Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Rumor has it that the soldier Captain Miller helps to get on shore in the beginning of the film is one of the Ryan brothers. Supposedly you can see his name on his uniform at some point. Since I don't have the movie I can't check for myself. Anyone who can verify this?

Answer: In the trailer, this scene is shown as the death of Sean Ryan, but in the film the soldier is washed away, and the real Sean Ryan (the one with the pack marked "Ryan. S") is too far from the shoreline to be washed in again. The trailer also shows the deaths of Peter and Daniel Ryan, which are not shown in the film, but 20 minutes of the film was edited out, so it is possible the deaths of all three brothers were filmed, but not shown. There's no guarantee that the soldier Miller helps is Sean Ryan (as Sean was the only Ryan brother who fought on Omaha; Peter was killed on Utah, and Daniel was killed a week ago in New Guinea), but it very well could be.

Answer: Its not. If you pay attention to the Soldier Miller is helping onto the beach you can see he is not wearing a pack as is the soldier lying dead on the beach with the name Ryan. S stamped on it.

Question: I first saw "Raiders" at the cinema when it was released in Australia and I distinctly remember a scene which has never appeared on video or DVD. After the end credits, there's a cut back to the crate housing the Ark in the warehouse, and the U.S Govt. stamp on the side of the crate is slowly burning off, as if a fire within the crate is scorching it. One other friend (also in Australia) also remembers. Does anyone else remember this, and can anyone shed any light on what happened to this scene?

Answer: I also remember this scene. After the ark is sealed, the camera performs a close up of the side of the crate. The stamp reads "Top Secret Army Intel 9906753 Do Not Open" This stamp is burned off just like the swastika is in the scene on the submarine, because in the eyes of God, no nation is holy or worthy enough to claim ownership of the ark. However, this final scene was cut (the burning of the stamp) from the film for a variety of unclear reasons. While it was in theaters, this scene was not included on the DVD version.

Add me to this. We saw the movie in a "pre release" version in Orlando Florida. No advance warning of the movie. We went to see another flick and at the end were "invited" to see this if we were willing to critique it afterwards. This scene was included. I also always wondered why the change.

I also remember seeing this mysterious 'burning' of the logo, most likely it was on a VHS copy of this movie. Yes, it did exist.

I saw it in former Czechoslovakia in the second half of 80's in cinema (west movies came to the east countries' cinemas years later). And I thought it was a great joke that burning out the swastika wasn't just because the Nazis are bad but because nobody is great enough to own the arc. Then after the Velvet revolution I saw the film again on TV (beginning of 90's) and said everyone around: watch it until the end, wait on the post-credit scene, there will be a surprise.

And there was a surprise. The scene was cut off! I was angry on the TV they didn't show the scene. I cannot be influenced by internet discussion or urban legend. The internet didn't exist yet.

I saw it in Portland, Oregon, and was so impressed with the message it carried, that I told friends and we went several times just to see it. Funny thing was when I mentioned it a few years ago, many people said I was a LIAR that it never happened. I could not convince anyone. It was removed because it wasn't Politically Correct. USA is a force for good, God would not burn off AMERICAN TEXT! BUT WE DID SEE IT. Thanks to our Australian eye witness, we know we did not imagine it.

Answer: I also remember that scene.

Answer: This scene never existed. Plus, the crate never has a US Govt logo stamped on it.


Answer: I remember the side of the crate being "charred" when it was in the ship's cargo hold, in the scene when the Nazi's arrived in the submarine. It was the Nazi swastika on the side of the crate that was burned off. It also showed a rat keeling over dead from the energy it emitted. (I just watched this again on the Paramount cable channel.)


Question: I never fully understood why Constantine disliked 'half-breeds' so much, he called them "hypocritical bullshit." Can someone enlighten me?

Answer: He calls it hypocritical bullshit because half breeds exist in both half-demon and half-angel form, they "whisper thoughts" to us that are both positive and negative suggesting that we will do both positive and negative things, confusing us humans. They call it a balance because there are an equal amount of both good and bad half breeds. However he thinks this is unjust, because they should let us make decisions on our own.

Question: Just after Jack's entrance, he yells at one of himselves for tying a knot badly and hallucination Jack says something to the effect of "Perhaps you could give us another chance?" and real Jack says "Shall I?" stabs hallucination Jack and says in his ear "That's exactly the sort of thinking that got us into this mess". What does he mean by this?

Answer: In the previous movie, when Jack abandons the Black Pearl and its crew in a small boat, he has a sudden change of heart and decides to turn back - the second chance hallucination Jack is referring too. The consequences of turning back are that he ends up being handcuffed to the ship and swallowed by the Kraken. When hallucination Jack says that giving people a second chance is what got him in that mess, he is referring to that change of heart and decision to go back.

Answer: "The sort of thinking that got us into this mess" implies essentially, being less ruthless / a good person, the type to give second chances or do something for someone else etc. He believed that if he wasn't such a 'softie', he wouldn't have been conned into becoming kraken bait for others' survival at his expense.

Show generally

Question: Why can't Paige heal people? I've only ever seen her heal about one person. Is there any particular reason for this?

Answer: Chris explains in the episode "Valhalley of the Dolls" that healing is extremely difficult, and can only be done by accomplished Whitelighters. Paige has only had her powers for a few years and is only half-Whitelighter, so at first, she can only heal people when Leo helps her. In Season 8, when she realizes she loves Henry, she unlocks the trigger to Healing (as explained by Leo at the end of season 1), and is able to heal others like a regular Whitelighter from then on.

Charmed Again (1) - S4-E1

Question: Just wondering why we don't see exactly how Prue dies and how Cole and Phoebe make it back from the underworld at the end of Season 3. Is it because Shannon Doherty left the show and they had to try to fill in the gaps?

