Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Answer: The fact that many children have buck teeth when they are small and can be made fun of because of it.


Question: I don't understand why Vesper killed herself in the end. Can someone please clue me in?

Answer: She loved Bond and had betrayed him. She knew he would probably die trying to save her, and that if he didn't he would be tortured by the memory, so she killed herself both out of guilt and to save him.

Question: I hear this film has nudity in it and yet it only has a PG rating. Even if it was brief, how did this film avoid an R rating?

Answer: To some extent, it depends upon the rater. However, there is some clarification in the PG description which says "Parental Guidance Suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. This signifies that the film rated may contain some material parents might not like to expose to their young children - material that will clearly need to be examined or inquired about before children are allowed to attend the film. Explicit sex scenes and scenes of drug use are absent; nudity, if present, is seen only briefly, horror and violence do not exceed moderate levels." As seen in the movie - the nudity was seen only briefly - not more than a second. The rater felt it didn't deserve an "R" rating for that. At the time there was no PG-13 rating, which is what it would probably get today.

Zwn Annwn

Question: I'm just wondering exactly what role Jeff played in this film? It seems he was required just to stumble blindly through the rooms, deciding whether people should live or die, with no real consequence for their death or non-death. Am I missing something, or was his inclusion in the film rather redundant?

Answer: Jeff was another part of the game Jigsaw was playing. Jigsaw picked a man and wife (the wife being the nurse Jigsaw wanted to keep him alive) who were having marital problems after their son was killed. Everybody who Jeff had to decide whether lived or died played a role in his son's death. The judge who gave his son's killer a light sentence. Witnesses who lied on the stand, and the last person, his son's killer. The game was to see if Jeff had it in his heart to forgive those responsible for his son's death.


Answer: Jeff's role was integral in the plot. He was a package deal with his wife. Jigsaw tested Jeff with the 3 people behind his son's death, by letting him pick between forgiveness or vengeance. He ultimately used it as a final test when facing Jigsaw himself. Also, his wife was used as a test for Amanda, whom Jigsaw predicted would give in to her murderous motives and seal her fate by being killed by Jeff as a consequence for killing Lynn. This buildup could only have been possible if Jeff was in the game, to include Lynn as a doctor for Jigsaw and test for Amanda.

Answer: Jeff's test was all about forgiveness, to see if he either gave people a second chance, or if he was selfish and was seeking vengeance. This is why Jigsaw was part of the game as well, because he knows where Jeff's daughter, Corbett, is.

Question: Does anybody know how soon this movie takes place after the first one? The foot soldiers are regrouping at the "fallback spot" and Shredder digs out of the garbage pile which would suggest anywhere from 2-24 hours later. Yet somehow April has a brand-new fully furnished apartment and it sounds like the turtles have been there for weeks by the manner in which the neighbor complains about the noise.

Answer: Shredder could have been unconscious for days before he even began to dig his way out. Also, some apartments come furnished. The neighbor is likely one of those neighbors that always has to complain about something, and exaggerate at that. It's probably been about a week or so.


That still doesn't explain the scene with the foot clan.

Answer: Maybe they went into hiding for a while before meeting at the junkyard. It's unlikely they'd be remembering where to go after a huge battle from the previous TMNT movie. It was hectic after all.


Question: Before Aquamarine showed up, Claire's grandmother told the girls that there was going to be a storm. Later, the girls learn that the storm that night was caused by Aquamarine's father getting angry. How did Claire's grandmother know that there was going to be one, unless she knows Aquamarine's father?

Answer: Most likely, Aquamarine and her father had argued multiple times, about her not wanting marry the boy that he chose for her. She was going against tradition. Claire's grandmother probably saw storm signs caused by an earlier argument. Then Aquamarine's father got angry enough to make the big storm.

Answer: Because caused by mythical sea-dwellers or not, storms always have telltale signs beforehand, like darkening skies, or the wind changing temperature and strength.

Susan Kirk

This does not answer the question in the context of the movie. A fantasy situation is happening in a fantasy movie. The realistic answer is not necessarily the correct one.

Question: In the movie "Stab" it shows what is supposed to be reenacting Drew Barrymore's death and looks as if it is just like the one in the first film. But how could it be almost perfect if no one was there to see it?


Chosen answer: In real life, they'd have known there was a phone call involved. They would have known her boyfriend was killed. They could have easily pieced together that the killers played a cat and mouse game with the Drew Barrymore character. But that doesn't account for all the details. Anything else would be speculation. My speculation: Maybe Billy Loomis kept a diary.

K.C. Sierra

And rumor has it that Stu didn't die that he may still be alive.

Question: I feel like the "Ellipsis" text message the suspected bomb-maker Molloka receives and the one that Carlos the terrorist receives at the Body exhibit are the same text. I thought the date at the top of each was the same, first when Molloka receives the text in the beginning of the film (and when James traces this call to Dimitrios in the Bahamas) and again when James is leaving the Body exhibit and calls Carlos on Dimitrios' phone. (I seem to remember the date as June 6 in each instance). Yet this isn't possible since Le Chiffre must have sent them at different times because didn't he hire Carlos after Molloka was killed? Am I just getting my facts confused? Any explanation would be greatly appreciated.

