Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Chosen answer: Yes, in real life he was a musician, songwriter and record producer. Tito Puente died in 2000.

Casual Person

Question: Doc gets Marty back home. Then seconds later Marty appears again. He shows Doc the letter he wrote. So Marty goes back to 1885 to save him. They make a big deal of having to repair the DeLorean that was buried in the cave. But why can't they use the DeLorean that Marty just used to get back to 1955?

Answer: Because Marty didn't "just" arrive, he was already there, having come back from the alternate 1985 with Doc in the previous film. The DeLorean they used to get to 1955 is the one that is struck by lightning while Marty's on the ground, and sent Doc to 1885. He cannot repair it with the resources available in 1885, so he hides it in the cave with instructions that his 1955 self will use to fix it.

Question: How did Exley know about Leow and Reynolds when speaking to Leow?

Answer: Vincennes, most likely. The condition under which Jack gives his help to Exley in solving the Nite Owl case is Exley's help in solving Reynolds' murder, so Jack must have filled him in on the case details.

Cubs Fan

Question: What body parts did Clyde cut from Darby? Clyde only mentioned three or four pieces, but cops on the scene say that Darby was found in about 25 different pieces.


Chosen answer: He completely dismembered him. Clyde mentions taking his fingers with tin snips, I believe, so that right there can account for ten pieces.


Answer: He took his fingers off with bolt cutters, and his toes with tin snips. His head was on a table, and after dismemberment of his limbs, there's your 25 pieces.

Question: Tony says he was the one who called the FBI but then why would they aim their guns at Peter? Tony wouldn't tell them to shoot at his recruit.


Chosen answer: Tony wouldn't tell them anything about Peter because he didn't expect Peter to be there.


Question: Just before Peter's suit was taken by Tony he said he warned him about the weapons but during that phone call he just lied to Tony and hung up. So when did he warn him about the weapons?


Chosen answer: He told Happy.

Answer: Jarod was kidnapped because he is a child prodigy. A super genius, like all the other children, who were taken by the Centre. They needed him to construct improbable theories, that have world wide implications. Assassination, terrorist threats and military coupes. At first they used it to help governments, but then realised it was for their own ends. Which is why he escaped and to find his family.

Question: In the scene when Moriarty is doing a book signing, his aide sits and hands him a piece of paper with what looks like some kind of grouped numbers together. What is this and does it get referenced later in the film?

Brad Barding

Chosen answer: That's the key code for his fortune concealed in his library. The one Mrs Watson uses to relay to Inspector Lestrade. Like the book reference numbers in a public library.

Question: I find it interesting that part of the final chase is against a modified truck on a set of rails. I saw no rails in the wide shots of Bartertown, and no exits for the the truck. So, where was the exit, why use a modified truck for power when it was never cranked, and how did the kid know to be prepared for the truck, or any rail traffic, at all?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: The train tracks would have been covered by dirt for not being used for years. The truck was already cranked, as the engine was source for the generating power and lights. The exit was boarded up and the truck ripped through it. The kids were not prepared, but did observe what the adults were doing and could have been given instructions on what to do.

Question: When the train is put into reverse, Bronson and the major jump off. The Indians get into the box car then the train stops. Who stopped it?

Answer: Ben Johnson and Charles During. Their characters had guns pointed at them, they stopped the train suddenly to knock them off balance. As soon as Bronson and the Major jumped off the train, Johnson and During took control of the engine.

Question: Sean Connery took dancing lessons for 11 years in his youth, and he surely knew how to dance when he made this film in his 50s. So, why is his choreographed tango with Kim Basinger in this film so painfully, embarrassingly awkward and heavily edited? Is this perhaps due to the fact that Kim Basinger had virtually no dancing skills?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Neither is a professional dancer. Having studied dancing some thirty years before does not mean someone has retained the same level of skills. As you mentioned, Connery was in his 50s by that time.