Answer: Prue's death was never shown because the show wasn't sure it would continue after Season 3. The cliff hanger left the audience believing all three sisters would die (Prue and Piper at the hands of Shax, and Phoebe by the Source). The show was picked back up for 5 more seasons, but Shannen left. Rose was hired on to be half sister, Paige, so as not to recast Prue, and once they began filming, they didn't have Shannen to film an explanation (they also couldn't use her in later seasons as she owned her image, and it was illegal for Charmed to use it without her permission. This is also why you don't see pictures of Prue in the series finale, and why the shot shot of her from the back in "Cat House" was a body double). So instead what we received was Piper angry at Leo for healing "the wrong sister" as he healed Piper first (from the damage we saw inflicted in the last episode of season 3) and it must have been too late to heal Prue - unfortunately we just weren't able to see the immediate after effects of Shax's attack.

Question: What I don't get about this movie is when ever they fight one of these giant monsters, why do they always engage in hand to hand combat for most of the fight? Its not until the end of most of the battles that they remember they have weapons to fire at these beasts and kill them which works with the category 1-3 beasts just fine. Why not just shoot the things?

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Most likely they only use it when they know they have a guaranteed shot and won't waste it. It can't be reloaded that easily. Like having one bullet to kill a zombie vs a sword so go for the sword save the bullet it's more valuable. That's typical military tactics. Possible firing whatever weapons could cost a ridiculous amount of money just like missiles do. It's not exactly like Yeager weapons were mass produced they are all different. Last reason is reducing extra casualties by making sure they don't miss when they fire or making firing weapons the last resort. And just for the movie's sake it would be boring as crap if they just blew the heads off in seconds.

Question: I've always wondered what the significance is of the old Shasta TV commercial that they are watching. This is one of my favorite movies, but this has always bugged me.

Answer: It doesn't really have any significance but the one man thinks the commercial is to make people go out and buy the drink.

Question: Who sang the closing song and what are the lyrics?

Answer: Marc Antony and Tina Arena sang it. Lyrics at


Question: In one scene in the second half, Cowboy and Joker are walking into what might be be an intense fire fight. Do soldiers close the dust covers after charging their M-16s? Cowboy's is open, Joker's is closed. Mistake, or normal?

Answer: It's part of your drill to close it after you "ready" or fire the weapon. Soldiers often forget and it's not uncommon to see them open.

Question: Why is Cargill so determined to keep the people of Springfield trapped in the dome?

Chosen answer: Because he's power hungry and doesn't like Homer wrecking things.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Is there any reason why the EPA couldn't just put the dome over the lake instead of the whole town? I mean, the only thing that actually is causing any pollution is from the lake.

Chosen answer: It's less about containing the pollution itself and more about destroying the kind of people who let it get that bad.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Why couldn't the victims just gotten a few antidotes, or maybe even the one in the safe, and shared it to possibly last the full 3 hours until the doors opened before the gas killed them?

Answer: They had no idea how long they would last. They had to rely on Jigsaw's reputation and Amanda's directions as the only one to survive him.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Why does Bond not use his left arm playing poker at The Ocean Club (when he wins the Aston Martin)? When Bond goes all in on a poker hand, he sweeps all of his many chips into the centre of the table in almost an awkward manner, as if his left hand is holding something under the table.


Chosen answer: Because he is right handed. Therefore he would naturally use his right hand to sweep chips across the table. He just has his posture so his left hand is in his lap - the pose seems quite natural. There wouldn't be anything I can think of he would be holding under the table.


Question: How does the little bomb they plant destroy the door to the vault, and why does the security system in place when Yen is in the box suddenly stop working, allowing them to pack the money up?

Answer: The green gems we see Yen place on the door are actually explosives. When Danny sets off the detonator these blow the hinges on the vault door and the systems that control the field on the ground. Earlier Livingston entered the security room so he has a connection to the security. When Yen entered, he switched the feed to footage of the empty vault.


Question: What is the beeping noise at the end when the ranger is sitting in his truck?

Answer: It's the alarm alerting the driver that the door is open with the keys still in the ignition.

Answer: I thought that he perhaps put a tracker on her.

Why would a Wildlife Preserve Guard have the capability to plant a tracking device on a human being and for what purpose?

Question: After the first round of the Drago-Apollo fight, shouldn't the ref have checked on Apollo? He should have seen that Apollo was very weak and battered, and in real life, the fight would have possibly been stopped right there.

Answer: Yes, definitely. The fights in this film have little in common with actual bouts, save the gloves themselves. In the film punches are rarely blocked, every blow has the force of a sledge hammer, and the fighters constantly talk to one another. In reality two fighters would not speak and most of the punches would be blocked.

The No-Brainer - S1-E12

Question: Why would Luke Dempsey be arrested along with his father? He had no idea what his father was doing, never aided him in any way and only found out the truth after catching him in the act.

Answer: He helped his father evade capture, impeding the investigation.

Answer: No.

Chosen answer: In the alternate ending of Final Destination 3, a newspaper blows by, revealing Kimberly and Burke ran into each other at a hardware store and a Camaro (belonging to Evan) ran through the store, knocking them into a nearby woodchipper. Kimberly's coat was tangled and was snatched into the machine. Burke attempted to save her, and both were dismembered.


How come Thomas didn't die first in the sequence of death? He was the first to be killed in the car wreck?

Death was working in reverse order. The last person to die in the premonition was the first person to die in the real world.


Answer: No, Thomas wouldn't have died first because it was explained that Death was going backwards since everyone that died in the first movie made some people miss their death date, so he had to tie up the loose ends.

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