Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: In the first classroom scene, what is it that Joey suggests to Mr Morgan that Kat should take "before she comes to class"?

Answer: Her Mydol - pills to help PMS.

Question: Sam and Nicky both refer to "back home" but they do not explain where it is . I thought it was Kansas City because that is where the bosses are, but it's revealed that they are only there because "its as close as they could get to Vegas without being arrested". Does anyone know where in America Sam and Nicky are originally from?

Answer: Frank Rosenthal (the basis for Sam Rothstein) and Tony Spilotro (the basis for Nicky Santoro) were both from Chicago, so that is likely "back home".

Question: What is the reason Michael tells Cameron his friends abandoned him for at the beginning of the film?

Answer: Michael says "Bogie Levenstein started a rumor that I...that I buy my Izods at an outlet mall."

Question: In this movie Ashton goes back in his life to change the past. In his final "time travel" he goes all the way back to when he was a kid to tell Kaylee to stay away from him. This means that she would never make contact with him, the events with her and her brother would never take place, and since his lifeline is changed, he wouldn't have blackouts and he would have no need to write in his journals. But at the end of the movie it shows him throwing away all his stuff, including his journals, and setting it ablaze. If he changes his life, how could his journals have been written when there is no need for them? I'm a little confused about the whole journal thing so if someone could help me out, that'd be great.

Answer: Evan had journals to record his whole life, not just the blackouts. He would still have them regardless of the blackouts.


Answer: No he is not small. As a matter of fact he is the tallest actor of the Fellowship. He had a scale double, Brett, who did much of the work involved in all three films. In many shots, where it was really John portraying Gimli, it was simply a 'trick' of the camera, through depth perception, allowing the viewers to think he was that small. This 'trick' of the camera was used for the Hobbits as well, who all had scale doubles too. Peter Jackson also had small sets built that were duplicates of the large sets in order to achieve the effect properly.

Super Grover

Show generally

Question: I don't remember the episode, but I think it was in season 6, there is reference where someone calls someone else "Tennille." Who's that?

Answer: It's from 6x25, TOW the Proposal: Part 2. When Joey enters Central Perk dressed up like a yacht captain and looking for Chandler, Rachel quips, "but you know who did stop in here looking for you? Tennille." Rachel is referring to a successful duo in pop history, Daryl Dragon and Toni Tennille. A husband and wife singing team, known as The Captain and Tennille.

Super Grover

Question: Is this movie going to have Doc Ock and Sandman, or Doc Ock and Lizard, or just one of them? I've seen two versions of the script. One with Sandman and one with Ock.

Answer: According to the latest casting news, the only villan in the film is Dr. Octopus, played by Alfred Molina.

David Mercier

Question: Does any one know what religion Jess and her family are?

Answer: They are orthodox Sikhs.

David Mercier

Question: In the warehouse scene, we see Spidey hanging up-side down on a web. Then he sort of pulls it back into his wrist. How does he do that?

Answer: Because it grows out of his wrist, he has the control to contract it back in if he wants. Note that in the comics Spiderman actually made a sort of gluey string for his web, and in the film it's organic. This is a creative decision on the part of Sam Raimi who said "I think it's more believable that the web is organic rather than a kid making a glue 3M can't make."

David Mercier

Question: What does Cannessa mean when he says "I had no premonition. So much for ESP,"?

Answer: ESP stands for Extra Sensory Perception, the ability to see into the future or predict it in the form of a premonition. He means that whatever happened, he literally didn't see it coming.

David Mercier

Question: During the invasion of the mansion, the soldiers were wearing a device over their left eye. What is the purpose of that device? It certainly is not a night vision device since they were using flashlights.

Answer: It could be a infra-red goggle, to see through walls, although it could be night vision as it can still improve upon using a torch alone.

David Mercier

Question: Turkish is always going on about ''Ze German's''. Is he referring to the War?

Answer: Basically, yes. He says it once when he discovers Tommy is carrying a handgun, which are not at all common in England, where they are outlawed. More the kind of thing a Brit would expect from a war-hungry Nazi. Later on he refers to it again just to mess with Tommy.

Rooster of Doom

Chosen answer: The hilt does, the blade doesn't - such is the case with all forms of light.

David Mercier

Question: After Algren returns to Omura's office, we see Omura standing by a window, smoking a cigar. Through the window you can see a red brick wall. Did Japan have those then?

Answer: Certainly, red bricks have been around for at least 500 years. Hampton Court Palace in the UK is an example of a very old building which used it. They are only red because of the colour of the sand used, and it is certainly possible that Japan had this to hand.

David Mercier

Question: When Zorg is on the phone with "Mr. Shadow", he gets very nervous and starts sweating. Then a black, gooey substance starts running down that nose...what is that?

