Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: I don't get why Rogue is defending Bobby from what his parents are saying, because doesn't she hate her powers?


Answer: She may hate her powers, but she also hates being persecuted for being a mutant when it's not her fault. Plus, she truly does think Bobby is gifted and that his mutant powers are special (they were able to share a kiss because of his powers).


Answer: She does, but she also knows her situation is not everybody's (her power kills people, Bobby's makes nice ice flowers), and as a fellow mutant and Bobby's friend she comes to his defense.

Question: Why did the Duke refuse to divorce Georgiana and marry Bess, as Georgiana herself even suggested? They lived in the 1700s. Henry VIII divorced multiple wives in the 1500s. It was possible for a nobleman to end a marriage if he wished.

Answer: Marriage was far more complicated at that time and divorce was rarely an outcome. Henry VIII, being king, could more easily break conventional rules without suffering the same consequences others would face. Historically, marriages were seldom about romantic love and were unions that were arranged by the families. In upper classes, a marriage contract was drawn and a substantial dowry by the bride's family was bestowed to the groom. It was also about forming advantageous social, economic, and political alliances. Dissolving a marriage purely to marry someone else that you preferred could result in forfeiting whatever was gained from matrimony.


Question: In the Rogue Cut, when Rogue arrives where Kitty and the rest are why does Rogue just stare at her for a bit?


Answer: In X-Men: The Last Stand, Bobby (Iceman) and Rogue were romantically involved. Now Kitty and Bobby are in a relationship.

Question: After Rory lights the guy on the bar on fire, why does he just casually hang around afterwards? The guy was there with friends.

Brian Katcher

Answer: The implication is it's a hard as nails boozer where no-one calls the cops no matter what. Rory is a well-known face and no-one would want to mess with him.


Answer: Would you want to mess with a guy who just casually lit someone on fire without batting an eye?

No, but I'd call the cops.

Brian Katcher

Question: If Augustus Gloop had not fallen into the river, where would he and his mother sit on the boat? There appear to be no empty seats and everyone left gets on board.

Answer: This is a question that can only be answered with speculation since it's entirely fictitious and this is how it was written in the book (and shown in the movies). Either the theory holds that Willy Wonka had planned the entire thing, including which children would find the tickets, and he simply knew the ill-fate of each child based on their personalities (which also could explain how the Oompa Loompas had a specific song ready and only Charlie was left as the winner). Or each incident was random, in which case, Wonka would have some contingency plan, such as a bigger boat.


Answer: Willy Wonka would have expected something to go wrong with the children at some point. Otherwise, he would have trouble reaching his goal- to find the best child to take over for him (which could only be one). Not just the boat, but also how only four seats were available on the Wonka wash. He was ready most likely for child errors.

Answer: Willy Wonka would make a bigger boat. If he didn't fall and it wasn't a accident he would have redone that part.

The Undergraduate - S1-E17

Question: When Greg and his teacher are going over math in the classroom, they both mention the words "Base 10" in a math problem. What does "Base 10" mean?

Answer: Base 10 refers to the numbering system in common use in the United States and most of the world. Take a number like 475, base ten refers to the position, the 5 is in the one's place, the 7 is in the ten's place and the 4 is in the hundred's place. Each number is 10 times the value to the right of it. That's why the term "base ten" is used. Numbers look very different when the base system changes.

Michael Albert

Question: The whisper people bring the selected boy and girl to safety before the final day of earth. Why do they plant a message to be found and decoded just before the final day? I do not think the whisper people need any help from any humans to save humanity (and organize a whisperers' version of Noah's Ark).


Answer: There is no intention on the part of the whisper people to warn humanity as a whole, merely a select group of children who appear, due to their telepathic powers, to be the next stage in human evolution, and their respective guardians.

Question: How did Carson know Kyle had worked out he was a terrorist near the end of the movie?

