Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: What kind of ship did Anakin use on his way to Palpatine's Office during the duel Palpatine had with Mace?

Answer: That's the DC0052 Speeder, nicknamed "Intergalactic." It's a vessel used by the Jedi Order and developed by Daystar Craft.


Answer: Yes, it's more than likely they all got arrested for all the things they did.

Question: What is the significance of the guy moving the button on the control panel at the Live Aid concert? He moved the "no" tape and slides the buttons and then puts the tape back.

Answer: There is no major significance other than he felt Queen deserved more volume. Queen was one of the biggest bands in the world at that time.


Question: What did CJ mean when he said, "f*cking figures", before he blew himself up with some of the zombies?


Answer: "Figures" is an English expression of figure of speech about something happens and a predicament winding up a certain way. It's a play on the mathematical term of figures in an equation having a determined answer. If you follow the figures, of course you get what is comes as the answer. This is often used in real life situations as a figure of speech, where of course the stuff that happens leads to this. It "figures." So basically CJ was saying, "of course this is what happens."

Quantom X

Question: Why didn't Murphy tell his boss about Cochrane's plan to kill him? He tries to when he gets back, but notices some strange behaviour and walks off. Is it because he (a) doesn't trust the department and thinks the boss is in on it (b) doesn't think he will believe him (since Lymangood hid the proof) (c) decides to deal with it himself (d) just the writers' way of advancing the plot.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: Yes to A, B, and C.

Question: How did they shoot that scene at the end of the film when Carrie's mother apparently rises into the air in a crucifix-like position?

Answer: Most likely wires that were digitally removed in post-production.

Question: How many henchmen did Ian have?

Answer: Both at the Charlotte and stealing the declaration he had 4 henchmen.


Question: When Jackson and O'Neill send the nuclear bomb up to Ra's spaceship, why didn't he simply send it down again? Sure it wouldn't have made it back to ground before detonation, but at least his ship may have been spared.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: When Ra saw the bomb, he realised that it was a few seconds away from detonation. There wouldn't have been enough time to send it back.

Answer: Turn back to/from what? Can you please expand on the question so we know what you're referring to?

Question: Why did the angels only come for Sam after Carl dies?

Answer: They didn't - that was the second time they came for Sam. When he first died he started walking towards the light however when he saw Molly distraught he walked away (showing he had unfinished business on earth).

Answer: If the question is why did they wait to take Sam, we can only speculate. But as angels, they may have wanted to give him time to say goodbye.

Question: Why was Hermione being chased by Ginny in the tent? Hermione isn't the kind of person who'd do a harmless thing and make someone chase them for a joke.


Answer: Hermione is a 14 year old girl, having fun with a close friend. Of course they will horse around and tease and play. Hermione might be serious as a student and quite mature for her age, but she also knows how to have fun.


She is almost a year older than Harry, so that explains the maturity.

Answer: If you're referring to the tent scene at the Quidditch World Cup, I don't remember Ginny chasing Hermione, but the twins, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Harry are in high spirits after their favored team has won. All are jumping around, laughing and singing in celebration. If that's not the scene you're referring to, can you be more specific?


Ginny was chasing Hermione when Fred and George said "feet off the table"

I watched the clip on YouTube. Ginny and Hermione are excited after the group arrive inside their rented tent. The girls rush into where they will be sharing a room and drop off their gear. They then rush over to the other side of the tent, probably to where the kitchen is. Hermione is just running ahead of Ginny and is not being chased.


Question: When Gandalf said to Aragorn "Sauron fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you have become." Why does he say that? Why is Sauron afraid of Aragorn considering he's a Maia?


Answer: He means Sauron realises that Aragorn has become a powerful leader who puts his peoples' welfare above his own, and whose followers trust in, are loyal to, and will fight for him. Sauron rules through fear and intimidation and cares nothing about those he governs.


But why is Sauron afraid of Aragorn? That's the point of the question.


Answer: Sauron does not have the ring, and therefore is reliant on other (weaker) forces to fight for him. The forces he is fighting are scattered and weakened by various things, enough so that he is willing to proceed with his war without the ring. Aragorn becoming a leader of men would present a significant challenge to Sauron's plan to conquer Middle Earth. If Aragorn can unit the people of Middle Earth, they could stand against him as they had before (when he was defeated). In the end, his fears are justified, as Aragorn is largely responsible for there being anything left of Middle Earth to defend by the time Frodo finishes his journey.


Question: How did Kirk die? He got hit by a lot of debris but from what was seen, not enough to do real damage.

Answer: Kirk also fell a considerable distance, clinging onto the platform as it dislodged from the cliff and rolled several times. In addition to being crushed/hit by debris, the fall and the rolling would have caused further serious trauma.


In addition to this statement, Kirk would have had servere internal bleeding as seen by the blood coming from his mouth.

Quantom X

Question: What was the name of the Decepticon that the soldiers were fighting in the desert and what was its mission?

Answer: The Decepticon in the desert was Scorponok. Its mission was to eliminate the soldiers who escaped from Blackout's attack on the SOCCENT base in Qatar.


Question: How are the waves on Miller's planet so big, and how could you get waves that big in what looked like 3 feet of water?

Answer: The waves are so large because of the gravitational effect of the Gargantua black hole. The water is shallow because the water is concentrated in the waves.


Question: How could Roman call Sidney at the moment the police took him with them?

Answer: He was arrested during the day - when Sidney received the call it was nighttime, and Gale told Dewey Roman was released, so he might not have been in custody long and could have been released in the evening.

How did Roman get the number? Kincaid borrowed Dewey's cell phone in front of several witnesses, while also taking Roman to the station for questioning. Even Milton gets nervous about the group (minus Sidney and Roman) that they would call Kincaid if Milton didn't spill the beans about Maureen Prescot aka Reynolds. Milton made excuses about how Hollywood isn't the city of innocence and things at a party may have gotten out of hand. Also that she knew the game but wouldn't play by the rules. Kincaid asking Sidney what she knew about her mother. So many secrets. What if Roman and Sidney are not Maureen's only children? Weathers indicated there are two years unaccounted for. 9 months for a typical pregnancy plus the possibility of twins or two pregnancies. There are several possibilities and theories. If there are three killers the entire time in the other Scream films, who is really pulling the strings? Maureen didn't play by the rules and Milton was known for his parties, and then Roman?

Question: In the end credit scene, K gives a cigarette to Jay, who has just gotten out of prison. Jay takes it, but instead of smoking it, he stubs it on the bottom of his own shoe and gives it back to K. Why is he doing so?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: It's a way of showing Jay is not a smoker and doesn't approve of smoking. He most likely sees it as something that is bad for people's health, so he stubs it out on his shoe to get rid of it and so that K cannot keep smoking it.

Casual Person

Question: How did David know where Sam would be near the end when he came for them all?

Answer: Where else would they be, where else would they go? They had no-one or no place to turn to. They were kids with no resources and who'd believe they were chased by vampires.

Question: During the attack of the fireflies, with the bridge and the vehicles, especially the digger, crashing down, why weren't they strong enough to wake up the dormant volcano?

Roman Curiel

Answer: They weren't an explosive force of giant magnitude.

Question: How does Kayako's body fall from the attic when Peter Kirk opens it, because in certain flashbacks it can bee seen that Takeo places Kayako's body in a corner of the attic?

Answer: This appears to be a film/plot inconsistency and could be submitted as a "movie mistake."


Answer: It never shows Takeo placing Kayako's body in the attic, so he could have placed it close to the opening. The bodies in the corner of the attic are the bodies of Matthew and Jennifer, who were killed by Kayako/Toshio.

Torie White

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