Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Gordon faked his death, many people think he faked getting shot, but if you look closely you'll see he really was shot. So how did he fake his death? He would've needed to go to hospital.


Chosen answer: Gordon is a smart man. He knew for sure that someone was going to try to kill the mayor so he hatched a plan just in case that went down. Since we see blood, it could be assumed that he was wearing a bulletproof vest with a fake blood pouch to make it seem more realistic. Some other officers knew about this plan, so they were more than likely the ones that transported him away quickly before anyone could see that he was faking.


Question: What is the song playing when Walt gets drunk?

Answer: "It Never Rains in Southern California" performed by Pete Yorn.

Super Grover

Question: When the informant drives his car up to the meeting place the helicopter circling above is a UH-1. Did they really use UH-1s in Somalia or had this something to do with the making of the movie?

Answer: During the making of the film the director couldn't rent or buy Blackhawk helicopters. So the only way was to contact the government to get their permission to get military Blackhawks from them. By the time they received it they were already filming so they used Hueys until the Blackhawks arrived.

Question: How is it that Dean Corso is first on the scene of so many murders, but we never see him interacting with authorities? Corso is the first to find his murdered friend Bernie, he's the first to find the body of Fargas, and he's the first to find the Baroness strangled. Did he actually flee every murder scene without contacting the police (at least to clear his name)? Or did Roman Polanski deliberately omit police investigation scenes that might derail the plot with troublesome side-tangents?

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Corso is scared, both of possibly being blamed and of being the actual target.

Greg Dwyer

Chosen answer: Even though Rose repeatedly spurned Cal's affections in favor of Jack, Cal still maintained feelings of love and devotion for her. Cal did, with Jack's help, encourage Rose into a lifeboat in order that she might be saved. In the process, he told her that he had an arrangement with a ship's officer for another boat in another part of the ship which he and Jack could board. But that was a lie. He never had any intention of helping Jack. Jack had already surmised that Cal was lying, but played along in order to help convince Rose to save herself. Cal revealed the truth to Jack as the boat was being lowered. It seems Cal believed (or hoped) that once Jack was out of the picture, Rose would become the kind of wife he desired. However, after Rose abandons the lifeboat, and returns to the Titanic, Jack runs after her so they can live or die together. At that point, it finally becomes obvious to Cal that he will never have her. In his rage and jealousy, he lays chase, and unsuccessfully attempts to shoot them with his manservant's gun as they disappear into the flooding dining room.

Michael Albert

Answer: I believe the chase was also an ingenious way for Cameron to show flooding in various parts of the luxury areas that had previously been shown in its opulence, a good juxtaposition.

Question: When Meg goes into Christine's room, after unlocking it she goes to the mirror and goes inside. At that point Madame Giry stops Meg from going any further. Why does Madame Giry keep Meg from going to the Phantom's lair?

Answer: She's afraid that the Phantom would kill Meg to keep the location of his lair secret. Meg is also Madame Giry's daughter, so she's extra protective of her.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: In the first movie the infected only stayed in the shadows and came out at night. How come the infected in this movie are running around in broad daylight?

Answer: Nobody ever said they could only come out at night. As their food became scarce, they'd taken to daylight hunting as well.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: When Chow is naked, it seems he has pubic hair but no genitals. Can someone please explain this?

Answer: He appears to have a micropenis.


Question: Maybe I saw it wrong since it happened so fast, but wasn't Minnie shot in the face initially when she was behind the counter? If so, surely she wouldn't still be alive, yet she was still alive when seen a little later on the floor where she is shot again in the stomach/chest.


Chosen answer: You are thinking of two different characters. Jody shoots Minnie in the head. Minnie has another lady working for her, who goes to get the jellybeans for Tim Roth. It is this other lady who was shot while getting the jelly beans, and then shot again while lying on the floor.


Answer: Teasle is a "my way or the highway" type of guy, as evidenced by his actions and the people he has on his team (they are either very aggressive, or extremely passive and do whatever they are told). When Rambo escapes, he is hell bent on ensuring that justice is served (even though he fabricated the crimes basically), so much so that he gets abusive and obsessed with serving it. he knows the national guard guys are likely to shoot first and ask questions later, so he tells them that he wants him alive, so that he can ensure justice if served. He is basically akin to Batman - justice will be served at any costs, except for killing them in cold blood.


Answer: Teasle wasn't "desperate to kill Rambo." Throughout the movie his goal isn't to kill Rambo, but rather to stop him. Teasle is a man of the law and wants to capture Rambo and bring him to justice.

Chosen answer: Probably so he could torture and kill him himself.


Question: When Sloane was told her grandmother was dead, did she know it was a hoax? And did Rooney figure it out?

Answer: Sloane knew it was a hoax. Ferris would not have done something like that without her knowing. Rooney pretty much had figured it out, but could never prove anything. Once he was discovered inside the Bueller house (illegally) by Ferris' sister, anything he did know he would have to keep to himself.


Sloane starts to put her jacket on the moment that she sees the school nurse walk into the classroom, suggesting that Sloane already knew she would be called out, and she smiles to her classmates.