Answer: At the end, when Kyle is speaking to the captain just before he disembarks the plane, she then realises that everyone believes she is the terrorist. She works out that Carson is the likely person behind the scheme and had been manipulating everything happening during the flight. When Kyle starts pretending to the captain that she is the terrorist in order to get what she wants (to find her daughter), Carson then realises that she likely now knows that he is in on the plot.


Question: Why did Christian confess what happened to his real mother while Ana was asleep? Was it just hard for him to talk about until Fifty Shades Darker came around?

Answer: At that point, he's simply unable to express to anyone anything about his feelings or his past. He's taking "baby steps" to change into a different person by telling Ana about his mother while in her presence but when she is asleep. Eventually he is able to tell her when she can hear him. This is also a plot device known as "exposition", used to provide the audience with story information that other characters do not know.


Answer: She's trying to be upfront and friendly, so he knows she's being truthful. That's all.

Answer: Romanoff's mission was to get the real files on Project Insight. Nick Fury suspected he was being kept out of the loop about Insight's true agenda. Even though Project Insight was a S.H.I.E.L.D. project, HYDRA had secretly taken control of it.


Question: What sort of charges would the male Lust victim be facing, if any?


Answer: Given the circumstances, it is highly unlikely the district attorney would file any charges. But if they really wanted to, they could charge him with murder, since he carried out the act that resulted in the prostitute's death. Even though he was threatened with his own death if he didn't do it, in a court of law, being coerced into committing a murder is not a lawful defense, though it probably would have resulted in a lesser sentence.

Question: When Hermione says "I'm sure Madam Pomfrey will fix it in a heartbeat" was she trying to be comforting or was she annoyed that Ron was over reacting about his leg?


Answer: Ron was overreacting but Hermione's response was typical of what anyone would say to a person who's been injured, doing what they can to calm and comfort them. Ron always had a somewhat excitable personality.


Question: When this movie was filmed, had George Lucas already decided that Luke and Leia would be brother and sister? If so, has he commented on the scene with their kiss?

Answer: It is unknown whether or not Lucas planned for Luke and Leia to be brother and sister when Empire Strikes Back was filmed. Early drafts of the screenplay make it clear that not only are Luke and Leia not brother and sister, but Darth Vader is not Luke's father. Luke does have a sister in these drafts but it isn't Leia, she is an unseen character named Nillith. At some point, obviously the script was changed to make Vader Luke's father and references to Luke's sister were completely removed. George Lucas has never commented on the kiss.


Answer: Ron's leg had been injured and he couldn't walk any further. They needed to tend to him before going on. If Lupin had not transformed into a werewolf and Pettigrew not escaped, one of the others probably would have gone on to get help transporting Ron back to the castle.


Answer: She wasn't sad. They'd all just been through a rather harrowing and scary experience inside the Shrieking Shack, and she has been emotionally affected by it all. She's also worried about Ron, whose leg was injured.


Answer: Hermione was telling Harry to go over to Sirius, who had gone a little further ahead. Harry was torn between tending to Ron, who'd injured his leg, and wanting to talk to Sirius. Hermione thought it more important for Harry and Sirius to talk while she stayed with Ron. Harry had only found out moments before that Sirius was not responsible for murdering his parents, and he had much to discuss with his godfather.


Question: Instead of trying to murder them, why didn't the Lizzies simply contact the Riffs and tell them they had 3 of the warriors and to come get them? They had plenty of time.

Gavin Jackson

Answer: The Riffs had put out a hit on the Warriors via the radio DJ, meaning that it didn't matter if the Warriors were taken alive or not; the Lizzies probably figured it would be easier simply to kill the Warriors and collect the reward.


Answer: Eric Carmen - All by Myself.

Question: At the climax of the movie when Malcolm talks to his wife while she was sleeping, a ring from her has fallen down to the floor, what does it mean? Is his wife married to another man?

Answer: It's his own wedding ring. He recognizes it and sees she is still wearing hers and he isn't wearing his own, so at that point he realises he is dead.


Answer: The ring was Malcolm's - she kept it after he died. When it falls Malcolm realises that he hasn't been wearing it even though he sees it on his hand.

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