Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the Malfoy Manor scene, Bellatrix tortures Hermione, but all we see is "mudblood" carved on her arm. Because of her loud screaming, it is assumed that Bellatrix did something more to torture her, did she?

Answer: Nothing else happened. Hermione screaming loudly was because of Bellatrix carving the word Mudblood into her arm. Having someone dig a knife into their arm and carving a word into it would be pretty painful.

Casual Person

Answer: It is explained more in the book that they heard Bellatrix yelling Crucio, a spell to cause immense pain.

Answer: In the scene prior, she overheard Ron insult her when he was talking with Harry after a class, calling her a nightmare and saying it was no wonder she hasn't got any friends, which upset her.

Casual Person

Question: What did John Doe do to Tracy before he killed her? He says that he "tried to play husband." What does that imply?

Answer: It implies that he may have raped her, but it's never said outright.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: This is one of those moments in film and storytelling where leaving it up to the viewer's imagination is 10x's worse than showing anything on screen.

Question: How come Katniss still wanted to kill Snow after learning it was Coin who released the parachutes and killed all the children including Prim?


Chosen answer: Katniss keeps up the appearance that she wants to be the one to kill Snow so that she can be in a position to kill Coin. She still hates Snow for all he's done, but sees that he's dying anyway. She realises Coin is the greater threat, and will simply rule as Snow did.

Question: Hannibal is shot in the back, then turned over as the villian plunges a knife into Hannibal's thigh three times, saying, "He's paralysed, he can't feel this." But Hannibal stands up and is perfectly fine. There's no damage from the bullet or the knife. How is this possible?


Chosen answer: Hannibal has the Japanese dagger on his back, and when he gets it out you can see there is a bullet hole on it indicating that the bullet hit the dagger. Grutas just pokes Hannibal in the leg with the knife, he doesn't actually stab him, it doesn't even tear his clothes.


Question: If Jack is a reincarnation, how does he not know Danny possesses the shining? The other ghosts, such as Delbert Grady, who have always been there, can see Danny's talent. If Jack has always been there, how come he can't see what Grady sees?

Answer: Jack is the same soul as the man in the 1921 ball photo, but that does not necessarily mean he retains their full memory. Jack also has the ability to Shine, but probably does not know how to use, or is even aware that he has the ability to Shine.

Answer: The other answer is wrong, Brian has shown a dislike for Quagmire - specifically because of Quagmire's dislike of him. Most likely Brian, who has shown feelings for Lois throughout the show too, is acting on his own feelings of guilt.

Answer: It is not that Brian and Quagmire both hate each other; it is actually just Quagmire who hates Brian, but Brian does not hate Quagmire. Brian tells Peter to move on from Quagmire's pocket dial because confronting him about it may result in him ruining his friendship and cause heartache for everyone involved.

Casual Person

Question: Why didn't the ape-keeper, Rodney, simply shoot Caesar? He was in the sniping platform, he was aiming the tranquilizer rifle, he had a clear shot, but he just lowered his rifle and fled when Caesar yelled "No!" for the first time. If Rodney had pulled the trigger, the ape rebellion would have been nipped in the bud.

Charles Austin Miller

Chosen answer: Rodney was against the cruelty that fellow ape-keeper Dodge displays toward the apes and was likely hesitant to shoot Caeser at first. When Caesar yelled "No!", Rodney lowered his rifle from shock. Caesar then starts running around chanting "No!", and because he's running around Rodney no longer has a clear shot, and then he panics and flees having just seen an ape speak.


Show generally

Question: Ted (Lurch) Cassidy was a total of six feet nine inches tall. A number of times, especially in Season 2 Episode 6, "Cousin Itt's Problem", it seems the top of his head barely clears to top of the door jamb. Were the doors seven feet tall back then?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: Being that this was filmed in a TV studio, the set would have been specially designed and built to accommodate Cassidy's height. Also, I live in an older house (100 years-old), and all the inner and outer doors are eight feet tall.


Question: Why was Meredith so enthusiastic to make Tom "lose everything"? All she wanted was for him to be transferred or quit so he didn't find out about the changes on the production line, but she is asking him to see pictures of his family and trying to send him to Austin which would be sold, instead of another place. The book even mentions that Meredith was the one who was aiming to sell Austin. Why not just transfer Tom to another place and job in Digicom?

Answer: She needs to heavily discredit him in order to cover up her own mistakes. She wants to transfer him to Austin and then sell it so she can do it quietly and without ado.

Greg Dwyer

Question: The family's front door swings out rather than in. I know in places such as Florida, this is due to the hurricane weather so the door does not get blown in. However, in this movie, the family resides in California. We don't have front doors that swing outwards because we do not have hurricanes. Was this a mistake or was there a reason for the door to swing out?

Answer: Just because it's uncommon or even rare for an outer door to swing outwards, doesn't make it a mistake or even special.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: It was probably (or close to being) a "revealing mistake" - how something was done for movie "convenience" or effect. It is much easier, faster, and dramatic if someone can run out of the house and immediately attack someone compared to having to take time to "open the door" (inward, like it is usually done).


Question: Is it possible that Mace Windu could've landed on a speeder after being thrown out of the window in Palpatine's Office?

Answer: The outside possibility that Mace Windu could have landed on a speeder or other vehicle does exist, given the fact that such vehicles were continuously passing by the window of Palpatine's office. However, Windu is officially considered to have been killed by falling to his death after Palpatine uses his Force lightning to send him through the window.