Michael Westpy

Answer: The substance is actually blood - in extreme cases some people have been known to secrete blood from their pores. I believe it is a Biblical reference even when encountering extreme anguish or in this case the ultimate Evil it is simply More Than The Human Condition can bear and causes any human that interacts with it to break down on a physical level therefore leaking life out of their body uncontrollably.

Answer: It's supposed to be concentrated evil.

So, Hershey's chocolate syrup.

Chosen answer: It happens to everybody who speaks with Mr. Shadow, but it's never really explained what it is. I think it's only written something like "a brown substance" in the scenario.

Dr Wilson

Question: At the beginning of the movie when you see pony boy and johnny go up to Dallas you can here music playing in the background. When ponyboy asks "what d'you wanna do?" and dally goes "Nothin' legal, man." it gets turned up louder. Does anyone know the name of the song and the artist? I think it's called Gloria but I'm not sure.

Answer: That song is called Gloria and the artist who performed it is Van Morrison. Great song!

Jeanne Perrotta

Answer: Actually the version that was used was 'Gloria' by Them.

Question: What did the movie say about Gary Bertier at the end when they scroll what happened to the characters? It looked like it said he died in a car crash, but in the movie he only got paralyzed.

Answer: The real Gerry Bertier participated in the final game and was paralyzed in a car accident after it. He died in a car crash in 1981.

Dr Wilson

Question: I just wondered if anyone knows how much of the historical content of Gladiator is accurate, e.g. are the characters based on people who actually lived?

Answer: Some of the characters are real - Marcus Aurelius and Commodus are both real emperors and were indeed father and son, but both are used in fictional ways. Marcus Aurelius did spend a lot of his reign fighting the Germans, but he died of the plague in Vindobona (now Vienna) rather than being murdered. Commodus did, in fact, fight in the arenas, but he did not meet his end there - in reality he was strangled in his bath by an athlete called Narcissus.


Question: The part in the movie where Marcus is getting out of the pool, he asks his son to get his bolts and a screwdriver.... Why would you ask for bolts and a screwdriver?

Answer: He was using the ladder to get out and felt that it was very loose, so he is going to fix it.

T Poston

You don't use a screw driver to tighten bolts tho.


Question: OK, let's see: Lamar Burgess set Anderton up; he Hired Leo Crow and sent him to be killed in a hotel. But How did exactly Burgess plan the meeting of Anderton with Crow? Anderton arrived at the crime scene by a chain of events that began with the pre-vision of his destiny. It was clear that Lamar did not fake the pre-vision, because this became true just like it was predicted; besides, when Anderton was being chased, he arrived to crime scene by a coincidence; so what did Burguess have to do to make sure the existence of the pre-vision and this possible future? I don't see a simple solution.

Answer: Well, there isn't really a simple solution, but here goes. For a pre-vision to form, there have be two things present within the range of the precog ability (which appears to be limited to the Washington area - regardless of the stated plan to take the programme countrywide, there's never any indication that the precogs can sense beyond that range). Firstly, someone with the intent to kill. Secondly, there has to be a target for that intent within the range of the precogs. Anderton is present, and has the intent within him to kill the man who took his son, but has no target - the real kidnapper is presumably either dead or beyond the precog ability. Burgess, by bribing Crow to pretend to be that man, has provided a viable target for Anderton's intent within the range of the precog ability, thus triggering the prevision, and beginning the chain of events.


The above answers the question, but there do appear to be some time travel issues with this plot point in the movie. Burgess set things up for Crow to fake being the kidnapper and thus triggering Jon's desire to kill that person, everything starts by the pre-cogs seeing the future. If the pre-cogs did not exist or did not have the vision, Jon would have never known that Leo Crow existed and would have continued on without having killed anyone. This is unique within the movie, as the other murders would have been commited regardless of whether or not the pre-cogs saw it. In this case, the ONLY reason this murder occurred is because the pre-cogs saw it.


Thinking about this a little more, it could be conceivable that Burgess had planned a different option for Jon finding Crow. We just never saw that on screen, because the precogs changed everything to an alternative future timeline once they saw the original murder. Originally, Jon could have been triggered by Burgess himself, stating that they got a lead on his son's murder and pointing him to Crow.


No I think Burgess set it up so that Anderton would find Crow because of the precogs, not have a different plan set up before or else it could be possible Burgess himself would be visible in the prevision. He manipulated the system perfectly, he has done it before after all. He knows exactly how the precogs work so he is able to set it up so that it's untraceable. Except, except for the fact there is always a choice. Only then did it go wrong for him. This proves both true for Anderton and Burgess in the end.


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