Question: Is it actually even remotely possible that the president would just happen to wander through while a tour is taking place?


Chosen answer: These days it would be highly unlikely due to stringent security measures. However, I knew someone who saw President Kennedy in the hallway while they were on a White House tour.


Answer: President Trump did this on several occasions. Granted he was flanked by secret service the whole time while doing it, but yes it's possible.

Question: Q is a brilliant genius that uses the best technology for the equipment. Why does he use these ugly old fashioned switches and markings in the car?

Answer: He may simply prefer incorporating a traditional design with the new technology.


Simpler and less prone to failure and hacking, perhaps?

Answer: The car was a prototype, not yet completed.


Question: In BTTF 1 when the family are around the dinner table, Marty is drinking Diet Pepsi, his mother is drinking vodka and his sister has some other soft drink. Who is drinking the Bud Light in front of these 3? It's too far away from his brother and George.

Answer: Considering that Lorraine was alcoholic, the beer was likely hers as well. It is what is known as a "beer chaser."


Answer: Check the scene again, it is Linda's can. George has a glass of milk, Dave has a Pepsi can and a glass, Marty drinks Pepsi from a can, Lorraine drinks vodka and Linda drinks light beer from a glass. Since she's Marty's older sister she is of legal drinking age.

Question: Would it be possible that the coin that Borden gave to the kid is the same prop used in "The Dark Knight" (Two Face/Harvey Dent Coin)? I mean, Cristopher Nolan is the director of both movies, so it could be possible.

Answer: No, the coins are completely distinct from one another. If you look, the coin in The Prestige has a Queen Victoria on its faces making it appropriate for the setting of Victorian England. Meanwhile the coin of The Dark Knight is labeled with the word Liberty, marking it as an American coin, and the year 1922, which is well after The Prestige takes place.

Question: Is there really a punch line to the "naked lady walks into a bar" joke while Bender is crawling through the ceiling?


Chosen answer: The joke goes like this: A naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a salami under the other. She slams the poodle down on the table and the bartender says "so you won't be needing a drink?" The blonde replies "I will after what just happened! I was about to make love when my boyfriend said 'I'm gonna pound my favourite bitch with my giant sausage' so I grabbed them both and ran out".

Question: When Sirius is a dog dragging Ron down the hole, why didn't the Whomping Willow attack him? And when they're leaving the hole (Sirius, Ron, Hermione, and Harry) the Whomping Willow stays still. Why is that?

Alex Lynn Cline

Chosen answer: In the books, the Whomping Willow had a knot on its trunk that, when pressed, froze the tree. In the movie, the tree is stilled by using the "Immobilus" spell. When Sirius, in his dog form, pulls Ron into the opening at the base of the Whomping Willow, he does it fast enough that the tree has not responded yet to someone being there. It starts whomping moments later just as Harry and Hermione arrive. Later, when Lupin arrived, he stopped the tree by casting Immobilus. (Harry and Hermione watch him doing this when they go back in time.) The spell was still effect when everyone left the Shrieking Shack.


Question: I know that when books are made into movies, things are changed, left out, or added. However, I can't think of any reason why the scene with Harry and Hermione dancing would have been created. It seems a bit pointless. Has anyone from the crew commented on it?

Answer: I believe it was the director or one of the producers who commented on it in the DVD commentary. The scene was to show their close bond and a brief moment of what might possibly have been between Harry and Hermione but it never went beyond that. The films have depicted their relationship a bit differently from what it was in the books. In the novels they were like the siblings that neither had ever had. The movies made Harry and Hermione to be more romantically compatible than Ron and Hermione were.


I've Got You Under My Skin - S1-E2

Question: What is the song that plays immediately after the opening credits/theme, over the shots of San Fransisco? [At least in the version on Netflix in the UK - other versions seem to have "Torn" by Natalie Imbruglia]. The lyrics go something like this: "We hope and we pray for a break, that the weather around us might change, that hope just fell asleep in the hole where burdens keep pulling and pressing the weight of the problems in life that we face, but faith's so incomplete."

Answer: I get the impression that it is a studio band doing a "sound-alike" piece of music that may not have ever been released but was done just for the show. I'm not sure it has a title or can be found anywhere outside of the episode.

Question: This might be an irrelevant question, because I can't remember if this happened in the movie or not, but in the book the Phantom asks Madame Giry for a foot stool - why did he want one?


Chosen answer: The Phantom's frequent request for a footstool in box 5, which he demanded be left empty - not sold to patrons, does come from the book (chapter 4, pages 11-14), and is not mentioned in the movie. It's never made quite clear precisely the purpose of the footstool. According to Mme. Giry, "I brought the footstool. Of course, it wasn't for himself he wanted it, but for his lady! But I never heard her nor saw her." She did find evidence of her, however. One night, a lady's fan was left behind. She also mentioned that the Phantom would leave a gratuity for her services. There is never a clear identity given of "his lady." I presume it may have been used for a young Christine Daae to stand on, so she could better see over the rail of the box to the Opera on stage below when Erik brought her. But if that's true, it is still unclear why nobody ever saw her, and why she had never seen the Phantom.

Michael Albert

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