Question: While re-watching "Sin City" on HBO recently, I realised that the closed captioning for this film has been noticeably censored. While the audio track seems intact, every instance of the word "fag" results in that entire line of dialogue being omitted from closed captioning. Is this strangely selective closed captioning censorship featured on the original "Sin City" DVD, or is this HBO's own particular brand of censorship?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: The word "fag" is only used once in the entire movie, spoken by Becky who refers to a club called the Amigo as a "fag joint." The omission in the subtitles might just be an oversight. HBO is known for having original content that pushes the envelope of what people consider to be tasteful (such as "Game of Thrones" and "The Sopranos") so it's highly unlikely that they would be resorting to censorship.


Question: Why did the spitfire pilot land on the beach at the end of the movie facing certain internment when he could have ditched and be taken back to Blighty?

Answer: After running out of fuel, he kept his craft aloft as long as he could so he could shoot down the enemy plane. He then landed when and where he safely could, which was on the beach but in enemy territory. Ditching a plane in water is dangerous and would have meant far less chance of survival.


Question: Why, in the credits and trailers, does it say "and introducing Daniel Craig as Joe Bang"? Isn't introducing used for new actors, not really famous ones?

Answer: Established actors are not normally listed in the cast credits this way. This appears to have been done as an inside joke.


Question: When Amy is told that she cannot go to the opera with Meg and Jo, Beth tells Amy, "Evangeline and I will make you some ginger tea." The cook/maid's name is listed as Hannah in the cast credits, and she is referred to by the name of Hannah a few times in the movie. Who is Evangeline?


Chosen answer: Evangeline is their cat.

Answer: The cat is named Evangeline. She's holding her while she says that line.

So the cat named Evangeline is going to make tea for Amy?


Not literally. She was just humanizing her cat. It's something people do, just like how you can buy greeting cards "from the cat" or "from the dog."


Beth was trying to be funny by saying the cat would help make the tea.

Question: How was Sara so sure that there was no engineer on the train, considering that she was not able to get to the front carriage to find out?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Most likely from the speed at which the train was going, a train is like driving any large vehicle. You have to maintain a certain pace, to stop at an instant, for the unexpected.

Question: Normally, whenever Jason gets shot, struck with a machete or an axe, or stabbed with a knife, he shrugs it off. So why was he angry when Roy shot him with a paint gun?


Chosen answer: He wasn't really angry, more like confused and annoyed at having paint shot at him.

Question: As many times as I've seen this movie, I don't understand how Pete comes to the conclusion that Miranda is not delusional in the end. We see him searching images of the tattoo she kept talking about, but I just don't understand how that would lead him to finally believe that she has been telling the truth. Can anyone explain this to me?


Chosen answer: It's not that he fully believed her, but after doing some fact checking on the computer, he would find it odd that all the "nonsense" she was babbling about seemed to be true. He was most likely went to the police station to talk more about her visions.

Answer: Also we don't know the full extent of what Pete saw on the internet. There may have been a photo of the sheriff displaying his tattoo. I always find it best not to question silly films like this too much (save that for deeper films) - I mean, we accept that a ghost possesses Halle Berry, but get hung up on how a man's internet search persuaded him to believe a woman he knew and loved.

Answer: He loved her that's pretty clear in the movie and probably didn't want to believe she was crazy so he checked things out and knew she was in trouble.

Question: Why aren't Mr and Mrs Little surprised to see a talking mouse?


Chosen answer: It's a fantasy world, like Harry Potter and the Narnia movies.

Question: Why was Liz so interested when Peter said he doesn't work for Stark anymore? She doesn't consider Peter as that much of a friend. She barely talked to Peter and spent the whole ride on her phone and tried to make Peter give her the corsage and only went with him to the dance cause she didn't have a date.


Chosen answer: She didn't "only go with him because she didn't have a date". She was interested in dating Peter, and knew he was interested in her. She had been waiting for him to finally build up the nerve to talk to her about it. She was interested in Peter leaving the Stark internship because she was genuinely interested. The awkward silence before hand was due to her dad being in the car (as it would be for a shy teenage boy with his date's father present).

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