, so it might actually be him.


Show generally

Question: There is a noticeable change in the lighting in the first season compared to the rest of them, does anyone know why this is?

Answer: Normally first seasons of a show do not get the budget that established shows get. It is possible after the huge success of season 1, the show got a better budget and better lighting.

Mark English

Chosen answer: Yes, Dudley Smith was Irish.

Mark English

Mars University - S2-E2

Question: When they pass in front of the library, there are only two books "Fiction" and "Non-fiction". I remember seeing something similar in a science-fiction film when I was a kid. A man says something like "All the knowledge of the Martians is contained in this disc". Is it a reference to this film, and if so, what is its name?

Dr Wilson

Chosen answer: I don't know that it is a reference, but it sounds like you are thinking of The Martian Chronicles.

Grumpy Scot

Question: If you go to "Index" on Disc one of the DVD, it lists that on Disc Two there is a feature called "Vowellet : An Essay by Sarah Vowell." However I have searched and searched Disc Two, and I can't find it. Can someone tell me how to find it?


Chosen answer: It is in the 'behind the scenes' chapter.

Dr Wilson

Question: Sid Hudgens uses the phrase "Off the record, on the q.t., and very hush-hush." What does "q.t." stand for?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: "QT" is slang which literally means "quiet" and it is also used as a police radio term which means "secrecy required regarding location."

Super Grover

Chosen answer: In the episode "Abra Cadaver" Tom Noonan, who played The Tooth Fairy in 'Manhunter', appeared as the bad guy. Since Grissom was the main investigator, many fans saw a similarity.


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