Answer: Yes both text messages have the same time and date. Most new phones have the ability to send the same text message to multiple recipients at the same time. My understanding is that they both could have been hired to blow up the plane, Carlos to act as a security guard (or airport cop) to help Molloka plant a bomb. That's probably why they both were given the "code" to the door so that they could meet up inside. Once Molloka was killed, Carlos must have been informed to blow up the plane by another means or even given the new device.


Aren't both of them hired through Dimitrios anyway? On the yacht, he tells Le Chiffre he has someone else line down up for the job. Not sure how this factors in.

Question: When Tracy finds her mom's boyfriend's clothes in the laundry, what is she talking about when she says that her mom promised her and Mason something?

Answer: Her mom had promised that her boyfriend was only coming for dinner and was not going to stay with them anymore, and when Tracy found his clothes in the laundry, that shows that he stayed the night and that she had broken her promise.

john reisenauer

Question: What are the other inmates on death row for?

Answer: Wild Bill is condemned for murdering people during a robbery. John is there for the twin girls. In the book, Arlen Bitterbuck was there for murdering a man over a pair of boots and Del was there for arson, rape and murder.

Answer: Lilith had an affair with one of her colleagues.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Has any reason ever been given for Gambit's absence from all the X-men movies? He's an interesting and cool character and is a fan favorite, so why leave him out?

Answer: They actually were going to put in a quick scene in X2 that showed Gambit reacting when Jason is targetting all of the mutants, and if you look on the screen of the computer when Mystique is in Stryker's office, figuring out where Magneto is being held, you can see Gambit's real name flash on screen. But why he didn't appear can simply be summed up with "It just didn't happen." They seem to use the mutants that help out the story that they are trying to tell, and Gambit doesn't really stand out in a number of ways. In ability, he's quite similar to Cyclops and in attitude, he's very much like Wolverine.


Pilot (2) - S1-E2

Question: We know that Cindy the flight attendant ends up with the "tailies." It took about a minute or two for the plane to break apart from the first time turbulence hit. The bathroom was near the front of the plane. We know this because when Charlie went with Jack and Kate to look for the cockpit, the bathroom was not very far away. How was she able to reach the back of the plane so quickly after pounding on the lavatory door when Charlie was snorting his heroine when the really bad turbulence hit?

Answer: She could have lost her balance and thrown to the floor when the plane was broken apart she was probably sucked into the tail.


Show generally

Question: How can Flanders afford stuff like a huge boat and a motorhome if he doesn't make a lot of money?

Answer: From time to time he has explained his above average income has come from a variety of reasons. First of all he has mentioned from time to time of other business ventures he has been involved. At one time he was doing advertisements when he shaved his moustache and another he was trading in religious website store. Secondly the Leftorium that he runs has had his highs and lows which would explain why he can sometimes afford more expensive items. Thirdly he seems to be quite clever when it comes to saving and business. For example he showed Homer about the Mega Savers course that showed about how to buy more expensive items at lower prices.


And he was once a successful pharmacist. He says so when he burns his tie announcing the Leftorium.

Question: What exactly is Frollo's position of authority?

Answer: He's a judge.


Answer: More specifically, he is the Minster of Justice, the highest judicial position in France at the time.

Question: What are the meanings of the random French words that Del uses throughout the movie? When Percy is chasing the mouse, he calls him a dumb something. (I don't want to put it here because it might be profane.) And when talking about who will take care of Mr. Jingles, referring to Dean's son, he says "He just a boy, n'est-ce pas?"

Answer: In the example you gave he says "He's just a boy, isn't he?"


Question: Would the guards have made up a reason to move a death row inmate out of death row so the inmate wouldn't have to watch the guards do a runthrough of his execution?

Answer: Most likely that would be the reason. As the guards explain to Percy in one of the scenes that the best course of action to take with death row inmates to keep things as calm and relaxed as possible. This way they don't have to worry about upsetting the inmate.


Show generally

Question: Why do the characters in this show, and other animated shows, always wear the same clothes and have just a few different outfits (ex: Marge's regular green dress and her Sunday dress)? Wouldn't most fans be able to recognize the characters even if they did wear different clothes in each episode?

Answer: They do this to make it easier to draw the thousands of cells they need to make a cartoon.


Question: I once heard that there's a shell somewhere in the movie that has a profanity written on it. Is this true?

Answer: Yet another Disney urban legend.


Question: What was the point of having all the girls at the camp march to the isolation cabin with Hallie and Annie?

Answer: The girls are mostly going out of curiosity, and it's an opportunity to further humiliate and mock Hallie and Annie for being punished. Kids can be mean that way.


Answer: To produce pressure by letting the girls be the reason everyone else had to go on that long, exhausting hike. The other girls being allowed to go back to their usual activities was a reward. There are also collateral effects of the other girls seeing Hallie and Annie punished. Even if they weren't humiliated as punishment, the other girls would be made to know their fate.

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