Question: It's been established that the grandfather has no knowledge of Corrine's children. When they come across a copy of his will, it states that if it was ever discovered that Corrine had children from her first marriage, she would lose everything. Since he never knew he had grandchildren why was this clause ever added?

Answer: Because Connie and her husband were related (he was her uncle) and any children would be a product of incest. And if it was ever found out they had children, it would bring shame and disgrace to the family name.


The Boys in the Band - S15-E1

Question: When Stewie is talking to Brian about songs not addressing baby issues, Brian says to Stewie "Well how could they address baby issues? Children's songs are written by adults. And dollars to donuts, white adults." Stewie then replies saying "Who are you mad at, Brian?" and Brian then says "How much time you got?" Did I miss a joke or something? What exactly was "And dollars to donuts, white adults" supposed to mean?

Casual Person

Chosen answer: "Dollars to donuts" is just a colorful expression meaning you're pretty sure about something (similar to saying "100 to 1" which in betting terms mean I'll put up $100 I'm right and you put up $1 that I'm wrong). Brian is just suggesting baby songs are written by white adults because he's saying white people don't have real problems.


The Boys in the Band - S15-E1

Question: When Stewie says he is going to write a song and that Brian can help, Brian replies saying "Well, I did write a musical about Alexander Hamilton." Stewie then looks puzzled by what Brian said and Brian says to Stewie "Not that one." First, who exactly is the Alexander Hamilton that Brian was talking about? And second, what exactly was Stewie supposed have been thinking of after Brian said Alexander Hamilton, but before Brian pointed out it "wasn't that one"?

Casual Person

Chosen answer: There's a Broadway musical called "Hamilton", which is about Alexander Hamilton. It's been very successful and won countless awards. Stewie gives Brian a look of disbelief that he wrote the popular "Hamilton" musical, so Brian is saying the musical he wrote is not the famous musical, but a different one.


Question: Why didn't Triton kill or at least try and hurt Ursula with his sceptre instead of trying to destroy the contract? If destroying her is all it takes to nullify the contract, as seen at the end when Eric drives the ship into Ursula, killing her, then why didn't he do that instead of signing his own name saving Ariel and becoming one of Ursula's garden along with all the other merpeople she transformed too? Or better still, use his sceptre to turn the merpeople back to normal and then they all overthrow Ursula together?

Answer: 1. He's not a murderer. 2. As we see, he's not able to break Ariel's contract, so he wouldn't be able to break the other merpeoples' contracts either.

Question: In the infirmary, when the Alien gets close to Ripley, and then (we realise why later in the movie) pulls back and leaves her, because she is carrying the queen chestburster, why doesn't the Alien hold her, take her with him, into the vent system and cocoon her like we see the others do to all those other humans in Aliens? It seems to be remiss of the creature to let her run around, as opposed to guarding her, especially since it seems to be a "guard."


Answer: Well at the time I'm sure it was just to keep the story moving but as far as the lore, this alien is a different breed (A Runner). They are meant more for acquiring food for the hive were as the drones (from Alien and Aliens) create the hive and the cocoon to hold incapacitated people. The drones can also be used for defending the queen/hive, scouting or gathering hosts for the facehuggers.

Chosen answer: 2 Reasons; 1. The entire rest of the prison was trying to find it and kill it. The Alien is fast and strong but if spent most of its time hovering around Ripley, it would be outmatched and killed. 2. The Alien probably knew that Ripley was an ally of the prisoners. They weren't trying to hurt her, so she didn't need guarding.


For 1) No, not yet they weren't trying to kill it, at this point in the movie noone believed her except possibly a deranged convict (lotssa help he'd be in any case) 2) That one is a little harder to dispel, but nevertheless, the alien would probably want to drag her, hide her, somewhere in the depths of the complex, just to be safe, and certainly to be present and available as a guard when the chestburster actually hatches.


A Day in the Life - S4-E15

Question: I'm not familiar with the law so if someone could answer two questions I would be very thankful. 1. In the very last case, the defendant discovers that anyone not arraigned before midnight is set free which causes him to waive the right to refuse the reading of the information. What exactly does this mean? 2. Dan immediately starts reading off the list of information getting the case turned over to a grand jury. How can Dan reading the information get the case turned over to a grand jury if the defendant waived the rights?

Answer: The jails are overcrowded, so any petty offenders whose case isn't heard by midnight will be let go. The defendant wants the details of his case read (Instead of just the typical summary of the case that Mack gives Harry) because he knows it'll take a while and run out the clock on the midnight deadline, also sparing him the grand jury trial. Dan speed-recites the document quickly enough for Harry to rule on the case and bang his gavel just at the stroke of midnight.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why does the doctor call Allie 'Ms. Hamilton' when at the time they would still be married?

Answer: She doesn't remember being married. Using her married name would only serve to confuse and upset her.

Question: After having so many disappointments over the way that Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was filmed, Roald Dahl swore he would never be involved in any movie that was based on one of his books. How then was the rights to turn the novel "The Witches" into a movie acquired? Wouldn't the director have needed Roald's permission?

Answer: "The Witches" was made twenty years after "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", and in that time television adaptations had been made of "The BFG" and "Danny the Champion of the World" of which Dahl approved, so presumably he had relaxed his view of adaptations of his books - however he did hate the ending of The Witches film.


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